Any MTB in Punggol?

i cannot jump the chance to leave right? i mean she is my mum... she is having menopause... and her temper is just as sharp and nasty as i am... but i just feel so sorry for my kids.. i am playing with the idea or possibilitythat EQ starts school earlier..

yah.. she is a very poor thing.. at home.. her korkor dun let me carry her... and still bully her... so when the korkor sleep... we will bring her into the room for a while.. :/..then the silly girl is soo gentle n soft type.. can play on her own... without making any noises in her wake hrs.. tat sometimes one can really forget her existence.. imagine one day i came home seeing her on the cot.. playing with pacificer on her own quietly.... sometimes when pacificer drops out of her mouth.. can see her trying so hard to put the pacificer back in her own mouth... or entertaining herself by playing with it....

these 2 kids really two extreme characters...

ecmom : yr friend got USA issue credit card? else very mafan one. I organise 4x, 4x I need to call them

but wait for me, i maybe want to order :p
Good Morning!!!

How is everyone doing today??? kekekek...

talking abt extreme characters, i feel tat my 2 girls are also world apart. 1 is a whiny, while the other is a smily. kekek....I guess no 2 kids are the same.

are my things with u? kekek... sorry hor, keep saying wan to pick up didnt. will u b home today ma so tat I can go over and pick up the stuff. also, i owe u for the bottles right?
actaully hor i think the blister might b cause by sharp things they trying to bite? like u know those gummy sweet wrappers that have zig zag sharp edges so that its easier for us to tear open? sometimes when my girl go try to bite that hor she will turn red at the sides of her mouth. but ussually no blisters la...

for the counting cubes i think returned customer can get at $14? i am return customer, check with her if can get under my name. kekeke...i already got mine though. kekek.
Think is command ba, my mum also have the same feeling (I do the maid see ha?) initially, I explain to her that I dun trust the maid (at least not the initial stage) to handle my kids exp food vise.

Elisha and Cayden is also extreme character, Elisha is rough in some extent but Cayden is very gentle type. They should be opp.

EQ is a good girl, maybe you try on day to leave QY at your mum’s place and from EQ out for a while?

Mine is opp your, didi to sticky to me and I got to time with jiejie, so I try to bring Elisha out when I go the near place for groceries shopping.
No lei, she is in Singapore now, she did order few time from Disney store liao. U let me know asap ya.

Yes me home, mine go downstair later, u let me know what time u coming ya. Sms me better, me loging out to watch my kids.
ya if no blister I will take it as she bite on something, but the chim part is why it blister? i exact like what happen to my mum's hand which she got scalded.
the more i see the blister the more I confirm it done by something hot.
back in office... in the morning, brought both boys to see doc... coz they sound so phlegmy. matt must hv pass the germs to josh.. coz josh started coughin yest. but within a day, josh's phlegm became so bad that he din sleep well yest nite and developed fever. but i oso dunno fever is due to vacc (which he took on Sun) or not. doctor said josh has mild bronchitis but no need to take neb. just take oral medication will do.

i might take 1 day leavel tml to look after josh.
yes, i'll be getting the most ex one + the other extra plan, so that i dun hv to fork out a single cent for hosp bills. i'm still shopping around for policy... y no AIA? :p coz my cousin-in-law sells AIA.. and i felt cheated by him lor.. he sold me policy when i first graduated... ended up with an ex plan and i find coverage is average only.. and i'm stuck with it for life... so i avoided going back to him... then i 'pai sei' to go back AIA... in case he asks abt it.

he's been trying to sell me policies for the boys and i tried to 'siam' :p

How's AIA hosp plan? comprehensive or not? josh is under GE and the plan is good.. but GE's admin not gd.. so i wanna let matt try another coy. i've done my comparision between GE & prudential.. and most components are similar.. only slight differences.. but GE has an upper hand.

planning to compare with AIA and AViva before deciding. Can share abt AIA's hosp plan?
EQ is such a good girl. As far as possible, try to spend some pte time with EQ.. at least she can feel that she's being loved and cared for. I mean.. we know she is gentle and good by nature.. but still, some physical display of love from the parents would be good for her.

As for your mum... u dun hv much choice, right? give your mum a bit of time to adapt? starting EQ to sch early is one alternative.. but u sure u wanna start her sch so early? like v poor thing to start sch so early :p
Mummies sorry need to vent again, very, very, very, piss off with hb, I warn him not to too good to the maid, at least not now, I have to let her have the mindset that she is here to work not her for R&R, if she is good, I will let go, but this man really pain in my neck. He keep wanna do opp what I say.

