(2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

Try to latch her on n off instead of waiting till u're engorged. Once u're engorged, harder for e baby to suck suck e milk out so they will reject. May not b coz she reject latching totally.
Hi, sorry for late reply. My bb is coming to 1 month now. I pump most of the time and will latch my girl when I feel engroge. But it is difficult to get her to latch now. She is used to bottle feeding. I have to force her to latch and i always have to fight /force her.

Mummies, anyone have issues latching on baby after 1 week? I bottle feed formula in the night and latch on bf in the day but recently my little princess like to use her tongue to play and then push away the nipple.. Then latch a while and repeat..I'm afraid she doesn't get enough milk during the day..
Mummies, anyone have issues latching on baby after 1 week? I bottle feed formula in the night and latch on bf in the day but recently my little princess like to use her tongue to play and then push away the nipple.. Then latch a while and repeat..I'm afraid she doesn't get enough milk during the day..
Yes, I am having this issue. After introducing bottle feeding, she no longer latches on me anymore. Coming to 3 weeks this Friday.

I have been trying to get her latch but she is like "banging" around my nipple and cries...

Yes, I am having this issue. After introducing bottle feeding, she no longer latches on me anymore. Coming to 3 weeks this Friday.

I have been trying to get her latch but she is like "banging" around my nipple and cries...

Same... Hai. But so far she still manage to latch , just not for very long..
Sorry mummies... just feel like ranting off this early morning... so pls pardon me...

My prince is admitted to KKH for vomitting and lao sai... now doctor suspect could be viral infection, gastric flu or overfeeding... he was fed 90ml... i went home and told my MIL what the doc says... guess what? She push the blame of overfeeding to me!!!! If mummies here were to recall... i was ranting about how she overfed my prince that wee morning... that started his 90ml and i got so upset!!!! She was suggesting to top up to 120ml for him last week and now she also say is I say one... like seriously??? Then now say what... sometimes baby cries not because hungry... ya... when he cry you dont say? At least i did sometime and not just apply ru yi oil for him which is not helping! Ok i might be wrong on this but everytime he cry she put... machiam ru yi oil foc... really cannot imagine what will happen if i go back work... starting to get piss liao...

On a sidenote... my poor primce jaundice is going up... T.T and yes this one also can blame me... i was not agreeing to tan him cos he is having the suspected heat rash... and it is getting worse for him... so... ya... everything my fault lor... good thing no recognition... bad thing all my fault...

When baby cries... mummy want go hug.. she went first... take time before mummy can hug... like seeiously? Mummy in the room with baby alone... she has to check on us every few minutes like dont trust mummy to take care of baby like that... i am having doubts who is the mother now...

Confinement meant to be an comfortable one but i just felt mine is like... so pain so stress!!! Haiz...

Ok... end of rant for now... thxs mummies for reading this long post...

Yes, I am having this issue. After introducing bottle feeding, she no longer latches on me anymore. Coming to 3 weeks this Friday.

I have been trying to get her latch but she is like "banging" around my nipple and cries...


Patience that's the only advise anyone can give. Each side for full latch takes the baby 30 mins to sucks. A lot of times I latch till I fall asleep before my girl does. V dangerous. Can try lying on the bed position? My confinement nanny suggest. Not so tiring and can sleep together with baby.
Can pls share what pillows you use? I bought the infant pillow frm baby fair but baby keeps rolling himself off the pillow and lie on one side. He is already very cone head. Worried about flat head.

Is this pillow Babymoov lovenest gd?
Can pls share what pillows you use? I bought the infant pillow frm baby fair but baby keeps rolling himself off the pillow and lie on one side. He is already very cone head. Worried about flat head.

Is this pillow Babymoov lovenest gd?
View attachment 606598

I bought something like this from bb fair too. So far my boy using ok... but he like to sleep head tilt 1 side to uis rite so I hv to straighten his head to the front on n off...
I bought something like this from bb fair too. So far my boy using ok... but he like to sleep head tilt 1 side to uis rite so I hv to straighten his head to the front on n off...

