Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

That maid I found just by luck. Anyway she is not perfect, she changed after 2 years, made many boyfriends, and I sent her back already. But she did help me a lot during those 2 years, but she was under my mother's supervision.

We really do not know whether a maid is good with newborn, until we actually used them. Speaking to their ex-employer will help, but remember that other families may have very different ways of taking care of babies. You can ask the agency whether they have contacts of the ex-employer.

I got one agency who bang on the table to assure me that the maid is good with babies. But that maid didn't even know how to change baby diapers properly. So do not believe the maid agency when they say how good the maid is.

agreed. all depends on luck! had my 1st maid (28-yr with 2 children) look after my boy when he was 3, very auto-in doing things, and take good care of my boy. but after 1-year (loan re-pay finish), fake sickness and want to go home. later, I found out from my boy that my ex-maid punish my boy by sending him stand outside because he was crying. so sad!

my boy now 7 can complain about my current maid (single, 23-year), so she dare not do any hanky-panky. she said she work because she wants to earn more $$ and build house in Indonesia. She has a sister in Sing. That's why my hubby said since I trained her till now, give her a chance to take care of baby. But I'm quite reluctant. as no supervision only CCTV. Working mums dilema!
Kim, at least ur maid know ur boy can report she dont dare to funny current warn my boy dont be kay po or she will beat him..aiyo..threaten my boy..till my boy ask when is she going away..
Hey Kim, sorry to interrupt, but where do u get ur CCTV?? Am tinking of getting one for my hse to monitor on my maid.. And another question, have u send any maid back home b4?? Wats the procedure like?? Coz I am sending my Indo maid home asap as I found out recently tat she has a bf..Den for the 9 mths she work for me, she has now $1770 wif me?? How do I pass it to her? Money order?? Would appreciate if you or other experienced mummies can share the info wif me.. Thks in advance..
Dear mummies

I wanted to share something regarding the maid who killed the 70 yr old lady.

<font color="ff0000"> she is my ex-maid</font>

here is my posting to my mummy group:
(My heart weaken when I thot of my ex-maid

CID called me yesterday during lunch time, and told me my ex-maid went missing. So questioned me about her character, why I want to return her to agent, etc.

Then in mid afternoon, CID came to my house, but I'm not around. Then they sms me to tell me to call them back ASAP. I only get to see the sms in late afternoon.
Hubby returned call while I'm bathing. In my heart, I'm very worried that something might happened to her, eg, she is dead. Cried while bathing. After hubby off the phone with the inspector, he told me it is much worst than we have expected.
She is the PRIME SUSPECTS for killing her new employer. And now has gone missing.

My entire family are very scare, coz am afriad she will come and look for us for help. Scare she appear at our door front, scare she gone crazy snatch my boy fm school, etc... whatever we could think of.

Am very drained coz the inspector keep calling to check this & that. THings like, did we give her EZlink card, how much money she has, what is written in her diary, why I never make report when caught her from stealing things, etc..

(I'm also thinking if I were to make report last time, maybe this tragedy will not happen. And also am very glad that it didn't happen to my family, who knows what will happen if she is still working for us. Yesterday just keep hugging my sons, can't imagine if I were to lost them)
- posted on 20 Aug

I have not been sleeping for 2 nites, until the police called me to inform that she was arrested.
I was still very upset about the whole incident.
My heart weaken after I knew that she was arrested yesterday. Somehow I feel very sad for her, coz she has a father & 2 brothers waiting for her to support. Wanted to attend court today, but too busy with work.

On the other hand, am very glad that I send her away, coz can't imagine if she was to do this to my 2 sons.

She has been with me for about 7 mths, only got transferred out in July.

Thanks for sharing.

So what is the reason you send her back to agent? Did u suspect something when she is still working with you??

This sounds so eerie...... We are really staying with a time bomb....

d u tell agency tt she stole money? if so, agency shld b blamed, they shld sent her back home instead x'fer 2 other employer.So tis tragedy will not happen.
Yes, I told agency before that she keep telling lies , and steal things.

She acted very pitiful when I questioned her, will rub her eyes hard and pretend to cry. First 1 or 2 times, I just forget about it.
It happen more subsequently, thus decided to send her back.
Told agent about it, she asked me whether need her to talk to her or not... I said no, coz I don intend to keep her.

Infact, I just got to know that after I transferred her out, she worked for 2nd employer for few days also. she got tranferred out again. Then this pity old lady family got her and she only work for abt 10 days and this thing happen.

Before she went to to this new employer, she told agent she wanted to go home, then agent persuded her to stay....and in the end...
If she gt no heart 2 work, y agent still 1 her 2 stay? mayb she think tt she cant go home then she will do tis things then u can go home liao... really silly if she think tis way..
Hi ladies, now I found you girls here. I din know there is a blog too on maids. Qutie surprise. I went thru my fair share of changing maids, and my 10th maid just arrived at my sister's house, fully trained by my sis and her maid. I'm just hoping that everything goes well, and I can stop this changing maid trend in my house. Another change, I sure go drink kopi with MOM liao.
OMG! My heart was pounding when i read your post of your ex-maid..Very fortunate for you to get rid of her but pity the old woman's family. At that time 7 months,did she finished her loan? I think stealing (with evidence) and abusing the children, anything endangering the life of a family member is a very serious offence and should be reported to police.

