Any MTB in Punggol?

This earthquake is creating chaos.

Tsunami Alert for New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, and others. Waves expected over the next few hours, caused by 8.9 earthquake in Japan.

Shares market affected too.
OTC batch 2 not yet closed. Will close on Monday morning. This will go together with my current amazon spree.

Batch 1 otc will goes with my drugstore spree which already reach vpost USA
morning ladies

Monday blues???? Everyone so quiet???
Pictures of state of Japan after tsunami attack.

see also very sad for them. Hiaz.. so hard to predict mother nature. on one hand, it provides us with such beautiful landscape and on the other hand, it throws powerful anger and cause massive destruction.

I really cannot think and imagine how the govt can clear away these debris and rebuild the area.
Was really heart breaking with the news on Japan quake.

Yes, is so hard to predict what the power of mother nature. Although Japan is very prepared for this quakes and tsunamis but nvr have they expect to cause such a big scale of destruction.
Jus saw latest news - new earthquake shakes japan, 10 foot tsunamin set to hit coast; 3rd reactoe at nuclear plant explodes!

What can be worse than this??
mummies : OTC.....

We are short of US$22.10 to get the US$10 off.

2) Even the FOC shipping, we are short of US$3.

3) then hor below items are US$4.99 not US$2.99 liao :p So you all still keen? If ok, I take balance 4 pcs n close the spree with FOC shipping nia

2) Paper plate owl craft

(12 units at 2.99)

- MTDT(S) 3pcs
- MTDT 1pc
- bibi_gal 2 pcs
- zenn 1pc
-Evelyn 1 pcs

balance : 4 pcs
OTC : I'll close now. We have hit the MOQ for FOC domestics shipping. Owl craft also in. need to order else some mummies need it for Easter Sunday
xinmsn, those quick news update. but the update keeps changing. i logout fr my hotmail and saw the news.
err the ppl safe.. a few still trying to locate their families (who had families living up north). my regional colleague in sg worried abt the nuclear thingie and the health effects of radiation for the jap workers if things get worse. she doing serious reading, me office girl, do leisure reading

think they are nothing we can do abt the nuclear thing...just wait & see loh... If it is going to affect us who are living in Singapore, guess everyone will have the same destiny.

hope ur colleagues' family members are okay.
any idea where i can bring the kids to after work? It's so boring, especially at night, for kids in singapore. i recall disney mcqueen car is on exhibition somewhere. any idea where it is now?
hello mummies,
so quiet recently

me busy packing
that time still saying long time to go
so fast moving this sunday le

Under The Baobab Tree - let me know if you gals booking the tix.

For Act 3 June holiday program, the theme is pinocchio. Considering the wk of 13 June. Anyone? kekekkek
yah, speech and drama class. hahah, we are active coz we can always put all our kids in the same class, so they have company and wun cry, while the mummies can sit around to R&R and chitchat :p

we pay money to chitchat :p :p :p
wow, moving this sun. congrats to you
finally your dream nest is realising soon. if have housewarming, must let us know hor :p

but do note that unpacking is just as big a headache than packing. kekeke one you cross the last hurdle, you are there to enjoy your new home
Count me in for e next speech n drama too.
I am too tied up with my new launches till no time to prepare e birthday. Party for next week.

Still hv to work on e party date.

For those whom able to make it, here e details:

26 mar Sat
my house at punggol

pls let me nod who is comin ok?

So far i nod is

smurfy Cfm?
babyjan cfm?

Who else?

Blur_P, can i rent a helium tank from u for tat day@
so its a few hours class w/o the parents rite? Hmm .. i wanna let jboy try. he has not tried a class w/o parent one, except for his sch :p

I also like e story of pinno .. keep me in e loop ok :)
