Any MTB staying at Ang Mo Kio

oh ya, baby is a boy ..hehehe:p

ohmygod..does he look like a girl?!!! oh geesh

kelcqi, i'm a thalassemia - beta minor carrier it from my hubby just found out that he's the heterozygous type of thalassemia when i was 6 gynea did the blood test...its a very rare, rare type..but since this is our first baby we wanted it so we went on with the pregnancy...we knew of the risk...but we are quite confident that we can still have ahealthy folic acid tablets is a must have...cannt go away with it...been taking it since teenage (that's when i know im thalassemic)...
my advise is not to worry too much...yeah...even for my bb now can only do blood test when he's 9ths old onwards..according to my PD.
Wendy, Mich,

My hubby never say anything much. But my face showed displeasure loh...

I know why my MIL wanna move in lah. To keep track of money lah. Make sure she's ard and she knows if hubby got spare cash or not so that she can dig and dig and ask for new branded stuff loh. Cos recently hubby told them low cash, then she see one new bag, she buay song liao loh. SO ask hubby how much etc.

I don't mean to be bad loh, but I can't have positive thoughts on my PILs anymore. If you ask me if I hate them, the ans is YES I DO! Asking me to go for abortion, drove me into depression, blame hubby for buying me tonic, locking up the toilet and causing danger to me and all the shitty stuff they said, and the way they treated me and behave and spend hubby's money, I can't love them anymore. Sigh...

Burger girl, Mich,

The clinic haven call me back if I have thalassimia or not. I get breathless now even not mountain climbing. Stand too long also wanna faint.

Burgergirl, why need to have folic acid? So if after i pop, do i still need to take folic acid?
kelcqi, ask your hubby to keep your bedok home as a haven for just a nuclear family without any in laws. if she ever insist, you ask your hubby if you could be a SATM till your gal can go childcare...

1 thing that i am glad of my mil is that she is very zi dong! maybe, because her sis complaints of her mil to her or because she is wary of me... anyway, she keep off my way and if she needs anything, she will usually ask me via my hubby.
Burger girl, apologies! Quite hard to tell girls from boys at this age
Kelcqi dun worry too much.. actually breathlessness is quite common towards 3rd trimester le. I remeber I got breathless just climbing the 3 story of stairs to my office then! And feeling dizzy and faint is also possibly connected to the breathlessness. Do rest more, take lots of fluid and make sure you get your meals regularly. It will definitly improve once you deliver. =)

I really wish hubby will do that. The amount of dislike for my PILs, I don't even wish they'll step into our private nest, not to mention staying there.I can roughly guess their motive to getting a foothold into our house. There can be only that few reasons.
1. Keep track of hubby's and mine income level by the amount of new stuff we had.
2. Try to move in so that eventually they can stay there permanently and sell this current house for extra cash.
3. Control to execute their control over me and hubby, by pretending to be nice and offer to help out.

I've seek my gf's help today in asking her to tell my hubby nv to allow my PILs to have keys to our own house and nv to allow my MIL to even stay there for a day. She said very hard but thankfully she'll try.

Burger girl, I tell u a piece of good news hor. Actually they said if ppl mistook your boy for a girl, likely your next baby will be a gal. And I know for sure alot of baby boys who look like girls always turned out very Handsome. Proven! Cos my friend's baby boys who looked like gals now all very handsome...

I am developing a craving for 100plus cos it seems to help me curb with breathlessness. PLus it reduce my urge to vomit. My hubby scolding me for my isotonic drink intake. But I did some research and they said it's ok to take cos pregnant woman tend to sweat more and lose fluid faster. I told hubby but still kanna nagging. Sigh...
Cats and Snowy...

cool! i'm about 27 weeks preggers. intending to stay home after birth. do u gals stay home alone with the kids? hoping to meet some ppl around AMK who can meet up next time maybe for play group for something. hee...
kelcqi, i thought you have a bil? if your in law sell the flat, your bil how?

my mil also ever ask my hubby if they can move over after my bil is married. anyway, my hubby says the chances is not high as his father wouldn't agree. anyway, see how things are when my bil is married.

but 1 thing for sure, i would ask them not to sell their 3-room even if staying with me 24x7 (hopefully no, as i hope that they will at least go back for weekends), they can rent out the house for pocket money instead of being totally dependent on us.
kelcqi, wah your PIL terok.. DO NOT let them stay with you. I believe that what you say is true.. it's hard for me to like my in-laws, let alone respect them but I do try to be nice to them even when they are being really idiotic (esp to the kids). As for your craving, maybe you got low blood sugar?

timminbuzz, I'm at home with the kids but usually too busy to meetup :p Heh... I've got no maid btw.. I AM THE MAID.. not to mention chauffeur, playmate, cook, cleaner, CFO :p

Me now 38 wks pregnant. Due anytime. Will be staying home for 6 mths after I pop.