I dont know...not being hardheartened. I think u shld not visit yr ex maid in court unless u really want to help her out.

Very scary hor...telling lies and stealing at one stage and then now became a killer...the thought of it scared me too!
Btw, can u let me know the agency so i will avoid them at all cost. my email is [email protected].
Is there any death penalty in Indonesia??? Maybe they don't have there so tot she can kill her, then will send her back home.

Already mentioned that their thinking r so shallow. She didn't know that killing a person in Singapore can be sentence to death penalty if it is serious.

I dun understand why these ppl want to come out to work if they are not mentally prepared to take hardship..... Really shake my head....
Halo..finally you come in to this thread...Thought u know about it long time ago.
Welcome welcome...
Yah, pls share with us the agency so we will all avoid. PM me if it is not convenient to disclose here.

Many thanks.
Hi Jo,

I suppose my maid is young (only 23-year), so dare not do funny stuffs. Moreover, I make sure my boy understand that "kakak" is here to help and not a family member like ah gong/ah ma. She is the helper! Should not be giving orders when mommy not around. So far, it's OK. As if I scold her, I REALLY SCOLD! Till my hubby said "give her chance". I told my hubby, "what chance?", if I don't give chance, she would be packing her bag already!

Hi Janice,
So far I know 2 ways. Back to agent for transfer or we sent her packing straight to airport. I prefer the 2nd choice, but we have to do all the paper works. Agent can also do for us, but they "delay-delay", and I have to pay levy and S$10 per day. But have yet to execute, as I'm still looking for suitable maid. For your case, I will pass to agent to handle.

CCTV, I got it from Challenger, something called D-Link (hubby the one to do it). Its wireless, and recorded to PC/Notebook. I was also told can log-in thru phone, but have not try. I don't check everyday, but used it for scaring the maid, that as least someone is watching you! As the PC is in my room, she don't know whether I check or not. I told her upfront that I have a CCTV in living room and kitchen. But make sure, once a while you watch the recorded, so you can catch a few mistakes and tell her, if not, she take it as you put "nice-nice" only.
Hi ling,

I have not leave newborn with maid, but I know a lot of working mommies do that (not choice!). I'm also thinking of this idea, or look for a babysitter or sent my newborn to Infant Care. But not finalise yet! I suppose if you find you can trust the maid, you can do so... But always do spot-check!
I'm not too sure why the agent only want to keep talking to maid and counsel them...maybe they just want to save the trouble of sending the maid back.

KC, will email u.
agent keep e maid, they can earn money, cos once they x'fer e maid, they earn another 2 - 3 mths salary frm e maid, if e maid keep on x'fer, e agent juz earn e agency fee frm her, so e best maid dont go home... agency can earn more money, tis is wat i get e info frm my previous agency.
babymilk pls email mi e agency oso. my email addr is [email protected]

Thk I know who... The agency name is JF.... The person who open is JN..... correct?

Think of Run Home Run, I not Stupid.......
Hi babycutie

Like to check with mummy here :-

For philiphines maid how much does your agency charge? mine charge me for new no experience S$400 +$20(no off day compensation) IS this the normaly market rate now..cos my mum house maid was only S$350..

Oh goodness me thanks for the info..
Hi esthermummy,
Nice to see u here..... Agency fees varies...

Which agency u went to? Not long ago I engage a phil maid from an agency who charge only $188 with no exp and college level.... If u want to get uni level, pay additional $100.

I thought the agency that you mentioned is no longer around....

Don't tell me the agency is of three letters as in initial.....
I won't feel safe with only the maid n bb. Unless the maid is very reliable and can handle very well. Otherwise, PLEASE arrange someone to be at home to supervise.

Just want to share a story here... dunno whether I post before or not....

My company liase with a freight forwarder who is in charge of our cargoes. One of the lady at their logistics dept has lost her child. She left her bb and her older kid (few years old) with the maid alone at home. It was due to negligence of the maid that causes the baby to die.
Esthermummy, I just engaged a phil maid, fresh S$320 with 1 off day or S$340 with no off day. Now most agency up the salary of maids.

Babycutie, how the baby die? Please tell more here. At least a learning lesson for all mummies here.
Thanks so much for sharing your story ! Luckily you made the right decision to send her away. It's very unethical of the agency to get her a new employer, when they know that the maid has serious problems.

Hi all,
I want to emphasize again that it is very important for you to check the employement history of a maid before you hire her. Those who get sent back within a few days, most likely got serious problems.
Kim, im getting a maid to look after NB and my toddler gal (half day). really hv to wait till maid is here then can see whether maid good and can be trusted anot... Mi intend to get CCTV or webcam to monitor the things at home.

CCTV is through internet?? or record through video?? you have several cameras at home or only one to monitor?? Im really idiot when come to these stuff.. faint

babycutie: sigh... I hv been coaxing either parents to stay with me but none willing to do that.. sobx... Modern grandparents I guess..

