DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

puppy: mindy's back? i just saw dr fong on tuesday, but no mention of mindy, neither did i see her!!! last i heard she left to join a church.

Dophly: i concieved my gal with metformin and clomid, first time IUI. also saw the JE chinese sinseh at the same time, and she was the one who recommend i go see Dr Fong. I have PCOS and I was overweight plus family history of diabetics, so he gave me metformin and clomid. then first round I did IUI I strike liao. I am the classic case of PCOS lah, all the cramp, overweight ETC. When i took metformin, I lao sai every single day without fail for 2 to 3 weeks. after that OK liao. dun rem got any weight loss or not though...

hazeline: *hugs* sometimes there are no answers, or perhaps no answer is the answer. I still got no guts to do IVF, although Dr Fong got ask us to think about it. So I applaud you for your courage to try. I know how it feels cuz i have 2 gfs who went through IVF. The emotional roller coaster they go through is not something I ever want to go through, not to mention the pain and discomfort, and for 1, the acute disappointment.

anyway ladies, guess wat. Dr Fong is my neighbour. Imagine my shock when i saw him at the tennis court. Nope, no discount HAHAHAHA apparently we have been neighbours for a few years liao but never bump into him or his wife before.

Er, in case you all wondering, this is The Mrs Lai =)

hi hi ladies,

just saw dr fong also today for 1st yr pap smear after 1st kid.. haiz.. my PCOS still there.. i had hoped it will go off after childbirth but apparently it did not... dr fong asked me when am I planning for No2... most prob will try 2nd half next yr... got to start clomid also... haiz haiz...

prettybunny... where do you stay ah?
I know dr fong looking at condos in river valley area.. haha....
hi Mrs Lai,

I was in the clinic on Tuesday too... was there around 3pm with my screaming mouse, Dr Fong commented she got fierce loud voice, can tear his clinic down... I said, she already tore my whole neighborhood down liao...

Mindy was at the counter when I was there, she was in blue top and even talked to me...
Pretty Bunnie

I thk I bopian.. if I hv a choice, I wun want to go thru wot I've gone thru. But if I nv try, I'll sure regret!

Btw, he stay in Bt Timah area? Cos I work around there n he seems to know the place pretty well. I thk some ladies were saying he's staying around here. So maybe u can confirm liao... haha

I'll 'c' u around 2molo.. let's c if I know which one is u...
Puppy: i was there at 4pm! hehehe no leh i didn't see mindy. I saw the usual gang, without eileen only. maybe she went for tea.

Karen: He does delivery at Mt E, Gleneagles, TMC and Mt A.

Hazel: yes, but not everyone will dare to go through it to try for a child. I think some will just give up or adopt. Yes, if you never try, you will never know. I never wanted to have kids, but when I wanted, and it was so difficult to have 1, I really envy those people who could have kids! ya, he stays somewhere around there lah but Bukit Timah so big, somemore still got upper Bukit Timah :p so er ... in a general sense, yes lah, bukit timah area =) ... I did try super ovulation, but jab for 1 week, only 3 eggs of a good size, but didn't succeed lor. and hor, 3 eggs only becuz I was on 1 week MC. if usual work week, think will be lucky to have 1 egg :p

mandy: maybe he looking for another place to escape me! Think first time he encounter patient stay same place! my PCOS also didn't go away. I'm still suspected to have endometrisis cuz of the pain I have, but my colleague recently told me, for pple with PCOS, when a good egg is released (ovulated) there will be pain. So no pain = no good egg or no egg. I was like ... wah lau ... pain until like that where got mood to go and make baby????
hazel: unfortunately mine is the 'classic case" lor. Genetic disposition towards it is higher since my family got diabetes history, I did put on weight suddenly without any explanation (my weight shot up by 10 kg even though I eat the same amount!), and I have mega cramps almost every menses, and it can come 2 weeks before the menses (hence my colleague's explanation). After I stop bf-ing, my cramps came back immediately for my first menses liao ... so ...how not to blame PCOS ...

but PCOS comes in many forms, i've got 2 gfs, very slim one, also kena PCOS. but I can say I am v lucky ... I got V thru my 1st attempt at IUI, but they weren't so lucky ... have to go thru IVF
Pretty Bunnie
Yes.. I do thk u r very lucky.

I guess I belong to the not so typical PCOS type. The only PCOS symptoms I hv is: ovaries with cysts & irregular menses & cramps during 1st 2 days of mense.

Dr Fong seems to find out that I dun O too.. I can hv LH +ve but.. when he scan, my follicles aint matured enuff n no sign of O.

