(2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

Mummies with bad morning sickness. Do you all actually feel better after puking? Or worse/no different? These few days the nausea has gotten much worse for me, almost entire day doesn't let up. Whole day fighting the urge to puke, very tiring, so wondering if actually puking it out will make me feel better or not. Just now went to buy the sea band, hopefully it'll help.

nicokin19, sounds like you had a very tough weekend, hope you can wrap things up at work quickly and go home early to rest!!

Mummies with bad morning sickness. Do you all actually feel better after puking? Or worse/no different? These few days the nausea has gotten much worse for me, almost entire day doesn't let up. Whole day fighting the urge to puke, very tiring, so wondering if actually puking it out will make me feel better or not. Just now went to buy the sea band, hopefully it'll help.

nicokin19, sounds like you had a very tough weekend, hope you can wrap things up at work quickly and go home early to rest!!

Im dizzy and nauseous 24/7. I do feel better after vomiting. I realise i feel nauseous becos of the acid buildup in my stomach, making me very gasy n all. But i do not have appetite to eat at all. Its nt a gd advise to force vomit but if u can dun vomit den dun. Cos my throat will b bleeding at the end of the night due to excessive vomiting. It will b a never ending cycle cos humans r nt meant to digest blood. Once they detect blood in system will auto make u vomit (again) my throat has never recovered since then. Gynae gave me zofran but it doesnt work for me.. sleep is my only cure.
@Newbie_mom I dunno how to deal with the irritable bowel syndrome either. It gets worse once I got pregnant. I either get constipated and then diarrhea like crazy few days later. The only thing I do now is to take more fruits and drink more water.
If you want, you can consider taking lacteol fort. One of the solution for IBS.

I definitely feel better after vomiting. If not feel the food stuck there , damn irritated. Now I'm already in my week 12, but my morning sickness never gets better Leh!!
Hi mummies. I tried to schedule an appointment with dr. benjamin tham of thomson medical and i was trying to get through the line for almost 20 minutes. No one picked up the phone, only the computer generated voice which kept saying that all the representatives are busy and then putting me on hold. Any other mummies encounter this problem? Could you share how did you manage to secure an appointment with him?
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Yallo I feel as you do. Wanna vomit but just stuck at throat. I have to eat sweet or wat to push it back. Not too healthy though. Last preg I recall I vomit 2 times. After vomit, I am all well. But miserable at the moment. Just hope the MS will go away soon.
Sasa_xie Ya progestrone makes me really dizzy especially I consume in the morning at work. At night, I will consume one and concuss. Right now dun have any ms still leh, maybe just bloated.
@jean1986 I did take forlax for my constipation. Although my gynae said its ok to take forlax but im still worry.
this 2 days the bloated tummy much more better but im worry if the bb fine...
I guess I worry too much..cant wait to see my gynae this Wed.
Feathery, you vomit till throat bleed??? Oh dear that sounds awful! How many weeks are you at?

I'm now at week 8 only, still another month to go zzzzz... Can't wait for second tri to be here! Sadly the sea band didn't seem to work much for me, still feeling miserable

heyimamom did you manage to get thru and make an appt in the end?
Argh!!! I'm having rashes... read online that it's due to hormonal changes.. only 1 out of 300 will get it.. wanna cry le la.. why so suay one..went Watson pharmacy and the pharmacist recommend me a moisturizing cream and body wash.. really itchy sia... must wait till give birth then will recover?! OMG...
Feathery, you vomit till throat bleed??? Oh dear that sounds awful! How many weeks are you at?

I'm now at week 8 only, still another month to go zzzzz... Can't wait for second tri to be here! Sadly the sea band didn't seem to work much for me, still feeling miserable

heyimamom did you manage to get thru and make an appt in the end?

Week 9.. we quite close. Haha. Im immuned to vomiting alrdy.. jus abit worried my throat cnt take it. This is my #2. My #1 i vomitted all the way to 7th mth. So i have learnt to accept it if not will feel terrible. Hahaha :rolleyes:
Argh!!! I'm having rashes... read online that it's due to hormonal changes.. only 1 out of 300 will get it.. wanna cry le la.. why so suay one..went Watson pharmacy and the pharmacist recommend me a moisturizing cream and body wash.. really itchy sia... must wait till give birth then will recover?! OMG...
Ya go get moisturizing cream & body wash. Avoid applying all other stuffs like anti stretch-mark cream.
I had bad rashes for my #1 during first trimester until my breasts n tummy R like disfigured. It got better after that.
Week 9.. we quite close. Haha. Im immuned to vomiting alrdy.. jus abit worried my throat cnt take it. This is my #2. My #1 i vomitted all the way to 7th mth. So i have learnt to accept it if not will feel terrible. Hahaha :rolleyes:
You are very brave!! If I had vomited for 7 months in my #1 I'll definitely stop at 1 lol, no more!
@sasa_xie im taking duphaston. So far ok leh... I think I only feel sleepy after I took those a pill 2x a day.

@Happy~Mian I had bad case of hives when #1. It always begins in the evening, and disappears by morning. And it will leave portion of my body with hives swollen. So. If suay I kanna on my lips that evening, the swell on my lips will disappear by noon. And usually I will get it on my eyes, lips face and everywhere else on the body, a part of my body at any one time. It started only at 3 mths and ended miraculously at 5mths. And At one time, it was so bad, these hives came out on the scalp of my head and all over the back of my body. So u can imagine how itchy it was for me to sleep. And i was scratching myself silly till I cried and then laughed silly at myself with my hubby. Lol!
Calamine lotion helps to soothe only, and I was given anti-histamine... But i cant be taking that all the time coz it's drowsy.