My MIL before married already thinking of ways to stay with us. She suggested tat hubby and I get a 5 room or bigger flat, then they move in. I told hubby way beforehand no way already. So they diam diam.

Now she managed to get another opportunity cos she wanted to babysit, so she try her luck again loh. Even though ours is a 3rm flat.

To me, they are always finding ways and means to dig money from hubby and me. From wedding, imagine they earned close to 10k from us? Cos they signed credit card beforehand and nv pay, somemore the card is hubby sup for them one. So hubby LL have to pay and that time we had Ang Pow collection, hubby juz take the money to pay off loh. Not to forget all the jewellery and clothings etc they got for themselves during our wedding. All charge under hubby's account. I don't wanna think if they did take some money from our tea ceremony loh. If they did, they prolly earn even more...

Now baby come out, I damn scare they know abt the baby bonus and aim again. I seriously think MIL betting on the idea if she can move in in the first place, she'll prolly stay on permanently, and once BIL married, she sell the house although this current house is also paid by hubby. But hubby told me no lah, he won't let them sell this house one. He said he intend to let his bro have this house or even his bro don't want, he'll still keep this house as investment. But house under PIL's name although hubby paying, who knows what they are capable of doing?

My MIL said she stay there can help out. I'll nv buy her story. Her own house she nv even do a good job, what's more next time it's not her own house. What makes me think she'll help out with the housework when she doesn't even do much here?

I also lose my respect for my PILs liao. Nowadays I don't even greet them. After what they did... I am thinking if next time my kids don't wanna greet them, I also won't open my mouth. Let them say watever loh.

They can openly say it's only right their son support them cos they brought him up. So their mentality is fault... My MIL even dares to tell me not to contribute to my own family since now I married my hubby. As if they deserve it, but I'll nv give them a single cent.

My MIL also another idiotic one. Imagine she can say our neighbour's baby no use one just becos our neighbour's baby now have stranger anxiety and cry when she attempts to play with her. Stupid rite? Baby's don't wanna play then don't play lah, need to say them one meh? No wonder now the baby see her, even she nv go near, the baby started crying liao.

I secretly hoping my baby also detest my PILs next time. Then I can tell hubby that see, baby really cannot accept them, den don't put baby under their care lah...
kelcqi, your hubby is so funny... why want to pass house to his brother? even if want to do that, should do it after the parents has passed away... anyway, currently what you can do is just to try to contain your pil in their current house.
aiyo kelcqi, you really have alot of prob with your ILs hor.
next time ur MIL tells u not to contribute to your own family, u just tell them. "my parents brought me up. so it's only right for me to support them."
since they think it's only right for their son to support them. so ur parents also have rights to have you supporting them mah.
actually hard to imagine nowadays still have this kind of PILs.
Lucky mine still quite ok. always leave me alone. heehhe
ya why he wanna pass it to his bro?? shouldn't he will stuff to you and his soon to be born offspring? MIL ah, wah quite terok ah? My PIL also bad.. I don't wanna get started. Teehee..
kelcqi, u better dun be so stressed out that much...cos u could be anytime soon...just think abt u and ur bb's health...

anyway i really pity u wif ur PILs like that...maybe they wont get to see the whole picture now..perhaps later...cos sometimes bad people get back what they have done later but more teruk ah...keep praying, as long as it never affects ur marriage.
haiyah ask ur hubby to sneak some back for u loh.. =P
for me, when i'm on confinement, i take every chance to sneak the "forbidden foods" - ice cream, bubble tea.. wahaha.. =P

Yeah, try not to think too much about ur ILs. Look forward and prepare for baby's coming soon! Jiayou!
Wendy, Catz,

My hubby is currently supporting this house although house under PIL's name. He told me he intended to leave this house to his bro cos his bro is earning lesser. He foresee his bro unlikely to be able to earn enough to earn himself a house + marriage (together at the same time) next time as BIL not earning alot plus he still intending to go back to study in these few yrs time. So leave this house to him so he don't have to worry no place to stay if he wanna get married next time. Kinda help him path his way somehow lah. I'm fine with it actually cos I understand his bro situation plus I wanna see how the relationship between my MIL and the other DIL will be like.

