DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Yaloh, I agreed Dr Fong very gd gynae. He's one person who thinks for our pocket. Thats why he use "Ji Jiang Fa" on my colleague to encourage her to try until the last min. Haha. And it works on her.

Even my colleague's wife, he suggested C-section is becos he already told the colleague after she give birth will have to remove the 10cm cyst and he gave them alternatives. And also pricing differences. So after considering, my colleague's wife went for C-sec to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

Dr Fong really very assuring doctor, that time when I had cyst beside my baby, I very scared and asked him if everything gonna be ok cos my boss's wife colleague had to undergo an abortion due to cyst. And Dr Fong tell me he'll try to keep the baby alive, tell me not to worry.

bbrooster: I c ... thankfully she never recommend me to Dr CC! I am very happy with Dr Fong yang, although I was even happier at first becuz I tot Fong Yang = Female! Then when we went to see, my hubby told me, eh i think is male leh, I can see the shoes. I almost peng san! Anyway he was very good and very nice. But I still cannot bring myself tell him some of my more embarassing problems, like having a huge pimple on one of the "lip" below. I was in agony for a few days and I was deciding whether to see him or not when it burst. So happy lor, my problem solved by itself!

Kelcqi and puppy: He kept asking me to consider natural which I eventually agreed to. But I had developed HBP by then, and it was so bad that I was being affected by bright lights and I kept having ringing in my ears, he asked me to induce the next day. I argued for C secion cuz 1) he knows my pain tolerance is SUPER low 2) my BP was already 240+ over 170+ and if I had to induce, I think my BP will go up even higher! 3) And to save marnee, what if induce and cervix don't open (since it's 50-50 chance), then must emergency C section? So he agreed lor, cuz given the combine factors of my super low pain tolerance and my high BP, it's prob a better choice for me. I am glad he allowed me to make my own decision and not forcing me to go through natural. Though I must comment that the Anathestist (??) he got were making jokes that fell flat on me! But I think Dr Fong must have told him I ultra nervous so the epidural he gave (LA) i think he added something to make me sleep, cuz the only time I was awake after they inserted the catherer (??) was they were exclaiming" wah why her stomach muscles so strong? she do sit ups everyday is it!" then i fell back asleep until my baby was plonk on my chest. My hubby were telling me that the nurses, the anathesitst and Dr Fong were pushing until their hands were trembling. Prob if I was awake, I will be hysterical and screaming away ;P
<font color="0000ff">Mrs Lai</font>
hahaha....your stories so funny. But your BP is terribly high 240+/170+. scary...!

Mrs Lai have you just gave birth or are you expecting a second one now?
I've been trying to follow all your posts, but I can't quite remember...just like to ask, any ladies here who consulted Dr Fong for fertility treatment and managed to conceive from his help?
HiHi , Thanks everyone for the tip top info of Dr Fong &amp; the sinseh TLK.
I will make an appointment to visit Dr Fong.
Is the clinic normally very crowded n how long is the estimated waiting time ?
hi all

glad to see this forum so lively again. after reading all yr posts, i reali missed those days when i had apptm with dr fong. missed pregnant days.....

kelcqi... i m one of the rare one who choose to go TMC. when U r ordering yr meals, remember to tell them u want Confinement Food else they may give u normaly food. There are a variety of food from the confinement menu. If u choose to Total BreastFeed yr baby, they will put a sign TBF on the baby cot. My experience was when i said breastfeed baby and during the first day when there is no supply fr me, they reali didnt feed my baby!!! I was shocked and feel bad cos baby didnt eat at all. BUT our baby have 'reserve tank' in their body, they can go without food for the first 3days! Hmmm... which mummy got the heart to let newborn suffer rite??? The morale of the story is to give clear instructions to the nurses. I oso blur blur dun noe they will not feed baby when the sign said Total BreastFeed
Mrs Lai, your labour story so funny. But I must agreed that Dr Fong really try to meet our single needs and expectations. Thats something I really appreciate, cos I know of gynae who didn't allow their patients to make choices, they just try to do what they think is right and expect the patients to follow, in most case we will lah, cos gong gong and we'll try our gynae.

