Anyone having problem with nanny/babysitter?


I have problem with my baby nanny. She likes to complain about my baby. Anyone having the same problem?

There is no perfect nanny. Everyone I know who hires a nanny, me included, all have some problems. For me, my nanny loves to give them chocolates and sweets even though I tell her not to. She also does not let them take a nap in the afternoon even though I told her to. As a result, when my kids are home in the evening, they are very tired. But I just close 1 eye, as long as she does her basic job of looking after them well.
? i tot nanny like kids / babies to take a nap in noon so they have more free times?
My issue is nanny ok. but my gal currently very attached to her until dun wan go home. still headache... hai...
My nanny had to complain my boy everyday also.... but i'm ok because at least she will telling us what the problem of my son and what he doing in the whole day at nanny house .... and also we know the problem can share it together... lucky end up she still love my boy and take good care of him...

Try to think a positive...
yup, there is no perfect nanny. Actually my baby cry every morning when i send her to nanny. I want to stop sending her to nanny and it really hurt me when i see her so. I need to settle with nanny amicably.
My confinement nanny used to do the same thing with my boy. And in the end, I realised it was a superstitious thing - they don't like to say good things about the baby, in case 'touch wood' something happens to the child. I thought it was pretty funny lah. As long as the child and nanny have a good relationship, just let it in one ear and out the other, and act when you have to.
hi BB(bebbie), why u want to stop sending ur baby to e nanny? is it bcos she alwys complains abt ur baby?
about ur baby crying every morning when u send her, is it bcos she has separation anxiety?
I honestly think if a child doesn't want to go to the nanny place, something must be wrong.

I have a friend, whose boy always stand at the nanny's door waiting for his parents to pick him up. no smile. The parents sense something was wrong so changed nanny. After that, the boy was much happier. No longer waiting for his parents at the door. His smile came back. I didn't the nanny tortured him, but probably ignore him the whole day or scolded him all the time. In anyway, it was unhealthy to the boy.
I have stopped sending my baby to nanny house. Hi Dada, you are right, baby will tell us if something is not right..
Hi Mommies,

I'm currently a SAHM and staying in Sengkang.
Full time taking care of my Boy 4.5yo and Girl 13mth. Boy will be attending full day childcare starting from next year. Hence, willing to babysit if any opportunity comes.

Feel free to contact me 81184722 for any queries.
Hi my name is Shine. I have 12 years of experienced as a Day confinement Nanny, working time 9am to 5pm. I am a great cook, passion with infants also an Infant Host teacher with CIT. I do custom made confinement meals for mom and family. Interested, you may contact me at 97873674 for enquiry or fix appointment to meet up. I am resting at the moment and booking is available in 2013 except march 2013 (Booked).
