Christian ivf mums or mums to be

<font color="0000ff">Hi sisters,

i have read that currently to date there is just $235,000 donated to red cross. Spore govt with its rich coffers just donated half a million whereas a lady donated SGD1m.

Pls donated to Red cross. U can send a cheque - 15 Penang Lane Singapore 238486 and write ur address and marked it Japan 2011 diaster.

i read on papers people there is no heating, no water and no food and help is made slow due to inaccessibilty. We cannot go down to help, but at least we can help w some $ which red cross will buy blankets and food and help the affected areas rebuilt themselves.

as a pledge i will be donating my salary this mth to the red cross. It is not much but hopefuly it can provide some meals for a few families there for a few weeks.

Pls help sisters... thanks </font>

Thank you Vanilla!

I have been very troubled by whats happening in Japan these few days. My japanese friend tells me she cry everyday, sadden by what she sees on TV. Her family and herself scurried to western Japan and will stay there for a while. I ask if she has basic necessities as i will send her food, water, anything at all that she needs since stores there are selling out everywhere. She tells me sometimes not enough. I feel so sad! Here in Singapore, we are so sheltered, there they are, so vulnerable! Still having strong aftershocks daily, imagine not even knowing what tomorrow may bring! I was caught in a 6.2 earthquake there before too and i was already freaked out, whatmore them facing this everyday, sometimes a few times a day! God, please have mercy!!!

Talking about donations, i really see singapore govt NO up! Whats $500k and only 5 SCDF personnel to give relief help??! Now a single individual even donated $1mil, our govt really gave 'alot'. Sigh..
Hi sunny ya lor.. Even country like pakistan has ready army loads of relief supply... N Malaysia sending 50 rescue workers! Our help is so little. I see pics of the tsunami live last fri n was screaming in the office telling the guys driving to run cos there was a jam... N when they showed waves after waves coming in my heart sank... Tdy I read a4 mth old bb was found under the rubble I was so delighted... It is a miracle though I know too many bbs had perished as well.

Now all day I sit in front of my pc watching the news updates n movements in market... I saluted and pray to God for His mercy for the 50 engineers who basically give up their lives to save the nation.
There were 450 aftershocks since last fri quake.

I link this episode to one's life. God does give us earthquake in our lives sometimes a magnitude 9 with devastating tsuamni.. While in it we think to ourselves how can we come thru this? We can't bear anymore only to see God has added the burden of a potential nuclear meltdown.

We think God is cruel, He is mean.. He is just playing prank n making us miserable.

But when all this is over - it cld b yrs, mths weeks when we survive it - we see God's mercy, His grace n His strength in staying with us throughout this ordeal. We will come out stronger, richer in faith, though more scarred n tattered but we r brand new in our spirit n courage-knowing He is almighty.
vanilla... super well said!

sometimes we wonder why God allows these things to happen to us, I should know, right? But it suffering I found HIS peace and HIS protection. And feel ready to face the world no matter what happens because I know He will be with me. Hopefully that will be a lesson to us all!
<font color="119911">hi patsy - yes i am very touched that u are one of those who went thru an earthquake, tsuanmi and nuclear meltdown and after all these u stood tall and with ur arms outreached proclaiming our Father is good and almight. <hugs>

there are now 322 workers there at Fukushima, the 50 workers are workers on rotation. One father sent an sms to his daughter"pls live a good life".. it totally cause my tear ducts to open up... when they first asked for volunteers, the older workers volunteered first.

It is liken to going to death - and someone asked who is willingly to die so the rest of the ctry will be saved?

in the midst of selfishness there are rays of heroic selflessness - our lives are like that ...when we think all is dark, rays of lights will shine thru. </font>
I teared slightly as i ate my lunch. I had vege, egg and abit of meat on my plate. But some people in Japan now have nothing, nothing at all. Some finally have a small piece of chicken yesterday and that made their day. I feel so heartpain for them.

The elderly in shelters now, when all this is over, where are they going to go? Some have no more families. Some children/students left in schools wait for parents that may never turn up.

Then here in spore, some senseless people are bringing on religion and war and all as if these are all punishment or consequences. Please lor, despite differences in religion/race, humanity is universal!
Hi sisters..

