Breastfeeding Support Group

any bfg mummies here send baby to a caregiver's home daily and fetch him back at nite?

me quite tired and stressed leh .. fm yest, i woke up at 0530hrs to express milk then bathe and change to drive bb to nanny's place, then i drive to work .. express my milk twice at office then after work, pick bb up and go home .. play with him and let him sleep, then i eat dinner, bathe, pump milk again then go to bed .. and this routine is going to cont'd on and on ..

the stressful thing is i used to only drive to work and back home during pregnancy, didn't even dare to stop at nearby shops to buy something first then go home .. now, i got to drive everywhere and the traffic at my office area sucks .. and also worried bb cry during the trips .. yest nite, i was stuck in bad traffic jam and only picked him up at 7.30pm .. on the way back, he cried coz maybe sky was dark liao and he was afraid .. i was so kan cheong till i turned the wrong way during expressway and went to changi airport instead .. haiz .. had to make a big turn back home and only reached home at 8pm ..

by going back to work, got to bear with the "bu she de" feeling of leaving bb elsewhere for so many hrs .. learn to drive well and rem' the roads .. breastfeeding .. really feel like giving up breastfeeding coz i am so tired with so many things to "learn" though its only two days ..

little prince, you've just started work, so naturally takes a while to get more used to this new routine. Give yourself more time to adapt, then decide if you want to continue BF. Do hang in there.

winnie rabbit, I dont tihnk theres anything wrong with using hot water to heat milk- how else to heat up? Ppl have been doing this for centuries, if really kill the nutrients then we're all malnutrition liao :p

twinklebaby, the very earliest to start solids is 4 months, but best if you can TBF and wait till 6 months onrdwas. every baby is different, take cues from your baby to see when he is ready to start solids.

Cindy, the only way that garantees a sure increase in supply is to latch as much as you can, as often as your baby want.
do you express when you didn't latch your girl on? How old is your girl now? If you didn't latch your girl or express, the ss will decrease gradually. Breast don't feel full now it could be that it is seasoned. For me, my breast do not feel full but it does feel heavy around my pumping session and I can still pump about the same amount. My breast will be engorged for few days only when I change/lengthen the interval of the pumping session.

yeah, you need to always empty your breast in order to send signal to the body produce more milk. Gradually the ss will increase over time. Normally my entire pumping takes about 30 - 45 mins, I will pump for about 10 mins, then stop, then massage the breasts for about 5 mins, then pump again for 10 mins, then stop, then massage. this cycle will repeat a few times. After the entire pumping, the breast will feel soft and using hands to squeeze, don't have much milk so then I will stop already.

SS don't increase as with every pumping, it takes time. Normally I just pump as per normal and record down the amt, now when track back, I know the ss does increase. It might takes weeks or months. Don't focus on having some increase in the amt at every session, it will stress you up. Just do pumping as normal and relax.

yeah, my mum is taking care of my boy. Yes, I think Aussie is one of a good place to bring bb to. You any plans to bring your girl out for an overseas trip?

your aunty and colleague so bad hor... make such remarks.. maybe they think BF is troublesome... hee hee...

it's normal to express only little BM after nursing. I tried once and it's the same as yours.

I only have light brownish red discharge few days before the actual menses occassionally but not every cycle.

It is by 6mths that BF don't have all the nutrients that bb needs, so therefore need to introduce semi solid food to bb. that's explains why so many people the BF target is set at 6mths other than WHO recommendation.

I personnally didn't taste FM yet, I don't think FM got metal taste depending on which brand. Some friend of mine comments that Similac got plasticky smell/taste. My mum tried Enfalac which I am giving my boy, she say it's nice. Another friend of mine tried all the different brands and her verdict is Dumex mamil is the nicest.

BM is able to meet bb's need up to 6mths. I introduce semi-solid to my boy when he's about 5.5mths. I gave him plain rice cereal, apple, banana for a start to let him get used to feeding by spoon. When he's 6mth, my mum gave him porriage. Actually my boy is ready for semi-solid when he about 4.5 - 5mths, he likes to see us eat and look as if he's telling us ... 'Give me a bit please...'