But Dr Fong is someone who'll advise us and give us options. And he respects our decisions unless our decision making is really a high risk one...

Mrs Tan, you call them up to make appointments. But sometimes the clinic might be really crowded due to emergencies or Dr Fong out for delivery. The average waiting time is ard 15 mins to an hr depending on the crowd. But usually if the wait is long, the nurses there will pre-warn you when u register. If you are at paragon clinic, you can always tell the nurses you'll want to go for a walk or something and get them to call you when your turn is near.

Thanks star for your advise on breastfeeding... I'll prolly not do Total Breastfeeding in this case. I heard some mummies said sometimes Milk Supply only kicks in by the 3rd day. Issit true? Me also choose TMC cos that time I went for Detail Scan and my friend told me to sign up for FBI card there to enjoy the privileges. So far my detail scan and steriod jabs I got discount for that. Think plus the 100 bucks rebate during delivery, the card kinda really comes free in this case.

Oh Yah, can I check with you. What kinda toiletries TMC provides for the mummies? Some mummies said if we need cotton balls all these will be charged by hospital. Do I have to bring all these stuff for baby myself?
Somebody gave birth on April Fool's Day. Dr Fong gone for delivery this morning. The nurse called me at 1005. Luckily, I was still at home about to step out. My appt at 1045 is pushed to 2pm. Alot of backlog patients.
BBrooster, My colleague EDD supposed to be today also but she popped on the 17th. Keke, can't imagine if she pop today also.
bbrooster, thanks for the update... wow if your appt is 2pm... which earlier is 1045am... then my appt lagi pushed back to 7pm??? 'cos my appt is 430pm... last patient... oh no... I'll be starve meh!!!... shall go n eat canele... the cakes there are nice... ha ha ha..
Star: I did total BF at TMC - i know baby has 3 days of reserve and she was at an OK weight, so I really TBF, and didn't let baby have any supplement. I mostly managed to TBF all the way to 3rd month then i started saving some to freeze and then supplement 1 bottle of formula in case she rejects formula next time.

BM: me me! I have PCOS and suspected endometrisis.

bbrooster: My gal turning 1 very soon. I am still seeing Dr Fong for my PCOS and endometrisis cuz I keep having v bad cramps, even 2 weeks before menses are due to come.

Kelcqi: I think they will open 1 or 2 packs for u to use, but it's already charged. So you can bring "spare" if you want to lor. If you are going to pump milk, you may wan to bring along your pump and the necessary sterising equip. You can start pumping from the 1st day to kick start the ss, esp if your baby is sleepy and don't really want to suckle. TBF is not so bad, they won't let you do it unless your baby is born at a healthy weight. If your baby is too small, they will tell you need to supplement. My gal starve for the first 2 days lor but it's ok lah, she now also bak bak, but not michellin baby.
kellcqi: I think they have a basic toiletries set, but i prefer my own stuff, so i packed my own items lor. Didn't use much of it unless it's the body shower gel i think. I washed hair using my own shampoo (ya I bathed myself after C section on the 2nd or 3rd day cuz I cannot tahan already!).
Hey, am actually pregnant...just wanted to share the iui was a success this time

and also, could I check with all the mummies about your level of progesterone and hCG in the initial weeks? They told me that my Hcg is bit low but need to see if it will double soon....am praying everything goes fine....


hehe happy for u !!

yes ur HCG need to double every 3 days i think. initially mine wasnt v good for my first pregnancy, then Dr Fong did warn me it might be an empty sac (sorry not to scare u), then my MIL assured me that some babies take longer time to "grow" and indeed, the HCG shoot up after dunno how many blood test ! and then I saw bb heartbeat liao ! so be positive ok ?

for my 2nd pregnancy, it is smooth lah. I rem mine was 200+ on blood test day, then the next blood test shoot up to 1000+ so no need further test.

