Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?


i bought NAN 1, think cost about $25, shld be the 1 u mentioned. but will still go check it out, jus in case i got the wrong 1.

oh i see... then ok lah, at least i got the proportion right.. think so... hee....


its ok lah.. although i bf my Weng for almost 2 mths but in actual fact my bf supply still very low. i tried to pump hope to get more supply, but managed to pump 20-30ml each time only.. the problem is the milk did leak and i can feel slightly engorged, but then still no milk... more angry rite... haha..


Tat is not the one.. then it should costing around $30. It is the one which is from birth for hypo allegric etc...

oh i din get the NAN 1 HA. i can the normal NAN 1. btw, jus now a manager from friso called me(i sent a enquiry to them 2 days ago) she said try not to mix 2 types of different brand formula, the oil used is different. she said i can either give 3scoop of comfort + 1 scoop of nan for 1 meal (the rest of the meal give 2 scoop each) see whether she can poos anot or change nan1 to friso 1 then mix 2 scoop friso and 2 scoop comfort. but now at home still ahve 1/2 tin left leh and nanay house got more than 1/2 tin. how? she said she will ask her staff to send me the sample this evening so tat i can try it tmr morning? how ah?

I also dun know leh but from wat nurse said the other time is always balance 2 scoops of each milk until the old one finish then use only the new formula... i think dun care abt wat they said lah finish up the remaining first dun waste... for JJ he dun like friso.
Dear all mummies
This Sat will be Patrick & Zen's Birthday celebration, Remember to come hor....

Patrick & Zen's Birthday
Date: 05 August, Saturday
Time: 6pm
Venue: Woodsvales Condo, MPH
Theme: Birthday Celebration cum Action Hero party

Who's going
1) cclyn, hb + Zen
2) smallbell, hb + Patrick
3) feline, Ashley, Cayden
4) bbnmum, hb + Vyeoz (provided i m not due)
5) Yasmine, hb + Zo En
6) Mngo, hb + Declan (not confirm )
7) sherhino & sam(hubby not confirm)
8) Slquek, hb, & JJ
9) evelyn, hb, wesley & Wilfred
10) Ginsengmum, hb & Shanice
11) Celia & Yasmin (danny not confirm yet)
12) ribena, hb & Ernest
13) lachesiz, hb & potato
14) pcs & keira (will be late coz got lessons)
15) kono, hb & dodo

ya .. think will finish nan 1st.. dun want to waste anymore milk powder. last time when switch from enfalac to nan, i give away 1 big and 1 small tin away...
Hi everyone
I'm back after a short getaway to Bintan. Trip's good. enjoy the photos!

On the way to resort


While waiting for room checkin, take a break at the resort cafe. Declan enjoying his cheesecake


Back in hotel room, getting ready to swim

At the pool



Feeding mommy biscuits

mmm helping to push the stroller

Waiting for dinner at Kelong

Other misc photos




Wah Declan enjoy the trip very much
Yummy Food and *whistle* sexy mummy making us drool......
So how do u find Bintan Nirwana? BB friendly?
What about the beach?
oh yea! he enjoyed a great deal. is a bb friendly place. when i requested for baby cutleries, they hv colorful plastic bowls and plates! and high hairs.

beach is ok lor. better than east coast but maldives of cos better

Wow great pictures! Declan is so handsome!
You really enjoy yourselves... Did you eat at teh kelong? how was the food there?
yea we had dinner at the kelong. the food is good! fish and crab really fresh. and the sambal kangkong is so nice. very different from what we taste here in singapore.

we ordered one garupa, crab( 1 only - 700g), vegetable, crab soup, chicken. all in all is 113 SGD. we tot is quite ok consider the huge garupa and crab

Wow wow the food really makes me drool.. So I think mummies we should organise one with our kids to Bintan... How much is the tour huh??
Dear all mummies
This Sat will be Patrick & Zen's Birthday celebration, Remember to come hor....

Patrick & Zen's Birthday
Date: 05 August, Saturday
Time: 6pm
Venue: Woodsvales Condo, MPH
Theme: Birthday Celebration cum Action Hero party

Who's going
1) cclyn, hb + Zen
2) smallbell, hb + Patrick
3) feline, Ashley, Cayden
4) bbnmum, hb + Vyeoz (provided i m not due)
5) Yasmine, hb + Zo En
6) Mngo, hb + Declan (not confirm )
7) sherhino & sam(hubby not confirm)
8) Slquek, hb, & JJ
9) evelyn, maid, wesley & Wilfred
10) Ginsengmum, hb & Shanice
11) Celia & Yasmin (danny not confirm yet)
12) ribena, hb & Ernest
13) lachesiz, hb & potato
14) pcs & keira (will be late coz got lessons)
15) kono, hb & dodo

mngo, nice pics!
Hi Ling
the tour for us is quite cheap.
3 days 2 nights @ nirwana. 165sgd per adult, daily breakfast, ferry, transfer. and depart on sunday, back on tuesday.
hi everyone!
So sorry for having MIA-ed for the longest time. I was actually quite "intimidated" by a certain someone when i 1st visited the group...lachesiz and small bell noe who...heehee..
now that she has poofed, im back! i hope im still welcome tho...;)
babyterelle aka mashedbrocolli
Hi hi mashed brocoli...

