Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

hi cheezel, any idea when dr adrian will be there and operating hour? So every tuesday he wont be there right?

Do i have to make appointment to go for such test? is it better to go on weekday or weekend?

dr adrian will be at the cck clinic on mon to sat morning from 10-12am. evening will be on mon n thurs ard 6+ to 9pm. personally i prefer to go for checkup during the weekday cos the night clinic is really very crowded.

i did make an appt to see him...else u can just drop by the clinic
hi athen / cheezel .
i still hving ms (20th week now) so demoralized .
already warn bb not to be so notti , but he continued to be .
hi ladies
went down to see Dr Adrian on tuesday evening at SK clinic, gosh that place was soo crowded. I saw him for my pregnancy in 05.
Can see that he's been getting more and more customers in 06. =)

Btw anyone knows what happened to the SK clinic assistants? Last time there was a Sally and a tall long-hair gal. I didn't see them at all on tuesday. They resigned? I find the current clinic assistants very kan-ra-kan-bo lei. Like very messy like dat.
Hi IC_69 & Athen,

Thanks for your info....

My hubby wants to have a child but he always too lazy to make baby.

When I tell him, he will work once, later few days (or sometimes weeks), get lazy again.

I dun want to be an overage mother. If I don't get pregnant in 6 months, I thinking of giving up the idea to pregnant.

My mum has a hard time when she expecting me. She cannot go out during the 9 months for pregnancy. Very very unstable. I really afraid I will inherit it.

So I thinking of going to see doctor and with his advise, my hubby might be more "hardworking". Also to make sure that we are both healthy to have babies.

Any good advise from all the experience mummies???
u need a lot of patience to get pregnant. of course there are people who strike at first attempt but there are a lot of people who take months and even years to get preggie even though they are perfectly healthy.

it is indeed good to have pre-pregnancy checkups. i heard of people going to chinese physician to build up their health before getting pregnant. having some preparation before pregnancy would help to ensure a smoother pregnancy.

i have a friend like ur hb too. very busy with work and no time to have bbs. u might want to have a good talk with ur hb. not only creating bbs require time, after u r pregnant or even when the bb is born, u definitely need his support and help. pregnancy and parenthood is not something to be handled alone.

my friend's wife did get preggie eventually but he was too busy to keep her company. so in the end, he decided to quit and get a more family friendly job. now they are enjoying parenthood.

for the pre-pregnancy checkups, i am not exactly sure what it comprises but i think the 'must do' ones are probably blood tests for both u and hb, and an ultrasound scan for u. other tests could be sperm test for ur hb to check for the quantity and quality.

i think u can call up the clinic to ask about it. maybe there are packages for such tests too.
yes, pre-pregnancy test consists of ultrasound scan, blood test, sperms count and fallopian tube test.

i have went for ultrasound scan yest and going for blood test on mon to check on whether do i ovulate. then gynae will advise us to try before going for sperms count and fallopian tube test
Hi ladies
i am very angry with my boss. I came back to wk after 2 mths. That means i left with my 3rd mth with 20 days to clear. Our understanding is i will have every fri off to clear my 3rd mth. Yesterday my boss asked me how much off i have left? Total i took 8 days, so still left 12 days. He says i very calculative. I told him the no of days (20 working days) i cleared in the 3rd mth have to write down and claim from govt. He says is between i and him and can just claim . That means my left over 12 days will be wasted. I want to spend time w/my son and this is my entitlement. How can like that?? Then i met my luch partner she sees my face black black. I told her what happened and she agrees w/my boss. She says i am too straight. A lot of people also doing this??? urgggh. My boss and my lunch partner have no kids, they just dun understand how i feel. Says i straight and calculative??? what is this?? i thought is my entitlement for my third mth?? i want to spend leftover off days w/my son also let people says i am very calculative?? Am i really in the wrong??? What will u all do??
OMG! I will be furious, extremely furious if the balance 12 days is simply written off like this! Pls dun let yr boss goes scott-free, ask for the balance off days back!! These are yr entitlements

Don really unerstand what u mean by "He says is between i and him and can just claim" Is he going to pay u for the unused leave or he will not let u take the leave.

If he does not let u take the leave, can go to MOM & complain.
i agree with the rest. either u take the leave or complain to MOM. but u have to check up for more info b4 u complain...cos i heard some companies they dun offer 3 mths maternity leave but only 2 mths....but if its ur compamy policy to be able to take 3 mths, i dun see y u cant take the leave.
Bao Bao,

Oh, ok... I din really read the ingredients part. :p
So if the seller said got different, then sure got different lor.


Congrats to having a boi!

Dun worry, Dr Adrian very "zhun" one, he said 90% is a boi then it's 100% a boi liao.