If go thru IVF can stil get preggie nvm.. I am not so lucky yet.
Hi hazeline, were u there yesterday? I did not see anyone there eh..

How's was your visit? what did uncle Fong say?

He asked me to change job.. wahahaaa....
anyone know the success rate of ivf with dr fong?
& how much he charges for a cycle of ivf? Can we pay using medisave?
Hi Tigi...
I can't answer u on the success rate... maybe u can ask the nurses. I ask them b4, they said they nv really keep track. But the nurses at Mt E told me his success rate there 'pretty ok'.

But my own IVF cost me abt 16K: 10.5K at Mt E, 5.5K at Dr F's for med n scans til BT. I hv OHSS, so I took drip twice ($300 x 2).

Do note we can claim 6K, 5K, 4K from ur medisave for ART for ur 1st 3 tries. And Mt E wants a 3K deposit b4 ER. No co-payment from the govt.

Hope it helps..
Change job??

He ask me to ask my boss to take pay cut! hahaha

Cos I told him times r bad.. n I'm afraid if I were to take HL again so soon, I might get 'chop'!

I was in a red polo.. I saw a few ppl there.. but I duno which one is u. Wot time were u there? I was there from 10.30-11.30am.

Anyway, he told me my failure might be cos of a few reasons:
- fail implantation
- embbies nv hatch out of their shell
- embbies stop growing

He said I hv no problem with my lining.. in fact, my prog level during BT is 300+, which is stil very good. And my reaction to puregon is also very good.. jus that the fertilisation is only abt 50% cos only 8 managed to fertilise out of 17. He said this might be due to embbies quality or sperm quality.

I ask him abt the chances of my remaining 3 grade 2 embbies. He said they stil sound pretty ok. He has seen worse ones, manage to thaw n then implant.. now already born!

But I told him I dun feel very hopeful.. he said I've been too pessimistic all these time n it's not good also. *sigh*

I'm going to giv LC at Mt E a call.. c how she rates the chances of my embbies cos she'll know better. Then I'll decide if I want to do FET or.. do fresh cycle.

But fresh cycle, not at Dr F's anymore. Cos I can't afford another fresh cycle there leh.
prettybunnie: i was diagnosed with PCOS and endo also.. supposed to start clomid but was very lucky to strike with my 1st gal... so hoping that PCOS will go off.. but looks like no lor... he asked me when trying for 2nd one... told him 2nd half next yr and he gave me those 'why wait so long look'... hmm
Actually, women with endo n PCOS, try not to wait so long to hv another child. Cos with our condition, not easy to get pregnant. Doesn't mean u want, u wil hv then lor.

Maybe that's why Dr F suggest u start to thk abt it earlier lor.
mandy: i think newspaper reported secondary infertility recently. basically means u can pregnant first time, dun mean u can get pregnant a second time. For me, I've been trying since my gal turned 1. Think did IUI 4 to 5 times, including 1 time SO-IUI but were not successful. Also, for me, not v young liao, this yr 35 so a lot more complications. So must try soon.

Hazeline: ya tt time i told Dr Fong if i strike twins i close shop liao. he said given my condition with V tt time, if i tio twins, I'll be hugging the tiolet bowl throughout liao :p
I made my decision already.

I wil try fresh cycle again... Dr F is a good gynae.. but I hv to thk abt my pocket also. I can't afford a fresh cycle under him anymore.

Wish me luck.. I'll stil hang around...
hi haze1ine/pretty bunnie,

yah lor... haiz.... sian right? i think that is what he meant but he don't want to tell me direct also lah.... anyway he was quite nice as per always... haha... that time when i delivered my gal last year at tmc, another friend of mine with him also gave birth an hr later at mt A.. haha..

so that day, both of us went to different hospital together at the same time and delivered an hr apart. made dr fong so busy... keke

wow u r BRAVE! i have nothing else to say but I'll repeat again .. YOU ARE BRAVE !!

u know, i may not even have the courage to go thru it again. Very xin ku .. esp the bloating, and vomitting for me.

anyway.. u can still keep your embroys with MT E and start a fresh cycle in KK ? But i heard it's a long waiting list at KK ?
Yes.. I wil keep my embbies at Mt E... since already sign 2 yrs storage liao. If there's a need to, can transfer to KKH for a fee.

There's no clause so far forbidding me to do IVF fresh cycle at another institute when I already hv frozen embbies at one.