I just went to SGH yesterday to sign the consent forms for ivf with the doc, most likely starting in May. Just in dilemma now, cos' based on the tests done for hubby's SA, everything is ok but there is "binding percentage" portion in his sperm that was not very good so doc suggested for ICSI instead. She said there is a chance that the sperm cannot fertilize the eggs.. and the eggs collected will be wasted.

We are hesitant cos' apparently ICSI babies have higher incidence of birth defects etc, than normal ivf babies, which the doc also confirmed. I think it is due to the penetration of the sperm by a needle and also sperm is chosen by the embryologist rather than natural selection where the "strongest" will survive. Hence the sperm chosen may not be as good quality. Apparently the doc said up to half of all ivfs done in Spore are ICSI.

Since it's our 1st time, do you think we should just go ahead with ivf first? But then again, ICSI has a higher percentage of success.. We are not sure what to do. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi sisters! Here's a long overdue update. Thank you TrustingHim for asking to cover me with prayers on Sat, my ER day.

The last 2 weeks have been a bit of a rollercoaster ride. By day 7 of puregon injections of 200 iu (I had 175iu for first successful IVF round 2 years ago and had 8 eggs retrieved. Then my IUI in Nov/Dec last year produced 5 follies on just 75iu. So Dr F figured 200iu should be good enough), the U/S showed only 5 follies. That's like the minimum number to proceed. I was very disappointed lor. The only positive aspect was that the follies were all evenly sized and Dr F pointed out that meant every one of those follies will likely be usable.

So we upped the puregon dosage to 275iu for the next 3 days. But the second scan showed the same 5 follies and the biggest was at 16mm while the others were clustered at 13.5 to 14.5mm. Uneven already. So we discussed the possibility of converting to IUI. But we decided no point because my issue is low egg quality n IUI doesn't help that.

So it was a question of going ahead with ER soon to "save" that big follie or wait for he other slower-growing 4 follies to catch up. Dr F had a word with he embryologist and we decided to wait another 2 days n scan again.

By last Monday, the follies ranged from 17 to 19.5mm. I had ER done on Wednesday. 8 follies retrieved: 5 fertilized, 2 failed, 1 too small.

By day 3 on Saturday, only 3 were good enough for ET. Two 7-cells eggs with some fragments and one beautiful (no frAgments, perfect evenly sized cells) but slower-growing 5-cell egg.

I can't lie and say I trusted God consistently and was thankful at every step of the way for what He provided. I was certainly disappointed and felt let down by the number of follies and the fact that there aren't any to freeze. But now as I lay in bed typing this, I can sincerely say THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING. Every single egg of mine is a blessing from You. And for those 2 that were fertilized but didn't make it for transfer, thank you for receiving them into Your kingdom.

The long 2ww has begun. I am trying to enjoy my time at home with my girl and trying not to be stressed when she cries for me and I can't carry her.
I've lots of help from both sets of grandParents and also the maid, but problem is my girl's v attached to me n wants only me to carry her. When she grabs hold of my legs and stares up at me with those round black eyes pleading for me to carry her, my heart breaks. And when someone else jumps in to rescue me and carries her instead, I see her struggling, her face crumpling
and eyes tearing, I wish she were old enough to understand.

I was quite naughty right after ET. I didn't come home straight to rEst. Went for a kid's 1-year-old party :p Gosh I must be getting complacent.
<font color="0077aa">hi under his wings, God bless and be with u this 2 weeks. I know it is v diff to stop caring for ur first one like normal days and that is also an impediment for me cos my boy is so attached to me and i handle almost all stuff so i cant really let go.

hi hopewaves- Dr F does only ICSI even though the sperms cld be perfect cos he does not want to risk eggs meeting sperms on the dish and waste any deformities etc.. even naturally made embroys cld be deformed. So let me be an old nag and say this " it is all up to Him as it is His will".

Hi sunny sister how are u?</font>
Hopewaves, after all the injections and 2weeks gearing up to the big day (fertilisation day), i think the last you will want is to have no fertilisation thus wasted all the injections and eggs? So i think ICSI is still the safer bet despite all the scary stories. Just have faith God will not give you more than you can bear.