My boy is also tilted to one side. And he slips off the pillow and i always find him horizontal in the playpen. Was wondering if i should go buy the babymoov pillow or will he slip down from that also.
Learning on my own on my first.. Ya. Let's jia you together

I understand how you feel.

Its frustrating when baby cry and everyone rush to my room and ask for the baby or ask me why is baby crying. Obviously baby cant talk and tell what they want or whats wrong. Its a troubleshooting process. Mayb hungry, mayb stomach uncomfortable or mayb diaper full. Hate it when baby is taken away from me when he cries. Like i am not qualified to take care or comfort him. My maid or mum would say, come give me or come let me carry. Im a first time mum too. And im still learning. I should be given the chance to learn, get to know baby and his habits.

Now when baby cry, i quickly attend to him. Troubleshoot quickly before anyone comes in and take him away. So far, so good.

Jia you!
I understand how you feel.

Its frustrating when baby cry and everyone rush to my room and ask for the baby or ask me why is baby crying. Obviously baby cant talk and tell what they want or whats wrong. Its a troubleshooting process. Mayb hungry, mayb stomach uncomfortable or mayb diaper full. Hate it when baby is taken away from me when he cries. Like i am not qualified to take care or comfort him. My maid or mum would say, come give me or come let me carry. Im a first time mum too. And im still learning. I should be given the chance to learn, get to know baby and his habits.

Now when baby cry, i quickly attend to him. Troubleshoot quickly before anyone comes in and take him away. So far, so good.

Jia you!

Very hard on my side. Make me crazy few days ago.. And very hard to understand her cry when diaper change feeding done..
Very hard on my side. Make me crazy few days ago.. And very hard to understand her cry when diaper change feeding done..
I also have the same issue.. But now getting better.. Coz I think sometimes my girl haven't burp enough I set her down, and that causes her to be uncomfortable..now I try to hold her and burp her after a feeding, wait till she go into semi sleepy mode then put her down.. The other day she cry entire day and it was not until the next day that I saw her nose inside got mucus, then took it out.. After take out she totally ok again..
I also have the same issue.. But now getting better.. Coz I think sometimes my girl haven't burp enough I set her down, and that causes her to be uncomfortable..now I try to hold her and burp her after a feeding, wait till she go into semi sleepy mode then put her down.. The other day she cry entire day and it was not until the next day that I saw her nose inside got mucus, then took it out.. After take out she totally ok again..

The problem is I'm feeding breast milk and she has difficult to latch n my mum keep on taking her away from me when she cry. Then I had to express and when nobody at home I can't cope. Jus coaxing her take 1 hr or more. Feeding n expressing milk and 3hrs gone and repeat again. It's like driving me nuts. I almost give up.. sometimes I feel I wan to run away
The problem is I'm feeding breast milk and she has difficult to latch n my mum keep on taking her away from me when she cry. Then I had to express and when nobody at home I can't cope. Jus coaxing her take 1 hr or more. Feeding n expressing milk and 3hrs gone and repeat again. It's like driving me nuts. I almost give up.. sometimes I feel I wan to run away

