<b>Applying to be able to post in overseas spree and WTS threads</b>

Haha..i organise bp and participate in bp.
Only those posted in JTS or JTA in the marketplace then i post..

Hi Enquiries(enquiries), You mean Marketplace &amp; Exchange Corner: Bulk Purchase? That means you are setting up business of some sort there huh? I wonder the difference between bp and spree.
BP can be from local source. Even new member with some posts can orgainise 1... BP suppose to be a source with lower pricing...BP orgainiser has to paid BP fee...

Spree is suppose to be from oversea source which shippment. There is no fee to be paid out... but only restricted members can post
Hi chen_mama,

Ya i organised bulk purchase.

I think bp is for low profit. Overseas sprees is just share the shipping fee among those who interested. (Haha..don't know anyone from oversea spree have earn any profit.. )
I can't post in those restricted threads also, though i'm already been a member for more than a year. wondering why? sigh.
How many post should one had to be able to participate in restricted category?

i have been a member for 1 yr also but still unable to post in restricted category. i do participate in discussions as well.
well hopefully when my time comes will be activated withouta hitch
been dying to org a spree for slings and toothpaste. My area (Woodlands) no one is doing it leh... sianz have to rely on other who live sooo far away :p
are u talking abt the 1st teeth tooth paste?

I'm ordering... u want? but by postage... or Orchard/ TPY/ Novena MRT weekdays 6.30pm.
i still have 3 tubes left but that time i had to sc from jurong...so mafan. ur collection plc also very far for me coz i can't travel freely with 2 annoying kids with me haha
same same... I have 2 kids too... no problem. asking if u need help. can by postage too.

3 tubes can last very long... at least 1 and 1/2 yrs b4 finish
mine is 3YO another is 9MO butthat one only got 1 tooth. But still i use the toothpaste to clean her cheeks n tongue so overall use quite alot.
did you PM bee lee and she replied you via email?

i PMed her, but seems that she hasn't checked her email yet...
Hi Mummies,

Can anyone advise how do I contact the person in charge to see whether I can post at the restricted threads? Or just wait for the email?
<font color="0000ff">I ever emailed mod also no reply.. Now I try to email to add tat eunice provided here.. Hope I get a response soon..</font>
your no. of postings indicate you are quite inactive participant in this forum. This is most probably the reason you are not granted access to the restricted sections yet.

i can see that you registered in 12th July 2007. Today is only 7th July. Not yet 1 year leh. ;)
Give Bee Lee some time, she will give access to the qualified members once they met the criterias.
OH! Thought it depends on the Month...
Feels so kiasu...
Will wait patiently then...

Thanks for letting me know!
What is the number of postings to be eligible??? Am I suppose to mass post just so to qualify? I don't want to post unneccesarily just to add to the posting numbers. Ultimately I have registered for more than a year which was stated as the requirement to apply right?

Maybe can reply why our application is rejected instead of keeping us waiting. Moddy's please revert thanks and appreciate your time.
haha...me also learn by experience. Yeah just wait patiently for Bee Lee to grant you access.
Like for me, I registered in 19th April 2007, I think i got my access somewhere end of April.

fyi, it is stated in the forum that you also need to be active participant in the forum.
But then Mods didn't define what is active. But I ever saw the Mods' response in some thread (can't remember which one), that "active" means you need to participate in those non BP, non Marketplace thread i.e. basically just participate in those motherhood &amp; parenting discussion threads.
The Mods basically wants to ensure that you didn't join this forum mainly to buy &amp; sell things.

Does it make sense if I actively participate in those thread now just so to prove I am active? After getting approval for WTS I stop? It doesn't right? Are those members who got their approvals all 100% active in the other threads? I'm sure there is a grey area here. How do you define active?

To me I think I am active because I open the forum the minute I step into the office. I use my mobile to read the forum when I am home. What is the definition of active? Even posting rubbish or maybe saying 'ha ha' in some other threads just to boost the posting count called active? That's what I meant I don't need to post unnecessarily. I am sure the moderators do not want the forum to be flooded overnight with lame thread postings. Reading the forum and posting only when applicable doesn't that make more sense? Correct me if I am wrong. If end of the day it's still the posting counts at other threads that makes the difference to be eligible for the approval then maybe I need to work harder to get it. I requested to get the approval because I want to participate in the WTS activities. I believe moderators put it as an option for members to request if they genuinely want to participate in this area.

In anycase I appreciate your reply on this issue but I would prefer the moderator's reply on this instead. Thanks emma.
jacqueline, not sure if mods wld reply u on your queries but as per wat emma mentioned, u need to be active in motherhood &amp; parenting discussion threads, not in marketplace threads. fr what i understand, in the past, many biz owners just come in here to sell their things, they dun need to pay a single ct &amp; yet utlising SMH's resource to promote &amp; sell their stuff. which is why i tink the mods later decide that for newcomers, they hv to join 1yr &amp; be active in the non-marketplace threads as the main purpose of SMH is for mummies to gather to discuss on pregnancies &amp; motherhood stuff, not to buy or sell stuff. i tink if your main purpose in joining SMH is to buy &amp; sell things, then it's not in line with SMH's purpose, which i think why you have not been granted access, esp if u hve requested to get approval becos u want to participate in WTS activities.

aso, # of postings dun count towards the eligibility to post in Overseas/WTS sects. when i was given access, i had more than 2,500 postings, mostly in non-marketplace threads as i joined MTBs &amp; SK grps, tho i do post in WTB &amp; BP. whereas, some mummies with few hundreds of postings aso granted access. so it depends on where u being active.
Are the threads in the Free Item section where it is accesible by all considered a non-market place? Sometimes I would chat in the Free Item section rather than in the non-marketplace threads. E.g. there is a thread now about "Fishy postwoman tampering with mail"
I appreciate all of you trying to reply on behalf of the moderators. I have registered when I just conceived but was not active till my friend asked me to view this forum again.

