Advise on Baby & Maid Exps


I also got my first maid from Nation Yishun. Agree with you that their service is good. Also deliver promptly as confirmed. I am their new customer too. Even for replacement maid, they also deliver as promised.

<font color="0000ff">babycutie,</font>
My hb will be around on Sunday to help out when maid is off so we shd be able to take care of the kids.

This Sunday will be her very 1st off day since she started working for me 3 months ago. I am a 1st time employer so dunno what to expect. So far my PH maid is quite hardworking and good with my kids, I am quite pleased with her performance.
my maid is ex-sin. yeah i will monitor her n c how it goes...... really hope i dun hv to get replacement again. its tiring.......

all the best to all mummies who juz got their maids or going to get their maids soon. hope u all get gd helpers
hi all,
i'm new here
wish to seek some advise on maid..

i just got this maid for 1 week already.

have been like paying money to suffer..
mine is a philipino..
her english is not very gd but she can understand some basic english

i'm a stay at home mother with a 10mth old bb
her main duty is to do hsework + look after bb / play with bb when i'm bz with my own stuff

i'm not sure if i'm too much or what but i really cant stand her

the things she did that made me pissed off:

- used baby bathing bathtub to wash clothes even though I told her cannot when she asked me if she can use that, she even ans me cannot then what can she use, so not possible dont understand

- ask her look after my bb, when bb is trying to reach for something & may fall anytime, she just sit there & say baby come, come here baby...

- ask her to have some basic manners esp when eating with our elders, she simply nv put it to heart...
my hubby say maybe shy, i dont think so..
if she is shy, she wont stand up to take dishes which are far away from her
(we let her eat together with us when outside cos my mil maid also)

- when eating, eat extremely slow. dun even know what's called initiative to help me carry bb

- always ask her to wash hand before touching bb's stuff but always forget!!

- can tell her to do something immediately she can forget

still got so many...

am i too demanding?
should i try her out for few more weeks?
currently i do not let her handle my bb's stuff like making milk, feeding milk all these cos i really don't trust her..

she can forget to wash her after handling of soap powder (as in pouring into the washing machine)

can anyone pls advise??

OMG...she sounds like my ex-maid that I HATE TO THE CORE!!! What's her name?

Of course you are not being too demanding. Opposite! You are too easy going. She can understand what you are saying but chooses not to listen. BTW, it's dangerous for your bb to have her wash clothes in the bath tub because the chemicals from the detergent could irritate your bb delicate skin. She's a freaking moron!

Forget to wash hands! How can! She's just lazy. Keep reminding her over and over again until you sound like a broken record.

She's NOT GOING TO CHANGE...this is her pattern already. She should be good in her first weeks then progressively get worse as she gets more familiar.

I'd be getting rid of her.
i also agree with liana! you are DEFINITELY not expecting or asking too much. i don't think this maid is going to work out for you, cause i can tell that even tho she just started 1wk ago, she has the boldness to do what she feels is right or to do things her own way, and to choose not to listen to you.

usually when maids just start working, they are quite "blur" so will make silly mistakes, and the genuine ones you can see that they will try to improve to the best of their ability.

but yours hor...i think no chance of improving leh. looks like got attitude problem and somewhat lazy.

is she a new or experienced maid? was she transferred? if she was, then what was the reason for her transfer? how many employers has she had before you, and how long did she work for each of them?

since you are a SAHM, the maid is definitely not indispensable, and you can definitely survive a few days or weeks w/out one. my advice is - do not compromise your requirements and expectations, and don't settle for anything less. if the maid is not working out for you, then change. you have that luxury. and when you do get a maid you feel has the right attitude and is willing to learn, do take the time and effort to train her properly and thoroughly. because it is much better to have a maid with a good attitude but needs lots of training, than a maid who doesn't need much training but with a bad attitude.

i am a SAHM too, so my reason for getting a maid when my dd was 16mths old is exactly the same as yours. it was never my intention to have the maid take over my childcare/mothering duties. i just needed a maid ard to do all the housework, and to help me with bb as and when i need her to, so that i can do my own things at home in peace & without interruptions.