Mine tat time oso like tat, 90% boi & turned out 100% boi.

ezann, caicai,

Ya, dun worry, things sure will turn out fine.
Like Athen mentioned, talk to your bbs. Tell them must be "cooperative".


Alamak!! How can your boss do this??
12 days is not 2 days ley... it's a lot ley, & it's entitlement given by govt ley. These leave can't be valued by $$ ley.
So unreasonable!
Luckily my company's HR & my boss are not like tat... :p

Hack care your boss lah, you just take the leave & go!
Hi all mummies,

Do you have the receipts of purchasing Dumex FM? Eg, from ntuc or shop & save.
My fren & I are thinking to join a cover look competetion, and the entry must be accompanied a proof of purchasing Dumex Gold Step 2/3/4.

If you have & willing to give me, pls PM me your address, then I will send you a SAE.

I have also been feeling womb area quite heavy these 2 days.. and also been going to toilet very often.. but each time not much urine leh
i hv not been walking around exceptionally more..

and something very exciting..kekeke
this morning around 4am i woke up.. was lying on my right side.
could feel a very hard bump on my left tummy area.. wondering if its the baby's head.. quickly asked my hubby feel.. hahaha
me also le....i seem to go toilet more often but also not much urine. hehe....u feel bb movement liao? i have been feeling bb movement very often these few cute!

realy ah? then in that case i can go start buying bb stuff liao.....
Hi cheezel,

Yah can go buy bb stuff liao. But remember dun buy electrical appliance 1st. Cos will waste warranty.

Can go to Robinson or JL when they have 20 or 15% off storewide. But nowadays, they exclude Avent & Pigeon products.

U can also apply for Kiddy Palace VIP card. U'll be entitled to 10% off regular price items.

Also no need to buy too many new born size clothings. BB outgrow very fast & u may also receive a few gift sets.

the thing is, Im not sure is baby movements anot leh... feels like some swirling inside..
is yrs a daily thing? yesterday was pretty frequent, today like not much..

Did you apply stretchmark or nipple cream? i bought le.. this sat going Dr then ask issit ok to use
Also there this silicon cover thing, can be used during breastfeeding in case of sore nipples.. amazing.. kekeke.. i also bought le

ya, can feel bb movements everyday.... pretty often now. initially only a while for a day .... dun worry, think will feel bb movement more as u go along....

i bought the guardian lavender olive oil.....i didnt ask dr if can use....i just use it.

u bought the silicon cover thing is it avent brand one??

sale time no discount for pigeon n avent things very lugi le.....
eno, cheezel,

Can I be a bit kaypoh? I ever ask Dr if ok to apply stretchmark cream. He said not necessary. Apply normal mosturising cream can liao. As our skin stretch, stretchmark appears. Hence, whether we develop stretchmark depends on how elastic our skin is. According to him, the cream does not work on everyone. Some mothers apply also develop stretchmark, some mothers did not apply did not develop stretchmark. Depends on individual. My fren applied, still develop stretchmark. It only disappear after 1 yr. I din apply also get stretchmark.
i cant recall the brand now.. but its either pigeon or avent.. cost $10.90
i got it bcos i got metro 20% voucher and the creams and this silicon cover is entitled

ya, i heard also.. my colleague didnt apply any cream, also didnt hv any stretchmark.. lucky gal
guess its really up to individual
eno, cheezel,

I heard olive oil is the best for stretch marks.
But again lor, like what Athen said, it's depend on individual too. My cousin's wife got 4 kids now, she dun even have a single stretch marks! I applied too, but whole tummy are stretch marks...
yeah! i read that stretchmarks r genetic also. if ur mom or grandma kana stretch marks, then most prob u will kana also le. i bought cos the live oil cream cost onlt 10+ ard the same price as my normal body i just buy n try try.....

i looking for avent spare parts...cos my sil give me her avent manual breast pump..wanna buy the silicon massage cushion n silicon diaphragm to replace the current one cos turn yellow liao.

U can get it from Avent showroom at Gateway @ $20. Can also send Avent a cheque & they will send it to u. Or u may want to post at the market place to see if any mummies got any BN to sell. Better to get BN ones.

If u want to bf for long term, better to get electric ones. I'm using Avent Uno. Was using Madela mini elec. Don like it cos pump until bleed.

I also apply olive oil. still get stretch mark. But I very lazy. Din apply everyday. Hee.... Bought 30 ml bottle din even use 1/2. Guess that's why I still get stretch marks.
my sis in law also gave me a manual breast pump.. Im tinking not to buy one now, cos not sure will hv enuf breastmilk in the first place..
so thot if need to, then ask my hubby go buy after giving birth

these 2 days been experiencing menses-like cramps in lower tummy below womb
cramps can go on for couple of hours.. my colleague was saying possible urinary tract infection... anyone knows is the feeling like tat?
not sure to see doc tonight or wait till Sat my appt
Hi ladies
Since my last post abt my maternity leave. I have another talk with my boss. I will continue to have my fri off for now. Hope he does not change his mind again. He is very fickle minded.
Thank you for yr advices. Will let u all know if i have problem with my ML again.

