
My 2 are super talkative and fight often too..

I met up with siglap mommies and they too behaved as if the Cafe Cartel is their home.. haha

Well I'll print some Disney coloring pages online then get them carry along with color pencils etc.. And I've got to sit in between them.. And give them ice cream lo.. When their mouths are full, they can't talk ma.. heehee

I always very malu when out one.. Oh they 2 are my shadow man.. Only occasionally, I'll take time off from my CO (commanding officer) to have peaceful kopi sessions with mommies.. Well, my CO is v doting la and he works shifts so timing is rather flexible for me too..

Ya, I've got to keep myself busy and useful, if not, will depressed easily..

Let's meet lah, anytime.. We are all mommies so our noise tolerance level are high ma..

So MOMMIES? When is our gathering? Free and easy k? Let's all meet and enjoy.. V happy that u all don't mind my humble house..

Have toys from infant up..

As a SAHM without any outside helper, wherever I go I have to bring my girl along with me. That is why sometimes I prefer to go with mummies with kids. Mummies without babies might not understand that we need to entertain, feed and change our babies.

Gathering in one of the mummies's humble house is a good idea. Outdoor gathering, maybe we can arrange for a picnic at Botanic Gardens and etc.
Hee hee! I do agree with you
"I'm a stay home mom and not stay home maid!"
Recently, I just hired a part-time aunty to clean the house on weekly basis. What a relief! Not easy to really clean the entire house. Especially when you clean it halfway, and bb is crying... our body is sweaty and yet have to attend to the bb.
CG, to think I told hubs we don't need a domestic helper! Have been doing the housework for the last 2 to 3 years and kinda used to it all. Besides, there isn't really much when there's just 2 adults plus I schedule my chores so that I don't have to stress myself up trying to finish everything in a day. So pray I can survive when bb comes along.
thanks i will..
cuz of the chemicals, that's why hubby don't allow me to visit any nail salons.. =( yup, it is not advisable to do any colourings/highlights during preggie..i only did treatments so far, but now i am having short hair, i guess i can skip that..hehe.
HI fiffy nut
yes i'm a christian.. =)
for breastpump, i borrowed from a friend of mine as it is very costly to invest in one... initially, my boy's suckling is so painful (prob due to wrong latching position), i used the borrowed avent electric pump to pump out my milk and feed with bottle. after that, when my milk ss has established and I have to look after him myself (no time to sterilise bottles, wash etc), i started latching him directly.. now i still pump out about twice a day.. early in the day when during night time he drinks lesser and i feel engorged.. and before i sleep to empty my breasts.. now i've bought an avent manual pump cos it serves my purpose and not so expensive too..

Hi missbluey
All these sleepless nights are getting you prepared for motherhood... =)... i also experienced those sleepless nights when i was pregnant and they can get very irritating but just have to bear with it...
your hubby's birthday is one day before mine.. keke

your nick sounds very familiar... have i communicated with you somewhere be4?

Hi Clarine
Looking after 2 children is indeed very very tiring for you. stay awake till 2 or 3 am? where got enurf sleep? even now that i sleep at 10 -11pm and wake up at 8am, i still feel so lethargic during the day, cos bb wakes up every few hrs for feeds, plus his fidgeting and finger sucking will always wake me up in the middle of the night..seems like no proper rest.. until i go to my mummy's place which is abt 2 times per mum helps me to clean up my house once a week.. and i also visit my in-laws once a week...dunno if u feel the same... also got to be on high alert at in-laws house as my in-laws not really proficient in handling babies..
eh, my boy also choked himself and merlioned when i started latching him on at 1 mth! milk too much for him and rock hard breasts difficult to latch on..but as he grows older, he can handle the milk volume and i started decreasing my pumping sessions...still remember during confinement mth, woke up to pump, wash and sterilise.. can easily take up 1 hr+.... felt so depressed and tired at that time..
such a nice and sweet little girl you've got.. slept through the night since birth!
Hi Abyane,
I guess your kids should be overall well boy is strong willed and shy so always need time to warm up with other kids.
Oh yes, my boy loves to draw too, so I'll usually bring along for him to draw while we're out. One thing, he could still continue talking even when his mouth is full la....besides the case that he didn't really like ice-cream...kekeke...
I think it would be fun if more mommies can meet at your place!