If I wanted to sell stuff I don't have to do it in WTS(Restricted). My apologies when I said WTS in my earlier post I meant Restricted but it's more of the overseas Marketplace. My purpose is not to sell. In any case I would appreciate if all of you just stop answering on behalf of the moderators as it doesn't help. You guys reply based on assumptions. If the moderators do not wish to reply then so be it I rest my case. Seriously it doesn't really matter anymore after all the wait.
Oh really? But I don't always buy/sell/exchange things in the free item section. There are very interesting and active threads in the Free Item section where mummies can chit-chat/discuss/voice out their thoughts in relation to the subject matters. Sometimes I feel chatting in the Free Item section is much more interesting than in Non-Market Place section. I feel abit unfair if moderators dun count the chit-chat under Free Item section as valid active participation in the forum.

Hopefully I made enough contributions/postings at the non-marketplace too. How was I supposed to keep track of all these for the past one year. That's the fustrating part after seeing this thread.
actually it's quite sad that we cant post in certain sections..i mean, if sellers from exchange are selling items that we are interested, the so called 'senior members' get to earn from us..i mean, as a loyal member, they shoudl get more privileged in getting their items sold to anyone??not only for regulars??hmm..maybe as for selling, is to be safe..but for buyers like us?we are helping them to clear their things??
i tink by right, we shd be discussing topics under "Matters Of The Heart", "Motherhood, Pregnancies And Babies" &amp; "Temporary Holding Place" instead of Free Sect. as Free Sect is mainly for pp to give away their unused items to others or to exch stuff. btw, not supposed to be buying or selling in the Free Sect.

if u hv regular kah-kees chatting in Free Sect, perhaps, cld suggest to move to the relevant sect for discussion. btw, postings here do contribute as it's non-marketplc.

since u registered in jul last yr, u shd know soon whether u r able to post in e restricted areas.
Hi princessities,
you can send the seller a "PM",
just click on her name on the left to send her a Private Message.

ya i 101% agree with Jacqueline, i have register with SMH for almost a year and did not really post in any discussion forum, but i have been following these thread very closely and have really gain lots of knowledge by just reading other mummies posting and sharing their experiences. I really think is unfair to judge whether one is active or not by the number of posting they made. As for the WTS section, I guess some mummies would want to sell or prefer to buy 2nd hand items like walker, high chair, toys or even baby clothes etc etc as we all know baby outgrow very fast, why want to restrict this zone, i don't understand. I seriously don't think any one can make a big profit here.
ya i 101% agree with Jacqueline, i have register with SMH for almost a year and did not really post in any discussion forum, but i have been following these thread very closely and have really gain lots of knowledge by just reading other mummies posting and sharing their experiences. I really think is unfair to judge whether one is active or not by the number of posting they made. As for the WTS section, I guess some mummies would want to sell or prefer to buy 2nd hand items like walker, high chair, toys or even baby clothes etc etc as we all know baby outgrow very fast, why want to restrict this zone, i don't understand. I seriously don't think any one can make a big profit here.
melvinmom, there hv been biz owners publicising &amp; doing their biz here at e expense of SMH's resource.

extracted Bee Lee's posting fr another thread. reading that, i recalled that in e past, there were times that SMH kept going down. i had been like you, once, arguing y i can't post in e restricted areas &amp; i came to a pt to realise that it's no pt arguing. i'm glad that i don't need to pay a single ct to be a member of this forum &amp; get to know more pp thru this channel. it's FOC, i shdn't be complaining much abt it.

"When I first joined, we have about 2000-3000 postings every day and it climbed up to 5000+ postings daily and now is breaking 7000 postings daily. The percentage between marketplace and non-marketplace was about 75:25 before we implemented the restriction on marketplace, and now is about 55:45. Thus, although the absolute number of sales postings may look bigger but we have improved on the ratio."
bunnybluey, my whole idea is we shld not judge whether a person is active or not by the number of posts they made. Why shld such restriction be implemented in the WTS thread? I would think lot of mummies actually benefit from this thread as we are selling 2nd hand items at a cheaper rate where our babies are not using it anymore cos they have outgrown, and also we can buy from other mummies pretty good used expensive items at a more affordable better price. Hence I hope the moderator to really look into "the number of posts" criteria in order to post in WTS.

I just passed one year 2 days le!!! Yippeee....what a long wait!

Does any mummies know when Bee Lee will send you an email to inform whether you can post in sell section?
