Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Post in Wrong thread....muahhahah

hi hi..me here leh...reading up on non-sense mails...kekeke :p hows yr shopping today??

I'm feeling great! Just shared a very funny joke with frds.
Just realised how good it is to have good frds ard..
I felt today is my day leh, everything goes smoothly and I have frens share the joys with me, happy happy

Ya, fren is IMPORTANT, they like mirror to you lor, hope you understand what I mean **wink**
wooooooo.....hahahaha..reading too many threads..log into wrong one leh :p

"shun shun" good lah...everyday like that will be perfect....life will be so easy...
MB.. dun worry.. of cos i can see.. i can see and i can post reply here too..

eliz/jas.. ya lohz.. its good to have friends.. at least we can yak, laff in the shop, dun have to go hide behind the counter.. haha.. that's the real pathetic pathetic...
Mirror instead.

Not wrong lar.. Post here or elsewhere also same. Got "silent" reader mah...
Lili, i thot so too. Slowly post lah, dont ji dong, hehe :p

Eliz, of course lah, you know why? This is a public forum leh, sure got silent readers lah

Emma who you talking about? Care to share? Haha
I will only go next week or the week after le, was in rp ealier this afternoon, hehe, go look c look c abit

If i come by rp i msg u again, have to ma fan u again
Ya lah...post anywhere is the same lah. 'Ppl' still can sniff sniff here, sniff sniff there one.
So many 'silent' readers ard mah.
jenny.. lidat alr v r n r liaoz..
we r n r in our world, pple still jia ba bo sai bang.. wanna jio.. then ok lohz... even though we have lives, jobs and children, this kinda time we can still afford lahz.. entertain her a bit lohz.. if not pple no "modelling" *muahahhahaha* jobs v bored mahz...
Not in rush, take your time. Will make payment to you asap, keke

Got buy anything just now? I roughly know your style, hehe (Hope you don mind hor)

my pedicure only done half way.Cos my heels skin cracking. Bo pian got to do it. Not putting on any nail lacquer after that. :p

my heels skin cracking .. so only scraping the skin.
yr barang barangs from ktgal with me le..pass u all 2mr eh...wooohoooo..got baking class

eh, ji dong? nahhhhhh....

hahaha....thats true.."they are everywhere" leh...post anywhere also can "see"....
regarding ur BP for the camera, confirm stock come liao hor, cos if not i think i may wanna cancel as its kinda taking tooooooo long. If confirm when can collect the camera leh since stock is in le, let me know hor thanks
YES YES YES, CONFIRM CONFIRM CONFIRM!!! TH wanna delay...i cannot do anything..i chase everyday, everyday waste SMS...NOW then they got ans!!!
Emma, since you say so much, we will be curious leh, you might as well say who? But be careful, you never know people prepare lawyer letter already
MB.. my IQ higher than her.. i wont say out one.. if not i also muz go hide 1 corner and appear months later... i no rich hubby.. no $$$ to fight lawsuit..
thanx for ur warning though.. u're v kind..
Aiyo, Lili, TH so like that ah? Aiyo .. tsk tsk .. eh,you tell us one ah,not i say one ah? Haha

Emma i see. Ya tats sad.

Jasmine no lah, i curious mah, so much talk. Eh, you never see i warn emma ah?

Lili,what trouble? What did i do? :p
MB.. ya lohz.. bu yao hai wo leh.. this is a public forum we all know lahz.. sure got different cliques, different opinions.. what's happened in the past is in the past liaoz.. 2008 is over... we alr yak elsewhere.. cos we realise we are too talkative.. dun wanna corrupt this thread.. yet pple wanna insult, wanna pick fights.. please lah.. let it rest can... let 2009 be a peaceful and HUAT year for us lahz... one year older, lets be one year wiser lahz...
yes got yr sms...seller just receive my money...he will send out soon. will sure CHASE you to collect, dun worry...wont let the items sit in my house for long...CNY coming leh..no more clutters sitting around..kekeke..

they not irresponsible leh, u say ah? if they dun have ans, how to reply leh? anyway, they were damn busy the last few months..nobody knows...they where got time to entertain me small customer..muahahhaa..

btw, ppl here very sensitive one...one wrong post hoh..u kena left right centre, die also dun know why...be careful de...
Hahah ya ya Jenny *wink*

Ok i m gonna cuddle with darling hubby and enter dreamland liao, hehehe.
Sweet dreams all! Awww ...
Sorry I dun know who your referring, I am a silent reader here too, not much post cos I dun have much to contribute and no time to follow the thread only browse thru and see the pic posted.

I dun really know what happen, read the posts feel like want to cry liao. Tot here should be happy sharing HK stuff right.

Relax, relax. Like what Emma said 2009 is here lei be happy and be huat.
thanks lili,
np let me know when the bowl is here, I scare I missed any post or I forgotten, my memory getting bad after gave birth to my girl and now preggie lagi jialat.
oooohhh...u preggy so emotional ah....dun cry ah..no gd for bb
hope this thread will be a happy one like before (though i think its hard), once there's no more troublemakers.....take care.
Hua Jing
Don't be sad, cos I am a silent reader too. Me sayang you ya.... I think they dont refer to us la.. *crossing my fingers*

wah.. hug hubby to sleep so romantic ah..
Nice meeting you that day leh. . .kekeke. . .no need to cry. . .we are supposed to be happy family. New year new resolution. .no grudges against one another.
me very timid one, scare ppl “fight” I want to cry especially ppl I know.
Ok ok, wipe, wipe, wipe, me stay happy now. I go “shopping” now.

You here? I also sms you. You got it?

Saw your HK Teacup Clock Radio love it very much but no budget to buy now

Nice meeting you too. I sms you too, I forgot to tt you, will do it tomorrow ya.

Oh no I think I missed some payment and collection. Ladies pls sms me if I owe you something ya.

My DH also hooked onto popeye. My cough was better during the last 2 weeks, but came back again after I worked late last 3 nights. . think will come if stress.

But hor, CNY coming so don't really care. keke. . .I already have 2 bottles of pineapple tarts and 1 big pack of pork floss roll.
