Dr Wong Mun Tat from TMC


New Member

Any review or feedback on the subject? i just went to see Dr Wong on sat for the very first time at his clinic in Bukit Gombak. As its near my home.
Or any good gynae can recomend (prefer to be in West area)?

hi jus,
I went to see Dr WongMT last 3 week for the 1st visit, i personally feel that he is quite friendly and soft spoken person, me & hubby feel quite comfortable with him lor.
i went to visit him without any references from 3rd party, its just that happended one sat we passed by his clinic & we decide to try on him lor.
I prefer Dr Wong rather then Dr Doughlas(last time was at BPP) dun feel comfortable with him & his nurses. i was visit him last year when i m miscarriage my 1st pg.
My fren ever recommend me CCK Dr Adrian, he seems quit famous in among the gynae, highly recommended. popular could be quit busy also(refer forum abt him).scare he is kind of rush rush type...
For me, i just go with my feeling lor, since Dr Wong are quit OK, i will cont' to visit him...
i also feel confortable to talk with his nurse, very friendly
this thursday will be my second visit.
how are all your visits? I am looking at selecting this gynae or the one in cck.
Dr wong would be nearer for me also...
do you know if he has 24 hours line ?
I mean in case of emergency can we reach him.
i strongly recommend him. like others, we chose his clinic as its near our house. but after knowing him since day 1, we find his svc very personable. As my wife had complicated pregnancy, he was especially attentive and would constantly call on my wife to make sure things were ok.He also wants us to call him (since day 1 he gave us him mobile number) anytime if its emergency. There was even once when he offered to ferry us to TMC for CTG check up as we dun drive. Even till these day, my wife will call him on the mobile to consult him and he will gladly ans. besides, his package is also reasonable and he is not a calculative person.
cj ,
Thanks for the info. On average what's the charges like per consultation and what's the package price and when do we sign the package ?
for your next visit... would you be able to check for me if say i were to transfer from another gynae.. would he be able to request from my gynae for medical record cause for my case if i get pregnant again ... i may require stitching.
hi bell. if i remember his package is $550/600? from 16/20wks + 2 post labour visits?(dun really remember either but we did compare and its reasonable). hwever on our 2nd visit (ie. 12th weeks) he let us start the package. which means, from then on our visits were free. but bear in mind optional test (eg. CTG, downsyndrome)you need to pay (which is fair). for your 2nd question, i'm afraid you need to call his clinic directly. as my wife do not have any appointment with him now, i wont be able check tat for u. and its inappropriate for me to give u his mobile. but you can quote my wife's name though (joanne) think he will remember. btw our bb girl was borned nov05.

his clinic is next to 7 eleven opp Bt gombak station.
But one thing to note, you need to wait quite long (typically ard 30mins) cause his consultation w/ every patient very thorough and personable. if you guys really pop by, you may spot our bb girls pic there. To each his own, but as far as we are concern, he exemplifies a great doc.
hi cj&joanne

ic... i know which clinic liao! remember noticing it when i pass by
wow, your bb girls photos on the walls?

did your wife had natural delivery or C-section? how was his stitches?
hi cj,

oh ... i thought your wife delivering this year. sorry.. hehehe.. strange.. I paid about 1200 for my pervious gynae.. and worst i was charged for his visit when at the hosipital due to a miscarriage... hmm... you mentioned that he handle emergency well... how old is this gynae if you don't mind me asking.. and he only delivers in TMC ? I need a gynae who's able to handle emergency.. after my last experience.. it was hell ... plus the panic makes it worse when we couldn't locate the gynae. And i used a gynae who's suppose to be interviewed by channel u. Paid through our nose each visit was 250 and we did it every week from 5th week till 15th week. than right after my 21st week scan , 4 days after that my baby miscarried.. sigh.
my wife had c-sec. cause my girl refused to engage. i cant really comment the stitches. but all i can say is ok la.

i'm sorry hear tat.
think he's in early 40s. he dun specifically say he offer emergency on standard basis. but he did say we can call him anytime if need be. as for hosp. i remember he's affiliated w/ mt alvernia, mt e, TMC, glen e(think so).but personally he prefer TMC as he lives nearby so that he can be mobilised quickest. as for the charges, think its best you call his clinic to query as i dun quite remember the exact charges. but all i can say is, he is not the calculative type and his package is reasonable.
cj just a quick check with you on his stitching skills. a friend's wife who has just delivered had termendous pain after delivery and she told me because of the stitching... and it last more that a week after her delivery... which make me worried.. hmm yeah that's another espect that i would like to consider too.. cause i would not want to change my gynae half way...
I recently read a chinese paper in which the lady had to deliver at home... her gynae walk her and husband through the phone and safed the poor baby cause the baby came out without bursting the water bag.. hmmm.. which sets me thinking that i definitely need someone who can be reached 24 hours in case of emergency. it was reported that if they had rushed to the hospital the baby could have died. hmm...
Hi Bell,

No worries abt the stitching. I guess yr friend's wife is special case.