Hi Stepford,
I think you'll manage fine even when bb is out as you're already used to doing housechores by yourself. Like me, before I've kids, dh and I will divide the housechores and we really enjoy doing it. Only when my boy arrives, then I engaged a part time cleaner. So I believe even with kids around, still can survive without a live-in domestic helper! If you're not as lazy as me, you could even survive without a part time helper...;-p
hi hi!
how come so quiet?
so how is our gathering coming along?

brought bb for his jab on friday and he came homw cranky and kept on crying.... heart pain to see him cry and at the same time, so tired from holding and cuddling him....but thank god his crankyness only lasted for one afternoon and he was well again the next day... the nxt time i bring him for jabs, i'll warm up my arm and leg muscles first.!
Hi everyone, guess u wn't see me ard here that often anymore. My CL leaving in half an hr's quickly took this opportunity to log in here. How's every1 doing?

BTW Jas & Stepford, I still owe u the contact for the feng shui shi fu. Here it goes :-
149 Rochor Road #02-15/16/17 Fu Lu Shou Complex Singapore 188425 Tel 63345735. It's close every Mon. Ok every1, gotta go. Bye and take care.
HB just upgraded our PC to Vista and I finally had my internet access back in place. But PC seemed slower than before. Or maybe my tolerance level had gone down... Kekeke...

My life had been topsy turvy over the last one week. Think its more or less similar to yours now. My 2 rascals are going thru the transition period of switching from step 1 to step 2 FM. They poo (very little) after every feed. Just like the newborn days!!! Arrrgghhhh... I spoke to the MeadJohnson nutritional consultant. They should improve by end of the coming week. Will monitor and pray..

Anyway, call me if you need help.
hi everyone..

my pc had crashed liao..sigh..won't be logging in so often.. =(

if there is any news on gathering, do update me via hp..

boring monday again..sian..
Sigh... woke up to hear from another mommy that the same confinement lady we hired is no good. Smokes in front of baby, does not cook confinement meals for her, and worse, does not handle bb with care. I'm like frantically searching for a backup now. At least we know this now than later. But still... sigh.
Hi Mummies,
How is everyone doing? Stepford, really upsetting to hear that we dun get a good and reliable CL. Its really depends on luck, i guess. I pray very hard that my CL i going to engage is good.

Regards to the baby chinese name, i have never tot of consulting any professional leh. I tot i just give a name that i think its related to God's nature. A happy and joyful baby.

Just went for my check up and told Doc about my slip disc and heart contraction problem. He suggest that i go c-section as he scares that my back could not take it. We will decide again in my 9th month.

Now can really feel my baby kicks harder nowadays. Guess he is more stronger before.

Take care all!
Hi everyone, it's been a while since i came in here. Looks like our member list has gotten longer with more "lao jiao" mummies. Next time our gathering will hv many kids running ard ;)

stepford, where are u doing your confinement? S'pore or M'sia? If it is M'sia, there shdn't be a prob for u to get a CL there. S'pore has a shortage of CL and most of them come fr M'sia.

Missbluey, your new hairstyle is very chic leh! You will be a chic mama soon ;)

Puretulips, will anyone be helping u out after your CL leaves? Fortunately I have my in-laws to help out from afternoons onwards otherwise i'll have no rest as my bb doesn't sleep a lot in the day. Can't imagine if i tbf. So i really take my hat of u mummies who tbf out there. My bb gets hungry very soon after everytime i latch him on. However, they'll return to Canada in Sep, so will still need to find an alternative when they leave.

It's good that there is a gathering coming up. I wish i can join u mummies but my bb is still kinda young to bring him out without an entourage (my hb and in-laws). So will have to give this a miss, regretfully.

twins mommy, when do u switch FM from step 1 to 2? I am currently supplementing Dumex Mamex Gold 1 now which is suitable from birth to 1yr. However they just launched a step 2 which can be consumed from 6mths onwards. So is it better to stick to step 1 until 1yr or change to step 2 when Linc is 6mths?

To all preggie mtbs, enjoy your preggie days now. Taking care of bb really sucks your energy but it is also extremely rewarding. Now my bb can smile and laugh and make more sounds like goo goo ga ga... so cute! My hb just shaved his head after his full mth and he looks like a totally different bb. Now i really miss his long, black, smooth and silky hair...
Dear Mummies / Mummies to be,

This thread is moving real fast.... didn't manage to login lately... PC abit faulty..
Hope everyone is doing fine & feeling great as ever!

Me too still in search for a recommended CL...
Seems tight... many Mummies due in Oct..
kind of loss...

Me having leg cramps lately... while walking halfway, sleeping or sitting...
didn't manage to sleep well lately as well ; (
toss & turn... wake up to clear my bladder... then difficulty to get back to sleep again...
really look like panda liao...

