Advise on Baby & Maid Exps


Do your maid ask you for your house number?My maid try to ask via my gal...lucky my gal did not give it to her....

I will be printing my full force houserule and show her that she is not allowed to give my house phone to her family member or friend.

My maid haven't complete her loan yet. Let alone earns enough.... She left one more month to complete her loan....

I have yet to choose my roulette table. Dunno to bet or not to bet. Have not discuss with hb yet. Scare later get one even worse.... Will consider my casino play later....

She still can perform now, I just close one eye first. Wait till I come back from BKK trip in May.

I also consider installing CCTV. But it looks messy with the wiring. I thought of getting hidden cam - those that look like clock, tissue box, teddy bear..... but dunno where to get.
I did not give my house no. to any of my ex- maids but one day, one of the filo maid's relative called my house.
Precious one

I will jump to the roof top if i received any calls from the maid relative or friends....I just pass my houserules to her.....

Friend says she is quite smart to go and ask my gal for it....
I just question my maid why is she asking my gal for my house number instead of via me?She told me she wanted to ask me at night...see how crafty she is....I never trust what a maid say....

Lately, she has been waking up late and asked her why,she said alarm never sound.I went to check just now, its working, she said she repaired, so clever right....

Overall, she is okay but I really do not trust her words as I trusted my ex maid lies too much.....
Actually it is best that Nat has no feelings. It is not good for our kids to become attached to a maid at all.

I choose Indo because they are cheaper, and because my mother cannot speak english, can only speak Malay. But all the 5 Indo maids I had before, are able to communicate quite well in English too.

I think just keep your options open, if you see a good maid with the right experience, just take, nationality not that important.

I think "roulette table" is too extreme. The fact that many families continue to hire maids prove that there are still good maids and not so bad maids out there. It is very important that we take the proper precautions and have someone to supervise the maid at all times.
hi all

just receive a sms from my maid phone but dunno how to read, do you all know where i can translate these tagalog to english

kmi n mel s church ang sya nga nmin kaw kc tnuruan k nnla sir simon bumlik kpa nus u te eva

my maid was recently tested positive for TB after being with us for 1 month
now our whole family need to go for testing

we sent her for tests cos we found her x ray report doubtful and she was constantly tired in the 1 month she was with us

it is unlikely she contracted it from within the family since we are all vaccinated and have no history of TB

moreover, we merely followed up from what was already a doubtful x ray result

i am most concerned for my 9 month old baby now but at the same time, do i have a case against the doctor who passed her fit?
It sounds like u do have a case against the dr. Esp if u are the one who find the x-ray doubtful, then as a dr, he should have brought it up. Yes, it is very dangerous for the whole family now, bcos that could mean someone in the family could have contacted TB w/o knowing. I think the young ones, it is not to bad, as they have just been vaccinated BCG at birth.Its the old and elderly at home that is at risk.

Re: Phili maids
I only have experience with one fili maid for 2 weeks. I just wan to kill this MAID> She has no SG experience, works in her own country as maid.
No initiative at all. I'm the maid and she's the boss.
When my dd cries and all when out, she just stands there and watch. And she can just stand and stand for hours at my FIL's place while i struggle with my 2 DDs. Oh.. she's standing bcos i scold her the last time when she just blonk herself immediately on the sofa when she reaches anybody's house.
Other things she does....
1. The maid finished my whole box of biscuits in 2 days (for breakfast) and leave the container UNWASHED in the cupboard.
2. She leaves unwashed hankies, socks etc tucked nicely in corners
3. She sleeps so much in the afternoon until she can't sleep at night
4. She eat mt DDs' snacks and biscuits
5. She dun washed her own clothes. The whole pile of dirty laundry just piles up in the room
6. She helps herself to the food in the kitchen even though she has been told specifically not to do so on the 1st day

Essentially the whoel thing i can't stand is how someone can stand around the whole day not doing anything when her employer is strugggling with kids. The maid does this at my mum's place, shopping malls, in-law's place. I can't be screaming and shouting all the time for the maid to come and help right???? Think people will either think i am crazy or the maid's crazy!!!!

the men thing abt indo maid is really true!!!! All 5 indo maids leh... cannot be so suan right???
Hb fixed CCTV in living room. The maid ends up always hiding in kitchen, toilet or her room. But they will always put up a performance in the living room like wipe the windows, table or furniture.. after which they dun appear again.
Hi B2B3M4..
Why don't you get this problematic maid replaced? We r paying them for their service, we shouldn't be enduring all these nonsense...
of course i am.. That's why i say she's only with me for 2 week.... Otherwise, agency say i never give her chance to adapt...