I have been using the hot water from air pot to heat up EBM, I know that we should use warm water to heat up, but it's too slow and I use hot water from air pot most of the time. Only when I got enough time to heat up, will use warm water.

like what berry said, give yourself maybe one or two weeks to get use to the new routine, then if by then still feel so stressed up and tired with all the activities, then maybe you can then consider whether to reduce the pumping session first to see if things improve, if not then consider whether to stop BF.
Hi mini, I agree leh. 8mths of bm is not bad liao. So you considering to supplement soon? My gal used to wake up every 2hrly for nite feeds, only recently she reduced to once in the middle of the nite. I really happy abt it.
My ss really drops by half these few days when I have menses leh. Luckily, I still got some stored ss to 'tong' but not for long lah. Me still trying hard to delay giving fm to Van after 6mths.
ya hor. Me still asking when shd have menses. Mine also very heavy the first few days but now only got spotting cos it's the 5th day liao.

Hi aloe, in the end your boi 'older' than my gal? I only intro cereal recently. So u supplement one feed with cereal liao?

Hi littleprince, guess you are 'impt' so your co wants u back earlier? Heehee. Take it easy ok? I think I only adapt to working life one mth after I started work leh. If you really can't tahan, then maybe you want your bbsitter to help to take care of bb on nites too?

Hi cindy, you can try drinking oats or milo to incr ss. Also the fish and papaya soup may help too. The most impt thing is drink tons of water.

Hi twinkle, newborns only need bm before 6mths. Your bm will contain all the nutrients your bb needs for now. Don't intro solids now cos his digestive system may not be fully developed yet. I take calcium and fish oil supplement daily.

Hi winnie, my mom have been using this method to warm up milk too leh. So did your gynae teach you what shd be done to warm up milk then?
yar got used to pumping 3 times already. i only rinse pump with hot water so not too troublesome.

is all brand of FM has metal taste? or which brands u tried have metal taste?

like wat others said must let bb latch on as often as possible. also drink more fluid, eat more fish n chicken. i also think drink oats help abit. only drank papaya fish soup a few times only so cant comment if it really helps. also have to make sure u eat enough n have enough rest. dun be too stressed else will affect ur mood n ss.

yar guess will have to start supplementing soon. i have v little frozen ebm n only use them to make cereal. so once finished in 1-2wks time have to use fm to make cereal. my boy reject frozen ebm n throw quite alot away the other time since "expired". now stock so little. oh update again after menses end to see if ur ss has increased or not.
hi twinkle, Dun worry, yr baby will be full by drinking BM only. If he is not full, sure he will make noise .. I tbf him for 6+ mths and he grows vy well.

I eat food contain protein and calcium daily, alos more fish than before

hi mini/giggler, I start to feed my boy since 5 mth but only once a week. i gave him plain rice cereal or fruit (he try apple, peach and banana). He likes peach and dislike apple.

And recently, his 6mth, my mil start to feed him small amount cereal daily. And she only feed him plain rice cereal, browse rice cereal. She told me she want to feed him porridge but i dunno when she wants to start.

hi cindy, whenever i drink fish bone soup, i will get more milk .. but i am sure Stress, not enough sleep will affect milk supply.

Hi winnie, why we should not be using the hot water from the air pot to heat up the milk ??? what's wrong with doing this ??