Under His Wings, rest well now, God created your embryos, He will see them thru. God willing, even a low grade 2 cell embryo can become a feisty baby in 9 months. Chin up sister, your journey has just begun!

Hi Vanilla, thanks for thinking of me. I am on hospitalisation leave now till tomorrow. Went for my polyp and adhesions removal last week. Surgery was painful but i was told cant find the polyp and thus doc did a D&amp;C instead to scrap everything out. Now waiting to recover, still spotting and meet doc for review in 2 weeks. I think i wont be cycling anytime soon already given this situation, after D&amp;C also dont know how long will cycles regularise, whether will womb recover well etc ... The journey ahead seems long &amp; ardous. I will take things slow.

How are you? How's E, been up to anything cute lately? Hehehe
hi sunny - hope u are feeling better... oh no u did a D&amp;C...take care it is very painful and stressing. i think it will take 3 cycles of AF then u can try...but dont worry ok God will take care of things. We just need to believe in Him.

i am ok still busy w Japan aftermath. E has been v naughty... was just complaining to blackberry ... after he recovered he is up to so much nonsense. Now he talks more he can say "something's wrong" if he hears a bang or some noise. And if it shocked him, he will say "scare me"...

just now my mum was telling him how she got stuck in the lift this morn for 30 mins, he responded "take stairs".. haha my mum laughed non-stop.
Oh Sunny, my heart really goes out to you. your journey to becoming a mum has indeed not been easy and so full of ups and downs. i pray God will honour your faith in Him. For now, do rest and take it easy.

Amen, in Jesus' name, even what we see as a poor grade embbie can develop to be the cutest baby. hehe

im trying to rest too but im so bored!! have to hole myself up in my bedroom otherwise when my girl sees me, she will want only me and throw a tantrum, so difficult for the other caregivers.

i feel slight twitches on the sides of my womb today. hopefully that's a good sign.

E is so so cute! Kids these days really astonish you with their antics and clever comments hor.
<font color="119911">hi sisters, pls pray for rachael, she has serious fit suddenly and is in ICU. Her daddy is rushing down from US as he is on biz trip.

Rac is a lovely strong girl whom God made her special with a genetic condition that is only known as the only one in the world - hence there is no name to this condition. I know her when i asked for help in caring for children post op and her mummy has been a source of help and encouragement and strength. Rac has gone thru multiple ops too..

Pls help as a prayer warrior and pray to God for her recovery and God's healing on her. Pls pray to God for strength and encouragement to her parents.

Thank u v much </font>
Hi Sunny - hugs! Rest well. With God's healing hand on you, be in His perfect peace. Thinking of you.

Under His Wings - my situation was similar to yours and I was left with only 2 good for transfer in a fresh cycle last year and God gave me a BFP (tho it didnt last, it was still a gift). all things are possible, jiayou!

Vanilla- yes will pray for Rac.

Mricky, NZ, Hopewaves, Joie - haoma??
Hahaha, as usual, hearing E's cute antics never fail to brighten my day

Ok thanks, i should wait at least 3 cycles then.
Will pray for Rac. Since morning till now, any improvement?

Under His Wings, you too, rest well.

Blackbery, thanks. Thinking of you too. Lately, forum has been quiet and so many things happened, been quietly thinking of you all and wondering if everyone is well.
thanks sunny and bb - i havent got any news yet on rac.. pretty diff for mummy to sms me cos in ICU hps are not allowed cos will interfere w the machines...

another E's weird logic - yesterday at the swimming pool my dad showed him a snail. He is scared of snails.. so when i went down w him later, he refused to walk to the pool area, insisting snail. So i asked him where is the snail, he pointed straight ahead, so i told him, then we walk on the right lah.. here no snail! He insisted i carry him and he kept looking around to see if there are any snails lurking.. wah piang! after we walked to the pool then he said, there no snail, and allowed me to walk same route back home later.

haha luckily next time he confirmed army clerk...i cant pic him in jungle doing training!
Wave wave everyone...

Had been busy at home and at the same clearng some extra stuff at home

hopewaves- I think most of us went thru ICSI cos embryologist can select the better soldier to invade 'egypt'!.