I may sound evil saying this but becos my BIL is not like my hubby who minds his wife talking back at his parents. Last time my MIL tried to point finger to my BIL's ex-gf and tell her to give in to my BIL. Straight away the girl talk back and say her son not any better loh. LOL... And my BIL can't even bother abt my MIL. Unlike my situation, Hubby more filial. If I talk back at my PILs, my hubby will not like it so everytime their nonsense start, I only diam diam. Giving face to hubby mah...

Now I really trying all ways and means to contain my PILs here loh. This afternoon I complain, say why PILs need to slam doors etc. Sometimes even come home at midnite also slam the door and I got woken up loh, cos me light sleeper. Hubby told me bear with it lah, soon will be over when we have our own flat. I really hope he means what he said loh. I DON"T WANT my PILs to even visit us, wats more to stay there!!!

I nv outright talk back at my MIL. But I complaint to hubby abt my MIL telling me that I should not contribute home. Then hubby went to question MIL, she denied saying that and said I trying to sow discord. Then hubby doubted me, but I told him I'm not lying loh, I dare to swear to heaven on that, then hubby knew I was serious. So he asked his mum if she dare to swear she nv said that, so in the end she confessed. Then drama started. She threatened to commit suicide and wanted to jump off cos she said now her son listens to his wife more than her. See lah, her actions like that, I also dare not go too far in case she really die or hurt herself in the process, then who bears responsibilty? Damn stress rite? Now you know why I rather diam diam give in then to go crazy with her. That's why I kanna depression becos of her and my FIL's behaviour once liao. I don't wish to have a relapse cos of them again...

Burger girl, Ming,

Sometimes I keep wondering if my girl knows what I went through or not? Sometimes I complain to her although it's bad tai jiao. I really hope my girl understands what I went through and don't let me down by being close to my PILs next time even they babysit her.

You know May thread got one mummy she told me, she tai jiao her baby last time nv to love her MIL, and guess what, the gal came out really knows her mother's heart. From far if see her own mummy, will wiggle out of MIL's hold and run towards mummy. Don't even bother to look back. Always break her grandma's heart until the MIL said the gal "Mei Liang Xin"...

I am thinking if my girl is like her girl next time, then I'll be so contented and happy liao. To me, tat's enough karma to them liao. Anyway don't even know if my girl really like that, my PILs will mind or not, cos afterall in the first place they didn't want her also mah. Tried to psycho hubby to abort this baby. Only when the pregnancy progress, then they insist wanna look after baby. So I keep hoping my girl somehow can sense their "fakeness" next time and nv get too close with them.

I very bad hor? Very bad mummy rite? But the more I thought of this happening, the happier I feel. Haha... Somemore if baby like that, they also can't say anything cos she's a child. They can only be unhappy but can't do anything also. Can't possibly hit her or what cos I'll tell hubby the reason they hit her is invalid and by then I'll have sufficient reason to pull baby out of their care... Lalala... This thought is making me smile now. Haha...

Heh, Got Pasar Malam lah... I wanna go also. See tml evening have chance to go or not. Pray hard hard I haven pop yet...
Cats and Kelqi...
me not intending to get a maid too. have to be the maid. did u see the papers recently for mothers' day? we should be paid $23k per mth for the amt of work a SAHM does. heee...:D

poor gal. try to see the light @ e end of the tunnel.
ur new flat in amk too?
kelcqi, it is nice of your hubby but be careful that the new dil will help push your mil to your place... ground rules needs to be establish to avoid future disputes... with your description of mil, i will not be surprised that she says that she is victimised by the new dil and wants to stay at your place.
sorry that i have to say this: yes, it is good to help others when you can but not at the expense of yourself.

Haha, I nv see he papers leh. Wah, 23k per mth, Hoho... Shh... cannot tell my MIL, later she demanded that from hubby even though she does nothing but play mahjong and watch tv most of the time...

My flat in Chai Chee... Far far away from my ILs. So now they attempt to move there loh. Idiot rite?


I am thinking of using the room for my gal plus hubby's work station. So if she attempts to do that, ask her sleep in the living room? Haha... But all these must be done up before she takes such action. So no place for her to stay.

I won't be surprised next time she'll attempt this wor. But I'll tell hubby I paid for our flat, and he paid for this flat. If MIL buay song, tell her to settle with her DIL? why treat our house as back up?