Hi little_price, do not stress yrself. I express 5 times daily (during the 3,4 mths) & I need to bring my boy to my mil's place every morning and nite and i do not drive. so imagine that i need to carry sooooooo many thing (pump, bottles, cooling bags ...etc) up and down MRT & bus to get to work and home. more tired right ...

if u know what is the objective and benifit of doing this, i believe you shd feel better. And do take leave once in a while (and send yr boy to the caregiver's place) and relax yrslf by going for massage or shopping or just sleep at home. This sure will help to release some stress ...
thks for all your encouragement, i hv been trying to "tong" by telling myself tt at least when i am not with bb, but he is drinking my milk and knows tt mummy still loves me and gave her milk to me .. hehe ..

can i know how many times u pump when u returned to work after yr ML? was yr bb 2 mths old already when u returned to work?

i am impt but i already passed on my work to my colleagues and my manager was supportive of me hvg 12wks leave too .. just tt HR die die refused saying must follow legislation law ..
.. i wun want to consider leaving bb with nanny overnight lor coz i know i wun be able to sleep without him with me at nite ..

wah .. u are a real supermum .. think everytime when i start thinking i cannot tahan already, must think of u to encourage me to cont'd again .. ya, will consider bringing bb to caregiver's pl then i go for my facial and shopping etc to relax myself ..

also told hubby abt this, and we are trying to work out tt on some days he fetch rhyan and me to nanny's place, then i catch a cab to work and wait for him after work at nanny's place to fetch us home .. at least i can also relax abit rather than stressed over the traffic .. me going for chkup on Fri, so i will not be driving ..
Your boy born same day as my girl, 12 Mar, right?
I'm also still BF.... also got comments from relatives about when I'm going to stop....
Haven't introduced FM yet as ss seems to be okay still. Thought of introducing FM, but always feel some guilt, so have not done so yet

My ss also decreased when menses comes back. Had 3 cycles, then recently missed for 2 months, but having spotting almost everyday. Just saw gynae today, now on hormone tabs, don't know if it will affect ss
I only pump once at work which is lunchtime. Yeap, my boy was 2mths when I go back to work. My pumping schedule then was 7am, 12.30pm, 6.30pm, 11.30pm (about 6 hourly = 4x per day).
me now also pumping 4x (6 hourly) a day but total amt for the day only abt 300ml .. haiz, hope will increase more as i cont'd pumping ..
yup both our bb born on the same day. have u tot of when to give FM? my current ss still enough for my boy but if ever ss drop then will have to give fm. dun think their dd will increase much at this stage right since they r taking solid. btw how much milk ur girl takes daily?
Hi jastan,
I express my milk out when i din latch her on...i used to get abt 50ml but now i could hardly get 15ml and my girl is 21 day old now.
now your ss is not yet establish. try latching on more and drink more water. Or is there any problem with the pump?
Hi mini, my frozen ebm left with only one bottle leh. Sound scary hor? Guess I can't tahan for another 3 weeks before Van turns 6mths liao. Sob sob. BTW, are u the mini we met at Stylobb's place the other time?

Hi aloe, I thot of introducing brown rice too but maybe I'll start only when my gal reach 6mths.

Hi littleprince, me same as you leh. Can't sleep without my gal around. My friends kept warning me that I shd have life of my own cos bb will grow up very fast. And they won't want us when they grow up. When that day come, I'll realise that I'll be very lonely. Do we consider possessive in this way huh?

Hi Girl, I'm inspired by pple like you, mini and Jas who bf bb for so long. Looks like I got to be determined and persevere on.
nope i m not the one. think that one is minnie. just try ur best when u can tbf until. its not ur fault to give fm even before expected. this is wat i tell myself too. i also dunno when i can tbf until. at first hope can 9mths, but dun think possible. hence just look to the bright side n most importantly is our bbs having enough milk (nutrients). just make bfg an enjoyable part of parenting regardless of tbf or partial bf since situation is beyond our control. even tell myself give fm also no big deal, say only 1-2 feed a day, so still mostly bm. this is better than purely fm. dun be too stress ok?
i only started this routine fm yest when i return to work .. when i was at home with bb, wld latch him on for almost all feeds in the day before supplementing with fm if not enough or ebm fm sessions i pump in between latching him on, before i sleep at nite and once early in the am ..

i did not hv the chance to latch him on last nite but if i do, most prob only once at nite lor ..