The first couple of month is the toughest. Everything seems haywire and off. Hang in there, it will get better! And if it's really driving you crazy, take a breather, pass the baby to your mum and get her to bottle feed the baby. Meanwhile you can take a break or go for a walk for some fresh air :)
Any mummy fully bf baby? Wanna know the time interval your baby drinks...
My gal is like every 1-1.5 and only sometimes 2 hr interval... Me feed her till wanna go crazy Liao..
The problem is I'm feeding breast milk and she has difficult to latch n my mum keep on taking her away from me when she cry. Then I had to express and when nobody at home I can't cope. Jus coaxing her take 1 hr or more. Feeding n expressing milk and 3hrs gone and repeat again. It's like driving me nuts. I almost give up.. sometimes I feel I wan to run away
Did you go see the lactation consultant? Maybe they can help u with the latching...shun pian give you a bit of small break from your mum..Jiayou!
Hi mummies, how do u survive with less than 4 hrs of sleep every night and your bb wakes up every 2 hrs for milk and sometimes does not sleep at all? My girl won't sleep from 9pm to 3am and will sleep after that for 1hr and wakes up for milk. This will last till the morning 7am. Then she will sleep 2hrs in the day. Trying to cope with expressing milk in between and taking care of her and keeping my sanity check. :(:(:(
My wife doesnt have much milk, each day only about 100ml if lucky. Have to use formula. :( doc says her nipple inverted etc thus baby not willing to latch plus of cos not much supply to begin with. So just pump out and give it to baby in a bottle.
Btw, any baby here when feeding thru bottle makes alot of the air noise from baby? Donno how to describe it but baby is like having the sound of drinking very very fast. Currently baby at 4th week old, each feed is about 100ml, 3hrs apart but recently started to be 2.5 or 2hrs apart. And the baby simply want to be fed everytime she wakes up.
Confinement lady will be leaving next monday, i wonder how my wife and i can cope by then with just the 2 of us.
Everyone jiayou and dont get stress out, im learning to be a better parent each day too.
Any mummy fully bf baby? Wanna know the time interval your baby drinks...
My gal is like every 1-1.5 and only sometimes 2 hr interval... Me feed her till wanna go crazy Liao..

My baby will wana be fed every 2-3hrs. But there are times I have to feed her every 1hr. It's indeed very tiring & insane. Sometimes feel that I am like a milk machine. Haha! Jia you coz things will get better.
My wife doesnt have much milk, each day only about 100ml if lucky. Have to use formula. :( doc says her nipple inverted etc thus baby not willing to latch plus of cos not much supply to begin with. So just pump out and give it to baby in a bottle.
Btw, any baby here when feeding thru bottle makes alot of the air noise from baby? Donno how to describe it but baby is like having the sound of drinking very very fast. Currently baby at 4th week old, each feed is about 100ml, 3hrs apart but recently started to be 2.5 or 2hrs apart. And the baby simply want to be fed everytime she wakes up.
Confinement lady will be leaving next monday, i wonder how my wife and i can cope by then with just the 2 of us.
Everyone jiayou and dont get stress out, im learning to be a better parent each day too.

Hi allenhui, if your wife wanna latch baby can buy nipple shield is for inverted nipple (buy this brand Ardo) coz the thickness of the shield is the thinner.
Hi, same here. Mine wants to be fed every 2-3 hrs. Sometimes shorter intervals when he poo poo right after the feed which is quite common for breastfed babies according to my PD. If he can't sleep well at night, he will wake up more often for feeds. So recently, I turned on aircon for him when weather gets very warm at night.
My milk supply is getting less each day. Dunno is becoz of the stress level or what is happening.... Feel stress about it, but I still can supply her at least 1 time each day.

These few day, my bb kind of cranky. Dun wan slp in the noon keep making noise and cry, at night after 10pm also. My mil feel frustrated snd scold the bb, I feel irritated and told mil the bb is still small she dunno how to tell you and we dun really can understand what she want. That y when she start crying, I make her some milk or give her pacifier to soothe her. Everytime I make milk for bb, mil will said AGAIN drink milk later waste how. I pretend din heard it....

My confinement is do by mil.
Did you go see the lactation consultant? Maybe they can help u with the latching...shun pian give you a bit of small break from your mum..Jiayou!

I can let her latch only on left side when I put her sitting on the bed. It's none of the methods from the recommended position. But not always successful as if she scream it won't work. We dono why she cry until non stop. Diapers change, feeding done. Even get her burp. My mum keep complain about the fan. But the room already so hot that we can't stand. She still wan to wrap bb tight n hot. We are getting very frustrated. It's so hard. I'm wondering why my bb do difficult?
My baby will wana be fed every 2-3hrs. But there are times I have to feed her every 1hr. It's indeed very tiring & insane. Sometimes feel that I am like a milk machine. Haha! Jia you coz things will get better.

