Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

<font color="0000ff">Dior,</font>
It's ok. Maybe you can PM Japancraze to ask her.

<font color="0000ff">Ladies,</font>
I bought 3 Hello Kitty tees for my gal today from Hang Ten.

The picnic mat is big - 148cm x 158cm

Hi feifei,
I had not trfs the $ today leh cos busy playing LD until I forget liao. Sorry hor.
<font color="0000ff">She_She,</font>
We are all so ke4 qi4 here. Giving each other a chance to buy HK LD prizes. HaHaHa. I happened to read the postings today and realized Japancraze wanted the pitcher.

<font color="0000ff">Ling Ling,</font>
It's ok lah. No harm playing LD even if pregnant. Just for the fun of it lah.
show us the pic of the mat when is open up leh...so excited...

wow...ladies...so many postings on HK LDs...so nice...

you really so lucky....got all the nice prizes...
hee...just kidding, okey will take pic if i go,ya?

wow...u bot 3 pcs HK tees, i saw it but too exp i did't buy!
Ling Ling,
Its okie lor...know LD bery addictive one..hee...

Wow, the mat is big leh...hopefully some ladies here can sell the mat and tumbler to me...hmm...*keeping fingers crossed*..hee

Tinking of going Kk and KP tmr but duno if they still hv the goo dprizes there anot...
can i know the latest updates for HK Lds are:
1)kaikai still have ma LDs ma?
2)which outlet Lds finished liao?
cos..the thread is so fast man....
<font color="0000ff">She_She,</font>
The HK tees used to be almost $30+ when they were first sold in Hang 10. Now selling at half price, so bought 3 different designs in bigger size since HK will always be in fashion.

<font color="0000ff">Hi Shan Shan,</font>
Glad to know yr PC is working again. We have a chance to view nice pics soon.
you planning to go play Lds tmlo?
keke...me tempted too...keke...but tink kaikai only left small prizes lor....KP is having the same prizes hor?
hihi shanshan,
long time no see, did u go any LD? i like all prizes there this time round, i just showed my prizes to my hubby as well as the pic u all got here, i hint him if i can go again, keke...

the pitcher is very pretty, i touched it when i left KP, hee..
<font color="0000ff">Shan Shan,</font>
The thread is moving fast bcos we are chatting about LDs. Actually Fei Fei has posted some items for sale as well.

<font color="0000ff">Fei Fei,</font>
Lucky Dips very addictive. You keep hoping to get the first prize. I was relieved not to get another LD for the 2nd time. Otherwise hubby sure to nag.

<font color="0000ff">She She,</font>
I wanted to buy the HK tee for long time, but refused to pay $30+ for a tee for a young girl. So now that all designs are $15, I bought 3. I was spoilt for choice & colour.
WOW, so many of u gers went to play LD today, me didnt make it there, sigh sigh

would like to q for the pitcher if japancraze/janet not buying. Thanks
KL - daisy series <font color="ff0000">finished</font>; new LP on next Tuesday
KP - 2nd round, not sure if they still have coz it's super hot, finished 1st round in 4hrs!
KK - same LD as KP for members only, unsure if they still have!

that's the updates! good luck!
<font color="0000ff">Shan Shan,</font>
Don't worry lah, Fei Fei still have a shipment of HK things not arrived in S'pore yet. So, you still have chance to buy. I don't know if you missed the multi-tier drawers.

<font color="0000ff">Fei Fei,</font>
Can upload more new items next Tue onwards ?? Ms Brown will be able to login by then.
$15 each? i thought 50% of $39.9? so i didn't buy, if $15 per tee, i may consider! i like the short pants too, very comfy, ya?
YUP! =)....

I can email u the items which I posted for sales before and see if u keen lor.. =)..

wow..our thread is so hot, moving so fast that i almost missed out yr question, sorry i don't have the no. i guess meiji should have or some other ladies here, but what do u want to ask for? i tell u what...when i was drawing there, one SA just heng up the phone and spoke to the other SA "huh, ask me what prizes of LD, i just scolded her!" as u know they're very UNFRIENDLY, i guess u may be scolded. humm...
<font color="0000ff">She She,</font>
The HK design tees for adults and kids are $15 each. That's why I bought. Even bought bigger size since my gal has quite a lot of tees wearing presently. Hello Kitty always in fashion right ??

I wanted to buy a different colour for each design, but had to control myself.

Didn't buy the short pants, just the tops. Hang 10 outlets in crowded places sold out many sizes and designs already.
<font color="0000ff">Starlight,</font>
Let me tell you this - the sales assistants at Kitty Palace are VERY unfriendly and rude to a certain degree.
really? aiyo, so fierce, thanks for the warning.
better not called them if not really urgent hor hehe, sure kenna scold.

aiyo, why those SA at HK shop mostly unfriendly hor? i think only KL and Isetan scott are quite ok, other than that, heard quite stories liao.
<font color="0000ff">Lani,</font>
I went to IMM and Great World City just now.
GWC doesn't have much designs, colours and sizes left already. Unfortunately, IMM is too far for you. Otherwise can pop down for a look.
duno leh..see tmr hb recover annot lor, if yes, mayb going but not so high chance...u?

Me going to bed liao.Hope to dream of the LD...nitez nitez...
yes, i know, last time i bot some Hi5 tees to DD and it all went out of sizes coz she was just 2, even small size also too big, but she's a big hi5 fan! hee...

just lke the prizes meiji and msbrown won it y'day, do check with the archive, my laptop running out of battery now, i got to go...

goodnite ladies, those who will go for LD tmw, good luck! bye!
<font color="0000ff">Starlight,</font>
Isetan Scotts SA are the friendliest.

<font color="0000ff">Ladies,</font>
Gotta sleep liao. Having running nose. Took medicine, now sleepy.
thanks. yah IMM too far for me...sigh

i also notice smaller sizes always run out fast, then can't buy for my dd, cause she is only 2 and on the small size side...
i also find the SAs in KP not very friendly, and a little proud.

i like the SAs in Isetan Scotts and KL. the malay SA in isetan scotts is very very friendly and patient. when i was there she would serve me so nicely and answer all my questions (no matter how dumb).

one of the SAs from KL actually called me up when i ordered a lunchbox, to inform me that it is already OOS and she even apologised, and tried to offer alternatives. she even said she will look out for similar lunchboxes and call me if there's any.

ohhh..i just spent a bomb at Naraya when i was in BKK!! i even bought the above bag for my mum, but in purple colour. she LOVES that bag, her old green one she used until koyak liao, that's why i bought her a new one. then i also bought her matching makeup pouches and bedroom slippers...