Me.. now officially maidless... Ended more free.
hi mummies,

I'm employing a maid for the first time and the handover is tomorrow!! V excited but also have some questions:

1) I'm placing her in the bomb shelter but how do you fit a bed in that small little space? I can't seem to place my normal single bed in the short end and the only way is to put it lengthwise which means it will block half the doorway. What do you all do, is there anywhere that we can buy shorter beds? (after all, according to her biodata, she's only 1.45cm tall

2) we are collecting her at 7pm in the evening, so it's probably too late for her to do any work etc. What shall I do for the rest of the evening? Also, I take it that she won't already have had dinner and it will also be too late for us to cook when we get back. If we bring her to a hawker centre and let her order her own nasi padang, will that be sending her the wrong signals on the very first day?

clueless and appreciate any advice, TIA!
Hi caira,

Some suggestion that u can consider :-

1) How abt getting those toddler bed from Ikea ? Bed size W 77 X L 165 X H 56 cm. Cheap & nice.

2) U should order for her, beta not send the wrong signal to her. Try to learn more abt her likes & dislikes so that next time it's easier for u to buy food. Tis way u save $ if she finishes up her food. If it's to her dislike, she's prob throw it away. Waste $ & she'll end up eating ur favourite biscuits o so.
B2B3M4, were quite patient to keep her for 2 weeks cos she sounds pretty unhygienic huh....

I have experienced some of the stuff your maid did too. When we have dinners or parties at home, my maid can stand there like a totem pole while I run around to get everything done cos she's quite useless when there's more than 2 adults around. She also like to use up all the Milo and leave the empty tin and she must have bad eyesight too cos she can't see ants scurrying around my kitchen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hw abt getting her those kind of mattress which u can fold up when it's nt in use? if u wan cheaper 1, can get those normal mattress, jus ask her 2 fold it up when she's nt sleeping.

Your family may have to be on preventive medicine for at least 9 months since you all stayed under one roof for 1 month already. Those medical examination are useless coz they are not done properly. I bet the dr didn't even glance at the x-ray.
Last time when i went for my pre-employment medical exam, the radiographer didn't even bother with asking me to remove my wired bra, so ended up the chest x-ray can see my bra wire. Like that how to see the lung properly as the wire obscured the complete view. One thing for sure, my bra damn solid. Still in good condition even though machine washed, haha.


Ask her 1st what are the thing that she won't eat or want to eat, then order for her. Don't spoil, must remember.
Hi B2B3M4, lostinthots,

thanks for the responses
I am in the midst of arranging a screening for my baby first becos the specialist has advised that even BCG is not 100% foolproof
I will concurrently arrange for my wife and myself next

it looks as though taking action against the doctor is not easy since MOH dicates that I have to make a statutory declaration before I can bring my case against the doctor
May be, you hire some professional cleaner to disinfect your house and not forgetting to wash all the bedsheets, blanky, pillow, bolster (things that your maid might come in contact with) etc.....more importantly, baby's toys etc. I'll pray that your family health is not affected by the maid.

BTW, did the maid agent say anything?

I need some opinions and advice here...

My current 26 years old indon maid has been working for me for 7 months now. She has worked for only 1 employer before me and lasted for 4 years. She used to work in a bungalow and her madam seldom checked on her work cos according to my maid, her madam would be usually out with friends (tai tai)or sleeping. So, she basically has no one to constantly supervise her work.

Judging from her employment record, I initially thought that she must be very good therefore she could last for 4 years. I would say her attitude is the best among my past 6-7 indon maids. She would not show black face nor give you attitude problem whenever I scold her (real hard!!). She can cook (but not very fantastic), clean (but not very clean to my standard) and she is learning to take care of young children (my 2.5 yo DD) in my family. She has no experience taking care of toddlers previously. She is married but with no children.

