Why Assessing Genetic Normality Of IVF Embryos By AI (Artificial Intelligence) Is A Better Option Than Actual Genetic Testing With PGS / PGT-A

Angelica Cheng

Active Member

Why Assessing Genetic Normality Of IVF Embryos By AI (Artificial Intelligence) Is A Better Option than Actual Genetic Testing with PGS / PGT-A

With rapid economic growth and urbanisation in Malaysia over the past few decades, there is an increasing trend for women to delay marriage and childbearing, as they now enjoy improved educational and employment opportunities.

However, with older maternal age, there is an increasing likelihood of a woman’s eggs having an extra chromosome copy, which in turn increases the risks of spontaneous birth defects in their offspring.

Besides Down syndrome caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, older women are also at increased risk of Edwards syndrome (extra copy of chromosome 18), Patau syndrome (extra copy of chromosome 13), and Klinefelter syndrome (extra X chromosome).


Although such genetic defects in foetuses can be accurately diagnosed in pregnant women by non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), they have to face the agonising dilemma of whether or not to abort their unborn child, upon getting a positive diagnosis.

To avoid the moral dilemma and emotional trauma of abortion, it might be preferable for older women undergoing IVF (in vitro fertilisation) to screen their embryos for genetic abnormalities, before transferring them into their wombs.

This may be achieved by a highly expensive and invasive procedure known as Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) or Preimplantation Genetic Testing – Aneuploidy (PGT-A).

Typically, PGS (PGT-A) increases the total IVF medical fees by around 40 to 50 per cent, so it would a lucrative business model for fertility clinics to encourage more patients to add-on this expensive procedure to their IVF treatment.

Nevertheless, patients must be wary of the aggressive sales pitch and marketing gimmicks that could be used on them.

One example is how the concept of relative risk can be misrepresented to patients to play on their fears of birth defects.

For example, if the risk of Down syndrome is 0.1 per cent at age 20, and increases to 1 per cent at age 40, and subsequently to 4 per cent at age 45, then another way of presenting the data would be to say that the risk of Down syndrome increases tenfold from age 20 to 40, and forty-fold from age 20 to 45.

Hence, through a sly manipulation of words and figures, the risks of genetic defects can be ‘exaggerated’ to patients who are unfamiliar with medical statistics.

PGS (PGT-A) is also highly invasive, as it involve drilling a hole through the embryo shell (Zona Pellucida) and extracting cells from the embryo for genetic testing (biopsy), which is potentially harmful, and can impair it’s development.

Many experts have pointed out that studies claiming no ill effects on embryos are often based on PGS (PGT-A) of excellent quality, healthy, robust embryos rather than more ‘delicate’ embryos that might suffer more.

Hence, if an IVF patient has just one or two embryos, it might not be worth taking the risk. No matter how well-trained is the lab staff (embryologist) performing this procedure, there is still a risk of human error.

The more busy the IVF lab is, the greater the risk of human error, as lab staff are under pressure to complete procedures as fast as possible.


Another deficiency of PGS (PGT-A) is that it involves extracting and sampling cells from the outer embryo layer (Trophectoderm, TE) that gives rise to the placenta and umbilical cord.

This is not representative of the inner embryo layer (Inner Cell Mass, ICM) that goes on to form the actual embryo proper, which gives rise to the baby.


Mosaic embryos, which are embryos with a mixture of genetically normal and abnormal cells occur quite frequently and commonly among women undergoing IVF.

Genetic testing often leads to the misdiagnosis and discarding of mosaic embryos, which have been shown to be capable of giving rise to a normal and healthy baby.


There is scientific evidence that mosaic embryos are able to “self-correct”, which increases the chances of normal birth. This “self-correction” mechanism involve pushing out the genetically abnormal cells into the outer embryo layer, which gives rise to the placenta and umbilical cord.

Older women with low ovarian reserves have much fewer embryos during IVF. Therefore, excluding or discarding of mosaic embryos that can potentially give rise to a normal baby, would in fact substantially reduce their chances of IVF success. Some older women may have no embryos left to transfer after genetic testing.

Indeed, in neighbouring Singapore, PGS (PGT-A) is still not approved as mainstream clinical treatment, due to ambiguous results and a high attrition rate of 72 per cent in local clinical trials, as reported by the Singapore Ministry of Health in 2021.

Recently, a much cheaper and less invasive alternative to PGS (PGT-A) was announced, with groundbreaking results from an international study published in the reputable Human Reproduction journal.

A novel artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm called “Life Whisperer Genetics” was successfully developed by American health care company Presegen to accurately assess the genetic normality of embryos, based only on microscopy images.