<font color="ff6000">Blessings to ALL! ; )</font>
Hi Fayina,

I am facing the same problems with you! The past two nights i slept half way, when i just turn my body, the leg cramp suddenly! My god! Very shocking and painful. As i dun know what to do with the pain...haha! I tot it will only happen to the very last trimester, and i still have 2 more weeks before the start of 3rd trimester...wonder how to go on like that?

Besides going to toilets very frequently at nights, i realize i start to have very weird dreams. And i can remember it. E.g: I dreamt of 6 preggies incl me sitting on a sampan boat about to go out into the deep sea to fish!!! I must be crazy liao...but yet i think its very funny.

Regards to CL, really hope we can get a good & reliable CL to help us thru!

Thanks Tinklebell for your recommendation!

Take care all!
This is BAdddddd! I can't sleep!!! If this carries on, my girl is going to see me with panda eyes. :-(

tinklebell : CL problem is resolved. Unfortunately for me, it's actually very difficult to get a CL, especially a good CL to come to Penang. Mostly already taken up. So I'm lucky to find one at this hour, and recommended by my gf who just finished her confinement.

puretulips : Thanks for the contact. How much does the uncle charge for name selection?
Fayina & Jas : Seems like your nightmare started already. Take care. Try to do some stretching during the day and before you sleep. Hope it will help somewhat.
<font color="ff0000">Good Morning, everyone!</font>

Your PC finally cannot take it any more? Are you accessing emails from library now?

Enfa series also intro Step 2 from 6 months like most other FM. However, step 2 nutritional level is not as high as step 1 (according to PD) bcos it is assumed that BBs are supplemented with other sources of nutrition through solids like porridge, cereal, veg, fruits, etc from 6 months onwards. My HB and I didn't feel good about "upgrading" our girls to step 2 at 6 months bcos they were taking very small portions of solids then. So I only started the switch to step 2 when they turn 9 months 2 weeks back.
hi there....

thanks..i hope i can be a chic/hip mama..hehe..dont' wish to change into "yellow-skinned wife"..

wao, that was a really weird dream you had! in 3rd tri, perhaps you might be experiencing heartburn which is really very irritating..i am having heartburn every now and then, sigh...but i am fortunate that i don't have leg cramps unless i sit at that certain position for a long time..and oh, my back aches/pains frequently...sometimes it is so pained that it interfered my sleep. =( hubby's massages no power one..=p yea, visiting to the toilet during night time has definitely increase too...have to toss and turn for my best position before i can sleep peacefully...

ya lor, my pc finally gave up on me! nope, i am currently using neighbour's laptop..hehe. FOC ma... =DD

take care girls...
i love the cooling weather recently!
Hi Jas,

me too having dreams almost every night... really tiring man...

Thanks Stepford.. ; )

Cooling weather.... yeah!

Take care ya!
Dear Mummies / Mummies to be,

I need some advise from you...

1. Should I get the punch hole for the teats/nipple?
2. Which type of thermometer should I get for baby? My friend got Osim one but I feel it is expensive...
3. Which brand of "Nappy rash" cream is better? Should I get it now to standby or later?
4. I got Pigeon wide neck milk bottles with Peristaltic Nipple(0-3mths) - Small (7oz x 2) - should be sufficient, right?
5. As for wipes, already got 4 pkts, should I get more to stock or later?

<font color="ff6000">Many Thanks!!!
It's FRIDAY!!! ; )
May you have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones!!

<font color="aa00aa">BLESSINGS TO ALL!!</font>
HI mummies! the forum is so quiet recently...

it ain't easy looking after bb by yourself.. you'll need a lot of energy ... jia you! take care yah..anytime you need help, can call me too!

HI jas
your dream very funny... i did have very wierd dreams when i was pregnant too... one dream in particular.. there is this turtle soft toy that lies on my bed everynight i slept.... then on one night, i dreamt that it bit me! from then onwards, i told my hubby nvr to put it on our bed.. haha

re: CLs
i'm blessed that my mummy can do my confinement for me..... i guess it's not easy finding a trustworthy and reliable CL.... esp that person is a total stranger and you have to leave your daily needs and bb in her hands.. will pray for all of you who need to find a good CL!