Overall, she is quite an OK maid at least according to my hubby she can tolerate my temper. However, there were a few incidents happened in the past 7 months and some recent ones that now make me considering whether to send her away or continue to keep her with one eye close.

Some of the bad incidents happened were:

1. Needle found in my hubby's pillow cos she claimed that she has forgotten to remove it after sewing. what happened if it ended up in my DD's pillow?? Very forgettful!!

2. Always find fish bones in my DD's porridge that was prepared by her. I always remind her to check for bones very carefully and she always replied she did but end up I would still find fishe bones in the porridge. Very careless!!

3. Always find that the pot covers, spoons, forks, ladles were not properly washed. I always showed the evidence to her and she admitted and apologised but till now I still occasionally find food stains. I even threatened to deduct her salaery for every uncleaned item but it seems like no effect at all!!

4. Never bath my DD properly as sometimes I find her hair still have shampoo and last evening found that my DD's ear lobe was filled with uncleaned dry soap stains which has turned black!! I screamed at her and showed her and she just apologised.

5. Caught her a few times dozing off while working!! She can doze off while standing and washing things in the kitchen sink with the water running and eletricity turned on!!!

6. Always come out with her own reasons when caught things were not properly cleaned or done.

Question: Would you still keep this maid??
RE: Medical
My new maid's last medical was in Feb, meaning she has to go for one again in August. Who pays for the medical? And what happens if we forget? It's quite hard to remember to ask her to go for medical every 6 mths leh.... I barely remember my yearly dental appointments.
Give your maid a serious heart-to-heart talk and tell her your hygiene standards once and for all, if she doesn't change then you will be force to send her home (her loans almost up liao, right). Or see if the agent can help talk to her. I like your maid for one point, she doesn't show Black face.

Don't worry, MOM will send you the reminder letter to arrange your maid for a half-yearly check up, charges borne by employer. The doc. needs to fill out a form from MOM and send directly to MOM. Once you receive the letter, act right away so that you do not forget.
Hi precious_one,

the agent say it is not their expertise to certify a maid fit or unfit for employment

in this case, they asked me to pursue action against the doctor if i want
they will not be held accountable

they will refund me the unused loan portion

so after this whole saga, i have to start my maid search again
MOM will send us a letter to inform us of our maid's 6 mthly medical checkup. There is a dateline given in the letter.

If we forget and did not submit, the maid's WP will be cancelled and she will be repatriated.

I almost forgotten to bring my maid for her medical checkup as we overlooked the letter. So get hb to hand delivered the medical report to MOM. As dateline is on a sunday and we only get the medical report on a friday.

Same like you. I hired a maid who worked in SG for 6 years and thought that she was good too since she can work here for 6 years. 2 Years with a chinese family and 4 consecutive years with a malay family.

After working with me for almost 7 mths, we found that she has serious hygiene problem. Utensils not properly washed, collected my boy's vomit back into the bowl of rice she is feeding him, very forgetful, tell lies... and we suspect she steals (we do not have concrete proof so can only "suspect". That is because the watch which I have lost for few months suddenly "reappear". When I asked her abt it, she told me my girl kept it in a plastic holder that hold colour pencil. Well, I found that plastic holder in my girl's bag just the day before and I don't see any watch inside.)

We have lost trust in her already.

Can complain to singapore medical council?


Personally i feel that if maid compromised on any issues regarding DD, then i will not tolerate. "The fish bones in e porridge" is unacceptable to me coz it is really dangerous.
Hi lostinthots,

I already checked
it requires that I make a statutory declaration in the presence of a JP before I can lodge my case with an independent panel

I intend to pursue this course of action once I have all the documents in place

however, I am not certain if the ruling (if any) will allow me to recover all the costs incurred so far

Could you include this girl in your black list.