As for Dr Wong, he is a responsible doctor. He gave us his mobile phone for emergency. Guess what's most impt is for u to meet him and feel comfortable with him
Hi to all,
Just wana check if Dr Wong delivers at TMC and when does he offer whole package or prenatal package to the couple as I find the visits r quite ex leh..

does anyone has the clinic's contact?
cz i wan to noe whether they are open on sat afternoon or even on sun.. ??

Can anyone share with me how was Dr Wong stitching skill? Have seen him 2 time but haven sign any package with him yet
I just found out im pregnant last fri and planning to see a gynae this week or next week. Can I check with you, how is Dr adrian? Is he the detailed, confident type and very cautious? Or is he too busy to talk to you? And also, what about his stitching skills also? Is he pre-natural without epi and assistance also?

Coz it's my first pregnancy so abit worried. And also been having abit of cramps last week and having this bad cough... havent seen any gynae yet and wish to settle on one.. appreciate your advice.. thanks!!
Hi roxyz
U visited Dr Wong? I m planning to visit a gynae soon... i still looking around for one near my plc.
Hi roxyz
U visited Dr Wong? I m planning to visit a gynae soon... i still looking around for one near my plc.
Hi all, I delivered in late September this year (2007) and my gynae was Dr Wong MUn Tat...He is very professional and patient..I had an enjoyable pregnancy!
I had a natural delivery and had episiotomy. His stitching was great as i hardly felt any pain at all!...Just a little uncomfortable at the spot in the initial few days ...My wound healed perfectly within 2 weeks!
I would definitely go to Dr Wong again with my second pregnancy...and oh yes, TMC is highly recommended too! very warm , nice service from the nurses there....without them, i think i would have a terrible labour!...
do you usually have to wait long for the appt? by the way what's your average charges per visit ? before you sign on package. I am seeing another gynae in tmc but parking there is really troublesome. thought maybe i will just keep to tmc gynae till i get preggy again. and after that i will go to one near my home. else the waiting time would be a killer..
according to my SIL, she say he always say according to the book.... blah blah.... she got so fed up.. what if something happen and it's not found in the book?

Oh dear he's a bookworm?

Erm..any more comments on him? Actually i hope to get someone who is patience and listen to us lor..I heard the One at CCK is very terrible, always brush off the sessions. I have 2 frenz who r very disappointed by his service.
i think a responsible bookworm is better than an irresponsible bookworm.
I went to one at AMK a senior gynae private clinic... tell me everything is okay say baby is stable can go out for a walk and just 2-3 days later i had my miscarriage. I changed to a second gynae before i get preggy again. than i went back to my first gynae at amk for check when i noticed my menses didn't stop. He did a scan and immediately want to operate on me to check. say my ovulary have a dark shadow. I decided to seek a second opinion. And guess what it was an etopic pregnancy. the amk gynae didn't even take my blood test to see if i am pregnant and adviced me for operation. And he made the comment that i couldn't conceived if trying for so long still no bb. I was really upset.
sorry i meant resposible bookworm better than irresponsible dr. I personally feel that the AMK gynae was really doing it for money. Dr LC cheng from Thomson medical is good. He's patient and bothers to explains. I am very comfortable with him if not for the parking. After my etopic pregnancy... not cannot ttc for 6 months again since last nov. i should be able to go for it in april.. Dr wong mun tat is near my place. from the little comments i gather.. i think he's a responsible man... thanks ladies
hi ladies,

I was seeing Dr Wong when I was pregant last year, he also deliver my baby from C-section too. I find him a patient n responsible man, always listening to my doubts n not rushing at all! His stiching is good too, I was able to walk about the next day after delivery. The stiching scar is not too long, very pro!
Hi all,
I'm seeing Dr Wong now and I'm in my 17 weeks. He's very friendly and warm. No nonsense kind of doctor but you'll need to prepare a list of questions to ask him whenever you see him. If you have questions, he'll be patient in answering them one by one. He doesn't hurry me or brush my questions aside. He's quite a careful doctor in the sense that sometimes I ask him about whether certain things are safe or not, he'll answer me like better not do it or yes, it's safe. So far, I'm quite happy with him and hubby is comfortable with him also.
Hi Bellsbells,

I can't exactly remember his charges as I signed up on his package real soon afterwards (sorry, memory's gone really rusty! :)

[Around $80 - $120 I think]

All I can remember is that his fees are reasonable okay, and I saved a lot compared to my 1st child's fees.