Esthermummy: I got mine at $350 + $20 no off days.. She is experienced from philippines... $400 abit too much, somemore new maid wor..
Oh... u talking abt Mais's salary and not agency fee is it?? I thought u refering to agency fee.

Few months back I engage a Phil maid without experience in Singapore and her pay is $320 without offday. $420 is very steep consider without experience in Singapore. And it does not guarantee that the maid will do well. Its not worth paying that salary to someone whom might make you vomit blood.

My replacement is an Indo with 6 years experience in Singapore. I will be paying her $370 (without off days).

Why don't u look for alternatives?
Is it ok to say the name of agency here?

Anyway, the more I think of it, the more the agency is to blame.
Coz during her 6 to 7 mths stay with me, I have complainted to the agent a few times. And ask the agent to talk to her. But when I have finally decided not to use her in her last 2 weeks with me, I told the agency no point talking to her or get me a re-placement, I will return her by July.

After she got transferred to 2nd employer, the agent told me that she got transferred out again because the empolyer refuse to let her make breakfast for her on that particular day, and the maid gets very angry.

So through all this behaviour of her, the agent should send her back, and not asked her to stay.
Suay suay this 3rd family got her..and the murderred takes placed.
I can't provide much info on the deceased infant because I am not very close to that person.

I only found out from my colleague when she called that person to check on some delivery matter and was told that she was on COMPASSIONATE LEAVE. The colleague on the phone told my colleague that her 5 mths old baby has died due to mishandling. And the maid is the caregiver of the baby.

I didn't probe further with that person as I do not want to rub salt into her wound. Just only know that the baby died due to choking.

This happens sometimes in Apr/May.
I also think it's the agency fault. Usually those agency who cares about their reputation will not transfer the maid out especially the maid has clear her loan. She already seemed unsound in the first place and just because they want to earn another few hundred bucks from the maid plus agency fee from employer, they transfer her out and cause someone to die. This is really too much.
Thanks for yr email. I guess better dont be so direct on the agency name at this moment (scarli kena sued since the maid's case is running on the newspaper everyday. If there is a spy here, go and publish the agency name, then the agency may come after u.

For the anxiety of the mummies, it is the one that babycutie guessed..."I NOT STUDPID" . But not the three name agency, JPB.

babymilk, i think the maid has some mental problem maybe. How come the employer cannot fixed her own breakfast..then she get very angry for what? Come to think of it, now i also scared scared. Past few weeks i have little problem with my current maid. Whenever i am free at home, i like to do some laundry hanging which i told her its very alright for mdm to do it (some of my expensive and branded clothings dont like to hang outside)...then the next day she not happy about it, tell me want to call agent. I was like..urgh, this is my house,i cant even do things myself. So got the agent to tell her off. Hopefully she is not like your ex maid..
Hi babycutie

I understand. I think I'll be guilty to death if I'm in her shoes. that's why I always feel that the govt who impose the only 1 household rule is really ridiculous. They expect us to trust a stranger straight away as the main caregiver or our kids or elderly.

Even though they have set the age limit and education standard of maids, it really doesn't help much cause all these can be fake in the country as long as they got money. And also it does not guarantee their personality.

hi mom72, I think the gov't imposed the 1 household rule more becuase some employers may have abused their maids and make them clean 2 households or even 3? Plus the more households that hire maids the more money they make mah, more levy.
My maid would be more than happy if I fix my own breakfast, wash and hang my own laundry. If I sweep and mop the floor myself, she lagi happy like toad.....

I think this maid who kill is a very sensitive person with some mental problem. She kept a lot of inner thoughts for too long and it exploded this time.

I read in the papers this morning. If she is found guilty, she will be sentence to death.

Thanks for the hint....

I remembered my 2nd maid who request me to send her home. She worked with me for 10 mths. Thk she endure till she finish serving her loan before she ask for this request. I did not send her back to agent. I told her as she did not complete her contract she has to pay for her own air tickets. So I approach another agency to get replacement and at the same time ask them to book flight for this maid to return to Jakarta.
babymilk, KC,
I always make my own breakfast, because I got a special way of making my ground coffee, need to filter etc. Most of my maids are more than happy to do less work. Except for my very first maid who insist to do it for me, when I said I will do it myself, she asked if it's because she was a bad maid. She also always cry for no reason at all. I sent her back after a few months.
<font color="0000ff">Thanks for yr email. I guess better dont be so direct on the agency name at this moment (scarli kena sued since the maid's case is running on the newspaper everyday. If there is a spy here, go and publish the agency name, then the agency may come after u.</font> UNQUOTE

<font color="ff0000">The spy (if there is) who disclose the name to the press will be based on your own assumption. Mummies here will not be held any responsibilties if you are sued for this incidence. You have to bear your own consequences.</font>

We are only making guess here and until it is announced, it is not confirmed that our guess is correct.
<font color="ff0000">I'm already very upset about the whole incidents, so bad that it is affecting my work</font>

As for the agency, I believe there are many other agencies out there doing the same thing when there is transferred maid. They will just talk to the maid and persude them to stay.

Just very unfortunate that such thing happened.
