Can pregnant mummies go for a movie?

sure why not, when i was pregnant, i go movies very offen, make sure u empty ur bladder before going in.

Hi. That's comforting. I was afraid that the sound would be too loud for bb. So I took my hubby big bag and covered my tummy to ensure that bb was not scared of the loud sound.
I went for all my three pregnancies and there's nth wrong with it. They are all well and healthy.. haha.. However u may feel him/her kicking when the sound is loud..
I went for all my three pregnancies and there's nth wrong with it. They are all well and healthy.. haha.. However u may feel him/her kicking when the sound is loud..
Hi. Yeah baby was moving so much. So I quickly cover her with a bag. Recent talks with colleagues on confinement seemed abit worrying for me. Wonder if I can bathe after delivery.
I went for movie quite often when I got pregnant,so I think it's ok. But suggest not to choose scary ones or ghost ones.....
I went for movies too during my pregnancy, through till late third trimester. Became very aware that the volumes at Shaw Waterway Point theatres are louder than those set at GV City Square so I did try to watch at the latter instead, and to select seats more to the middle than those at the sides near the speakers. Also used my cardigan or bag and hands to kind of shield tummy during scenes when the volumes were especially loud (overprotective?).

Baby born in May 2017 and passed newborn hearing test :)
I went movies/karaoke during my first/ sec/third tri. No issues with baby hearing.
My rationale is, go movies/k during preggie if not, no time for such luxury once bb is out:p