Welcome back to our thread.. yes after meeting up with you one time u gone missing for a long long time.. do join us for the forthcoming event if u have finished writing... How is ur gal now?
hi mngo

wow.. the trip to Bintan look like u and ur family really enjoy. Actually i'm thinking of bringing my boi there also. But my sis told me that there nothing to shop over there.
Congrats bbnmum!

Hi mngo

Wow! beautiful photos taken!
really relaxing juz looking at the photos!!!!

we had wanted to go for a short trip but till now still think think n think. mayb shld really try....

btw is there anything (out of the ordinary diaper bag) that u have prepared in addition say like first-aid kit? bb food?

Hi evelyn au, smallbell

so cute! one batman & one superman!
Wishing zen & patrick a wonderful bday!
Grow up strong, healthy, happy & handsome!

Wont b able to join cos bb slept by 6pm+......

hi mummies

dun mind i ask wat time does most of ur bb sleeps n around wat time will they wake up?

we had wanted to go for join u all for the fireworks but bb sleeps so early.....
hopefully next year she will have a chance to see fireworks.

Hee hee u got mixed up already...

The superman and batman mummies are small bell n cclyn.

All of us really have fun on tat day. Still waiting for mummies to download the pictures...

My dear monster sleep very late at nite so i got no problems going out. The earliest bedtime is abt 11plus and latest is abt 2plus... No worries do join us for any early outing like going to the zoo, pinic etc.. I am sure we will come out with some morning programmes soon..

oh yea.. the bintan trip was good. actually u r right lor, nothing to shop. but i still end up buy one beach top for my ds.

i got anti insect spray, anti mossie lotion, mopiko, handiplas, sunblock..
for food wise, declan took a bit from the adults. but most times he was on milk cos maybe food din really suit him, except the time we had dinner at kelong - chinese food.

and also he keep wanting to play and run around.. play until no nid to eat.

actually i "think" (though i never been there).. Club Med is more kid friendly?

my DS sleeps at 1030, wake up at 7am
Thank you all Aunties, Uncles, Gor Gor, Jie Jie, Di Di & Mei Mei for attending Patrick & Z'en Birthday celebration and Thanks for all the lovely presents
The party was really fun & enjoyable with you around !!! Thank you so much


Will upload more pictures later....
Thanks ling.
oops... hi cclyn & evelyn au, sorry for the mistake. :p

it's been quite a while since i get to meet friends at night cos bb sleep so early. hmmm... come to think of it, the last time may b more than 2 yrs ago.... *sign*
luckily most of them willing to meet in the day during their off days if not practically no social life!

will b looking forward to the early outings.

Thanks a lot mngo for the info.
i will check club Med out too.
hee... hee....

miss you
miss you
miss you
but i miss TERELLE MORE

Don't worry, evil spirit has been exorcised. :p
Hope to see you in our FUN gatherings real soon..

chocoholic of the world unite!
handsome ZEN can lift head at 3wks! flip at 3m! wahhh.
super bb...
is he also a BF bb??

Celia and Danny,
you guys are BF warriors!haha.
If memory serves me right, i think mykono can be the General of the bf warriors here..
think her boy has been bf for nearly 2years!!
and she is a FTWM!! wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
mykono, must share how you hold a full time professional job with long hours and yet managed to bf your boy still. MY DEEPEST RESPECT.

I bf my gal for 10months, but her gross motor skills soooo slow compare to many other FM bb leh...

she flip at 6m, crawl at 9m.. and she was a super chubby bb, esp when she was TBF...

have a meaningful breastfest, you guys setting up stall there is it?
i repeat:
This is the FIRST time i am not focussing on Declan's pic... His hot momma very distrating..

Harlow, uhoo... Great to see you here

hope to see you in our gatherings soon
lights out for potato at 9pm.
smallbell n cclyn,
thanks for a great party.
very interesting Theme and activities.
so thoughtful of you2!
Potato family had a great time!
Hello ladies

ages since i posted. finally my tough week is over
thanks to those who's been showing concern when i was sick.

Cclyn and smallbell,
thanks for hosting such a FUN party! and the wide spread of food..oh well, what a treat for someone who has just recovered

and sorry i hasn't got the time to catch up with u, but i heard from the rest that your BM supply is great! Yip Yip horray!! told u you can do it! maybe next time celia n danny can get you to be consultant too

JIAYOU!! when i see you the next time, show me you can spray milk too ok?

Jiayou Jiayou!

seeing you on sat, i really must motivate myself, how to cut those fats?? Argh!!
yes i agree with you, though i'm still bf, i admire and respect mykono, she's the role model, i don't think i'll be able to do likewise bf for 2 yrs and working at same time. *salute*

WOW your body is ...ahem..really sexy.
Good to know you had a nice break.

yes i remember you, your gal has got big and bright eyes
ya its been a long time..glad that you are back

you also back in action?!! hiak hiak hee hee..!!
glad to see your usual happy healthy self on sat. miss you.
aiyo. i lost wt? haha.. u ill till cross eye.
bbnmum spray milk ..haha
but KUDOS on her establishing her milk ss so fast.. i tik she can be like zoe tay, can use to wash hair n shower....
you are another bf warrior... GREAT JOB!
samllbell n cclyn,
We had a great time in the party, Thanks a lot for the effort!!