babygrace is also another mummy in more or less the same situation. she is now a SAHM with a maid.

both her and i somehow have managed to get ourselves good maids our 1st time round, and we both got our maids at around the same time too. i guess being SAHMs, we both had the luxury of time, and we both definitely put in alot of effort and really took the time to train our maids and monitor their work & progress over time & regularly.

i really give kudos to babygrace, cause her maid has no exp. whatsoever, so if you heard some of the things her maid did in the early days, i think you would have vomitted blood! but she really persevered in training her maid and was very patient, and now she is reaping the rewards.

for me, i was alot more fortunate. my maid is very experienced - 2yrs in HK and 3yrs in S'pore, so i didn't really have to train her much, as she really knew how to do alot of things, and whenever i explained something to her, she knew straightaway what i was talking abt and knew how to do it. even when it came to cooking new dishes, all i had to do was write down the recipe and cooking method for her in Bahasa Indo, and she just followed the recipe & instructions and the food turned out fine. There was no need for me to demonstrate to her how to cook it.

The one common trait that both our maids had, and still have, is their good attitude, willingness to learn, being humble, and not showing black face whenever they kena reprimanded. i also notice both her maid & mine are the very timid kind, so this really works in our favour, cause they are not bold enough to do funny things or defy our instructions. i have left my maid at home alone for 3-5 days several times already whenever we go on short trips to M'sia or Batam, and she is very kuai-kuai will be in the house all day and only go out once a day to throw rubbish. i know babygrace has also left her maid at home alone for a few days when they went away on hols, and the maid was also very well-behaved, never go out at all.

because of my maid's timid nature, she doesn't even dare go out anywhere on her own! even when i bring her out shopping and there is something she wants to get and i ask her to just go ahead and ask the salesgirl for it, she is too scared to ask! haha.

today i bought the gold earrings for my maid liao. will give it to her before she goes back. then when i brought her out today to buy her shoes (hers almost koyak liao. she said she has owned it for 7yrs!), she told me she is looking to buy a nice denim jacket for herself but her budget only $20+, so i thought if i am able to find a suitable one for her, and it's not too expensive, i'll just get it for her.
Hi Zuoer
Maybe you read lani msg as above, you will get a full pic...

Thanks for your views on maid. I fully agreed with you...At times, I was wondering why my maid doing certain things...but after read what you have written...I know...its all boiled down to a maid attitude...and I think a timid maid does help to solve a lot of problems too...I do not need a maid that is bold which is like my current maid, who thinks she knows a lot and failed to be humble....

I guess with your maid and babygrace maid, it just proved one thing, regardless its fresh or ex sin or whatever, it all boils down to ATTITUDE of the maid...if from day one, its wrong, there is really not much chance they will get better.....
I agree with Liana and Lani. If you have told her many times and she still ignore your instructions, this kind of maid no point keeping. Just change until you find a good one.

Will your maid be looking for another job again ? I think difficult for her to get another employer as nice as you hahaha

When the maid goes on her off day, who knows what kind of people she will meet. She may get infected and fall sick, and may infect your baby. The maid usually don't dare to tell employer that she is feeling sick, so you would not know until she is very sick and showing the symptoms, by then it's too late liao.
hi all, i'm also looking at getting a maid. i've a 1-yr-old gal and giving birth to another gal in dec. this thread has given me some insights and i really appreciate the valuable info.

those mummies who got their maids from nation yishun, how do they charge and who serviced u? r u still using them? i'm staying at sembawang so tot of finding an agency near home. besides nation, any other agencies u recommend? i'll be placing maid at my mum's home in macpherson daytime and fetching maid + gals back ev evening after work next year.
<font color="0000ff">Tam,</font>
I observe my maid very very closely. Even when she sneezes, I will ask if she is not feeling well etc. I told her very sternly that she must inform me when she feels unwell as she is taking care of both my kids.

I even bought a big bottle of Vit C from GNC for her. Hopefully she will inform me when she is feeling sick.
This fall sick thing never come to my mind.....
Thanks for highlighting.