Yesterday story:
Bought them to CP, when we go in LRT, there is two empty seat and one of the old lady give up the corner seat to my mum who pushing Cayden in pram. This bui zhi dong maid really sit down after my mum. We so shock and my mum move inner and ask to let the old lady sit. Then hor the best part is, my mum have to take care of Cayden and I have to stand and jaga Elisha, she is happily RR sitting there.

Today Story,
I come out from room and saw she is eating something at the kitchen, when she saw me she quickly throw the things into dustbin and pretend nothing, I saw it is cheese.
I call hb and told him, he said he is the one who ask the maid to eat anything in the fridge. OMG, I have expensive herb in the fridge and we also have cot fish and salmon which my mum also she bu de eat, if she take and eat how?
When I jump, he show me like I’m making problem and wanna hang up.
This women also very clever, I know I can’t blame her on this coz my hb is the one who ask her to eat but then I set aside and told her those things for her to eat if she hungry, e.g. biscuit, mee, bread, snacks etc. She dun want to eat those, she choose Elisha’s cheese.
From this incident, I realise it still have same problem if I change maid if hb dun corporative with me.

Mummies can tell me is it I’m the one who got problem? is this command if got maid? I really hate have to keep pick on someone.

I really lack of sleep this few days, dun dare to take nap like last time, very paranoid when I hear my kids cry. I will run out from toilet even I half way doing buzz.

I really hope I can solve this problem asap and share good news with you, pls pray for me.
Ecmom : this time confirm your maid problem.

yesterday incident : If I will you, I will ask her to get up from her seat.

today incident : Mmmm... I also told maid tat she can get things from fridge to eat. Unless I buy especially for kids, I will tell her for kids. I dun really buy much / different food for kids. Of cos I also expect she takes my bird nest etc to eat la.

Actually my maid also not so perfect, I caught her many times ignore Elbib cos of his nonsense cries :p

But to me if the cries is nonsense and not help, I dun care if maid attend to him immediately anot. She will get back to Elbib after a while.

Mon I just scold all incl hb. Cos Elbib bathe by maid, I went to bathe in my room too. Elbib refuse to let maid wear clothes insist i wear. I told him can't cos I'm bathing. Then no noise liao so I thought settle liao. Who knows I'm out, he still not wearing clothes. I shout at everyone. Hb sleeping, maid dun dare to go in. Wat if I went in for 1 hr bathe? sigh
your maid sounds 'bui zi dong'... at least as demo in the LRT. maybe she really think she can sit and it never occur to her that she has to let 'employers' sit first (even tho i find it's commonsense).

in this case, i think it's fair for you to tell your maid that the seat should be for u to sit and not her.. and she can sit when there are other available seats.

as for eating food.. ehh.. like what u said, u can't fully blame her coz your hb already told her that she can eat anything in the fridge. but on the other hand.. since she's been given the 'rights' to eat anything in the fridge.. why behave so secretive in front of you? she can continue to eat and if u ask, she can tell u that 'sir' told her she can eat.

y dun u make a pact with ur hb that you will be the one to give instructions to maid instead of him... coz u dun wan to contradict the instructions and confuse the maid? for any requests or if maid needs anything, she can come to u. will it work?
eunice / pm,
Abt the LRT case, I told hb but he treat it as nothing lei, then I tell him so now she is the boss and I’m the maid, I busy doing the things and she happily sitting there.

I also told hb I notice my maid dun answer Elisha when she call, u know what, now Elisha call her name instead of aunty coz she dun answer her. This is very bad but I dun blame Elisha too.
Hb also say nothing lor.

ya exactly why she have to be so secretive?

Before I agree to get a maid, I can foresee I will face such problem, I understand my hb very well, I make a ‘agreement’ with him that anything come to me, we discuss and I am the one who comm with maid, this hb agreed initially but now wanna take charge, he feel why he cant treat maid good as he is the one who hire her. Really want to knock myself again the wall.

he really MR OVER GOOD MAN TO OTHER beside own wife.
ecmom : Is your maid pretty? If yes, better change her & most impt change your hb mindset on maid issues if not it will be endless prob for the other future maids....
U know what I mean?
this will be a tacky issue that your hb and you have to resolve. Tell him no point the both of u get upset with each other over a maid. Suggest to him that you wun 'ill treat' the maid, but want to instil some rules and authority to her.

but dun 'blame' your hb totally.. like what we have discussed recently.. men in general are more lax with maids... always the 'Mr Nice' :p my dad and my hb are guilty of that too. So really gota communicate with him. Remind your hb that the maid is only here for 2yrs... so dun let the maid affect u both.. and u assure him that maid will be given adequate rest, food, necessities etc.

i think ecmom's hb is just plain nice to everyone, including maid.. but more imptly.. dun let maid have wrong impression.
PM: Hehe.. tat is my guess only lar :p Pretty maid will gain upperhand...
But really must tackle the root of the problem.