I was very lucky to get an appt with the very much wanted IVF man, Dr SF Loh this Fri. I'll c wot he has in mind for me. I know I can't expect the same level in term of service. But I've gone thru it once so I guess I know wot to expect n wun panic at the slightest thing.

Can't say I'm looking forward to OHSS.. but I'm looking forward to my fresh new cycle. Hopefully, it'll work for me this time.

And ladies, I switched cos of financial problems. I hv no complaints abt Dr F at all. Jus that it didn't work out the 1st time.. n my pocket forbids me to try again under him lah.
hi hazeline

thanks for answering to my enquiry... i might need ivf sometime... it is a pity no co-fund is allow at private hospital since it is capped anyway... it definitely helps to lessen the $$ burden.... i read it other thread about Dr Loh SF... seems like many success stories under him... a good choice btw...
Many ladies here succeed under Dr Fong leh.. I'm jus the unlucky one.

SF Loh has unsuccessful cases too.. I jus want to giv myself another chance at IVF.
hazeline: good luck.

I know about the pocket thing - one of my gf did IVF with a private doctor and she spent 14K cash (excluding medisave another 6K). It's very expensive and it's really difficult for us with normal income to spend that kind of money twice. I dun even have that much in cash!

Like lbt say, you are v brave and I wish you all the best!
hazeline, i wish you all the best too!

$ aside, I dunno if i have the courage to go through ivf... too much reservation already...
Hi ladies,
Long time nv log in liao. How is everyone?

Good luck ya! Really hope to hear gd news frm u.

Have I spoken to you before? Haha, I remember toking to someone in e thread abt uncle making me quit my job tt time when my pregnancy was having braxton hicks. I miss going to the clinic to see uncle. Cos I am always guessing if anyone of the people there I see is anyone of you here. Now no chance liao until next aug or after my menes report, need to go n scan if I have any cyst cos uncle said I might really have PCOS.
Hi ladies,
I'm starting another fresh cycle soon... on BCP now.. long protocol... ER shd be in early Feb.

Thank you for all ur good wishes... I hope I wil hv good news to report nex Feb!

Good Luck! Jia you wor...

Me very sad, cos Erica had been ill for almost 4 wks leh. Earlier on she had bronchitis. Suffered for almost 3 wks. Juz as I thought she's recovering this wk, she got down with Fever and severe vomiting until we had to rush her down to those late hours clinic at 12am. Very poor thing, she had to have her medication in by the backside cos she simply vomitted out all e oral medication. Sigh. I had missed 2 christmas gatherings cos of her being sick. Now all I want for Christmas is for her to have good health and get well soon...

oh no .. where did Erica caught the virus ? try to find out the cause and action on it so that she can recover fully.

are you still bf-ing her ?


you are fast ! I always tot there is a long IVF q at KK ?
I was there for 4 hrs b4 I finally finish doing all the necesary arrangement. I guess I can't expect the same one stop service lah..

I'm quite happy the doc allow me to start on this cycle, he checked my lining n ovaries, say they u good and I hv a lot of eggs (actually means I'm stil PCOS!). So he said I can go ahead if I want.

Actually, I thk it's more like a 'production line' there lor... one day might hv a lot of ER & ET than Mt E wil actually allow. I was told to expect a lot of wait, even on actual ER & ET days. Guess bopian lah... to save that $ n to giv myself another go, I cannot complaint!

good to know u can start real soon ! i really hope it work out for u this time. I believe with your perseverance, you will be blessed with 1 (or even more !) child
Hihi Ladies,

Merry Christmas everybody! For those who have wishes and dreams, may Santa bless you with all the wonderous gifts...

Haha... No wonder lah. I find you so familiar. LOL... Me blur blur, nv check the Reg nick beside you.

Erica is better le. But I'm thinking of sending her to see TCM. Yesterday went to Eu Yang Seng and asked if anything I can give to Erica cos she's always sicking and looking so pale. All in all, she's almost sick for 1 month le, or 1 month plus already. Even the flabs ard her tummy also gone. I was toking to the person until I was tearing liao cos I really dunno what I can do for her anymore.

Welecome~ Hope you'll be successful this time round. Someone frm another thread I know of also see doc frm KKH and succeed in concieving. Good luck to you.

I really dunno where she got the virus frm leh. I am still bfing and assumed that she should be strong enough to fight all these virus but haiz, dunno why she so weak. Earlier on was bronchitis, now gastric flu. I'm physically and mentally drained out by the whole ordeal. To make things worse, alot of ppl ard me had been giving me senseless comments such as it's due to my bm etc etc. Sigh.