I get from Nation Yishun back in 2004. Remembered I paid $388 for agency fee. The person who served me is Jade and Janet. I dunno they are still there or not.
You spoke my mind

i'm sure you've read about my complaints to the other mommies about my clueless maid in her initial days. Am glad that i survived it without strangling her. haha!

My maid is also very timid when i bring her out shopping that sometimes i get so exasperated with her. She wanted to buy some sweets from those titbits kiosk and i ask her to go and pick it out herself and she doesn't dare, i must go get it for her. Same thing if I bring out to relatives' house for parties. I'll tell her to help herself to a drink and she's too scared to do so even when i point out where she can pour from. In the end i have to get it for her.
But i guess i can work this timidness to my advantage cos there's no monkey business from her. haha!
Hi All

I am expecting twins and deliver in Oct. Just engaged with Advance Link agency and expect the maid to arrive in mid of Sept. I am 1st time hiring maid to look aft newborns..worried if she can handle or not ler..sigh..really headache..How to train a new maid ah? She's fresh and 1st time to SG, but she has 4yrs of childcare exp in phili before ( not sure how true lor) so appreciate your advise what shoud I take note on her arrival ah? thanks...
ya, i also think i'm too nice
i'm like suffering lor haha
her name is geraldine

after she i told her off, she change to use the pails.. which in the 1st place she could..
end up.. i got to buy a new bathtub that day...

haiz i remind until i dun wan to c her
i c her i feel so pissed off..

she's a new maid
before me, she's in phillipine with 1 employer only for 7 yrs...
but actually dunoe how true cos she's only 23yrs old..

ya, i agree that the maid is definitely not indispensable.. but becos its my 1st time so i really dunoe if i am to send her back to agency is it ok or like i'm very bad

talking about throwing rubbish..
we tell her nv use her hand to touch the rubbish chute use leg to step to open can already
she also nv listen always use hands!!!

ya, really feel like changing
but not sure how long will the whole process take?
cos the agency so small i think not much cust that type, i guess lar,
so only must she be trf then can i get a new maid or??

can advise?

talking about getting sick
2nd day, my maid sick already....

thanks all for the advise.
feel so much better after some ranting
my maid has no plans now to look for another job. she wants to go back home and spend some time with her son. but i am guessing if ever she needs to earn money again she will look for another job lor, maybe in a few yrs' time? but i am planning to keep in touch with her, and told her that in future if i need another maid again i will just call her directly and see if she is interested, and if she is i will arrange to bring her in directly myself. so she no need to go thru agent and pay exorbitant loans.

yes, i remember all your earlier postings about your maid!! hee...

oh my maid is exactly the same also, with regards to her timidness! i admit it does frustrate me sometimes also, but i tell myself that i would rather a timid maid than a bold and disrespectful one.

yes you definitely got my point! i strongly feel that it doesn't matter howold the maid is, from whcih country, whether fresh or exp, and exp from whic country, cause the bottomline is their attitude and work ethic. if they have this then they will be a good maid, provided you give them ample time to adjust, you manage your expectations well, you train them well and thoroughly and you show them the proper respect and kindness.
Hi All

I just attended the court today. (for those who knows my ex-maid case)

When I saw her fm the gallery, my heart beats very fast. Kind of sad & feel very pitiful for her.....(don know why also)

The next hearing will be 3 weeks later. Today is just to mentioned it in court, think there isn't much evidence fm the police yet.

I met my media friend at the court, so talked about this case. He was shocked to know that I'm the first employer of this maid, coz the media still thot that the deceased was her first employer. He is trying to dig out which agency she is from, but I refused to tell him....coz don know what type of stories they can came out with.
hi ladies,

i am thinking of getting my very first maid and my mum suggest i take over the maid who is caring for my granny now. my granny is hiring her for 6 mths and after that do not need her anymore. she ask me to take over so i can save on the agent fee. is it true?