Btw I think is Kovan toyshop I saw the counting cubes...
i agree that being 'pretty' will somehow gain some upperhand in most instances.. not just maid.. anyone in real life :p plus.. men usu go by looks :p as what my hb says.. 'nan ren shi fu qian de' (ie men are very shallow/ superficial' :p)

did u rem the price? the bp organiser has not replied me leh.
we have talked abt this before.. my hb was like urs... too nice to high classy.... yah.. we oso never restrict the food she has access to.. and she happily happily take soft drinks and yakult from my mum's place last time.. dunno why.... perhaps coz high classy left when i was pregnant and played us out by saying wanna renew contract... so hb still sore abt the whole thing... to him.. he was nice to her... so why play us out when we really need her help most.. and that period QY oso in his horrible 2.. so frm then onwards... it's a clear line drawn.. employer n employee relationship....

*whisper* u can nag and nag n nag at her wrongdoings. most probably ur hb will give in and say change maid.. then he will tell u..nxt time u handle the maid urself :p

suddenly out of the blue.. hb says he wanna change maid in mid march... i was like "har?"

anyway, he dilly dally.. sure never change in the end :p
Finally can sit down, yesterday really a long day for me.

I sent my maid back to agent last night, you know what is the reason?

We confirm she ABUSED my kids.

Yesterday evening I brought Elisha out to make phone call to agent to check on the procedure of changing maid, ya finally hb agree to change, ask me to call to ask.

When I reach home, my mum told me she witness the maid POKE Cayden’s back infact spinal when she carry him up from mat and he is crying. Cayden immediately stop crying. My mum was shocked and shout her name, she show my mum her finger and told her she got no fingernail. That means she really poke my son and she thot no fingernail means will not injured him. She trying to stop Cayden from crying by poke his back/spinal. wah piang she is so daring to do such thing even my mum is sitting near her. I approach her, she keep saying ‘no, no, no” and continue with the chore. She really look cool, I can see from he face reaction that she trying to stay calm does not look like kana blame kind.

I keep quiet and bring Cayden into the room and check his back, found two blue black, one on the waist, look like kana pinch kind, the other one on the spinal, is round shape finger size. I call agent immediately and tell them I want them to collect her back but they want me to send her back instead, so I did, I change and ask her follow me, never tell her anything.

She look very very calm in the cab never say anything. When agent ask her, she keep deny, when agent said since she claim she is innocent we should bring her to the police, then she say she dun want. So what it means? She claim she din abuse my kids but she dun dare to go police station to testify.

I rush back and brought both kids to KK to do check any internal injury, but can see from the doc face that she dun take it as serious. She dun even check on Cayden, we have to keep stress that we worry the maid did some other things which might cause internal injury then she start check on his body

Police came at 1+am coz KK made police report. They wanna see my both kids, take photo and take hb’s statement. They told us social working will contact us. I over hear police ask hb why we dun make police report ourself in the first place, I so worry later they thot something fishy that why we dun report her. This hb really did a wrong move. He dun want to report coz he say we got no solid evidence and he dun want to harm her. xxxx. He still that MR NICE MAN even we can 100% confirm she did harm my kids. How abt if now we let her go and she did such thing to another child with her next employer?

This morning check on Cayden’s back again, found another blue black on spinal. Really really heartache, wonder how long she have did this to him. It damn painful when my mum demonstrate to me how she poke my son back, can’t imagine she poke his spinal. he is still so young.

Finally I get rid of this horror maid. Told hb I really got no confident to get another one.

Mummies, feel myself so lousy, I should have insist sent her back when Elisha’s case happen, I should not give her chance to torture my son.
ecmom - aiyo...
abused maid is the more scary!!!

lucky u found out pretty fast! sayang to both cayden & Elisha!!
Hi Ecmon,

I am a silent reader of this thread as milderina told me that I can find alot of info of maids here bcos i also hv problems with my maid...

omg.. the maid really do such a thing.. the children so poor thing...

