(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

what do i need to buy when LO is ready for solids? 1) fork/spoons/plates/bowls 2) sippy cups 3) food processor 4) tools to mash up food??? i m clueless...he is only 4 months.
Haha she accepts my smelly fbm, just that I feel bad giving her once I smell it...
When my LO was 2month old and still accept smelly fbm, I also feel guilty for giving him smelly bm.. But I keep telling myself it's my effort. Lol.. But now he rejects all.. so I just bless them away.
When my LO was 2month old and still accept smelly fbm, I also feel guilty for giving him smelly bm.. But I keep telling myself it's my effort. Lol.. But now he rejects all.. so I just bless them away.
mine rejects too.. maybe i shuld cut down on pumping duration so that I produce just enough.. my gal went on nrusing strike last week.. i broke down uncontrollably..
mine rejects too.. maybe i shuld cut down on pumping duration so that I produce just enough.. my gal went on nrusing strike last week.. i broke down uncontrollably..
Yeah.. I am pumping 4times a day.. will have about 200-300ml excess each day... I scare If I reduce 1 pump, it's quite risky for me not to have enough for him...
How come smelly ?u kept in the freezer with other thgs ?
If we store the fbm in all fbm fridge, itwill still smell?
Huh... So like that means fbm is not good for babies?? :(
Fresh ebm is still the best, but frozen is is still better than formula milk. The smell is from the lipase in the milk. All frozen breastmilk will have this smell once frozen, regardless of whether you store in deep freezer or in fridge freezer...

The only way to get rid of the smell is to scald the milk before storing... but additional step is very leh cheh. The milk may smell fishy/metallic, but if u taste it should not taste sour, should still be sweet...
I started my LO on pureed apple over the weekend at 5 months 2 weeks... He was already watching us eat everyday... and we let him taste the various fruits we eat - apple, pear, papaya, etc etc.

He finished nearly 2-3 tsp of apple... today is the 3rd day... if all okay tmr will start him on avocado! :)
I started my LO on pureed apple over the weekend at 5 months 2 weeks... He was already watching us eat everyday... and we let him taste the various fruits we eat - apple, pear, papaya, etc etc.

He finished nearly 2-3 tsp of apple... today is the 3rd day... if all okay tmr will start him on avocado! :)
do u all buy a new blender specially for LO's food?
I started when my bb turned 5mths! Before that she was super interested in our food. Always salivating when looking at us eat. I started her with some rice cereal. 1st day she quite liked it I think cos it was novel. 2nd day ate slightly more. 3rd day decided she hated it and kept screaming lol. 4th day tried again and she hesitated, ate a bit and kicked up a huge fuss. Not sure whether to continue or stop. Don't want her to "dislike" eating :( read that must keel switching to other food? Each type try abt 4 days to make sure no allergy? Then my box of cereal wasted??
Won't waste. U can add puree to ur cereal n finish it up the box n see u wan start porridge or try other cereal

My bb also tried 2 days of cereal n now he reject .. these days bb very clever know how to.choose
do u all buy a new blender specially for LO's food?
No I have an existing blender so I just used that....

Won't waste. U can add puree to ur cereal n finish it up the box n see u wan start porridge or try other cereal

My bb also tried 2 days of cereal n now he reject .. these days bb very clever know how to.choose

Yeah agree... if she fuss now, try other stuff and then come back to it again later on...
I started my LO on pureed apple over the weekend at 5 months 2 weeks... He was already watching us eat everyday... and we let him taste the various fruits we eat - apple, pear, papaya, etc etc.

He finished nearly 2-3 tsp of apple... today is the 3rd day... if all okay tmr will start him on avocado! :)
i let my lo taste papaya yest. she cringed. boiled apple ok but she also cringed at the fresh juliet apple. will try again in another mth or so
I haven't let lo try anything yet... Only just started letting him try plain water haha.
Will start w the baby cereal or puréed apple in a couple of weeks.