Marie Rose Sumaylo daga
passport no; uu 0202476
WORK PERMIT: 024470083

This maid is not the one who had nightmare. This maid work for me about 5 month. I find out that she has beeen going out to shopping and even eat at mcdonlad when we not at home. She even got a phone and sim card which i dunno. With her around i keep changing maid beacuse she keep telling my maid dun work for me and gossip. Whenever i got new maid my money will lost during january 180 and now 500. So i quite of suspect her but lucky with cctv got record she throw money to my neighbour and ask them to keep for her.

We went to the agent and she admit, she ask for transfer but i dun allow. So she say she is willing to go back but please dun make police report. So i paid for her remaing loan and air ticket and send her back on sunday. But she is so clever when she reach manila she called her recruiter and ask to come back in singapore. The recruiter agreed and ask her to wait for 2 week for immigration clearance. She had all this planned when i buy ticket her home is near cebu but she ask me to buy manila so she can stay there to wait for 2 week than come out again. I was so angry why should i paid so much including her loan just to teach her a lesson, and dun want this type of maid to be transfer to other employer. But she is calling me and say haha she will still be able to come back to work in 2 week time, there is no way i could blacklist her as i never make police report.

YOu know during the first month i caught her using my phone all the time, and steal my kid's food to eat, i send her back to transfer. She was in the agent for 2 week and nobody taook her because of her height she is less than 1.5. Imaging my girl is only 110cm Rose is only taller than my girl a head. So she called me and begged me to took her back. So i did (Stupid), She never learn her lesson or appreciate me still do all this thing behind my maid. You know i even show her your blog of the blacklist maid, she looked so scared. But within 2 day she forgot again run out of the house again I ask her why she not scared, you know how smart she is she tell me not government black list she not scare.

Wow now the maid so smart, even send them home also no use. They know our law so well.

this is atrocious!! Im so angry for you cos she still dare to call u back to challenge you! Since u got evidence of her passing money to neighbour, can u still make a police report when shes back in sgp??

yeah, this maid is so scary she is not ex singapore, her agent also dun believe it, as they say she is so new still so daring. I got evident but cctv only show money inside the plastic bag, but i promised my neighbour's maid not to get her involve.

i so angry is that i waste so much money and in the end is i who learn the lesson. I dun want her to be tranfer to other employer but she still have her way. Will try to write to mom see what they can do.

Yeah, i can understand is not the money issue, is the health of your family and the time spend is very troublesome.

Last time my friend's maid got this problem of maid having tb, her whole family is on medicine. She say you cold not bring the medicine home , need to go to the clinic and drink it infront of the nurse


my maid also have the same problem with you, found needle on the floor and drawer. Always found lidstick mark on the cup. Nver bath the kids well worst is that these maid got lice in her head, i so worried though my girl dun have it i still use anti lice shampoo for her. This maid have lice two time already.

I always give her chance to change but never so i send her back with also other serious reason. I think hygience is born with it, if she is dirty would not be easy to change her.

Your maid is very bad, i believe you still can make a police report even though she is not around. Make things difficult for her! So daring!
precious one.

i will try to scanned her photo, but she is very easy to identified she is very short. Forgot to write in she also got lice. Bring her salon to do it already but after one month have it again Write to which forum, can advise. Now i will try all mean to stop her from coming. If she is able to come back to work, all the phil maid will learn from her.

But she is gone already and i dun want to get my neighbour's maid in trouble. I am trying all means to make things difficult for her.

For incident 1, I initially suspect that she wanted to do black magic to my family but after hearing her and analysing her explanation, I gave her the benefit of the doubt that it was really due to her forgetfulness.

For incident 2, I really dont know whether it was intentional or she really "did not see" as she claimed. BTW, she is very good in telling me "sorry I did not see", "sorry I forget", "sorry I dont know"..Of course, I could not accept her excuses esp why I could see the bones and she can't. I can only say that she does not use her heart at work and therefore tend to day dream.

I had several hear to heart talk with her regarding her performance and I even honestly told her that I will not transfer her to another employer but will send her home if one day I really cannot toleratet any of her mistakes or she does not want to work for me. I explained to her that if she performs well and finishes her contract, it does her and myself good. However, I find that despite all these, I still see her repeating the same mistakes again and again, sigh..