My hubby even went to research that probably due to feng shui and went to change the position of the bed, bought air purifier. But nothing works. Then one day out of the blue, it just disappeared. So... I guess have to endure lor.......
last night i ate gador gador from penang .. yummy !!! but later i throw out .. yucks ~ :confused:The whole night i woke up countless time for pee .. :(

sour plum drink still my favourite ...

i feel cold most of the time, anyone like me or not huh?
@Feathery oh no... your vomitting sounds bad! All the way till 7months!!!! *gasp*

I puked again last night. This time round was all the gastric juice I figured, N now, i'm left with a burnt throat & heartburn. Having difficulty swallowing food, even water. HELP!!!!!!!
last night i ate gador gador from penang .. yummy !!! but later i throw out .. yucks ~ :confused:The whole night i woke up countless time for pee .. :(

sour plum drink still my favourite ...

i feel cold most of the time, anyone like me or not huh?

Gynae told me It's normal to feel breathless, tired, cold etc. In my mind i was thinking ya... that's how useless i feel. Hahahaha
@Feathery oh no... your vomitting sounds bad! All the way till 7months!!!! *gasp*

I puked again last night. This time round was all the gastric juice I figured, N now, i'm left with a burnt throat & heartburn. Having difficulty swallowing food, even water. HELP!!!!!!!

Drink warm water. Honestly water taste horrible to me nw. Lol

You are very brave!! If I had vomited for 7 months in my #1 I'll definitely stop at 1 lol, no more!

Lol.. last time i rly tot 1 qill b enuff but as #1 grow up, i start to feel its v selfish for me to nt giv her siblings. Den no choice lo hahaha.
last night i ate gador gador from penang .. yummy !!! but later i throw out .. yucks ~ :confused:The whole night i woke up countless time for pee .. :(

sour plum drink still my favourite ...

i feel cold most of the time, anyone like me or not huh?

me i always feel cold thou i have many fats on my body. and i am scare of hot more than cold but nowadays i keep feeling cold. so weird
^5, im one who is scared of hot, but recently i have been feeling cold...

@Mummyof3jays for ur first 2, do u experience different symptoms since they are of different gender?
I heard the baby's heartbeats today. Sooo amazing! It's measuring 6 weeks and doc said it can change. It should technically be a few days older since mine is an ivf baby. Super thankful for this gift. My hubby couldn't hide his emotions. He started tearing when he heard the heartbeats. I left the clinic with a goody bag. Feels like it's my birthday today. :)
^5, im one who is scared of hot, but recently i have been feeling cold...

@Mummyof3jays for ur first 2, do u experience different symptoms since they are of different gender?

@jcyp : #1 gal no symptoms super easy pregnancy, eat well, slept late.Lost of energy but not sure izzit becoz i was young then 24 y o
#2 boy vomited for 4 months everyday , everywhere. super tired. slept early
I heard the baby's heartbeats today. Sooo amazing! It's measuring 6 weeks and doc said it can change. It should technically be a few days older since mine is an ivf baby. Super thankful for this gift. My hubby couldn't hide his emotions. He started tearing when he heard the heartbeats. I left the clinic with a goody bag. Feels like it's my birthday today. :)

congrats!!! I also in my 6 weeks :)
back from my 1st appt yst.. i went to the toilet 1 hr b4 my appt.. hence bladder not full for abdominal scan. Doc got my approval to do vaginal scan.. cos want to confirm the pregnancy.. kinda scary.. luckily it wasn't that long..

According to the size of the bb, doc says bb is 6 weeks 1 day.. so EDD is 2 aug 2015.. hmm am beginning to think if i joined the wrong forum grp.. should i move to the Aug 2015 group? :S
Don't change group too soon. Size of bb will change and dates will change too. My edd is 1 aug but I'm loitering around here. There's also the possibility that I might pop earlier. Also, I kind of like learning more abt what to expect from the ladies here who are a couple of weeks ahead of mine. Helps me to know what to expect. Of coz, you can also hang around in the aug 2015 thread. More friends the merrier. :)
Hi mummies! Happy mid week!!
Was having really bad nausea so am eating fresh cherries I Bgt from ntuc today mng. :) they taste so nice and sour. Really helping to curb the nausea! Wohoo!!
back from my 1st appt yst.. i went to the toilet 1 hr b4 my appt.. hence bladder not full for abdominal scan. Doc got my approval to do vaginal scan.. cos want to confirm the pregnancy.. kinda scary.. luckily it wasn't that long..

According to the size of the bb, doc says bb is 6 weeks 1 day.. so EDD is 2 aug 2015.. hmm am beginning to think if i joined the wrong forum grp.. should i move to the Aug 2015 group? :S

actually even if early july ok to join july just feel days diff. I havn see gynae but based on LMP i should be late july or early aug too
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@mandy_ng have u been puking a lot before that? Green stuff must be the bile in ur stomach meaning ur stomach is totally empty or they could be phlegm if you have been having flu/cough. I think better to see a doctor to seek opinion.
@Happy~Mian i also itchy all over. my eczema like gettinf worse. dr give me.mild steriod but like not working

i only halfway thru my twn trip n i wan to.go hm. my #1 really a handful to take care plus keep feeling nauseous
My eczema seemed to worsen too and i don't dare use my regular steriod cos they are abit strong. I jus have to resist scratching which is very hard. I don't know if its hormonal or environmental cause to my ezcema

yesterday after 5pm alone i puke 5 times after i took kaya butter toast .. i have to alight half way of the journey home .. make my ms really start full strength already ... sianz
