Any mummy heard of any Thai spell / black magic


New Member
Hi all mummies, any of u heard of Thai Spell/Black Magic.... Any idea how to undo it?? I did post my marriage problem in this forum few months back...Husband betrayed. (yet to solve.... still holding back because of my 3 young kids) But only this morning I just discovered some weird in my husband pant pocket. A pendant like thingy with Thai figures of a man and woman hugging and kissing on one side and a figure of a baby/young child on the reverse side holding something on both hands. It come with transparent cover and have Thai wording (in RED) on one face....... The word look alike those Chinese 符咒. Not to sure how long he has been carried this, not to sure is this something like a spell cast on people by someone's, also could this be the cause for he total changes in attitude towards the family (me and kids)? He is a Roman Catholic, so kind of weird for him to carry such a pendant right.... Any idea?

Lynnang2: I dont tink he is under any black magic .. The man and woman hugging pendent is actually frm thailand and frm monks. It hlps to attract alot of 桃花 frm oppsite sex which is nt good as he is for the little child i dun reali knw whether iszit kun mun tong which is those little god frm thailand..

Most prob is his frens who told him that by wearing this culd attract alot of gers thats why..
Hi Michael and mrs xu, thanks for sharing your knowledge.... am just feeling uneasy upon seeing such pendant in his pocket. Plus my marriage already hvg problems when he admitted to affair in late march but refuse to make any changes...we r totally not in talking term (not even a single word) for the past 4-5mths. That y just kind of curious whether that thingy is a form of any bad spell he cast on others or others cast spell on him....
Mummies out there, pls advise. If u were me, found those 'thingy' from husband... what were u do? Question him? Pretend never see it? Or throw it away?
Tis type are nt spell..its kind of like he will able to attaract alot of oppsite sex when he wears this.. i would suggest u to throw as it will offend it..Take to a thai temple and pass to monk there or put in a red packet and leave at alter in thai temple..Anyway if u throw it away it will only caused u & ur hubby to quarrel

Sit dwn with ur hubby & look in his eyes & say does he still want this marriage & wants to salvage it.. If he does then look for marriage counseller and it realli does hlp..
Do not anyhow throw the statue or leave it elsewhere.

Bring the statue and find a renowned master to settle for you. They will advise things u needed to do.
Since pendant is from Thai, I think it is better for you to bring it to a Thai temple for help. Thai stuff is rumored to be powerful stuff. I think they will usually do some chanting and then proceed to burn the pendant.
Thanks. My 14 years marriage is definitely beyond salvage as he did mentioned 'D' and asked me to get a lawyer and find myself and kids a HDB to stay. I am the only party cling on currently becoz of my own 无能..and really need a roof for me and my 3 kids. I hv been a SAHM for 12yrs to tend to all my kids A-Z needs and this family ...and it ended with no $ no friends no family.... No alternative sheltering place to turn to (including own mother as she is staying with my brother-no spare room for me and 3 kids) . Now everydays is enduring his wrongdoings and nonsense... Stay put just like strangers living under one roof and hoping that I be able to endure for another 3-4 years till my youngest settle into primary school before I can earn myself some living and than the 'D' from there on.
I don’t think it’s a black magic. Probably its some sort of a feng shui charms. And by doing so he won't lose you and your family. There is nothing wrong with that. I’m also a catholic and I always carry a kechara love chakras with me. It attracts love, improves relationship and romance. I’m proud to say my relationship has never been better. You should get one for yourself. I bought mine from this site >>>