Shared by one of the mummies in groupchat
When my LO was 2month old and still accept smelly fbm, I also feel guilty for giving him smelly bm.. But I keep telling myself it's my effort. Lol.. But now he rejects all.. so I just bless them away.

I think I have to continue to feed her fbm, stopping bf soon cos hubby asked me too... It's affecting my health :(
I think I have to continue to feed her fbm, stopping bf soon cos hubby asked me too... It's affecting my health :(
due to lack of sleep right ?

it is normal for #1 cos i also get sick easily during my #1 time ..but for #2 think my body already used to it lolz to healthy as ox
i think my lo rly isnt ready for solids. let her taste pumpkin and she cringed. =X
Maybe just not used to the taste?? Anyway, the cues to whether LO is ready for solids is (1) Good neck control, able to sit in a high chair, (2) shows interest in our food... so not liking one food doesn't mean they are not ready.... You can try other types of food like apple, papaya, pear, plum.
I think I have to continue to feed her fbm, stopping bf soon cos hubby asked me too... It's affecting my health :(
Yeah.. bf really quite tedious.. I keep having blocked ducts that made my boobs so sore. Even after I cleared the ducts, it's still painful... I am thinking to feed until 6months den stop.
Maybe just not used to the taste?? Anyway, the cues to whether LO is ready for solids is (1) Good neck control, able to sit in a high chair, (2) shows interest in our food... so not liking one food doesn't mean they are not ready.... You can try other types of food like apple, papaya, pear, plum.
boiled apple seems ok. papaya not ok. pumpkin also not ok. interest in our food...I don't rly detect tat ATM. I haven't let her try sitting in a high chair but she can actually sit for brief moments in the bathtub... and when u tell her "come, hold the sides of the tub" she'd do it ... sometimes she slides but it seems that she does that intentionally cos she is smiling and kicking.
Yo mummies. I had blocked ducts this morning and went to MT Alvernia lactation for help to clear...

Now I seems to have developed fever at 38degrees. I this manitatis?? Can i seek help from GP?
Hi mummies.. whats the cost of 6-in-1, rota virus and PCV if visit polyclinic? I got a shock when i took my lo to mt a kinderclinic for vaccination. $551 !!


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What happened? Why is it affecting your health?
due to lack of sleep right ?

it is normal for #1 cos i also get sick easily during my #1 time ..but for #2 think my body already used to it lolz to healthy as ox
ya what happened? hope you are okay..
Yeah.. bf really quite tedious.. I keep having blocked ducts that made my boobs so sore. Even after I cleared the ducts, it's still painful... I am thinking to feed until 6months den stop.

Lack of sleep, and cos my job is demanding and sometimes long hours , plus pumping ... I don't rest enough, sleeping 5.5hrs everyday.
I have hereditary eczema and since after confinement I have it around the boobs, cannot apply any cream (cream have steroids) so don't know is it the more I pump the worse it gets...
Hi mummies.. whats the cost of 6-in-1, rota virus and PCV if visit polyclinic? I got a shock when i took my lo to mt a kinderclinic for vaccination. $551 !!

I took at Yishun Polyclinic, 6-in-1 should be $120 if I recall correctly (I took 5 in 1 so it's fully subsidised), Rotavirus there's 2 dose, $90 each. PCV is $150 each (can use Medisave)
I took at Yishun Polyclinic, 6-in-1 should be $120 if I recall correctly (I took 5 in 1 so it's fully subsidised), Rotavirus there's 2 dose, $90 each. PCV is $150 each (can use Medisave)

Ya I also brought my girl there it's this price and will be for the next few dosages
Lack of sleep, and cos my job is demanding and sometimes long hours , plus pumping ... I don't rest enough, sleeping 5.5hrs everyday.
I have hereditary eczema and since after confinement I have it around the boobs, cannot apply any cream (cream have steroids) so don't know is it the more I pump the worse it gets...
totally understand.. not easy being a FTWM and + pumping mom ... been there and done that ... my pumping has cut down until 3x per day now only enuff for 2-3 feed ... no choice ...