Hi eno,
For UTI when u urinate, do u experience burning sensation?? I think if u r really uncomfortable better to see doctor tonite and dun wait till Sat??
hi honey..
i dun hv a burning sensation.. but frequently feel bladder full, but each time not much urine
ya.. tink i better go see tonite...
now even when walk also feel uncomfortable..
my colleague was saying prob i been walking too fast..
u mean i can call also to order the spare parts? U know the contact number? i no wanna spend on pump yet cos also no know how the milk supply is like n i wont bf after i go back work cos of the nature of my work.

hey ladies
where can we can good deals for strollers, playpen/cot?

The no is 6391 9191. Many mtb have this misconception of not enough milk. Cos milk ss takes 4 - 6 weeks to establish. Using elec pump will be a lot easier. So meanwhile must let bb latch & pump frequently. Remember dd = ss. Ignore those advise from those pple who know nuts abt bf to discourage u or comment that "let bb latch when milk comes in". Must have lots of patience.
I had caesarian under Dr Adrian. my scar is ok. If I wear too tight, a bit itchy. Heard it is normal. Why? Did Dr Adrian recommend C sect?
hi athen / IC_69 ,
hehe , i hv low placenta . so i tot i betta asked around abt C-section by Dr Adrian
coz my coll's scar was not nice looking.
i kinda of worried. if possible , i am still praying hard for natural birth
i was just told that my blood test result shown im not ovulating
so sad.. what will the doc advise next? anyone has experience?

does it mean i wont be able to pregnant?
i think the blood test only indicates that you are not ovulating for this cycle. i ever read that we do not ovulate every month due to reasons like diet, stress etc.

there is a pill called clomid that will help ovulation. there is still chance to get pregnant as long as you do not have any other problems and your hubby is healthy too.
ezann, thanks so much for ur reply..i was tearing just now. i tested +ve for O last month. my mense was haywire and cycle currently is 17days. but i was so sad that the clinic called me and i have to go back to Dr Adrian and i was so helpless

what is the side effect for clomid? how is it taken?
hi caicai

low placenta does not meant that you hv to go for C-section but try not to walk too much so that it will not induce birth too early.

scar not looking nice, i do not hv this problem but was told not to eat "sheng yu" during as it will grow a layer of flesh over it
hi caicai
think we shouldnt worry too much. i was told of low placenta also. then after 1st trim, i ask dr adrian to check for me, he say n show us thru the scan tat the placenta has move up.

i agree with ezann. there r lots of factors that can contribute to woman not ovulating properly. sometime stress is one of the factor. some woman may be too stress up with getting conceive n end up not ovulating properly. check with dr adrian. its always better to know early then least now u know n u can seek prof help.
cheezel, thanks. yah, these 2 months very stress up. alot of personal things to do, and work...

dr adrian prescribe me with clomid. so will take and try it out, but im very worried. after feb my schedule will be lesser tight, and not sure if i should go ahead with the clomid or try out for few months coz im in the beginning stage of TTC

I tears when i told him i tested O last month and he said outside O kit not accurate. Only blood test is the most accurate

Sorry to hear this. I agree with the rest. Stress does plays a very impt part in TTC. I was working full time b4 I got my boy. Very stressful job. After I resign, stress level gone down by a lot. Conceived 3 mths after resignation. But got miscarriaged. Very depressed then. So tried again after Dr Adrian gave the go ahead signal. Got my boy after 1 mth of trying.

One of my fren's hubby was posted overseas for 3 mths. So she took no pay leave to be with him. She also had a very stressful job like mine. More stressful than mine in fact. She actually conceived her boy in overseas.

So stress does play a part. I know TTC itself is very stressful. Jus like sitting for exam every mth. But do try to relax. I think just got to listen to Dr Adrian's advise. If necessary, take leave to have a good rest.
Athen, thanks for your words. my AF should be reporting soon again, and my cycle was haywired. from avg 35days to 17days. and i forgotten ask him after blood test how do we know which day is the most fertile... maybe when i decided to take clomid and AF reported on day1, i will call him and at the same time make appointment for blood test


Usually after menses or jus b4 next menses, discharge will be lesser. When we are ovulating, vagina discharge will be clear & stretchy like egg white ie quite elastic. As a rule of thumb, usually 14 days b4 next menses. Since your cycle is a bit haywired, got to rely on the vagina discharge method. Jus listen to what Dr Adrian got to say.