hi fayina,
re: your questions, here's from my personal point of view:
1) what brand of teat are you using? I'm using the NUK brand and it has 3 different teats for thin liquids, fm and thicker feeds ... i'm now using the medium one even though i'm feeding bm... and my bb takes a long time to finish his milk, so my mum use needle to poke the hole bigger... so it's really up to you if you wanna buy... but it is suggested that you change the teats once every 1 or 2 mths..
2)i'm using the pigeon thermometer to put at the armpit.. takes very very long time for a reading.. those ear thermometer may be faster but i've read somewhere that it is not advisable to use ear thermometers for newborns.
3) depending on whether you want to bottle feed or latch on remember that newborns need to feed very frequently, abt 2 hrs once if on if you bottle feed, then need to sterilise very frequently if lesser bottles.. i bought avent bottles last time.. but when bb was born, the hospital fed him bottles with NUK teat.. and he rejected the avent teat when we went home, so i had to change all my bottles and teats to NUK...for you, as a start, this may be sufficient..
5) DO not get tollyjoy wipes!!! they have a nice fragance but due to the chemicals, my boy's nappy rash always remains! if you do want to get, i recommend pigeon brand which is fragant free... it's best to use just water to clean the butts at home and use wipes when outside.. if there is one thing i cld reverse, i wld nvr use tollyjoy wipes on my boy's butts...

mummies, i have a prob that needs advice too!
for those of you who are latching on direclty, do you face the prob of your bbs rejecting your breasts? for the past few days, bb has been crying whenever i feed him! 1st of all, his timing has been stretching longer and longer each day (abt 3-5 hrs every feed) and even then, sometimes it is due to me feeding him cos the hrs are too long rather than him asking for milk..and whenever i shove the breasts into his mouth, he'll cry and scream! like i feeding him poison..... there has not been any significant changes in my diet and he wasnt like this before... after abt 10-15 mins of drama, latching and relatching many times, i will usually succeed at a certain point... by then i'm so exhausted and bewildered by his actions... he'll obediently suck and treat it as if nth has happened.... and he'll suck for quite long too.. so i'm really puzzled by his behaviour! obviously he's not full (it'll be at least 3 hrs since the last feed that i feed him to make sure he is not full), and obviously he wants milk... and at times, i'll have to carry him and walk while trying to latch him on and ended up in awkward positions...i really wonder what cld be wrong!
hi wawapiggyling,
could it be your positions? or could it be bb is teething?
i read somewhere from a breastfeeding book...i think it's called breast refusal..
but whatever it is, jia you and stay calm.. =)
Hi Wawa,

So nice to hear from you ; )
I bought the pigeon bottles together with the teats..
Thank you so much for yr advise ; p

Please take care ya!
JIA YOU Ooohhh..
Dear Mummies / Mummies to be,

I experienced stabbing pains in my lower abdomen this morning around 5am... from left to right & right to left... I hardly could bear or move.. trying to shift my position.. then it happened on & off (dozed off again) then awake & lasted till 7 plus am...
I sit upright... had warm water... it helps my discomfort... after awhile... feeling much better.. had some cereal drink & biscuits then rest for awhile... then back to rest again...
Is this round ligament pain? Am I suppose to experience this in my last tri?
I am worried.. should I go back to my gynae?
What are contractions like or Braxton Hicks?
I am afraid of preterm labor...
I am glad baby's movement is still around... really keeps me going on..
Hi ladies! Beth is sleeping so managed to log in and take a quick peek but too many posts to read. My life has been so hectic since CL left last Mon morning. Really feels tired most of the time but looking at Beth's smile makes me forget abt everything. So in the next 2mths or so, there'll be more SAHM in this thread! ;-)

Stepford - The uncle charges $48 but he doesnt provides names for u. U'll hv to give him the list of names that you hv in mind and he'll advise you which one is suitable for yr bb base on the 5 elements, Jin, Mu, shui, Huo, Tu. ;-)

Hi Fayina,I didn't experience the stabbing pains u describe. Maybe it's better to verify wt your gynae. As for Braxton Hicks, yr whole tummy will become so tight that it feels like a rock...but usually I'll rub my tummy and it'll subside within secs. This is very normal when you're in 3trim. Keep it gg girl, you'll soon reach the ending point for this race and soon, u'll face a new phase of your life which is more challenging. So enjoy now while u can.
hi there..

just wondering which brand of diapers have NB size? i intend to buy petpet or ntuc diapers for little Elson to try as they are cheaper but i noticed they don't have NB size..hmm...i am confused when faced with so many brands of diapers in front of me..

oh btw, sometimes after i pee, my tummy will feel very super tight and "suan" but those feelings will last for a short while..why is that so??

how is Beth doing?
This is twins_mommy. Just changed my user ID. kekeke... So bored while waiting for Windows to troubleshoot. PC had been encountering weird problems ever since HB installed Vista. Can't even access my yahoo mailbox!!! *tsk*

It could it be BB teething or giving cue that he would like to try alternatives like semi-solids. I remember my gals going thru a similar stage. They can almost be immortals - only feed every 6 hours and won't even finish their milk. Then a week after we intro cereal and fruits, they were back to their normal 4 hourly feed. My gals started teething very early. They have 6 complete teeth now at 9.5 months and there are new ones emerging. So you may wish to intro alternatives too. No harm trying.