peifu those who can continue to pump 4hr when working ...and continue feeding bm to their LO for > 6 months ...

for me i cant and i wont push it ..cos if i get sick .or breakdown .. it doesnt do the kid any good too ...

but that is just my thinking.. pro breastfeeding pple will definitely disagree with me

well it is my kid not theirs..so they not happy with me ..then so be it lolz ...
Me lo, but my office got nursing room. Can only fit 2 person, so far got 3 of us pumping and 1 Muslim lady using the room for prayers.
So good got nursing room that means encourage n support bf-ing. My boss said working how to pump. My hub said last time she close door ppl thought she doing something p&c stuffs but dunno she is pumping what.
Lack of sleep, and cos my job is demanding and sometimes long hours , plus pumping ... I don't rest enough, sleeping 5.5hrs everyday.
I have hereditary eczema and since after confinement I have it around the boobs, cannot apply any cream (cream have steroids) so don't know is it the more I pump the worse it gets...
oh dear.. i agree with your hubby to stop pumping or reduce the no of pumps. i don't think we should compromise our health to breastfeeding.. you need to be healthy and happy to take care of your lo!
breastfeeding is not the only thing a mother can do or bond with the baby :) take care of your health ok!
Hey ladies. I no longer bm nor pump. My boy and girl are already 6.5 and 4.5 - but I did that for both of them.
You r right - FTWM and pumping 4hourly and bm when I get home is tough tough tough. Did it for a full year each. But hang in there OK.

Take loads of vitamins. I take redoxane everyday. And loads of water. I make red dates drink to bring to office as it does help in giving energy. :)

So wanted to say a big jiayou to all you ladies out there.

I enjoy the time when I came back and need to latch on... the closeness I feel to my baby. Now I miss that. But they r big already la - cannot do it anymore

But bm-ing is a very personal thing. Don't let anyone's comments bring you down. If you choose to stop then stop. As you know best for you and your baby. An unhealthy mummy's bm is no good too.

But most importantly whatever you ladies decide - do it with joy. As a happy mummy is most important to the little one. :)
these are clear sign .. can start with a spoon or 2 of the cereal but make sure u buy those fine cereal and not those with chunk of nuts or etc where biting is required

same.. swallow saliva lolz ..
Esther...if showing sign of wanting to eat but not yet sit at her own yet? Can feed semi solid?
I started my LO on pureed apple over the weekend at 5 months 2 weeks... He was already watching us eat everyday... and we let him taste the various fruits we eat - apple, pear, papaya, etc etc.

He finished nearly 2-3 tsp of apple... today is the 3rd day... if all okay tmr will start him on avocado! :)
Chk w u ar.....we delivered our LO earlier we can still give semi solid as usual? Is that got to wait till LO can sit by her own only can give semi solid?
totally understand.. not easy being a FTWM and + pumping mom ... been there and done that ... my pumping has cut down until 3x per day now only enuff for 2-3 feed ... no choice ...

peifu those who can continue to pump 4hr when working ...and continue feeding bm to their LO for > 6 months ...

for me i cant and i wont push it ..cos if i get sick .or breakdown .. it doesnt do the kid any good too ...

but that is just my thinking.. pro breastfeeding pple will definitely disagree with me

well it is my kid not theirs..so they not happy with me ..then so be it lolz ...
I am bf supporter(aint a fanatic) but I'd agree that you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. not a big deal to feed formula. as it is I as I was looking thru at follow on formula at ntuc I realize that after 6 months, the economic benefit of bf-ing drops cos follow on formula is cheaper than stage 1 formula. and stage 3 formula is even cheaper than stage 2 formula! but I guess if we give fresh milk after 1 yr of age, the cost is even lower....