Wings- hi hi. 2ww can b boring so do keep yourself busy with movies n books n music I listened to a lot of music n watcheh lots of dramas. Almost became an aunty !! Text or pm us if u r bored. It's natural for yr gal to b sticky. My 10- yr old still asks for me b4 bedtime!!!!

Vanilla- will keep Rachel in prayers n ask that God grants this fighter the strength to fight in and her mummy daddy yo be string for her.

E is really z smart boy. Next time mayb we can become in laws!!

Sunny - do rest well. I'm not familiar eith d&amp;C . I hv a fren who has polyps too bt she refused to go under the knife despite 2 gynea's advice. She went on low estrogen diet n appears to relate to her condition. Anyway, keep us posted k? Ur hos leave when finish?

Hihi bb- srf ok la. Bb A was down eith fever last Friday. Caught the virus from father in law who had bn sick for a whole week n nobody tells us anything. If we had known we won't hv brought her there everyday. And of course for lack of communication n common sense, the maid got it fr us. Bb A is still recovering fr her cough n phelgm . Milk intake oso cut do lost some weight.
Dear Mummies,

Its been a while since I posted here.
I have been feeling v depressed lately and despairing a lot. I am sorely aware that with each passing day, I am growing older. This month, I though I was expecting caused missed my period. However, preg test is negative. I now feel panicky because even my cycle is upside down and I never had that before. Is this really the end. Today, I don't know why my maid how to come and tell me that someone at home is giving birth to no 2. Suddenly I felt so angry I went to my room to cry. Worst of all, I took it out on my 7 year old daughter when she came home from school. At the slightest provocation, I screamed at her and beat her. Knowing that she is close to the maid, I threatened to send the maid home immediately. When my daughter started crying and begging me not to do so, I said to her :'Oh so you love yaya more la!'. I know all of you find this behavior childish but I really can't help it. Why me I keep on asking God. Is it so wrong to want another child? Does he not see my desperation? Are we not his beloved children that he should rescue and honour? Am I such a bad mother that he only blesses me with one and gives others 7?
I don't even want to look at facebook now, for fear that I might see a birth announcement.
hi Xmasbaby - can feel your yearning and anguish. hugs. it is not wrong to want another child, it is not wrong to want many other things such as being healed, stronger marriages, healthy child, etc. the truth is that it is trying when we are faced with 'no' or 'wait' and have to learn to trust God's heart. i have turned 39 this year and no baby is yet in sight. when the desire overwhelms me and consumes me, i really have to take a step back and relook at me, my life and God and find not just strength, but hope and joy in moving on. as the saying goes, when life gives us lemons, we make lemonade. better still, with God, we can make beauty out of ashes. don't berate yourself or judge yourself when God hasn't. His plans for us is for good and not evil. let today go, and dwell on what is positive the next. one thing that i have attempted to do is to get fit if i cant get preggie. can't say i am there yet! my exercise pals fr this forum will know!

Mricky - poor baby A lost weight? gosh! u must be having headache with these health issues at home, Hope bb A gains weight fast. me have hung out at raffles place recently. should date u once in a while! hugs and take care!
hi sisters,
hi mricky - oh no.. the cough and fever virus - it plagued E for 1 week of fever and another 1.5weeks of cough. Now he reached to the stage i say fever, he will say panadol. haha..children will usually lose weight when sick.. E too, lost like 500g in 4 days, but after he got well ate abit more.

haha imagine we in -laws... aiyo we will be the best get along in-laws then

still hasnt gotten any news on rac - i am praying no news is good news.

hi xmas bb -hugs. i understand that bad emotions are hard to control and it is always easier to lash out on loved ones. We have to see this as a training by God - on patience and subjecting everything to His will.

I rem what bb said before - it is a test of faith by God, we sometimes get so obsessed w wanting a bb that the bb become our God.

Hi Patsy - thinking of u and ur darling angel...hugs.
Dear Sisters,

Thank you for your kind thoughts and words.

But my question is, is there any particular reason why God will say no to us?

Can't help but feel it is unfair.
maybe it is not a no but a wait?

if it is a no, He has reasons - which we will not know until we see Him or when we lay on our death bed. There is a reason, but He might not let us know directly. It is His will for us.