I'm gald you're adjusting well to motherhood. PTL. Any new pix of Beth to share?

You just buy size S first to try out, if there isn't NB size available. I think it should work. My gals were born with super "slim" legs, so even the Pampers Premium NB size was too big for them. But they can't roll over, so leakage is minimal.
you can try fitti. they have NB. i used that for my Alex. Quite good. its not very ex. try to go seng shiong and see if they sell anot.
missbluey, you can get S size depending on the weight of your bb. If you're unsure, just use up the Pampers Premium from the hospital first. It shd be able to last u abt 5 days. Pampers was also big for my boy when he was a newborn. Diff brands hv diff cuttings. He cld also wear Drypers S size then as it doesn't come in NB size. So far for NB size, i like Mamy Poko or Sealer. They are cheaper alternatives to Pampers.

Hey twin stars/twins mommy, hehe, are u playing around with your nick? Saw the Gracia and Chloe's ABC adventure, maybe will try it out one day. Looks fun!

Fayina, i've never experience "stabbing" pain before too. I suggest u see your gynae if the pain still persists cos it sounds a bit serious to me since it is a sharp and not aching pain. Puretulips is right, you'll know you're experiencing contractions when your tummy suddenly stretches until your tummy is so tight it feels like a rock and is hard to breathe. I didn't know those were contractions when i had them initially until my gynae verified it, heehee. I thought it was my bb stretching inside...

Anyway, my bb prefers Pigeon peristaltic teats as they mimic the breast nipple. Sometimes he licks it first before sucking it, just like when i latch him on. He doesn't like Avent or Nuk teats though. However, the hospitals usually provide disposable Nuk teats. Diff babies hv diff preference. Let's hope your bb prefers the Pigeon peristaltic teats.

Actually u can save on wet wipes by using soft toilet paper and water to wipe bb's bottom if he pees only. Otherwise, u'll use up wet wipes like nobody's business in the 1st mth as they pee/poo a lot. I used up 3 pks of wet wipes in the 1st wk without knowing such alternative!

So far i tried Aveeno and Palmer's nappy rash cream. I don't really like Palmer's as it is sticky and diff to spread, unlike Aveeno which spreads extremely well and lasts. Aveeno brand is not available in S'pore though. Most PD recommend Desitin so i supposed it shd be a gd cream for babies as well.

Wawa, how is tianle doing now? Still having difficulty bfdg him? Now i understand what u mean by saving time with direct bf. As my in-laws are away these 3 days, i total bf my bb as i hardly have time to make milk, pump and wash/sterilize bottles. Still have to do laundry and other chores. But it is still quite siong for me as each nursing session takes at least an hr for my bb. He'll take his time to suckle and finally fall asleep with my nipple in his mouth. I wonder if he is using my breast as a pacifier...
Hi everyone,
Didn't get to read and post message cos my pc has been down...*sob* luckily it's now fixed...

Hi Fayina,
For thermometer, you could get the latest infra red one, there's some model that has both functions - ear and forehead. So you could use forehead when bb is young and switch to ear when older cos ear is more accurate.
For nappy rash, so far there's only one brand that's very good, Destini creamy. Can't get it in normal pharmacy, only can find it those pharmacy in hospitals. Remember not the same as Destini, it's 'Destini Creamy'. So maybe you should get some while going for check ups at the hospital.
For wipes, I still prefer Pigeon(the red & white one), 4 packets definitely not enough...for me, usually I'll wait till there's offer then will buy in bulk..more kiasu..heehee...Some tips: You know how those wipes come with a container box, get 2 and fill up both boxes at the same time so when changing for newborn, there's always enough wipes when 1 has run out. You get what I mean? Oh yes, don't get tollyjoy, not only it's too strong and sensitive to skin, it's also hard to pull out, gotta use 2 hands so not so friendly to use. For Pigeon, I can pull out using 1 hand while using the other to hold bb's legs up while changing.

Hi wawapiggyling,
I feel that it shouldn't be due to teething cos if teething, usually will suckle more to ease the itch. Like bb will tend to wake up more often in the night to nurse due to teething.
So each time your bb reject your breasts, did you try pressing on them? Did alot spray out like fountain? If yes, then maybe it's due to your fast milk flow that created a phobia to him while latching...cos it's really very uncomfortable to drink if flow is too fast. If you press your breasts but only droplets, then could be your milk supply running low, so he's frustrated that not much milk when he suckle. You could try compressing method - compress your breast while he drinks.
Then when he finally settled down to suckle, try to tickle his feet while he drinks to avoid him sleeping while latching on then he's only sucking for comfort. Usually each feed should be around 5-20 mins the most.