think the only time when they dun wan us will be when they are out of school lor, and tts still such a long way off .. anyway, got hubby mah .. hehe ..
Hi jastan......nowadays my breast dun seem to be full or engorg so i dun think there's any problem with the pump. The milk flow in the left breast is very low ever since the milk flow comes in.
are you latching on your bb as well? if not then you can increase the frequency of pumping

actually been wanting to start FM for a few wks after getting the similac excellence sample, but like quite wasted not to feed EBM if got right?
my girl doesn't take v much, 120ml each time, about 4 times when i'm at work. once i get back, latch her on about 2 times at night and once in morning, so not sure how much is total intake

yup, don't think dd will increase much, if anything it'll prob go down.

was thinking of starting FM in Jan, cos going on holiday in Dec, easier to latch on then

actually didn't think that i would carry on beyond 6 months, my aim was only 1st 6 months, but ss still there so hanging on
i think i was determined to BF more cos i bought the PIS before delivery, so wanted to make best use of it, haha

how old is your bb now?
i agree, should not pressure yourselves too much
after all, you've already provided BM for some time liao, better than not at all

but say also easy lah, i think sometimes there's a lot of emotions involved in BF

anyway, i will definitely wean by 1 yr
I think the person at stylobb place her nick is minibeannie.

well said... my hands all up in agreement.

I have already made full use of my pump.. use till the funnel crack and the adapter spoiled.. hee hee
Hope the pump can tahan for one more week before I stop BF.
<font color="aa00aa">littleprince,</font>
think ur total EBM still more than me leh. i only can pump out abt total 30~40ml each time after feeding, but i doubt she drank a lot when latched on cos always can only latch her on for 5mins on right breast &amp; 2~3 mins on left breast!!!

my ss getting real low, and i'm not into the 2nd month yet!! guess will hv to go on FM soon...

<font color="aa00aa">mini,</font>
huh? u only rinse pump wif hot water? won't it still be oily??
I checked my records yesterday, in 24 hrs, my 3wk-coming-to-4wk old baby drank 720ml of milk. I only managed to pump 560ml in same timeframe (no latching at all cos I'm feeling ill). Had to top up the difference with FM/ older frozen EBM.
just read abt yr post on what yr gynae has advised u on(abt the heating up of EBM).
Did he mean to say that it's better to feed the bb with our BM right after we've expressed the BM instead of chilling n heating it?
Can u check with yr gynae for more details, I believe alot mothers now are very into feeding their bbs with BM...
if i latch on bb, can only afford to do it ard 8pm at nite during working days ..

think still early for u .. mine can't be more than yours coz i only BF for two days after i delivered and then, fell sick and only 2wks later started expressing milk again till now .. my daily bm now is only abt 300ml if i solely express, no latch on .. and my bb is starting to drink 5oz for each feed already .. at least u still latch shanice on and get this amt after u express ..

but whatever amt i hv, will give lor .. at least still better than tfm ..
I will use Pigeon Bottle Cleanser to wash the pump, this will remove the oil. Then wash with hot water.
Hi mummies!
Seldom come in here...

The mum at my place is Minibeanie. Never met mini before...hope to meet her someday...hehe

littleprince, anglelia and all mummies b/feeding
That day I managed to catch a bit of the Wong Lee Lin's show and they featured the famous Mrs Wong..hehe...something she said caught my attention, thot I can share with you, she said that the one big issue that mummies face is Fatigue.. hence mummies find it so tiring to b/feed. So I remember that one of the positions to b/feed is for you to lie down and let bb suckle by your side...that way, you get to rest and bb can still feed...

You can give porridge when bb is 6 months.
For fruit, can try kiwi fruit too, full of vitamins.

I also have gfs struggling with b/feeding.. indeed not easy but we mummies always wanna try our dun give up.
For those giving FM, try to express during that timing to keep the supply going.
Hi Angelia

Don't feel discouraged. I also had to supplement with formula during my first month but things got better during the second month when baby started to suckle more and my supply got established. My baby used to doze off while suckling in the first month as well. Didn't feed formula since my bb was 2 months plus. She's now 5.5 months. You can do it! When you feel discouraged, just pop in here. We all went thru this stage and will never forget how much tears I shed during the first 2 months just because my BM never seemed enough for my little girl. Now my freezer is full of milk and I'm worried abt the frozen milk expiring. If you know of anyone who has a premmie or has a bb that really needs BM, I could spare some frozen BM. But think many would rather resort to FM.
hi little prince,

Just managed to read your Wed posting. My timetable is like yours. Wake up 5.30am to pump, get bb out of house by 7am, leave caregiver (ie my mom's house) by 7.30am (to beat the CBD). Go home at 5.30, have dinner and pump at my ma house 7pm. Reach home by 8.30pm, play &amp; sleep.

My bb is now 7.5mths old. I'm pretty amazed I've kept up with this for so long. Super no life - I can't really go out after work. But to give bb the best, not much choice in this.

My supply used to beat bb's demands. But it's been dipping for the past few days. Am thinking of supplementing with FM soon if it doesn't pick up. Sigh
Hi mini, oopss got the wrong person. I try my very best to "tong' till end of the mth. By then, my bb will be tbfg for 6mths. After which, I'll intro fm to supplement 1 or 2 of her feeds.

Hi littleprince, my friend's concern is I devoted most of my time to bb and may neglect hubby lor. They afraid that by then my hubby also don't want me liao.

Hi Girl, me too I bot Ameda dual pump and told myself that I got to bf at least 6mths to make full use of my money. So how many more mths to go before reaching your target? My target is 6mths and true enuf my ss decr now as me reaching my ending point liao.

Hi Jas, thanks hor me really 'blur' that day at Stylobb's place lah.

Hi styloBB, hahaha me really blur queen hor. Just assume mini is minibeanie. Hahaha

Hi absolut, wow your ss is so much now! For my case, my ss has been decr since I had my menses last week. Guess I got to supplement Van with fm soon. Just hope that I can 'tong' for another 2 weeks till she reaches 6mths. When do u intend to wean Ally off? You start giving her solids? I gave Van rice cereals and she loves it.
I think there's nothing i can do to regain back the Bm, my BM have been reducing until i can only pump out 10ml only and only once a day...and my girl wouldn't want to latch on cos she knows there's not much happen?
wah .. i am envious of yr bfg experience, my bb is 7wks now but my bm still not enough for him .. supplementg with fm, really do hope i can catch up with his appetite like u ..

how many times are u pumping? how long was yr intention to bf? if i can bf till 6mths, i wld be more than happy .. but bcoz i am so stressed now, is lowering my aim to 3mths instead first and when i reach by then, will decide if i want to cont'd bfg .. at least i keep my expectations lower, easier to meet and less stressful ..

now i start to worry abt yr concern also .. yest, hubby was telling me one of his colleague is going for a short trip with his wife to Malaysia .. they hv 2 kids, one is 5yrs old and the other is only 6mths old .. they will be going alone and leave the kids with his wife's mum ..

then i asked hubby if he mind tt we dun hv alot of couple time nowadays .. he replied tt if we want, then i must be willing to leave bb with MIL lor .. then i told him i dun feel "fang xin" leaving bb with other ppl lor .. actually very funny leh, so far these two days when i pick bb up after work, he starts to make noise once he hears me talking and when we reach home and i switch on the lights, he will smile leh .. his nanny says he knows he is home already and is happy ..

this morning, hubby and i sent him to nanny's place together and told nanny tt we will be late to pick him up tonite coz i need to go for chkup .. then nanny's hubby (my hubby's uncle) said leave him there to stay overnite lor .. after we left, hubby says actually can leave him there to stay overnite at times since his uncle and aunt like him so much .. then he added on :"aiya, cannot coz i sure bu fang xin" ..