It is like - why aint I'm taller? Why cant I have more $? Why does God give me a better job?

there will be too many why, why not....
some sisters have more heart wrenching whys..

why did God take my child home...

why God doesnt heal my baby....

why God give me a sick baby....

why God make my baby special?....
hi sisters.

been a while since I last posted but definitely been reading. Been meeting some regularly too. So glad that I can still make good friends at this age.

Sunny, hope you are well. We don't get to meet you often but we definitely have been thinking and praying for you all this while.

Vanilla, yupz.. very heart wrenching whys. Though I try to be strong and carry on, at times the heart still aches and tears still flow. Guess we are all just human. I tell myself, like what bb tells me, it's ok to cry..
I forgot to take my crinone last night. I'm gonna kick myself n cry if my progesterone plunges because of my stupidity. Sigh. Went for blood test just now. Dear God, pls dun let it affect my embbies.
Vanilla, yea, hopefully no news is good news. Maybe Rach's mummy busy nursing her to pink of health! Haha, your E will amaze you next time, before you know it, he would have become a 'man' and no longer scared of anything! Anyway, the NS is where boys become men?

Mricky, ya, doc Loh did suggest before maybe can put on suppression longer to control adeno/endo or any unauthorised growth. But now my worry is what if the lining doesnt even grow to the minimum thickness and no rich nutrients to support pregnancy? Then no need think of conceiving liao since lining so important for implantation. I think i should have treated myself as though confinement and eat more 'bu' stuffs but i only realised yesterday. Started taking chicken soup and today drank black chicken soup, hopefully still in time.

Good that bb A is recovering. Dont worry, she will grow back chubby and cutie soon. You take care, dont worry yourself sick too.

Xmasbaby, can feel your anguish. *hugs* Regarding your qn, will God say No? My take is yes he will, he doesnt say yes all the time, for reasons we dont know now, but we will know and understand why when we meet him. But in the meantime, if you are at peace with keep on trying, then by all means, keep trying. It may also be like what Blackberry say, maybe a wait? So if you keep trying, you will only get nearer not further away from your goal.

Blackbb, Yve, been thinking of you gals and Tokkie alot too. Agree with you, the heartaches and tears flow at times but somehow for me, a part of that zest to try harder has also faded. Kinda like enough is enough? I also cannot understand anymore. Sad thing is hb still very much on the ball, nowadays he is the one to remind me of ovulation and babydance else i will just not bother.

Under His Wings, miss 1 dose is ok, from now on, just try to remember, maybe set a few alarm clocks or something.
Thanks a lot gals......

Am just praying now that my cycle gets balanced and then I will keep on trying.

Blackberry, I will pray for you. I can just imagine the desparation you feel.
thanks Vanilla... in 3 weeks time it will be her Angel day and for some reason this year has been really bad for me. Hope God gives me the strength to carry on!
hugs patsy. U will be strong cos ur strength comes from our Father.

Sabie dear will want u to be strong too... She doesnt want mummy to be sad. hugs dear.

do u have leave? how abt going home for a while? with ur mum and dad with u, it can ease the pain abit more.....
have news on rac - she is better, awake and can track mummy with her eyes... daddy is back in spore too...

thanks sisters for ur prayers. She is still in ICU, will visit her once she goes to normal ward
Hi hi my dears,

Firstly Xmas u poor gal. We all know u feel, yr frustration. I waited 8 years n God gave me a premmie. Mayb He see me up cos my elder is also premmie tho a month ago.

He's even better in teasing me when bb a was born right after the legally age, 24wk+5days. Not funny... Cried my entire confinement month.

Sunny, cont to bu yr body. U r s strong lady.

Patsy, do enjoy yrself in Spain!!!!

Vanilla, mayb we become enemies due to us becoming in laws!!! Haha cos each has oen style!!

Bb sure sure look me up ok? I'm usually booked on Mondays n Tuesday.

Anyone, just my thoughts... Many pp we see get pregnant easily. They can how many n when. Tried 1-2 times strike. See I also sien... Why must b our journey so tough? Why must God say wait or worse, no. Why? Why me? God has His reasons, why can't He tell me in stead of letting ke keep trying?
hi ladies

Hope all of you had a great weekend.