Hi missbluey,
I too used to try out lots of different brands with my elder the end I feel most comfortable with Mamy Poko. It's easy to wear and very seldom encounter any leakage from it. Never like Pampers, expensive and yet still will leak plus also difficult to wear(not sure is it both my children has big bum..heehee..) So now, to safe all the hassle, for my daughter, straight away I buy only Mamy Poko and nothing else...Some people like the urine indicator on Pampers but I feel that it's redundant cos by feeling the diaper can also tell and when you're out, usually you'll wear pants over the diaper so also can't really see the indicator....For Drypers, gotta watch out, some babies will have rashes using it. Huggies, I don't like the feel on the outside cos feel so sticky while carrying bb.

All the above are my own opinion and experiences, so just sharing...
Hi Tulips , Tinklebell & Clarine

Thank you so much for your advise & thoughts.. ; )
Yesterday & today is alright so far... my coming check-up is this Sat.. so I guess I will wait till this Sat then verify with my gynae..
If I experience again, I will definitely go straight away..
hope everything is fine...

Wipes: I got pigeon wipes ; p - (but I think I better stock up first, guess is not enough)
in case I also use 3 pkts of wipes in the first week ; 0

Pampers: So I can get Mamy Poko (NB size) or Drypers (S) (for the start) - should be fine, right?

Thermometer: Clarine, u know which brand or where to get? Is it expensive?

Nappy rash cream: "Destini creamy" - only hospital pharmacies.. I don't know when I will go to hospital...
Desitin cream - Some Mummies say get from Watson?
This is not the recommended one?
I agree with Clarine. The Tollyjoy wipes very difficult to pull out. Once, HB got his finger stucked in the opening while trying to pull out the wipes. His tears almost rolled down. Pigeon is good. Please do not try the new Pureen wipes. I bought from Kiddy Palace during GSS to try. Its texture is very rough. Stick to Pigeon would be a wise choice.

<u>Nappy Rash Cream</u>
Think Destini from Watson's is not the same as Destini Creamy. Saw the latter at KKH Pharmacy before. There is another brand which I strongly recommend - Mustela. Can get it from Kiddy Palace or Robinsons. Its expensive though, so I only use it when I start to see signs of nappy rash on my BBs.

I bought the Braun ThermoScan as advised by my ex-collegues who are nurses. Previously, I also use the Pigoen thermometer like Wawa. Then when they gals were unwell and running a temperature, I need to monitor them every hour and it drives me crazy. Normal thermometer takes about 3-4 mins to read temp from armpit. Plus, the BBs keep moving, I'm not sure if its accurate. That's when I decided to call my ex-colleagues and they ask me to get the Braun ThermoScan. I bought it immediately from Robinsons since it was the start of GSS. Cost abt $95 with 20% discount. Its the same ear thermometer used by GPs and selling at most GP clinics too. Taking their temp now is such a breeze.
You're doing very well without help from in-laws. Take care! Oh yes, I was so bored so I changed my nick to kill time. Now I can't access my mailbox, MSN, search engines, etc. Arrrghhhh... Can't wait for HB to reformat PC this weekend. Regret trying out Win Vista so soon. Sigh...

Fayina & missbluey
JIA YOU!!! You're almost there. BB getting excited to meet you, so expect stronger movements occasionally. Hee...
HI Fayina
i do experience the pains too when i was pregnant.. usually i'l refrain from moving so as not to aggravate the pain an d it will go off after some time.. in my case it was the bb pressing onto my lower body thus causing the pain..

hi miss bluey
how big is little elson now? u may want to just stock up 1 or 2 packs and after elson is born, then decide what size to buy.. cos for tianle, he only used the NB pack given by hospital.. subsequently when we bought a 2nd NB pack he can't wear anymore.. diff brands suits diff bbs... but i do agree that mammy poko is by far one of the best ard...