I really need to monitor my maid since i decide to change her.
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">ecmom,
lucky ur mum caught her. If not, it will take a few more wks b4 u can catch her on the act on the vcam.

Poor Elisha &amp; Cayden. How is Elisha's blister? recovering well. Guess the blister must be cause by the hot metal spoon.

Think u better a picture on the new blue black on Cayden b4 it's gone. </font></font>
Hi Ecmon,

I am a silent reader of this thread as milderina told me that I can find alot of info of maids here bcos i also hv problems with my maid...

omg.. the maid really do such a thing.. the children so poor thing...

I really need to monitor my maid since i decide to change her.

So sad to hear how the maid abuse Elisha and Cayden, sayang and hug hug them..

Haiz, somehow really heartpain to hear the maid story..though also sympathy of them whose away from their hometown and come here to work alone. But whenever heard the horror child abuse story, really hard to believe how can they do such kind of things...

Hope we still able get a good maid next time!!
hiaz .. maid abuse stories r really sad. really dun understand these pple .. all the way travel here to work, why wanna abuse leh? if send to police, isnt it worse rite?

nvm la .. dun dwell into it anymore. Luckily you found out abt the abuse when it is still not dat serious.
ecmom, hugs to elisha n cayden. Heartache when see elisha photo. Aft reading ur post, i cfm changing my this maid liao. Keanne super terrified by her. Till now i still dun dare to let her carry kynan cos she super rough. Intention or not i also dun noe. But all of us felt that she not in her right mind. Better be safe then sorry. So many things happen till i no eye see. Rather stay at mum plc. Maid issue, sigh.
Ecmom: Really sorry to hear tat yr maid abused the kids.
Is she married with kid?
Lucky, ur mum is alert &amp; hope yr hb has learnt that he shd support yr decisions after this encounter...
Hug to Elisha &amp; Cayden!!!
Thanks MT.. hee hee

Can I join this thread?

a simple intro of myself, I have 3 kiddos - year 06, 08 and 09 bbs. They are Coming 4 and 2 yrs old. the youngest one is just 2.5 mths old.

And I also confirm changing my maid. Already chosen the replacement maid. Ex Singapore.. Hopefully is much better... My current one is fresh.. very stupid and like to act clever..sigh.. Hopefully the next one is a better one
counting cubes
gibing it a miss

welcome ~!~!~ wowwwwwwwwww... 3kids... are they boys/girls? how on earth do u cope with 3? 2 in childcare? argg mine oso toopid and likes to act clever... buay tahan... really stupid arr mine... but hor.. stupid maids better than clever maids.. how?? (now that hb say he wanna change maid in mar.. i scaredddddddddd)
hi Rain <font color="ff0000">WELCOME!!</font> Wow... u hv the most number of kids here
I hv 2 boys age 3+ &amp; 2+. I have a maid too and just renew her contract.
Cope? Weekends are crazy..
My eldest gal going to full day school now but going to half day school starting next week.. my #2 boy starts half day school next week too.

My maid will boils my milk everytime i talk abt her... she very xiao jie.. hand wash clothes - her hand sensitive to bb powder. then starts to wear my kitchen slippers at home - say she has cracked heels bcos kitchen oily. eat meals so slowly likeshe is a princess. ask her to wipe the main door gate, she take a stool, sit there n wipe. ask her to wipe kitchen cupboard, she sit on the floor n wipe. ask her to iron clothes, she take a stool, sit there n iron... and many more... now i talking abt her make my milk boiling hot again... arrgghhh

n most impt id that, my children dun like her...
welcome rain

OMG.. there are so many silent readers! :p :p :p everyone knws our secrets.. i thot only thread is only that few of us.. kekkee

ur maid really very 'funny'.. so 'dainty &amp; refine' :p

anyway, my boys r 3YO and 19mth. u probably knw by seeing photos of them :p

ur maid seems ok leh..
PM188 : I told u alot of silent readers liao. I got some PM too .. hahaha...

Seeing all the stories, I hv doubts too mah... especially Elbib's fall
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Hi ladies.

not all bad. There are good ones too. Just we also complain on the bad things and nvr praise on the gd things mah. U got PM from slient readers. Wah, got secret followers??? hee...

Hi Rainy,

Eunice: You mean Elbib's fell fm the sofa that accident ah?
Hehe.. both your boys can talk liao so not so bad bah :p

Rain: Welcome, I have a 3yrs old gal