Keep us informed ok ? btw how much is ur HCG now ?
faith congrats!

I also did IUI the last time, but I cannot rem my hormones level - but I rem it was quite low initially but it doubled soon after.
<font color="0000ff">Faith78</font>
<font color="ff0000">Congratulations!!</font> So happy to hear your successful IUI. It really will boost the other ladies morale here.

<font color="0000ff">puppy2006</font>
The wait was not too bad. I got to see Dr Fong at 1440. But I heard from the nurse earlier on was very crowded and he see everyone very fast. When it was my turn I could take my time to ask questions because only one more couple waiting outside. Then I think it's his lunch break because another nurse packet alot of food back.
Faith, Congratulations! You must be real happy now. Take care of yourself meanwhile wor...

Mrs Lai, 1-2 packs of what? The sanity pad, we need to bring our own? I heard sometimes some ppl not enough and the hospital ones very ex? I bot 1 20 pieces Kotex one from KKH that time. I scare not enough...

Prettygal today had Bratox Hicks I think. She was telling me her tummy tighten up. Wondering if she's ok liao? Told her to call Dr Fong before she goes down.
Thanks everyone...i was in a way plesantly surprised and thrilled...my hubby even more haha. then the next kanjiong state creeps in...I sure hope the hCg will keep doubling man...

Lbt, i shall remember your story during this crucial time...Mindy mentioned my hCg is 87? (i even forgot, tmr will collect the result and do another one). She said bit low but whether it doubles or not is what they are looking for...progesterone level she said ok...

Joy,it's actually my second iui...but first with Dr Fong and through clomid...u'll be next!!
Then Mrs Ong right after

Mrs Ong, u are going for your iui soon ya?
kelcqi: I would recommend the laurier overnite one, cyz after they take out the catherer (?) can use stick on pads liao. You may wan to consider disposable undies also, just wear and throw :p

they will provide 1 or 2 packs of gauze or cotton balls for cleaning babi'es eyes.
CONGRATS.....to you.

Thanks for the info.

Just to seek u gals opinion, infact I went to SGH last year to see a lady gynae. Not sure if I should try Dr Fong or go to SGH.
After calculate the cost for doing IVF is only a few hundred slightly cheaper in SGH as compared to private doctor. Tis SGH gyne had did IVF on my aunt colleagues &amp; they got pregnant on their first attempt. Really cannot make up my mind

Btw , did anyone heard anything on Dr Fong doing IVF &amp; how is he sucessful rate?
hi Mrs Tan

I conceived twice under IVF by Dr FOng. It was all within first attempt. I am currently pregnant with 2nd child, had my frozen embroys (from 1st attempt in 2005) transferred in oct last yr. My 1st gal is now 19 mths oredi.

I cant comment on SGH's IVF but Dr Fong is good lah. According to the nurses in Mt A , his success rate is quite high ...
Lbt, i just got news from Mindy that my hCG has increased to 170+...so am relieved right now...hoping it keeps on like this...my next blood test is on Sat.
Quite painful today leh...my veins are thin it seems and they can't take it from my left arm...btw there's this lady whom I never saw in the clinic before and wondering if she is new or replaced the 'older' one? She is supposed to take blood but looks inexperienced and she called for Eileen to help coz can't feel the right vein. Although she is very nice, I hope it wun be her first time taking out blood from me leh haha...i also can't take pain...
and since Sunday, i've been getting tummy ache here and there...duno if it's the food or my kankiongness...dr Fong din seem to be worried abt that but told me must not catch the flu.
Anyone got diarrhea or tummy ache during pregnancy?
And last night, even worse, got tummy ache but still so hard to pass motion so upsetting! I worry 'pushing' too hard affects the foetus? sorry ah when you mummies give birth, the pushing is it the same as when clearing you bowels?

good to hear that !!

i think u r having cramps is it ? I do have that during early pregnancy.

try to take more water and fibre.. maybe u have constipation ?

yes pushing bb is like clearing bowels
<font color="0000ff">Faith78</font>
Good news to hear that your HCG is moving up!