The only reason why I am still keeping her is just because of her good attitude. If one day should she show otherwise, I will immediately send her home without second thoughts.
Actually, it is quite scary, cos you dunno if she wil come back and harm your family.

If I were you, I won't keep her. You have a list of things you dun like abt her/her standard, more than wat you like abt her. I tolerated my maid, counselled her, talk to her, tot she v young, give her chance... end up when I see her true colours, too late. Waste my time. I should have changed her earlier. If there are things you know your maid prob can't change, and you buay tahan, then better change the maid.
Change your house tel number and door lock and keys. That's what my sis would do after a maid leave the house. It is always good to be safe than to be sorry. The fact that she got the cheek to call you to tell you she will be back soon, posed a challenge.
need some advice here...
how do i stop my maid from picking up food (that we have thrown away) from the dustbin?
of course the food are not 'dirty' as i don't think she will want anything that has been contaminated with the other things in the dustbin... the reason we throw away some of the food is could be that it is not very good for consumption (e.g. lost the crispiness) or that it has expired...
just this morning, i spotted her picking up a box of ice cream cones (which i've thrown away, almost full box, except for 1 which we tried but found that it is no longer crispy) and putting some into her pocket... after which, nicely and neatly packing the almost empty box into the remainding of the rubbish and tying it up for disposal...

other times i've noticed her 'pinching' food is not from dustbin, but there were times it was from her own portion of her dishes (just before dinner, i saw her 'pinching' food from there)... another time was when i got her to cut some desserts, she just helped herself to one piece of each dessert she cut (thinking that no one saw her)...
Although it seems like a small issue, but i feel uneasy for someone to do these sneaky little things behind me, it juz doesn't feel right... as for the dustbin issue, it's not that we don't give her food, but we throw things for a reason, don't we?

i've not asked her directly why does she do this as i do not know how to put it across to her... any advise?
regarding lice..
Can bring maid to salon and have her hair cut real damn short so that she would be scared to have lice and will take care of her personal hygiene. My maid requested to keep long hair and my condition to her is, if i ever found out she have lice, i'll ask salon to cut her hair until botak. I look very stern and serious when i told her so that she will know i mean it.
plim, have u ever asked her why is she doing so? For picking up food from dustbin, it could be she is thrifty and feel 'sayang' seeing food thrown away? If this is so, can explain to her why you are throwing the food away. As regard to pinching her own food, it could be either she's hungry or just a bad habit. Can tell her directly you don like her pinching food. If she's hungry, can just tell u, no need to pinch her food.
pinktweet, no, hv not asked her b4 why she did, except for the time when she 'pinch' the dessert which she was cutting, i confronted her... apart from that i did not...

well, i don't think she is the thrifty kind because just over the weekend, she threw away perfectly good cooked rice! all because she can't finish it (we usually leave her her portion of the rice in the rice cooker and she usually finish up everything (at least until last sat i tot so!)... when i saw the rice in the dustbin, i asked her why, she told me that the rice dropped on the table! even for us, when rice drop on the table, we will pick it up to eat also since table was cleaned b4 eating what... anyway, my mum noticed also that she is quite selective towards food (although she may not say so), cos can tell from her facial expression if the food is something she likes, her eyes will light up, otherwise, she appear a bit disappointed!

for 'pinching' food, i think it's a bad habit, cannot be she's hungry, very difficult to stop bad habit...

sigh, the problems with all these is that i can very rarely catch her red-handed as she always divert to do other things (very quickly) once she knows we come out of the room or into the place where she is in... but can always tell when we discover the 'evidence' later on...
She sounds like she came from a poor village where there was not much food.

If she wants to eat from the dustbin I think you should just close your eyes. I think her stomach can take it. If she does come from a village, they're not that clean anyway so she would likely be immuned to the bacteria that make us sick.

With regard to pinching food from her own plate or your desserts, you need to tell her directly. "You cannot take food without permission. If you are asked to cut cakes you may not eat any unless ma'am gives you".

Sounds mean? Well, you don't want your desserts arriving at your dinner table with chunks missing, especially if you have guests. She needs to be taught common courtesy.