mummies, mtbs
thanks for your advice... the situtaion seemed to get better over the weekend and got worse the last 2 days... in fact, yesterday was the worst day of my life as a mother so far... tianle cried for almost 2 hrs when i tried to latch him on!!!!! that was in the morning, not forgetting his struggles the subsequent feeds..i was so exhausted and poor bb was tired and hungry too.. in the end, i gave up & fed him with bottle.... some of you may wonder why i'm so persistent in breastfeeding him directly since i'm also giving him ebm in a bottle...
i started off with high expectations abt my ability to bf, seeing how the women in my family are able to do so easily.. thus when tianle was born and i experienced such pain in bfeeding, i ended up giving him ebm.. it took me and him quite a while and quite some efffort b4 we managed to establish the direct bfeeding... it has been an enjoyable 2+ mths when i latch him directly... everytime i see him suckle, i simply feel the love for him and all the pain and discomfort and tiredness from birth till after he was born simply vanished..
but since he started rejecting my breasts, it's been very heart aching for me... just like being ditched by someone you love... and knowing that he is afraid of suckling (for which i'm still trying to find out the reason by elimination), and yet trying hard to let him accept the breasts is indeed a painful job..
like what missbluey said, it's breast refusal, and i think it might be due to my high ss.. he always seem to get choked when he drinks.. whenever i have a let-down, my milk can come spraying out even when he's not sucking... so now i'm trying to pump out and experience the let down b4 i feed him... perhaps i shld have done that earlier cos now that he already has the phobia, seeing my breasts are like seeing poison, cry and cry and dont want to drink..... end up if he drinks, will be just very little cos by then he'll be too tired and fall asleep very fast.

forgive me for my long windedness..i really need a channel to voice out b4 i go crazy... only supportive person is my hubby now... even my mummy says to give him bottle and my grandma ask me to feed fm instead... =(
Hi Twins_Mommy,
Many thanks! ; )
I will go & check it out..

Already start to feel nervous...
Next month or so...
wonder... wonder... ; p

Hi Wawa,
I understand how you feel...
JIA YOU hor!!!
Please don't feel bad about not giving a 100% direct BF to your baby.. I believe every mummies also encounter problems of this & that during BF..
You are really strong as you are still moving on.. ; )
No matter what, you are his Mummy & he has been enjoying your BM for the past 3mths plus.. ; )
It is the best milk u ever give to him...
You are a wonderful MUMMY!!!

Unlike my friend & my cousin... they gave up BF because of the pain as they could not take it further...

I also don't know if I can manage BF or not...
<font color="0000ff">Wipes</font>
May try Angel Baby Wipes from John Little. It is suitable for babies with sensitive skin too. 3x80pcs is only $5.50
Hi Wawa
Can understand how you feel. There was once out of the blue, my milk flow stopped... really felt like being ditched by someone you love as you described. Luckily it was just a couple of hours.BUT, now I have another problem, she is now 13mths old, and refuses to take formula milk, goat milk or fresh milk, only wants me to latch her.
hi mummies..

thanks for your diapers suggestions! =D
oh, anybody try the ntuc brand of wet wipes? i bought that at ntuc cuz the pack was on offer..i only bought a pack of pigeons, so far, total only about 4 packs..hehe.

ah yes, about a month plus before i can see my little Elson..hehe..just heard from hubby that he is on weekend duty on 22 sep (my edd 26 sep) and the other thing is about my gynae who will be away for a meeting on 21-25 sep..gynae is hoping i can have an early delivery before those stated days, but if i deliver on the days which he isn't in sg, he will have to get his colleague's help.. -.-"
anyway, i really can't wait for the Big back is really very pained..sigh!! i miss sleeping on my back...

ya, lately bb's movements are stronger...machiam raging sea, can see my tummy bobbing up and down.. =p but when i get hubby to feel it, bb immediately stop moving..hahaha..

little Elson is about 32weeks liao..hubby keep saying my tummy is small.. -.-"
don't worry so much, things will get better...remember, be patient and your patience will be rewarded.. =)
i admire your courage for tbf, doubt i got the energy..
Hi Fayina,

I'm very my advice is to seek help if you've encounter problems in latching during the early days. Last time, first time mom, I always thought that breastfeeding is the most beautiful thing and didn't realised it's so difficult. So when my son is born, it's so tough to latch him on each time and due to my poor latching, my nipples became sored and bleed...*ouch* it's so so painful, especially each time when he suckle, my tears will roll down and that lasted for 2 weeks...luckily my hubby was supportive and due to no CL, no one to nag at me, I managed to overcome this issue...So breastfeeding is the toughest during 1st mth and by 2nd mth, it's such a breeze...especially while on remember to hang in there...
Eat lots of fish and drink milk during pregnancy will promote milk supply. If you start eating all these after giving birth is not so effective.Prepare your breasts before you give birth also helps, remember not to wash them with soap, just water will do to prevent them from drying up.
If you encounter problem, you may wanna check this website:
Here are some links to read up: ,,