Haiz, really hate hate hate them. They full of ideas. I cannot stand them man... But if my MIL really gets bullied in e future, I'll be the first one to luff. Then I'll said thought last time U said I very bad??? Now why wanna stay at my place?
wah...sounds like they know whose head they can step on.
u bought a 3rm resale/ new flat?
mine's 4rm, but the previous owner knocked down 1 bedroom. so i've only got 2 bedrooms. headache where to store my stuff that's in the other room now. cos giving the room to baby.
kelcqi, hmm... cannot say that as it may make your hubby angry and then may side your mil more...

better to maintain neutral and remind him that you have done your due duty when you stayed with in-law till your new flat. after the attempt, you have discovered that both you and your mil need individual personal space and hence can't stay together...
anyone recommend which diapers the best?

i found drypers no good, even though very cheap. i like pampers but too expensive in the long run. :p
burger girl, dryper is not cheap! yucks.. I swear by nepia.. call them for delivery if you wanna order NB or S size.. cannot go wrong! I order by the carton.. 'cos you need minimum of 4 packs for free delivery.
Im using avent electrical pump and itsgood! now im pumping abt 60 ml average ..the highest i had was 100ml for both breast.... but now since i introduced bottle feeding with my breast milk, he latch slower to my breast everytime i feed him directly. scared he confused with avennt teat and my nipple. any advice?
catz, does nepia have the line indicator? for eg pampers have the line indicator which turns blue when he pee or poo-poo...hehe gd 4 lazy mums
burger girl, hmm.. don't express unless you have to. it's best to latch directly for the first 2 months 'cos pumping doesn't give your brain the MAKE MILK signal.

yes nepia has indicator but only for M and above i think.. hmm.. I blur liao.. might have indicator for NB and S too... you call and check?
$15 I think. It's good. My girl was a preemie and even Pampers Premium chafed her skin. Only Nepia was soft enough for her delicate skin.
Burger, your MS is really good! Wow! I dun even have 100ml even now, my MS is a super lousy 10ml per hour. Maybe you wanna give your baby some time to adapt to the bottle feed.. after all he's only a few weeks old right? Else, you may wanna try another brand of teat? My girl uses NUK and has no problem at all switching between breast and bottle. Of course, that was LOOGI LOOI for me since I bought her Avent and she rejected the teats =P but its good that she has no nipple confusion when using NUK.

For diaper, I've never tried Nepia but I use GooN.. Also find it good. Texture is like Pampers and I like that its think - doesn't feel bulky. The NB size has pee indicator. Its $14.80 per pack for all size, NB pack is 58 and S pack is 63 pcs. Also free delivery if you order above $60 worth. In fact I wanna place an order soon, you wanna get some as well? I think I will need about 3 or 4 packs more of S before she graduates to M size. Once she gets to M, I'm going to put her on NTUC brand.. Haha.. Hope she's not a Golden Backside and cannot take that!

ming, ive got some nuk teats upon discharge tmc gave me..but then cant fit into avent bottles...and me gundu bought avent bottles quite a lot...but heard that nuk one is good...even drg prenatal class the nurse recomend bb exactly 2 weeks now...i'll give him time to get used to it...i still give him breast daytime...only bttle feed with EBM at night.

like yesterday he slept from 12-6 am leh...cos he has been quite active btwn 8-11pm ..changed diaper 4 times..only managed to make him very tired and sleep at 12+...i was the one wake up at 3.30am and pump out milk...cos breast so full already..waiting 4 him to wake up bt nvr wake up i go back sleep liao

re: diapers
Goon is what brand? yest hubby bought a big pack of japanese brand diaper...dun even know how to read cos the whole pax written in japanese...hhe $4 cheaper than pampers brand...bought in ntuc, S size...its orange so far my bb okaylah can take it.

re: breast milk
ming, my mom gave me eat fish everyday...she said gd for milk supply...shr also gave me eat pumkin..drink lots of water...maybe u wana try?