Interestingly, Alpha IVF in Malaysia was a major collaborative partner in the development of this new reproductive technology platform, which is non-invasive, low-cost, and provides results instantly, and therefore very much preferable to the expensive, time-consuming and invasive PGS (PGT-A) technique.

According to Presagen Chief Medical Science Officer Dr Sonya Diakiw, this AI screening technique based on microscopy images alone, may not be as accurate as PGS (PGT-A) itself, which involves actual DNA sequencing.

Nevertheless, a relatively high accuracy rate of 77.4 per cent was reported in Human Reproduction.

This does not compare too badly with results from the PGS (PGT-A) technique, which themselves can be variable, due to their small sampling size.

Typically, PGS (PGT-A) only tests around five cells from a total of around 200 cells in a blastocyst-stage embryo, so it is not always representative of the entire embryo.

Hence, there is a risk of misdiagnosis of false positive and false negatives, particularly with mosaic embryos.

By contrast, the Life Whisperer Genetics AI algorithm is a whole-embryo assessment of genetic integrity that does not require any invasive procedures, which can be used to prioritise embryos for use in IVF procedures.


Because instantaneous results can be obtained through AI screening, unlike time-consuming PGS (PGT-A) that take at least a few weeks, there is no obligatory requirement to freeze the entire batch of tested IVF embryos, while waiting for the test results.

This could be advantageous for some patients with a few weak embryos that maybe harmed by the freeze-thaw process.


However, a current deficiency of this new technology platform is its inability to reveal the sex of the embryo, unlike conventional genetic testing with PGS (PGT-A).

It is possible that this might be remedied in the near future, with the development of new AI algorithms that could identify the sex of IVF embryos with some degree of accuracy with microscopy imaging.

Given the much lower costs and reduced risks of harming the embryo, albeit slightly less accuracy and inability to carry out sex selection, it maybe more worthwhile and cost-efficient for patients to do AI-based screening of IVF embryos, rather than actual genetic testing with PGS (PGT-A).

At the end of the day, it is up to patients to decide on the technique that will give them better value for their hard-earned money, based on their individual risk-cost-benefit analysis.

Alpha IVF Uses AI in Fertility Treatment

Alpha IVF, a reproductive centre in Kota Damansara is utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) for In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) in a bid to optimize and increase its patient’s success rate.

AI-enhanced embryo selection is demonstrating a 25% improvement in accuracy in choosing the embryo for transfer when compared to the conventional embryologist morphology assessment, thereby improving the outcome hence it is dubbed as precision medicine.

The centre has been actively involved in the research & development of AI in IVF practice since 2018, in collaboration with other AI innovators from Australia, USA, Denmark and Poland.

“The AI-enhanced embryo selection software is fed with our embryo images taken from the embryo scope. The software algorithm will scan the images and provide a score up to 10 based on the implantation potential and likelihood of creating a pregnancy. The higher the score, the higher the chance of implantation,” said the centre’s Chief Embryologist Adelle Yun Xin Lim.

The world’s first AI application for commercial use in IVF was launched by Presagen, a San Francisco based AI healthcare company. Alpha IVF took the lead to offer this new generation application in Malaysia in late 2020. This AI application
works as an enhanced tool to assist physicians and embryologists in selecting the most viable embryo for transfer.

Alpha IVF achieved the first healthy live birth following the transfer of embryos selected using AI in South-East Asia in 2021, in its very first case that such an application was deployed.

“The AI algorithm was built using deep machine learning that identifies traits from a huge and growing number of embryo databases from around the world that have previously brought on successful pregnancies. The AI starts by assessing known components of the embryo that indicate its quality, and at the same time, identifies complex patterns that are too difficult for the human eye to see. AI then combines these different contributions in the right proportion and generates an AI Score. The higher the AI score, the higher the likelihood of implantation,” she added.

Cost of doing an IVF program in Malaysia is generally considered high at an average of RM 15000 – RM 18000 and its success rate is, however, not 100%. On average, the success rates still hovers between 50%-80%.

Physicians and scientists around the world are working towards improving the odds of conceiving and bringing the gap closer to a 100%.

With the added advantage that AI can offer to IVF patients, Alpha IVF, a pioneer in many advanced technologies in its depository, is now offering the service free of charge to patients with the hope of achieving higher pregnancy rates.

Alongside the development of AI in IVF practice, in June 2022, Alpha IVF and Presegen (USA & Australia) published a ground-breaking result where another novel AI algorithm called Life Whisperer Genetics was developed to assess the genetic integrity of embryos non-invasively using only images. This study was published in Human Reproduction Journal (Diakiw et al, 2022), and is poised to bring new hope to IVF patients in time to come.