Thanks for your reply... Really like a milk machine... Work 24/7! Hahaha!
I hope my gal will be more stabilize and she grows everyday,.
FYI: I also thought no milk supply at first then there is these two nursery nurses who are extremely experience n encouraging. The moment they see my breasts, told me I have milk supply. Then rent me the medela breast pump n I tried n it really comes. So don't get too upset if u don't have for the first few days especially if u on c section. Also try to work out your own expressing milk timing which is diff from your baby so u have supply before bb wakes up for milk. We mixing formula n breast milk, so far my girl has no issue with bottle feed. U just have to make sure u r using the natural bottle to feed n not those for formula milk one.

Wow which hospital the nurses so smart? Those I encounter at TMC so-so only.
Yup, I have a follow up about 2 weeks after delivery. Can you try to get an a appointment? If not, just watch out for pus or funky smells. Meanwhile, keep the wound clean and change yr pad regularly. :)

Its good to go back to check esp if you feel something is not right. I had infection and couldn't even sit but when I called to make appt my gynae nurse said his appts on a Sat was fully booked! I was shocked at their statement. Isn't there an SOP that sick patients should be seen first?
I can let her latch only on left side when I put her sitting on the bed. It's none of the methods from the recommended position. But not always successful as if she scream it won't work. We dono why she cry until non stop. Diapers change, feeding done. Even get her burp. My mum keep complain about the fan. But the room already so hot that we can't stand. She still wan to wrap bb tight n hot. We are getting very frustrated. It's so hard. I'm wondering why my bb do difficult?
My girl sometimes also like that. Keep crying even after feeding,changed diaper, change clothing.. My husband did this rubbing on stomach thing and somehow for that night she stopped crying. Maybe your bb has wind in her tummy but cannot get it out and uncomfortable ?
My girl sometimes also like that. Keep crying even after feeding,changed diaper, change clothing.. My husband did this rubbing on stomach thing and somehow for that night she stopped crying. Maybe your bb has wind in her tummy but cannot get it out and uncomfortable ?

Ya. I suspect too. Mine is shard to burp bb, was in scn to check her tummy due to vomit. But her cry can drive me crazy. My hubby also almost give up too
okok pray hard for you!! Hopefully is a good news! I hate waiting game.. so totally can feel u.. actually I'm also quite nervous and worried coz tested 2 times (4 days apart) the line is still so faint.. >.<

By the way I have created a FB group for DEC 2015 mommy, let me know if want to join ok! Just search for December SG50 babies or post your email address yah! :)
Benny please please add me in the Dec mummys fb. I find it so much easier to use fb then forum. My gal was born 28/12. TIA

[email protected]
My baby turn 3 week old soon. I am on bf n on fm. But I realised my bf is getting g lesser.... nt even 20ml for 1 pump... n I see no pt to continue but yet I dnt wa to give up... any kw how to increased milk supply? I try to eat oat n lots of liquid n rest as much as I can.
Ya. I suspect too. Mine is shard to burp bb, was in scn to check her tummy due to vomit. But her cry can drive me crazy. My hubby also almost give up too
I intending to buy ru yi oil to put after she turns one mth, heard that maybe will help with the wind.. Coz now mine keep hiccuping also which i suspect she eat too fast, even with bf , a lot of air inside... Very often after feeding she will spit up milk during burping. Maybe u can try also?

I'm also very tempted to get baby magic tea (saw the reviews that it really helps gassy babies - was a bit desperate liao) but not worth it to get only 1 can... Their free shipping is only for orders $100 n above. If buy 1 can with shipping it will be around $48 usd... Anyone wanna share so can save on shipping?