Patsy, enjoy Spain! Holidaying is usually good fun.

Vanilla, where are you planning to bring E for a holiday since Japan is not a viable option?

I have been sooo busy... have had a nagging cough since CNY.. went for a blood test finally and actually might be due to microplasm.. but Dr said no point eating antibiotics cos the count of the virus was so low... so still coughing away.

Must be old already.. didn't sleep well for 2 nights and now not feeling well again..
Hi all God's children in this thread,

Was reading this article posted by trusting him. Tears whelmed up my eyes, was so touched that God nv fail us n really happy for this couple.

A brief intro abt me. I hv been reading following this thread but nv posted cos I can only access this forum via iPhone n hence was difficult to post at times. But God prompted me to post today cos I'm on my rocky path to motherhood as well. Been throu various blood test, IUI, IVF n still waiting for my heart's desire. Intend to go for FET this May or Jun.

I get so encourage when I read the post by u gals n we will surely get there cos God will not short change any of his children n every tears shed God kns. We will be blessed w abudance n much more as long as we look up to the Cross.
PTL Rach is recovering!

Enjoy yourself Patsy! You deserve a good break after working so hard!

Xmasbaby, hope you are feeling better. Look to God for comfort and peace in the meantime. When its time for him to deliver his gift to you, it wont even be a second late.

UnderHisWings, all the best!

TH, thanks for the article.

Hi FaithBB, welcome to join us here. I believe God meant for us to cross each other paths so as to uphold one another.
Hi Sunny,

Thxs for the warm welcome!
Yes, God prompted me to learn fr the Sis here as I'm a relatively young christian n I nd a lot of support n encouragement firstly due to this issue that I hv to battle with n secondly my HB is nt a Christian yet n hence I feel even more pressurize n stress out cos we hold diff views.
I'm tired in more walk at times n hence I look to this thread for encouragement n inspire me to carry on.
welcome Faith BB to share your preyers request here..

we are here to help and support one another!
Xmas baby- i have been trying to find time to drop you an email. i was actually very hesitant to go for iui/ ivf n that why it was such a big age gap btw my children. i pray that your hb will be receptive to this option one day/.. i was amazed by the couple in the above article to wait so long for their baby n doubt i can ever do so without questioning God.

but i pray that you will never lost hope and keep trusting God though it all.
Thxs Trusting Him,
Feel the same as u that is difficult nt to question God aft a whooping 22 yrs.
My colleague was sharing w me that her neighbor jus gave birth after waiting for 5 yrs, can feel their joy she was sharing w me. Cos my colleague is very blessed n she has got 4 kids alr. Keep spuring me that is time to hv one but didn't kn that I hv been trying for 4 yrs le.

Xmas bb, dun think u remember me but last time we were chatting at dun kn wat thread, can't remember. Here I'm still at ground level n gg for FET. Hearing fr wat trusting him advise u, I guess is due to ur hub's objection to do IVF. Sometimes god is jus using another tool, another avenue to help us archieve our desire, ultimately god is the nod that impant.
sunny thanks. Have been too busy at work to think about the baby issue. wil be seeing my gynae Dr LC Fong next sat. He wants to fun a series of hormone tests on me.

Trusting him - thanks so much. Yes. Am praying to love God in spite of our disappts. When I think of that gal who fell on the MRT tracks, I think I am so blessed.

FaithBB - I am not active on this forum. Are you sure we have chatted before? Is it the other christiam Mum support one? Whats FET? See what my gynae says next Sat. I am also hopeing I won't have to do anything invasive.

Hi sisters, just wAnted to update that my cycle has ended with a BFN. I thought I'd be totally devastated but strangely, I feel a sense of calm. It really must be God's peace upon me. I haven't even cried yet since I got the news yesterday that beta was only 2.6. My 2ww has been a roller coaster ride but I really do feel stronger now. I was reminded time and again that in chasing this "goal" of having a child, I mustn't forget my bigger goal of seeking God first in all I do.

And so my journey continues. Seeing dr F to talk about taking growth hormones to improve egg quality. In the mean time, will rest for two months and maybe who knows, a natural conception.

Really want to thank you all for praying with me, ESP TrustingHim who has been a great encouragement. Let's continue to jiayou!