what are the procedures for a transfer maid? can anyone advise me? so lost as i nv got a maid b4 ;(
hey Patty, u r hving twins?? congrats... will there be anyone to supervise the maid?? 2 NB quite a handful for a maid leh...
hi babycutie, thanks. nation not good ha? tt's y u didn't go back to them? what agency r u using now? i'm quite lost. i wanted to go to one whom my friend recommended but the agency is farily new (less than 1 yr) and i'm afraid if 1st maid no good, take long time to transfer out since no huge customer base.
My maid also dare not take sweets or go and take food at other people house...but in my house, she eat my food without my knowledge and no her timid is at the wrong situations....her type, is only pretend only....
Hey, we got 2 Eileen-s here ah...hee

Hi zuoer - your plight is very same as mine when I first had a PH maid. I laughed at the part when you say she asked question, but dont follow instructions you had given to her! Same as mine!

My experience is that the maid asked me if to prepare milk for my older boy back then for him to drink in the car, i told her no. When we reached home carpark, I ask her to prepare milk first thing reach home, guess what??? she took out a bottle of milk from the bag!! God...

I dont know what to say and back then i was preg with 2nd child, i was v v emotional and got v upset and pissed with whatever she did. I was really suffering back then. so I got rid of her...but nvr did i realise that the other subsequent maids are worse off in other i then lowered my expectations but till now, I am trying to find my no. 5 maid!

My first maid is exactly the same as yours. Dont ask questions - she claimed she shy, but when comes to food, she is definitely not shy!

If I go back to the past, I would handle it this way. If the maid is the kuai kuai type, then to be honest, its worthwhile to have a little bit more patience and be friendlier with her more. Your maid maybe is scared. I totally agree with Lani all depends your maid's character? Do you think she is pretending, or can be daring kind? My first maid is not and so if given me a choice now, I would probably give her another chance! Sorry, probably I have given you more headache in case you still dont know what to do - change or no change. Just go with your heart ba...

Anyway, just an update to all - I have finally more or less decide to take a transfer maid (of 3 mths) from Status Employment at IP. I met the maid, her english (can bear with her a bit), looks quite decent as in kuai kuai and I decided to give her a try. Initially I want experienced maids but i also scared the same old thing will happen to me again (maid ran away and refused to work at my mom's hse although job is so so easy) i guess I will take a fresh (but transfer) maid a try and hope for the best!
Hi eileen10,
talking about milk,
i left a bottle of unfinished milk on the table & then went to do my stuff.. she was carrying my bb & bb was crying - she dont want to be carry, she wants to be on the floor.. then she take the milk bottle want to feed her.. luckily i saw then she ask me if can feed her..

omg lor.. the milk is like left there for some time liao & she can ask me if can feed...

then kp carrying my bb.. dunoe for what...

no i have made up my mind to change

i think she only listen to my hubby
when dinner time today hubby not ard, she greet me to eat.. if hubby ard she sure say sir eat

then just now my mum came, by tat time, hubby at home already, so my mum ask her get a cup of water for sir..

she do wat.. she saw my mum carrying my bb, assume want her to make milk.. go take bottle..
even my mum very nice to her also angry liao..
my mum tell her sir sir sir take water to sir
then she take

i think she only pretending lor
not scare..

Hi zuoer - gd morning. looks like she really didnt put heart to do work and just pretending..then i guess yes, change her off, to make yr life easy..

hope u will get a good one next!
Eileen (eln),
Currently I got mine from Crislo.

I dunno whether my maid is pretending or stressed. I noticed that she was a lot happier when my mum was hospitalised. Can see her smiling face

My mum was discharged yesterday. When I reached home from work, the maid's face look grumpy and black. Thk she get scolding from my mum.

During the days when my mum is not around, I find that her working attitude is ok. Can handle my kids, can do the household chores.

I had given instruction to the maid that everyday at 4pm, she has to cook rice. But yesterday she didn't cook. My mum has to ask her to cook. She poured too much water and the rice is very gluey. Get scolding from my mum. Because cooking has always been done by my mum. Is it because my mum has come back so she don't cook rice?? She knows that my mum was hospitalised for the past few days. How can she expect her to cook immediately after discharge from hospital?? My mum needs time to recuperate right??

