Filing divorce & maintaince


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I would like to ask as I am filing a maintaince for my child and me therefore I went to legal aid department on the 21st March 2016, therefore I went to family court on the same day as I want to know how fast can I really end my divorce with my husband as I am the one who pay for the bills like SP Services, Child school fees,for Town Council & HDB is not under my name as I just under 1st occupied and 2nd occupied is my child. My husband keep saying I am the one who doesn't want give him come back home from the day we get the key from HDB as I didn't do that. As I did seek for free consultant with those private Lawyers they told me if I want fight I have to pay a deposit of 2-3k as I doesn't have the sum of money I am suffering can anyone tell me how am I going to do and should I just stick to legal aid for the help.? Therefore my currently job is I gonna resign because of some reason and my new job will be being on 1st April 2016.

Please kindly advice me thank you.

Even if you are not officially divorced from him or haven't filed for divorce yet, you could went to the Family Court pay a small fee $1 I think just to lodge a complaint and sue him for not paying maintenance. It would be also great if you have receipts of payments of bills you have made so as to support your case.

Even if the flat is not officially under your name, so long as you have evidence of payments that you have been paying fir the maintenance of the flat all along, even in the event if you file for divorce, you have a claim if the flat were to sell. That's what I understood from my lawyer if I'm not wrong.
Has anyone fought in court against lawyer Carry Gill from Harry Elias? I asked in some facebook groups, some say she uses very dirty tricks and makes parties to fight more. Some say she takes things very personal and attempts to emotionally destroy those who she fights against? any feedback please, what to be ready for?
The $1 is for Maintenance order n fastest is 1mth u get maintenance n if yr hb refuse, court cannot lock him up till he agrees .. except to go trial which all in all may take 2-3mths +/-

If u hv hdb house but no legal ownership...u dun hv a say in the sales proceess of the house n your Direct Contribution to the marriage is zero even if u had pump out cash transfer to him ...unless u hv renovation receipts. Direct Contribution affects a huge proportion in determining yr alinomy. But under womens charter, u will be honor with a token sum if u hv zero Direct Contribtion to the house.

If U engage lawyer.... if u go UNCONTESTED. ..means u agree to all his terms ... $5k is sufficient but if u dun prepare $20-50k. +/- n Contested Div takes 1-2yr +/-

If u yr income falls <$1.5k ....U r eligible for Legal aid