Hey you bf potato for 10 months? Let me know if you are interested in becoming a BF counsellor. The BMSG needs more counsellors since most of them are FTWM, we need more to help out with our phone counselling roster. The commitment is only 2 hours per week.

No we are not setting up store in the BreastFest, we are just volunteering to help organise it.

Potato flip at 6 mths and crawl at 9 mths is not slow, in fact that's earlier than my neighbour's boy, who flip at 10 mths, and crawl at 12 mths.

I think the Celia and I are so into the whole BF things is just that we believe in its benefits for Yasmin and to Celia. Firstly, women who breastfeed could reduce risks to many cancers including breast and ovarian. For the child breastfeeding can help boost the immunity to many illnesses so they get sick less frequently, also statistics show that breastfed children are generally 10 pts higher in IQ, 30pts higher in EQ. That's pretty good edge we want to give Yasmin when she starts schooling. Plus research data released last week shows that Breastfed children handles stress better than FM children, where FM children is 5 times more likely to show anxiety. That's AQ (adversity quotient) which everyone talks about now. Smarter, healthier child, healthier mom, if we can, why not.

We asked our consultant LC Doris Fok about G6PD and breastfeeding. Doris herself has a child who is G6PD and she breastfed the baby for 4.5 yrs, it's just the adult must take care what she eats. It's not amazing that none of Singapore's hospital is certified as breastfeeding friendly according to WHO standards whereas over 700 hospitals in Thailand are.

I really admire FTWM who BF their babies. We have a friend who travels a lot for work and she would contact the hotel ahead of the trip to prepare a small chest freezer in the room to store BM, which she faithfully pumped during her trips and bring back home for the baby. She kept it up for 1 year! and still doing it.
Hi all moms,
any gatherings on national day? or just to check with all moms here, where will u bring ur kids or bb out on tat day?
Hi lach & Ribena
Glad u all enjoy the party

Hi Babyterelle
Welcome Welcome back !! Long long time no hear from u leh.... Of cos we remember u & ur darling Terelle

Hi lach
I only manage to BF for 1 day
Lousy me hor.... nvm lah anyway Zen is healthy

Hi C&D
I really admire those mummies who can BF their bbs. I would love to BF Zen if possible too but hor as a 1st time mother, i know nothing abt G6PD so when PD say better dun BF so I listen lor. Think is better to follow PD instruction then I regret aftertat.

Hi Mngo
seems like all the attention goes to u rather then Declan... Sexy mom
Hi ac,
Its ok. Btw, nice to meet u here.

Hi Smallbell & Cclyn,
Same as most of them, we also had a great time in the fun party. Thanks for the interesting Theme and activities!
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">SUPERMAN RETURNS!!!</font></font>


<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">SUPERGIRL RETURNS!!!</font></font>
the party looks fun! too bad... we could not make it.

looks like i better ask chin leng to remove my pic
Totally agree with you BF is the best.. especially when it comes to having a higher IQ than FM babies.
Can Yasmin talk yet?

C&amp;D, which doctor/ professor says chubby babies does not equal to healthy? I remember i read somewhere before that babies who are chubby as a baby has a lesser tendency of getting "obese" when they grow older. And babies who are "slim" tend to grow up fat. Whoever said that must have been a skinny baby when he/she was young.. haha

Hahaha...anyway, I just know both my kids are growing healthy and strong now.. thats most important

I am like you, I did not BF Ash &amp; Cay for long (I think only 1 month each) but look at them, they seldom fall sick, and they are healthy and rosy.. ohh i love their skin, they are fair but still rosy.. looks so healthy.

Btw, I must comment that our Woodlands Thread is turning into some kind of a BF Writing Compostion Thread... everynow and then I will see 1 long compostion on BF... like reading some kind of article from a mag
<font color="0000ff">Thanks everyone for sharing our birthday party and the great gifts!</font>

<font color="ff6000">Thank you Mr Ong for the lovely poster and Thank you Mrs Ong for coloring the 'orange' background</font>

Ash : I wanna take picture with the b'day boi..
Zen : huh ??? Partner where are Uuuuuu.....????

Cay : NO u cant, u are the Incredible not Superman leh..
Asy : I want to take pic Zen cos I'm his girl friend hor
Zen : Ok Ok.. take picture.. dun be angry

Hey, u all talking abt me ? I'm superboy but not b'day boy hor.. dun mistaken hehehe...

<font color="119911">The Party begin..........</font>

<font color="0000ff">Thank you once again all aunties, uncle, Gor Gor, Jie Jie, Di Di &amp; Mei Mei for coming to our birthday party</font>

<font color="0000ff">The party was so fun &amp; enjoyable and Patrick was exhausted... We shall see u next year</font>

Thanks everyone for making the party fun and memorable.
I realize forgot to take a group picture of the children. More pics to add here:


