Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

morning morning...!!!

morning dety

me been down with sore throat and cough... as I have thyroid, the doc issued me 3 days mC and give me tamiflu... which cost me over 50 dollars just for the medicine...

now in the office..everyone scared of me..
Morning ladies!

Now flu flu everywhere.. gotta be careful and dun bring kiddos to crowded areas. Both bb and me just recovered from flu... now hb also kena liao. Hai... it's never-ending.
hi pearl,

and how do you feel now, dear? do you feel better? what's tamiflu? never heard before. hope that you'll get well soon

btw, im gg to jb now.. coz hubby is off today.. will b back this afternoon.
Tamiflu is one of the medicine to give when you are suspected H1N1 lor...

bye dety... enjoy...

My hubby never dared to drive in to JB lor... me have 100 jabsco voucher still have nt use at all//
pearl, recovered already? u eat tamiflu got side effects anot? I heard some will have headache/nausea or what..v strong med right?

<font color="0000ff">ALERT: Facebook has agreed to let third party advertisers use your photos to advertise their products to your friends. Click on "Settings" up at the top where you see the "Logout" link. Select "Privacy". Then select "News Feed and Wall". Next, select the tab that reads "Facebook Ads". In the drop down box, select "No One". Then save your changes. Do it now. Help your friends...</font>
recovered liao///

I have very bad headache for the past few days.. been taking muscle relaxer medicine to ease the pain...

thanks eniale..

going to set my facebook nw...
Pearl, is driving into JB nowadays dangerous? I b gng in tml wif my gfrds and tort of driving in.. jus nearby.. not to justco side..
hi eniale

if you know yr way, quite safe one,, don bring too much valuable thing lor... my brother goes in every week lor.... at city square area,,, I think should be okie
Thks Pearl.. keke.. i was lookin at Justco website.. tink the one Tebrau City not very far from causeway.. hehe shld b the one many ppl went right?.. near carrefour.. usually my hb wil do e driving, now i gng wif frenz die.. hope i dun lost way :p...

Ya.. will not bring valuable tings.. hehe.. u guys wan anything? i can help to buy bk
pearl, wow... i tot it's one of the flu type. good to hear that you've recovered

bluelily, it's like that dear... just like a circle-never end one. now the best is let ur hubby sleep in the seperate room from you n baby until he recovered

daisy, maybe u can try to email the moderator asking abt PM ^_-

hi eniale, yes jusco is not that far.. it's only ard 20mins driving. i think if we go on weekdays shoud b ok.. not so crowded =) remember to keep your bag's zip is closed tightly. usually go there just to have lunch... buy some veg n fruit at jusco n then go back.

where's bee and mira?
daisy... i bought spinach RM0.70 and in singapore it's $0.7. the grapes also the same price but different currency ^_-

dety, i love gng over to JB justco if only my hb drives in... me idiots on directions haha.. i never tried buying vegs etc frm thr,wow that shows e diff manz..but too bad today outing cancelled as 1 of my gf cant make it last min.. haiz.. now bk to wrk but meetin them ltr for lunch.. wil take half day leave instead.. :p

Mummies, I have put a deposit on the below BP but cant find a suitable pic to get it printed on e canvas.. anyone keen can email me, willing to let go..
I paid $28 deposit for PVC canvas and have a 50% credit to upgrade to digital canvas..
Good afternoon everybody.
Hi lynzi n eniale.

Eniale, I heard the sushi shop at YCK stadium is really cheap but not sure whether yummy or not. Ever thot of gg there for family dinner but majority of my family members think the food wud not be nice so we changed plan to somewhere else. Let me know if you ever have the chance to try it.
afternoon everyone...

Love to join the dinner but no time leh,,, have to pick my two kids from childcare then home,,, nobody to take care of them lor.. :<

me joining the herbal life weight loss program leh... starting tmr till 29 August.. I target to lose 7 kg in order to win the contest ,,,,

need to be motivated lor...
Wow Pearl after losing 7kg in 1 mths time what will your weight be? Must be very expensive to take this herbal life weight loss program. Jia You!!!

BTW, your kids in mindchamp rite? Mind to share how is the curriculum? I heard the mindchamp preschool enrichment programme is good leh, is it part of your cc curriculum too...I know fees is not cheap too. I think after subsidy is $600-$700? I read it from the magazine that this program trains the kids to think out of the box. Any comments on that from you.

bluelily, if I am not wrong YCK stadium is Yio Chu Kang stadium so is within walking distance from Yio Chu Kang mrt..
after losing of 7 kg, my weight will be 59 kg liao.. now 66 leh.. too heavy liao..

The whole program for one month is 399 nett... every week the lady will come to my plc to take measurement and give me advice lor...

my kids is with champkids at 888 plaza...
This must be very exciting for you! If you win the contest, do you have additional bonus? If you lose the contest, any penalty? $399nett is still considered ok compared to those slimming centers that can cost you a few grand!

Oops sorry I got confused between mindchamps and champkids.
below is the details lor... no penalty for not losing enough lor... the lady told me sure lose weight one... cos every day you only take one solid meal and the balance two will be fruit shake,,I quite like the taste lor,,, she bought me sample to try last night,

Now there is a contest that will be Starting on 29th July to 29th Aug.
All contestant will book in their weight in on 28th July.
Starting on the 29th Aug all contestant will be starting to use the meal replacement (2 meals).

Just need to purchase the $399 meal reaplacement and use during the contest to win the following:

1st Prize : $800 Cash + Bangkok Trip for 2 +VIP.
2nd Price : $500 cash + Spa treatment + VIP
3rd Prize : $300 cash + Skin Care Product + VIP
not bad leh.. slim down successfully still have money + other incentives to bring home. I wish for you to get 1st prize okie!
But how do they determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize leh? Today is the 29th le.. Feel free to update us in the thread here. We will give you lots of encouragement and motivation. Jia You yor!!
mornning clovy

today is my first day... so far so good lor,,,

taken the shake in the early morning..together with mango juice,... nice taste

they will do by percentage of reduce in weight..
which is if I lose 7KG then 7/66(my original weight) will be 10.6% success.. .... quite transparent as the last measurement will be taken at their shop which all the participant will be there lor..
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!!!

the sushi there nice or not?
the other day my director brought me to a jap restaurant..cannot remember the name.
the food there VERY nice..i got the teppanyaki set BUT its super ex..the set cost near to $100.
lucky i'm not the one paying...hehehe...

wow..very brave of u to take up the herbal life programme.
eh, the last time i saw u..u not fat what..just nice..very cute2..hehe.
to think u were still preggy with your 2nd one at that time..time flies so fast!
btw i heard that herbal life programme is not easy.
my aunt took it up but gave up half way cos she said the shake gave her ulcers..maybe too heaty ah.
aniwei..good luck!</font>
morning Lynzi...

me take up this program to reduce my excess weight,,, which is not very healthy lor,,, as I moving toward the 40 point... the fat will become more and more stubborn lor,,,

of course I want to look nice nice mah... then my hubby got no chance or reason to look at "" girls "" mah...

I love sushi too...
Pearl - Jia you. I am currently on Herbal Life as well. I was 61kg when I started, now 53kg after about 4 months of replacing just breakfast.
thanks juzyoume...

wow... 8 kg leh,,, very good motivation for me... me now replacing two meals for one month only taking lunch

during the first month, wat did you take for lunch?
Wow juzyounme, even you have significant results! I am tempted once I am off breastfeeding...Maybe a yr or 2 later bah...How much did u spend in total so far?
Morning mummies..

lynzi, wow $100 per set meal!!... the teppan mus be really Oishii!!... keke... I think e sushi stop thr is like sakae sushi lor... keke.. Not too bad, got other set meals food also..

pearl, jia you jia you!!.. all the best babe!.. ya diet controllin is e best way to slim down

clovy, ya i tink u can consider this herbal life plan .. sounds good
morning Mummies

thanks eniale... hope I can success lor... yesterday night received an email from nick selina saying herbal life do not work for her and she try promoting another program... LFI...

but I don like the way she talk so don discuss much with her,,

Juzyoume... can share how you got yr 8 kg off leh... so I can learn a few tricks from you lor,,,
heh... anyone use Artscow to do personalised photo print product???

I have done and rec'd this for $12.47 for 3 items including shipping to my office lor... I think quite worth it lor

2 magnet + letter opener with my kids pic....

Pearl - actually i also go for 10 slimming sessions (which doesn't work) and bought slimming ampoure from Becky Cat (helps to tone tummy a bit, i only apply at tummy). For lunch, i usually only eat ingredients and just about 2-3 tablespoons of rice. For dinner, i usually eat very light snacks. i think herbal life programme does work, as long as u r disciplined.

clovy - i have different package for the number of months you want to be in the programme. i actually bought the 3 months of 2 replacement meals. but in the end only replace breakfast, so the shakes still can last much longer than 3 months. so i bought extra of the pills &amp; tea. i think i should be spending about $500 at the end of the period, with $300+ for the initial bundle and extra pills &amp; tea. i intend to continue to replace breakfast probably with shake and tea even after the initial bundle finishes. if u interested, i can pass you the contact of the agent who is helping my programme. she is recommended by one of the dec 08 mums. this agent really slim down a lot.
Good Morning, Ladies.

Wow you are so sucess on the sliming program seh... I normally give up half way.

Hope you will be success like Juzyounme. Determination will do the trick also.
Jia you to those in slimming programe. Sliming after birth is really a challenge. Haha !

I remember, I exercised intensively for 6 months, I tone down, more muscular on the thigh and tummy but then, my weight remained unchange. My friends were telling me, thats normal because the fats has turned to muscles. Even my colleagues were saying I slim down from the look but my weighing machine number simply don't go down. Haha !
Thanks mummies for all yr encouragement...

me decided to go jogging every friday to have diet, and exercise in my one month sliming program...
Ya lor.. to slim down every difficult but to grow fat is easily for me..hahaha...I also trying to slim down...i think my leg cannot take my weight liao...cos my kneecap always feel pain..
wah.. ur slimming regimes.. so strict! I only wanna flatten my tummy.. lazy to do crunches these days..

mira, kneecap pain may not be weight leh. I heard a few frens after giving birth all like tt.. me too. I think it's rheumatism... arggh.. at such a young age. My knees can predict the whether too.
is it... but I'm not like that after birth...only recently have this feeling...And I weight myself my weight go up sad...

Ya agreed with mira...

it is so depressing to see the weight keep going up.. lor...

from 59 to 60 then now 66.....