I think don't buy so many packet of NB diapers cos baby will outgrown pretty fast...For my son, he outgrown NB within 1 week cos he's born big(4.1kg) while my daughter outgrown NB less than 3 weeks cos she's born small(3.2kg). So it all depend on your baby's birth weight and weight gain. I think the best is to orientate your hubby about what brand and size you'll be using then buy 1 packet of NB first so if not enough, he could go and get it while you're having confinement.
Yup, the one that you can find in pharmacies is 'DESITIN', not the same one cos the one i'm talking about 'DESITIN CREAMY' can only be found in Hospital pharmacies. Not sure about others, this really works as a miracle to my kids...
Another thing to get is breast pads, if you intend to breastfeed. For me I also buy in bulk, like the usual price is $10 per box, I'll wait till offer abt $8 per box then I'll buy more. The one and only good brand is Pigeon too cos of the nice soft contour...
For thermometer, not so sure cos didn't use alot of brand...used to own a Braun ear thermometer, not bad but I feel it's abit costly cos need to buy ear filter. Maybe you could try to get one that doesn't require ear filter.I'm using Cadi IR thermometer, I think costs about $90 plus at Kiddy palace, not so sure cos it's given to me as a gift. You may check this out:
I think IR thermometer should be better since nowadays clinics and schools are using this type, I guess brand doesn't really matters, it's the function...sorry can't advise much..

There's one more thing I would like to share my thought is Nappy bin. Cos I'm with no help so it's extremely useful to me. Others may say it's luxury but I find it helpful. Each time I change my baby's diaper, it's so convenient to throw into the bin and my hubby will clear the bin at the end of the day. My rubbish chute needs both hand to open and throw so definitely gotta put down my baby before I do that, with the bin, it's so much easier. For some homes worst, cos the rubbish chute is outside the if you just throw inside the normal rubbish bin, it's unhygienic, if go outside each time you change diaper, it's so troublesome...
So if you breastfeed, more diaper change so you really can't imagine how many diapers you gotta change per day...

Just my 2cents...
One more thing to add, it would be better if you can find a thermometer with light function, it's helpful when taking temperature in the night.
hi mummies

Tried various brands - still find Pigeon and Nepia is one of the best
Now save cost - so using Pet pet and Huggies

Totally agree tat Pigeon Wipes are the best! But got to buy the container to keep the moisture of the wipes! Home use
Tried Pureen (kiddy palace, Robinsons) and kodomo (watson) - also not too bad! Outside use

Nappy Rash Cream
Desitin Creamy - super effective
Apply once and the nappy rash is gone!
So far, used about 3 times

As recommended by KKH, bgt Omron Ear Thermometer. Cheaper alternative to Braun

Is our gathering still on???? I kinda miss everybody ...
Hi Lyna
My alex has kept me very very busy - even his nap time is so short tat i can only briefing read and send msg ...
So, how have you been?
Introd semi-solid to yr alex?
My Alex is still trying to get used to eating

Hi all,
I am new to this thread. I am a SAHM MTB. My baby girl is due on 11 Sep 07.
Like someone I had read about in another thread, I got to know I was pregnant shortly after my marriage and after starting on my new job.
My then company was very accomodating and even was concern if I can fly for my job. I was glad it didn't hinder me to continue with the work. Then nightmare started. I became very forgetful and can't focus much on my work. I kept on puking and feel horrible every morning. One of my superiors wasn't happy with my work (who would??) and brought the attention to my Manager. I know I was the talk of the company then and felt really bad everytime I made a stupid blunder - I was directly ruining the company's name. So for everyone's (except mine) sake, I resigned on the spot and thank them for being understanding all those while (except for that superior).
The manager was so kind, even gave me full month's pay even though my last day was on the day I indicated my intention.
So with the minimal savings (right after wedding... so pretty broke) I survived up till now.
My hubby's savings are used to settle our new house loan - reno, bills and what have you.
To make things worse, my hubby's previous company closed its branch in SG so he got to get another job and settled for one which interest him but have to accept a HUGE paycut.
There you go, up till now, my almost NIL savings are used for daily needs, groceries, medical checkups.
Its a miracle we can survive this long. =) Somehow I believe we have hit rock bottom. The only way now is UP. Have to be optimistic! For me, hubby and most importantly my baby in me!

After arrival of baby, I will still be SAHM - no one can assist in taking care of her.
MIL is working and my mum is too frail to help. Am glad my sisters/in laws helped me tremendously with lots of hand-me-downs.
Fate can really put a spot on us. When you think everything looks rosy, a slight twist changes EVERYTHING.