Link below
Hi mummies, how do u survive with less than 4 hrs of sleep every night and your bb wakes up every 2 hrs for milk and sometimes does not sleep at all? My girl won't sleep from 9pm to 3am and will sleep after that for 1hr and wakes up for milk. This will last till the morning 7am. Then she will sleep 2hrs in the day. Trying to cope with expressing milk in between and taking care of her and keeping my sanity check. :(:(:(

Hello! I feel you! My babe wakes up hourly at night and when the sun rises I feel like a zombie. Haha. But this stage will pass. Their feeds will stretch for longer hours and we will get our sleep back!
I intending to buy ru yi oil to put after she turns one mth, heard that maybe will help with the wind.. Coz now mine keep hiccuping also which i suspect she eat too fast, even with bf , a lot of air inside... Very often after feeding she will spit up milk during burping. Maybe u can try also?

I'm also very tempted to get baby magic tea (saw the reviews that it really helps gassy babies - was a bit desperate liao) but not worth it to get only 1 can... Their free shipping is only for orders $100 n above. If buy 1 can with shipping it will be around $48 usd... Anyone wanna share so can save on shipping?

Link below

Yar! My baby is gassy too. But it's hard to burp her.
My baby turn 3 week old soon. I am on bf n on fm. But I realised my bf is getting g lesser.... nt even 20ml for 1 pump... n I see no pt to continue but yet I dnt wa to give up... any kw how to increased milk supply? I try to eat oat n lots of liquid n rest as much as I can.

Hi fatefully,

Don't give up! I was in the same situation as you & I asked around & read about what to do. Sometimes pump nothing comes out & it's really demoralising. I tried this thing called power pump, not sure if it did really boost the milk supply but apparently now my milk supply is better & am on total breastfeeding. I am also taking fenugreek to supplement the milk supply. I heard salmon, codfish & avocado helps too.

You can read up on this website for power pump,

Jia you..!!


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My baby turn 3 week old soon. I am on bf n on fm. But I realised my bf is getting g lesser.... nt even 20ml for 1 pump... n I see no pt to continue but yet I dnt wa to give up... any kw how to increased milk supply? I try to eat oat n lots of liquid n rest as much as I can.
U can squeeze n massage while pumping and increase the time a bit longer. This is how I make my milk supply increase. U try squeeze to hit 25 or 30ml. Then ur next pump will get 30 in shorter time... Slowly squeeze a bit more and increase time. I always massage n sqeeze while pump. Can get 90-100 per side at times.
My baby turn 3 week old soon. I am on bf n on fm. But I realised my bf is getting g lesser.... nt even 20ml for 1 pump... n I see no pt to continue but yet I dnt wa to give up... any kw how to increased milk supply? I try to eat oat n lots of liquid n rest as much as I can.

Same for my wife too, during first week, the supply was low, each pump about 10-15ml only. Then second week was better like 20-40ml each pump. But this week onwards, the supply is down again back to 10-20ml if lucky. Oh, with such supply, have to go formula way without better choice :(
Ask ur wife not to b stressed up over breastfeeding. Stress will cause e milk supply to drop. I had to supplement for 2 mths wif my boy before he was fully breastfed. My milk supply only increased when I almost gave up n tried fenugreek as a last resort. My gal has a smaller appetite. I still dun haf a gd milk supply but at least she's drinking lesser formula compared to her bro. Jia you!
Same for my wife too, during first week, the supply was low, each pump about 10-15ml only. Then second week was better like 20-40ml each pump. But this week onwards, the supply is down again back to 10-20ml if lucky. Oh, with such supply, have to go formula way without better choice :(
I intending to buy ru yi oil to put after she turns one mth, heard that maybe will help with the wind.. Coz now mine keep hiccuping also which i suspect she eat too fast, even with bf , a lot of air inside... Very often after feeding she will spit up milk during burping. Maybe u can try also?

I'm also very tempted to get baby magic tea (saw the reviews that it really helps gassy babies - was a bit desperate liao) but not worth it to get only 1 can... Their free shipping is only for orders $100 n above. If buy 1 can with shipping it will be around $48 usd... Anyone wanna share so can save on shipping?

Link below

You might wanna check out thru amazon, this its about 45SGD for a tin.
hihi, how much formula do u guys give to yr bbs when she's Ard 2 weeks? I'm giving 90ml now and it's seem to be a lot... I worried I'm over feeding her~
as my bm is still not sufficient..