kelcqi, have u pop already? got any signs ?
any 1 tried out pampers comfort and pampers baby dry b4?which 1 better?cos these 2 cheaper than pampers active baby

hi ming,

i m interested to try out GOON,please count me in when u ordering,can collect at amk hub?
Do you want to try NUK premium choice teats? They can fit onto Avent bottles but there is a very small space by the side. I bought 3 pieces to try on my Avents but in the end never use. Can let go to you if you want. =)
Hey you lucky leh, your baby can sleep from 12-6am.. must pray that he does that every night le!! Then you can have good sleep =) My gal still havent' managed to sleep thru the night at all.
Yeah, I ate all the fish, soups, drinks, herbal supplements, massage, also no use for my MS. Haha. Spent very long experimenting with all sorts of different foods but not one makes a diff to my pathetic supply =P

i tried pampers dry before, its not bad! Can hold quite alot of pee. Yes, I will let u knoe when I'm going to order my GooN. How many packets you want?? If only 1 I dun mind to carry to AMK.. but I dun think I can manage more than that.. haha.. i'm not so strong leh!
orange packaging - sounds like Nepia leiiiiii

goodbbb, I tried pampers comfort and baby dry.. wah lau, cannot make it. sticking to active baby.

ming, sorry girl, the kids keep getting ill. think i won't be able to collect it. my daughter is having viral fever and diarrhoea'ing all over the place JUST after her brother recovered from high fever
ming, yah poor me

goodbb, yucks to fitti and petpet... for that kind of price, then just go for NTUC diaper lor.
goodbb, I think pet pet works quite ok for the price... from what I remember pet pet is like 19cents each piece. Its the cheapest among the few brands...

burger girl, agree with Catz, don't bother to pump just latch... when your supply is fully established after 3 months, you can pump out...

Catz, sorry to hear that your kids are ill... mine has caught HFMD twice! haiz... the downside of childcare centres. I missed your ON spree... let me know when is the next round.

any 1 can advise on this:
for the handheld blender,which model is better?
braun 4000 or 4050?
for ikan bilis to add to bb's porridge,we use blender also??
Hihi ladies,

I'm still here. Lalala... Happy that I haven pop yet! 6 days to my EDD... But I think anytime now liao...

Thurs nite I got admitted to TMC cos bleeding after Cervix check. False alarm lah. Paid 70 plus to suffer pain. They put me to CTG and check my Cervix. Wah, damn pain sia... Cos the nurse juz shove her fingers in and dig dig dig. I suffered the pain till the next day...

I told hubby I suddenly feel like a Rape Victim. Cos unwilling penetration mah...Hubby said I siao... He said Rape victim will suffer from "Xin Ning Chuan Shang". I do cervix check only, Wat "Chuan Shang" I went through? I told me I suffer from "Sheng Yu Chuan Shang"... He gave me a -_-' Look. LOL...

They admit me at 1.30am, discharge me at 4am. The next day I super drained out. Machiam like I spent my nite clubbing away like that. I hope no more false alarm liao. I hate the Cervix check. Hopefully next time I don't have to let the nurses check liao....


My MIL went Taka with her twin sister family cos her niece delivering next mth also. She bot abit of baby stuff today like 2 sets of mittens and those small small stuff. She asked me if I moving back after confinement. I said no. LOL... Then she said ask me bring baby over more cos they wanna play with her. Sigh... I see how lah... I don't wanna be too mean, but dunno I can bear seeing them or not...
hey catz, yes i've been using nepia!!!!hehe...was telling abt it to hubby yest and then he said that's wat we are using rite now! thanks for the contact no..we are going to order 4 s-size tmrw...hope your kids are well soon

goodbb, even my sis said fitti not good...

ming, yeah i'vebeen praying on that...yest also heslept 11+ all the way to 5...i woke up at 4.30 wanting to pump but then he like wake up almst 5 then quickly latch hubby bottle feed him before 11 then sleep
hey kelcqi, you planned to stay at your mum for your half a year of SAHM? btw, when is hdb going to give you the keys to your new flat?
hmm... its sounds like your mil is trying to make peace. anyway, it is too early to tell... see how after you deliver then...

ming, nah...his night routine not fixed yet...he slept at 10, wokeup 1.30am then slept again till 5.30 am...just latched him now sleeping again..i was the one who couldnt sleep now so i log in liao...hehehe

how to make his nighttime routine fixed? cos i noticed his mornng and afternoon one quite fixed alreadi..but nighttime like still changes...either 1 am, 3am or 5am plus....or issit becos its still quite early to determine?

goodbb, nope i never used pigeon diapers...but i just switched baby wipes from johnson2 to pigeon...much cheaper...

re: nappy rash cream
anyone know where to get johnson2 nappy rash cream? ntuc no stock and even pharmacy dun have? in the end i bough desitin...but $12+ leh...