Hmm... is she pretending or pushing the duty of cooking to my mum since she do not need to cook??
If you can do without maid for a period of time, then you can send your maid back to the agency anytime. But check with the agency, they may ask you to pay $10/day until the maid find a new employer. You also need to pay her levy even though she is not working for you. Usually agency will promise to transfer out the maid within 30 days.

You can actually start looking for a new maid now. Once your new maid comes in, your old maid got a grace period of 2 weeks to be transferred out, otherwise she must be sent back to her own country.

Check here for the procedures to change employer.
Hi all,
can i check how to go about allowing PH maids to send parcels back home? How much is it and what box sizes should i get? I've a lot of unwanted stuff n prob will slowly give to my maid then let her send back home. Btw, how often should i let her do that? Should i pay for the postage or let her pay it?
my Indo maid sends back some items home once in a while, once she's accumulated enough to put in 1 large box. I just use Singpost, cause it's still cheaper than courier companies, especially since it's just 1 box. I use the standard parcel shipping by Sea Mail, cause it's much cheaper than Air Mail, but will take longer, approx 4-6wks, but she doesn't mind cause it's not urgent for her family to get the items (they are mostly gifts she buys for them or some items I pass to her). Of course my maid pays for the shipping lah, out of her own salary! The charges are by weight - the 1st box she sent home it was ard S$65, then the 2nd time it was bigger & heavier, costs ard S$81.

maybe your maid is stressed, and scared of your mum liao. sometimes when you are feeling stressed and nervous when working you tend to make a lot of silly mistakes, but once you are not under so much stress you can do your work properly. even for us when we work in office also like that, ie. if a have a superior that i am scared of or makes me stressed and nervous most of the time, i also feel i can't do my work properly and concentrate, and will end up doing silly mistakes.

anyway, no need to think too much or stress yourself abt your maid lah. you are confirmed sending her back already in 2 days' time, so just bear with it lor.
Hi eileen10,
ya hope really can get a good one too
haha tks

hi tamarind,
wah if really cant get trf then send back home, her loan how??

hopefully my hubby today can come back early so can send her back to agency..
cos hubby reservist then bring her with bb is quite hard for me..

Thanks. U r right, she is going off soon. I am worry abt my boy. He is very sticky to her. Only my maid can soothe him.

I have taken 2 wks leave starting next week. Hopefully my boy will stick back to me and get use to the new maid.

my hubby called the agency say wan to send her back to them
they insist we must use for 1 mth, claim agreement with MOM which I know is not & dont have this clause.

what should i do??
thanks for the info. send back to indo already so exp??!! I was still thinking if less than $50 maybe i can pay for her.

Any PH maids employers know the rate of using singpost to send parcel back to PH?
hi all,
i managed to call the agency already..
will be sending her to them tmr.

i think really so lucky that I'm sending her off.
just now ard 2.30pm she ask me can wash the clothes.. i say cannot cos later she's going to cook dinner ard 5+ 6, so the clothes will not be dry yet as it's raining, so ask her wash after dinner

she ask me can wash tml
omg.. i say cannot
then she ask me if can put in the machine to wash 1st after dinner then hang them up..
i say cannot then she give me those like..huh look..

really terrible
then she was playing with my bb, my bb poo..
she nv realise at all one..
the smell so strong.. yet she nv tell me..
when my bb come near me, i already can smell
really going crazy

after that when i bring my bb to wash up, she goes into her room & close the door dunoe do wat lor til now

wah.. cannot tahan
yr maid stay in her room for 1 hour???

my maid oso have nose problem. I can smell shit but she can't. Have to tell her my kids poo... very jialat... Many times I ask the maid is it her house smell like shit that's why she immuned to the smell.....

r u gg to machine wash the clothes? u using top loading or front loading machine? maybe u can get her to put the laundry to wash after cooking dinner. Then she can wash up the kitchen. By the time she finish washing kitchen, the clothes would be ready to hang.
my maid same pattern as yours, always eager to wash the clothes, never consider whether the basket is full, never consider what are the activities that are going to happen, never consider got place to hang or not, never consider the timing. She must be thinking, why that day can, today cannot ? Singapore employer very "yim chim". To me, it is because she never digest my instruction. I may give you a general instruction, but under different circumstances, the same steps may not apply ! If you know the kids have not showered, of cause you wait till they showered then wash all together right ? If you know you are going to cook, of cause you don't wash and hang your clothes there to soak up the smell right ?