am wondering if i am neglecting him also ..
hi mummies

i bot a new electric pump and tot will help to increase ss coz previously i been using avent manual pump and it's so tiring...but the ss is still the same and so disappointing

usually i can onli achieve 60ml total for both sides after each session and my boy is almoz 3wks old now, beri little rite??
but juz now when i pump, after 12hrs of not pumping, i manage a whooping 140ml total! if every pump will be like dat....

i has a frend who can pump(juz after few days of delivery) a small bottle every 10mins and each session she can pump 3 small bottles EACH breast!!
I think with the arrival of a newborn, life would definately not be the same for you and hubby. I believe as most mummies will focus very much on the bb and may in some way or anther neglact the husband. Of course no doubt that bb needs most of the attention and care for the inital period, but try not to neglact your other half as ultimate he will be the one who is to be with you as long as the time permits. Coz children will grow up and then they will leave you. Try as much as possible to set aside some time alone for hubby, maintain the couplehood and to keep the flame glowing...

I have been guilty myself for neglacting my hubby since bb is out. Now whenever possible, will have dinner with hubby.
Hi AC,
Your milk supply is triggered by the demands for the milk. If you pump at 12 hr interval, trust me yr milk supply will dry up very soon! You got to keep to a 3 hr pumping schedule to attain total breast feeding. Personallly I do not find using a manual or electric pump has any impact on the milk supply, rather the electric pump cuts down the time need to express yr milk.
yalor, i know cannot neglect hubby coz not healthy .. tts why its very tiring for me to manage EVERYTHING ..

i try to still do the little things tt i did before bb came like getting his working clothes ready for him, making coffee for him etc ..

actually, at times i also feel hubby neglected me .. like we didn't celebrate our wedding anniversary (during confinement and i was so sick) and my birthday coz hubby finished work too late .. guess maybe we are still very attached to our little one and hopefully as we get used to this routine, will be able to spend more time with each other ..
Just for info gals, apart from fenugreek, Brewer yeast helps in ramping up BM supply. It can be bot in Nature Farm abt 14 bucks for a 200 capsule bot.
bubble...usually i pump at every 2hrs during day and nite, the 12hr interval is coz last nite i din pump at midnite and tis morning no time coz massage lady coming...and i din wake up to pump during sleep...will it affect the ss if i din wake up during midnite to pump?

my hope for electric pump to increase ss coz tis a dual pump, by pump both side for half hr means manual pumping for 1hr...manually i pump half hr so onli 15min each wif tis dual electric pump, i hope pumping longer will hv more yield lor
Your pump very well-used

Admire your discipline, cos it's not easy to fully express!

As bubble says, got to try to pump often to increase supply.
I feel the most imp thing is that you experience let down during the pump, then ss will go up

The initial few months are the most tiring, but eventually you'll be able to go back to certain routines and have a bit of couple time

I think its' still possible to increase your ss.
Try to let your bb latch on more (if she's willing). If not you'll have to pump regularly, at 2-3 hr intervals even if you don't feel engorged. This will send a stimulus to your brain to produce more milk
Hi littleprince, my hubby also said similar things leh. We were discussing places to go for our anniversary and the places I could think of are bb-friendly one. My hubby knows I can't be away from bb so he also agreed that we brought bb along lah. But my friends warned me to have some couple time and not bring bb along everywhere we go. What do u think?

Hi AC, since your boy only 3weeks old, your ss is ok if you can pump 60ml lah. That time, I could only pump abt 40ml.

Hi Jas, I guess with newborns most of us will pay more attention to bb hor? I realised that 95% of our conversation is abt bb.
Hi there

Dun be envious lah. Actually my supply just meets bb's demands now but my extra supply was build up coz bb drank less when she was 3-4 months old. Also since I dun pump after bb's last feed, I usually tandem pump while I feed bb in the morning so I have extra supply build up over weekends coz bb is directly latched thru out.

Too much ss also got headache. Now freezer so full and can't bear to throw away the milk that will soon expire. Thinking of reducing to 1 pump during office but afraid that my supply will fall and I won't be able to meet my bb's supply if I direct latch coz going on a holiday with her in 2 weeks' time so will prob reduce to 1 pump during office hour after I'm back from the holiday. Hoping to stop pumping in office after that. Actually quite a waste hor coz got supply. But was thinking bb will soon start on solids and will need less BM soon anyway.