I push like as though pang sai or constipation. But my #1 so difficult to come out have to use vacuum to suck her out.
Faith, let Dr Fong know u having cramps. Cos sometimes cramps can be threatening to pregnancy causing miscarriage. Not to scare u but Dr Fong told me that.

Let him know you're having cramps. He prolly prescribe u utrogestan to calm the cramps. He gave me that also.

I am extreamly happy for u !!

I was just telling my husband about you and Joy while waiting to see dr fong today.. was just wondering how u were in this morning coz i did not come to this forum for few days...I remember u are due to test in these few days... heheee...

Really happy for u.. next one should be joy then my turn loh... wahahaaa...

Ya, just did iui today at around 2pm today... dr fong was very busy today.. I did a scan on Monday and noted 3 forlicles - 18mm, 14mm and 12 mm. But dr fong said the 14mm and 12mm one may not be ready for this cycle.. But nvm la, i saw an improvement in the # of forlicle and my uterus lining...Then dr fong actually reschedule his surgery and empty a slot for me today eh... so touch!!

And today, he kept chitchatting with me when he was doing iui for me - sitting in front of my V.. wah, very embarassing but hahaa don care liao, he is a dortor afterall... then he ask abt my work all that, ask me to relax more, explain my husband's sperm to me, blah blah blah...

luckily my face never turn red...


U nid to bring along yr pad. the hospital used those big big pad and the disposal panty oso big big 1 like those tight boxes shorts. they will give U some sterilize cotton balls and there were enough supply for me, so didnt buy. Yes, bring along yr pump and please sterilize and clean it before yr 1st use. U may buy those sterilize tablets for convenience and those toyogo plastic container if yr pump fits in.

dr fong very supportive of natural delivery. i m petite and though sure hv to go thr C-section but fong was very assuring and asked me to try natural first. when fong arrived in the labour ward, he said i nid to try very hard in pushing and he was very serious there. with him around, i pushed 3 times and baby is out. Ooh..wat an experience ; )

yes, milk supply normally kick in after the 3rd day of delivery. BUT the first few days of 'breast milk' is very gd, it's very 'Bu' for the baby, so dun waste it.
faith, if u are having cramps, do see Dr Fong.

I also had cramps after I had my IUI done the last time (and successful). He put me on postrogen (?) and after 1 final mega cramp that got me to Mt A A &amp; E, Dr Fong found out I had a womb infection, so I was put on antibotics. Then initially my MS was so bad, cuz I was on prostogen, then when i stopped, all my MS stopped. I got worried again, so I was put on it again. I lost like 5 to 7 kg in my first 4 months of pregnancy cuz I couldn't eat. Thankfully I "bui" enuff so baby can take the nutrients from me. But I was suffering also cuz my hair was dropping like mad, and I couldn't swallow any multi vits. Terrible rt? :p

U have to tell him how frequent and how bad are the cramps.

aoys: haha Dr Fong tried that technique to get my relaxed, but I told him I rather not talk :p so he just kept quiet. hahaha mostly like a monologue when he does scan, draw blood, etc etc.
faith: Oh i forgot to describe how bad my cramps was - It was so painful that I was feeling faint and I couldn't even pee. I took my usual painkillers (cuz I always have v bad menses cramps) and this was like my usual mega menses cramps I get before menses. I was so worried my womb was contracting to start my period! End up call Dr Fong on the emergency line (this was at 4 to 5am in the morning) rushed to Mt A A &amp; E then wait for him to come. It was so scary for me, after that I didn't dare to tell pple about my pregnancy until confirmed all clear at 5 months. so my colleagues were all so suspicious but they just assumed I was getting fat :p
Glad to see u back Aoys! All the best, I can't wait for u and Joy to join me soon, then we can go through this pregnancy tog with all the rest here hehe. What time were u at paragon? I was there in the morning for blood test and dropped by at 1.30pm to collect my mc.