Babycutie: they where got so clever to think like you suggest ? that day I caught her staring at the washing machine. asked her why, she said, waiting for it to finish !!!
haha..Suzie, yr maid really farnie! Well, the poo thing is v common. My last maid also..but we felt that she is pretending not to know and give stupid excuses.

I have formally told my current agency at Furama that I am terminating their service! I purposely also mention in the email abt the 6 demerit points they have accumulated haha..Actually all this come with a S$ 388 expense! I really feel being conned leh. They just sit and wait for employers to call them? And then they keep themselves busy to get new customers...My case has been there for 3 weeks liao, and guess what I receive no call from them and they know I was recommended by my fren! I thot they will be more tactful and ensure gd services will be rendered. But this is entirely opposite...argh.....
LV, there are loads of door to door services in Lucky Plaza, the costs are quite ok. I remember my sister came over to buy stuff for her wedding, the box was huge (almost the size of a small fridge) and she only paid S$60 for it.
maybe she din use washing machine before so din know have to wait at least 45 mins before it is ready to hang.

top loading machine cycles are fast than front loading. front loading can take up to 1.5hr. Thk must tell the maid to clock the time.

A lot of maid are not organise with their work lah.... they cannot think systematically so most of their work are always half done here and half done there....

That's why most of my maid get scolding from my mum.
That's great that you're sending her back. She's damn lazy man. Of course she can smell the poo! She just doesn't want to change the diaper and wash up. My ex-mail from hell also like that. She never changed my bb diaper ONCE.

Hope her next employer makes her pick up dog shit. Good luck to her.
Hi all,
finally sent her back to agency..
when we were there, the agent was talking to her & her eyes just could not concentrate on the agent..move here & there & the agent herself was so pissed that she bang the table & tell her off as well..

even the agent herself cant stand her..

hi babycutie,
more than 1hr!!
make me so pissed
everyday also hide inside dunoe do wat

i dont even bother to tell her lor
cos dun want to make myself feel more angry, haha

ya, going to machine wash my clothes.
its a top loading machine.
yes that's my pt also, put the laundry to wash after cooking dinner. Then she can wash up the kitchen. By the time she finish washing kitchen, the clothes would be ready to hang.
but she cannot wait.. i dunoe why...

hi suzie,
ya agree with the 'never consider whether the basket is full'.. when we brought her back, the washing machine is still washing so when we came back, i went to do the laundry..
wah surprise lor.. 4 towels inside!!! omg.. 4 towels cannot wait?? waste my water waste my electricity...

hi Liana,
dunoe her leh.. from day 1 till now i nv ask her to change anything for my bb.. even make milk also nv.. so really dun understand..

anyway, i am so happy that i had sent her back..
yes, quite pitiful when she's there getting scolded, but then i think its better for her as well..
haha! seems that all maids have nose problem hor?? my maid also the same leh! she can be taking care of my dd or playing with her for so long and never notice that my dd poo, but the minute i walk towards them i can smell it already! then i always gotta tell her, "sarah poo you cannot smell is it? it's so smelly i can smell it fr a few metres away". but i know in her case she is not doing it on purpose or that she is lazy or trying to get away from changing diapers. she REALLY cannot smell it leh!

singpost goes by weight, and the packages my maid sent back were quite big and heavy leh! i would say the box is like those for PC monitor or 21 inch tv kind, and heavy. even when hubby helped carry it he was shocked at how heavy they were! hee...
I think most maid has nose problem.For instance, I told her to close the kitchen door, whenever there is cooking smell from the backyard, I already smell it but I asked her, did she smell the oil smell coming in, she can tell me no....Worst still, she can say the cooking smell very nice...yet she cannot cook for a peanut....