For mommies with older bbs, how much milk does bb drink after 6 months? Mine currently drinks 600ml while I'm working (200ml X 3 feeds). Was thinking of direct latching first and last feed and in between since cereals should replace at least 1 feed, shouldn't need so much milk anymore. When should bb start having 2 - 3 meals of solids?

AC, dun give up. My ss was like yours too. The few days after I gave birth worse ... couldn't even get 20ml sometimes. My body took quite long to establish ss but it finally did. hee hee!
how come yr bb drank less when she was 3-4mths old? i can only see my bb increasing his intake leh, cannot imagine him decreasing .. hehe ..

if u tandem pump, bb still hv enough to drink? for my case now, even if i feed on both breasts he also not enough at times .. i feel my bb dun really empty my breasts lor, when the flow is slow, he starts to fuss .. how to tandem pump then?

though the logic is tt u pump more regularly, yr supply increases .. but i realise if i miss a session, the next pumping session gets more .. but overall, the total amt is lesser when u short pump one session compared to a normal all sessions completed day ..
actually, i do believe tt its much healthier to hv coupletime once in a while rather than always a threesome .. afterall, parenthood do gets abit "sian" at times when things become a routine .. think its just tt mummies are more disciplined to attend to bb's needs more than daddies in the long run ..

but, its not really tt i am unwilling to leave my bb with someone .. just tt the first person hubby thinks of is his mum and she is the last person i want to leave my bb alone with .. if its hubby's aunt, i may consider but definitely not overnite lor ..

also, taking care of bbs all day long may result in us being "aunties" liao .. so our hubbies may feel bored with us later on? hmm ..
Letdown occurs after a few minutes of pumping/latching on, where the milk shoots out....
Normally you'll feel a tingling sensation in the nipple, and more milk will be released then
I think some babies decrease intake at 3-4 months cos they've passed the period of rapid growth, so dont' need as much as before.

Babies who are weaned usually maintain their milk consumption. Milk is still supposed to be their main source of nutrition in the 1st yr.
My pd recommended 2 solid feeds a day till our next visit at 9 months.

I understand what you mean abt throwing away EBM. I've been throwing away all my expired pkts of frozen EBM cos fresh stock sufficient. Worse was when my girl went through a stage of bottle rejection, where my MIL would end up discarding 500ml of milk a day cos my girl would refuse it. I don't think many asians are open to using someone else's EBM to feed their babies, so till then, guess the excess will just go to waste
Gil...if the shooting out of milk is onli for a while does it count? long it takes for u to establish ss? i onli EBM now, no more latching on...i dun tink can establish ss rite?
Hi absolut, how's your preparation to Tokyo? You joining us tom at Shook's place?

Hi littleprince, actually my mom volunteered to take care of bb for me overnite. But I don't feel rite to tire her out lor. Maybe I'll try for a nite or two. But then I got to have enuf milk ss for my gal if I go on holiday without her leh. Aiya. Seems like I really can't go with out her.

hi little prince,

I am currently pumping 3 times a day. 5.30am, 12pm, 7pm. In my heydays, I had to pump 4 times (plus once at about 9/10pm). Too tired to continue, after a while, I managed to get away from the last slot.

Your body really reacts to the way you pump/feed.

My supply only came in at 5 weeks. Before that, I was lucky to get 60mL. Very tiring, both physically &amp; mentally. Each session, I pumped for about 1 hour. But I perservered and managed to fill up the big Avent bottle finally. After that, even increased to like 1.5bots each time. Now, I'm lucky if I can fill up one big bot.

To those mommies trying to increase supply. It's really important that you must keep expressing for at least half an hour. I find that even after my 'taps' run dry, if I alternate (I'm using Avent manual pump), I can squeeze out more drops and achieve letdown a couple of times.