I had Dr W.K. Tan for my 1st child (her clinic's at TMC). She's good, but her waiting time is incredibly long, ie. average of 2-3 hours though you've come on time! Can't afford to wait that long with a toddler tagging along during each visit.

He is very good with my first child too. I just know i cant count on him cos he gives me the assurance everytime i go see him. And he makes me feel he is more like a friend, and i never fail to be afraid to ask him anything cos i know he wont brush me aside or say i ask stupid questions.
i din really have such a good impresion of him. the first time he did a scan and he found a cyst and suggested me to go for a surgery and he say he will call me the next day to explain more.

the next day over the phone he explain to me how and why i shld have sugery. then i ask him a question why he want me to take cloimd? then he abit saracastic and say "dint i jst explain to you"?
i was abit piss and i qn him that i dont understand why i need to prescribe clomid which in the first place im not taking clomid. then he suddenly realise he made a mistaken misunderstood that i was on clomid.

i felt abit angry that he made a wrong comment and still so scaracstic to me. since then, i don bother to go back to him anymore.

a couple of my gal frens half way thru also drop out cos he is like just regurgitating out of the book
Hi...Visited Dr Wong also but was bcos it's near my mum's place..not sure of his stiching skills for natural birth...

can anyone update me more about his hospital charges and services?

Thank you
I went to Dr. Wong for my all my predelivery scans but unfortunately on the day I was due he was outstation so he sent one of his colleagues (I've never met before) to delivery my baby. I never received a call from him after that which made me a little upset. But the good thing about Dr. Wong is his short waiting time for appointments.
hi all mummies, i also staying near BT GMK, intend to get Dr Wong as my gyne.
Any feedbacks or any recommend of gyne around west side?
i was with Dr wong, n deliver my girl 2mths ago[aug09]..experience is good with Dr wong, though he seems to be a quiet guy. Stitches done very good also.no pain at all,and all disolve within 12 days.
any recent comments about Dr Wong?

I went to him a month ago to confirm my first pregnancy. He is my first gynae (initially wanted to go to Dr Ang but God didn't allow it to happen..) and felt comfortable with him so have signed up a package with him upon first visit.

Like most comments here, he's always very patient and if I have got any stupid questions, I will feel at ease when asking him. Haa.. (Can you imagine if your gynae starts mocking you just because we are ignorant?) He doesn't rush through his consultation which is good, especially for first time mums-to-be who need more assurance...

Unfortunately, I lost my little one last Tuesday and did a wash out on the 24th March. Was pretty nervous because it was my first surgery in my whole life and I was of course very devastated.

Cried in the OT but he came and assured me not to be nervous..

Overall, I find him to be a very nice guy! Oh.. almost forgotten.. he does resemble a bit like one of the local chinese singers Huang Jing Lun!!! =P

Will be seeing him next coming Tues..
hi mummies,

I have some questions on Dr. Wong:

-is Dr. Wong pro-natural birth?
-how many years experiences?
-how is his coping with emergency? calm enough?
-how is his stitching skills for vaginal birth & c-section?
-is he caring and attentive about his patients?

hi nana.. both my girls were delivered by him.. he is neutral.. he wont force u to v a natural birth if he knows ther is a risk.. it depends on whats the situation at end of your pregnancy.. i rem when i had my first girl and it was already overdue, he asked whether i would like to wait or induce and i told him i prefer to wait and he allow me to... guess he oso knew that ther isnt much risk at that point..

how many years experience i m not sure.. ;p

yes.. i find him calm during my delivery process..

stitching for c-sect, i m not sure.. bt vaginal birth shd b quite ok.. i recovered within a week.

as far as i m concern, whatever questions i v in mind, i can always ask him and he wil always answer me.. at least i feel that he wont rush me whenever i visit him.. i feel at ease and comfortable. ;) ..
hi gals,

May i know what is the operating hours for Dr wong? is there any night clinic? and the package is from which week onwards? thanks
Hi JJ,
His clinic operating hour is Mon-Fri 9am-12.45pm, 6pm-8.30pm
Wed 9am-12.45pm, 2pm-5pm
Sat 9am-12.45pm
Took package with him on 1st Nov 2009, cost abt $800++
hi carol

the package now is $800+++. Wow it increase by so much already.... i think some of the gals here mention it use to be 600+ only