Ask u ah, u know if wat kinda chinese medication can we give to babies so young ah? The person recommended me Cong Chao but I feel tt Erica is like too young for it already. But then, I really dunno wat I can give her le...
Merry Christmas to all!

duno if u remember me...disappeared after my crazy d&c time...just got a xmas present lately through ivf...now super worried because all my bloatedness has gone away abt 3 days after my +ve beta test.
Lbt, prettygal
want to check with you since you've gone through this: when did your bloatedness go away after ur beta hcg was positive? Dr Fong told me usu after the 1st trimester....but today i told him it's gone already, how? he says we monitor and see...
She so small.. can take tcm mah?

Thx for the well wishes.. I hope I can strike this time around.

Dun worry.. hv +ve thoughts ok? Ur bb wil stick stick to u...

Merry Xmas to all.. may everyone be bless in the coming year.. good health n wealth to all!

my MIL did mentioned to me before that we can only give herbs to bb after they turn 1 year old. So prior to that, all herbal soups are no-no.

I think you don't seek TCM now cos erica is really too young. Have you talked to a PD ? Don't stop BF-ing ! and ignore these ppl comments, waste of time talking to them !

Maybe u can restrict going to crowded places cos that's where Erica may have caught the virus from. Always instill good hygiene for ppl taking care of Erica, like wash hands before carrying her, wear a face mask if he/she is not feeling well.

I observed that some kids tends to be weak in nature, means nothing much you can do but to take precaution.

Some kids will also turn stronger after they turn 1. I also realise my Rachel tends to fall sick before she turn 1 yr old but after that, she is quite strong and recover very fast from illness.

Don't worry too much now.. cont to BF erica and give her the best gift ! If you stop now, you will not have any more milk for her .... JIA YOU !


congrats !! eh ... i do remember i feel bloated throughout 1st tri .. but hope it's just different for u lah ...

rem to stay positive .. MIND OVER BODY ok ?

hai .. christmas season and my whole family is sick. started from rachel then pass the virus to Rianne. then me and hubby cannot get good sleep at nite so both of us are down too

Rachel is recovering so gotta pay attention to Rianne... still coughing and sneezing once in a while. Hope virus go away soon ....
Hope ur two cuties n both of u get well soon.. year end.. the flu virus is going around.

This xmas seems pretty quiet.. duno if it's cos times r bad.

tks for ur concern. Rachel is better but Rianne still coughing ... hai when will the virus go away !! but both of them are still active and playing happily everyday
Started but in the BCP (birth control pills) stage... will only start Lucrin on 2 Jan... puregon likely in the wk b4 CNY.

Nurse told me gynae wrote 300IU, which is the same as wot Dr Fong gave. But she said depends on my BT then, that is jus a guide.
BCP is to better suppress ur hormones. Start on D2 of ur menses.

No, Dr Fong's protocol start with D21 Lucrin.. I did ask abt this n KKH said it's for better suppression. No harm lah..

I'll be going down this pm to sign the papers... the only good thing is, can skip the counselling! haha

oic ... ya I remembered Dr Fong's protocol was a bit different. anyway .. just do what the experts says ... and hope your body kuai kuai follow suit ! good luck !!
Came back from KKH today.. seems that they change my protocol a bit.

Now, I wil be on BCP for 4 wks.. then normal 2 wks Lucrin jab b4 puregon.

Also better lah.. heard some ppl on longer Lucrin, got more retard reaction to puregon.

oh change ah .. ok lah maybe adapt to ur body. really hope I hear good news from u ok !! MIND OVER BODY !
Tks Hazeline...Must think positive, even Dr Fong says this after his usual 'Chooyyy' if I said something pessimistic. Was just reading your previous posts - strong gal, persevere on, am sure your turn is coming in the next round!

Lbt, yes mind over body
it helps to have a very supportive hubby and a jovial +ve fatherly doctor ha. Just hoping for the best...have to wait for future scans to see, but blood results are better than the last time - something to give thanks for!

wonderland - r u a teacher/lawyer? I remember Dr Fong was so happy after I changed job - but will still nag at me to remind me not to work too hard. he's funny lah. Hubby and I will replay his comments at home. But am also scared of getting scolded by him! didn't dare tell him I went back to work before my 2 wks HL was over!

ladies, just want to share, I'll be having a little moo moo.

so my scorecard:

metformin + clomid + IUI = 100% (#1 and #2)
clomid + IUI = 0% (5 tries)

Mindy is still with the church, except when she is free, she will go back to the clinic and gossip with the gals according to Dr Fong.