Thanks all abt your feedback on cramps. My main prob is that am confusing it with tummy ache, the kind when u need to clear your bowel, esp diarrhea kind. coz the pain is different from the menses cramp and more like when having colic that type, later I will call the clinic to ask again...I duno if nd to see GP for tummy ache, but they also wun know right and will just give medicine which is not good...I told Dr Fong on Mon that I was having some diarrhea and tummy ache and cramps on Friday (that was Day 11 and thought maybe it was implantation cramp), and he did say that cramp is no good, to take the medicine it can help...

Mrs lai, what test did D Fong do to find out u had womb infection? am still taking utrogestan and progynova and of course folic acid.
I was there from 12.30pm to about 2.15pm..
I was sitting at the waiting areas with m hubby, and there were 1 uncle went in to the nurse room and 1 untie waiting outside i think...

I saw someone drop by alone to collect something but I am not sure that was you? Did you see me? I was in white dress..


the milk that star is talking abt is colostrum. it only exist for the first few days after u deliver to keep latching ur bb from the day u deliver so bb get the essence !!

actually no need bring pump. Hospital also have. I used theirs before .. they will sterilise the pump for u.
faith: he scanned me cuz he was worried it may be etopic pregnancy as well, so did a blood test. He said there seems to be a pool of liquid and the blood test confirmed not etopic so most probaby an infection.

scanned using that dildo with the camera lor

lbt: the hospital have but must rent from them rt ?
I also use the breastpump provided by the hospital. Not sure whether got charge into the bill. But the hospital pump is really very good and powerful but very noisy at night.

if u have try naturally for 1 year and not able to conceive, it is good to see a fertility specialist. Whether the doc will recommend IUI or not depends on your condition.
BM: IUI may cost over 1K cuz of all the jabs, the scanning and washing of sperm plus medication.

labbit: i was at TMC, no one offered me a pump =(
Bm: I think Dr Fong recommended to us IUI based on 1) our habits 2) I have PCOS 3) Sperm quality issue. He will assess the various factors before recommending it, but he never tell me beforehand, only during my last scan when I was jabbed to ovulate, so we had like 1 day to think about it :p
Mrs Lai

u have to request for a pump one. I did not use the pump when I delivered. I use it when my gal was admitted again for jaundice then I pump there to feed her ...
Hi BM,

I just did my IUI 1+ week ago. I spent abt $500+ on IUI. Mine was not the intensive kind as what Mrs Lai went thru. I took clomid and can ovualate well with medi so don need to take jab. I had PCOS too.
Lbt, colostrum will last for how many days?

I think in this case I don't bring pump liao. Just use the hospital ones will do. Btw ladies, u all got bring hubby's stuff along since hubby will be in hospital with us?
<font color="0000ff">Kelcqi</font>
I think colostrum is only first two to three days.

On that day when I was admitted into the delivery ward he only brought along his jacket and pillow. I stayed in a double bedded ward last time so nothing much for him to bring since he go home everyday. And we are just 10mins away from the hospital.

If your hb is a kopi/tea drinker remember to bring alot of coins for the vending machine.

Lbt did you stay in a single or double bedded ward the last time? I still cannot decide want single or double.

This weekend I will be 38 weeks. I will be removing my cerclage in Mt A on 09 April. Probably, will deliver on that day or the next few days.


ya 2 to 3 days only so rem to latch and latch bb even ur milk is not in. The colostrum is slightly yellowish in color.

Hubby only bring jacket which I packed in my hospital bag cos the delivery room in Mt A is quite cold.

I opted for 4 bedder so hubby not staying with me. Yes bring lotsa coins to get food/drinks from vending machine. Mt A cafeteria cannot make it one .. at least at TMC, there is a kopitiam across the road.


I tot I wanted 4 bedder again cos can save $, but hubby say he want me to go for 2 bedder cos he tot 4 bedder v noisy. ahha I am ok lah .. got company of other mummies lah ...

wah v soon u will see ur baby boy !! what's his name ?

btw when u do cerlage, u r on epi or GA ?