My maid whole face has become traingle from rounded. I can actually bo chap, but the sight of her bitter gout face make me pissed cos she also has black face problem when she is being told off so cum with this type of sour plum face,already enough to cause a person bad mood in the morning...

I kept telling myself she will be gone soon ,just don't care but I do not like seeing a person keep loosing weight and look like corpse....very sickening looks

Care for kids
Do you mum have got the problem that maids tend to want to finish the housework first than to attend to the whining kids...I noticed this in my maid and my friend's maid too....
sorry i dont quite get u. can explain what's the door to door service at lucky plaza? u mean they also do home parcel delivery for maids? and the $60 u refer to is the postage?

yours is in Indo maid? is it cheaper or more exp to send to PH then?

Phone store value card:
Can check with u all, which one is the cheapest to get for value for money. Currently i bot the hello prepaid card $20. How often do u girls let your maid call home? I'm actually quite ok with her calling back once a week. but my agent advise me not to, said they'll miss their family or get emotionally upset at times when they call home too frequently. But i really took pity on her cos i can imagine how sad it is to be away from her own kids.
Sometimes I kept pondering whether these maids stay in a house which is painted with shit. That why the smell of our kids' poo are peanuts to them compared to their shit painted house.... hence they lost their sense of shit.

Yes. Most maid always want to finish housework first and let our kid whine. How can we send the message across to them that attending to kids are more important than doing the housework?? Already told them to STOP WHAT THEY ARE DOING IMMEDIATELY if they hear the kid cry, still they chose to finish the task before attending to the kid. Haiz... true. My maid will continue to "mai(2) tou(2) ku(3) gan(4)" even when my girl cry, and I am busy. I asked her to stop and attend to her, she turned around and asked "now huh ?".

My friend screamed at her myanmar maid when kid whining for 10mins and herself yet to bath at 11pm....Now, I also learnt, if my maid let my boy go on whining, I will shout at the top of my voice, that works....No auto, have to use manual
LV, it's a service where you call them, they will give you a box to put the stuff, and come to your house to pick up the box. Quite good service. i can go and find out which one my sis used if you want.
hi mummies,
i dun usually scold my maid but recently i've heard lots of complaints abt her from my mum - tok back, show black face, not initiative...she told me she changed after she got to go out for her off day. usually how do u confront and reprimand ur maids? do you do it in a room or openly? scold or give warning? i really dun know how to go abt it...Please advise. Thanks.
My mum also shout for the maid. And scolded the maid for not stopping to check on my boy.

U know almost all of my maid get scolding from my mum because all of them has no intiative and not alert at all.

Only my first maid is exceptional.

Care for kids, previous maid also bo chap bb cry..hoping I'm the one that attend to my bb. She can answer I cant hear her cry... bb poo also cant smell, floor dirty w hair flying around ..cant see.. so all senses not working.. so bye to her.

I get my new replacement maid yesterday(after 1week being maid myself), quite disappointed w Crislo..haiz..her data fake again(previous fake age n no. of employer(problematic maid).. my priorty is bb care, so I choose w 0-6mths exp n not the willing to learn type(means never care bb before).. I remember keep on telling Mic/Shawn I want exp in bb care. Her data state hav exp in bb 0-6mths.. when I ask her, she said no,never handle bb before n mostly house work, previous employer's kids also care by Ah cooking,usually buy/packet from outside.. aiyo.. I feel like I'm getting a new, no childcare exp maid??? but paying for exp salary???

The 1st question she asked me after I collect her, are u working? I said I will train n help u for 2weeks, then I need to work.
Me: Do u afraid alone w bb when Sir n I work.
Maid: err...
Me: U must learn n feedback to me any problem in this 2weeks... can u do nite feeding? giv me a surprise look.. I will guide u w nite feeding.. can u wake up at 6am? giv me another not sure face..

I was thinking, oh no, mayb she is a good sleeper(love to sleep)..

Now only can pray hard for her attitude to be good.I train her by showing/doing the work myself(this morning I wake up at 6am, she wake up about 6.30am,was thinking 1st,ok la..)... house chores I know can learn..just worry for my bb..
