(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

My baby is 20 days old today..she seems to have prob sleeping lately. Be it day or night..wants to be carried/rocked. The moment I put her down she cries..haiz..she seems so restless..not sure if its colic??
Just went back to the gynae for follow up... She asked if I am bf and how's the supply, she did offer me supplements to boost, but I didn't take leh. Did anyone of you took?
My belly haven't drop yet.. and im inducing birth this sat.. have this occur to any mommy? I'm worried that my cervis is not open yet, and might have difficulty giving birth naturally, or I have to wait quite long for it to open up.

My mil was saying that maybe i should consider c-sect.


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My belly haven't drop yet.. and im inducing birth this sat.. have this occur to any mommy? I'm worried that my cervis is not open yet, and might have difficulty giving birth naturally, or I have to wait quite long for it to open up.

My mil was saying that maybe i should consider c-sect.

well ur mil isnt a doctor.
just see what happen this sat :)
@ding2505 , hope your LO is getting better. thanks for sharing this touching story of yours. dunno why i feel emotional.. you are very brave mum! take good care of your confinement!

When I write I feel v emotional too.. Then started crying, haha, I think all pent up for the past 2 weeks so when vented out it becomes an emotional thing. That's why I write then cry at same time.. Lol
Looking back... Still a bit nightmarish lei. Lol
When I write I feel v emotional too.. Then started crying, haha, I think all pent up for the past 2 weeks so when vented out it becomes an emotional thing. That's why I write then cry at same time.. Lol
Looking back... Still a bit nightmarish lei. Lol
Jiayou babe!
My belly haven't drop yet.. and im inducing birth this sat.. have this occur to any mommy? I'm worried that my cervis is not open yet, and might have difficulty giving birth naturally, or I have to wait quite long for it to open up.

My mil was saying that maybe i should consider c-sect.

Best see what your gynae advise ba :)
Jia you!
Dr Eugene no longer goes to SBCC? I heard Fro sil he is Gd too. I didnt knw he is at TMC. This round I op for Dr Ong E K Fro mt a to drop by. Used to b w Dr Ang A T Fro TMC for #1 but didn't fancy Her chop chop manner.
I also didn't like AAT. Read very mixed reviews about her, so told the nurses that I don't want her...
Hi mummies
Just an update here as I've been MIA since being admitted to hospital when my waterbag burst. My boy was in NICU for 8 days so it was a v tiring and exhuasting time so no time or mood to check forum.
So much happened it was pretty traumatizing, after being admitted at night my gynae ordered antibiotics and lung jab for me, then to wait 24hrs to let the med work and see whether there are natural contractions. No contractions happened the second day. Third day early morning 6am she induced me w the insert to widen cervix and noon w the drip to induce contractions. But cervix refused to open even when contractions came. Actually the contractions were bearable not that painful can distract myself with deep breathing even when contractions hit the high on the machine, but the VE remains my nightmare. It feels like someone ramping their whole hand up your cervix and trying to invade you, it was so bloody and so painful I nearly black out on the laughing gas, cos my cervix was only 1cm dilated (and the 1cm is forcibly dilated by my gynae) at that time... Nurse advised me to take epi cos I cun tahan the VE and it's v hard for them to check, after feeling all the blood and mucus come out after they check I agreed to the epi. After that it was another long waiting game. The gynae had said that she will wait for natural if baby remain stable, but at night (this is the 3rd night in hospital) the baby heartbeat start to become erratic. So decision was made to e c-sect and everything happened v fast after that.
I was rather amazed that they could get all the pp to come at short notice inc the doc who gave me the epi (which was not painful btw) and the PD. But I was suffering from serious side effects of the epi and shivering uncontrollably even on the way to OT. On the operating theatre, they had to tilt me sideways and head down for the increased epi dosage to work as half my body was numb from being on my left side while waiting for contractions and half my body not numb. Think the doc had to increase dosage quite a bit cos I kept on feeling pain when they tested on me, but thank god I had a very experienced epi doc.
As I was shivering too much though I was trying to control it by breathing regularly, they had to put a gas mask on me to calm me down and I heard te doc say if it doesn't work they will have to GA me. Thankfully it worked and they proceeded w the ops.
When my son was out I was slightly blacked out alr and din really hear him cry, but according to everyone he cried really loudly. My husband could hear it outside the OT as well.
The PD showed him to me and I only had the chance to see him and kiss the top of his head before he was carried off to NICU for observation. He was supposed to be in there for 6 hrs only but 3hrs later his breathing became laboured because of immature lungs and they put him on antibiotics and the respirator.
I was put on a huge cocktail of medication through drip that knocked me out.
The next few days everyday was spent trying to pump out colostrum and milk for him so that the nurses can feed him in NICU when the PD approves. It was really an emotionally trying time and it hurts so much when I see him on the respirator when I visit him. After I was discharged I still visited him w my hubby to deliver milk to him tho I was doing confinement. Trying hard to express my milk was really the only thing I could do for him.
Thankfully he is out now and we are trying to take care of him at home. His breathing is still laboured and not like normal babies but PD says should get better in a couple of weeks.
Past few weeks have really felt like an eternity.
Hi @ding2505, your birth story sounds like mine and iirc, I think you delivered at 35 or 36 weeks thereabouts? I delivered at 35w6d. My water bag broke too and I was placed on labour suppression drugs and given the jabs for bb lung to mature... But I started having contractions even with the labour suppression drugs and had to deliver on Christmas Eve.

My LO was also at NICU for 5 days due to his labored breathing and I had to bring ebm to hosp for him as well, so I can totally understand your experience. Don't worry he will get better, my bb is going to have his 满月 this Saturday, so slowly but surely, he will get there! Jia you!
necessary to bring LO with us when buying stroller? Need to let LO try? I thinking of getting a stroller this weekend at the baby fair but dun really wanna bring my LO with me lol
My baby is 20 days old today..she seems to have prob sleeping lately. Be it day or night..wants to be carried/rocked. The moment I put her down she cries..haiz..she seems so restless..not sure if its colic??
Sounds colic to me.
Hi @ding2505, your birth story sounds like mine and iirc, I think you delivered at 35 or 36 weeks thereabouts? I delivered at 35w6d. My water bag broke too and I was placed on labour suppression drugs and given the jabs for bb lung to mature... But I started having contractions even with the labour suppression drugs and had to deliver on Christmas Eve.

My LO was also at NICU for 5 days due to his labored breathing and I had to bring ebm to hosp for him as well, so I can totally understand your experience. Don't worry he will get better, my bb is going to have his 满月 this Saturday, so slowly but surely, he will get there! Jia you!

Yup gatewayjunkie I remember reading abt your birth story the day I was warded, thanks for your words of encouragement then and now! Your baby couldn't wait to get out so started contractions, mine was too comfy inside din wanna come out lol....
You jia you also! Our babies are fighters :)
I am considering getting a breathing monitor for bb.. Not sure whether needed but thought if I am at home alone for the rest of the ML, will be good to be able to check remotely how he's breathing. What do you think?
By the way mothercare is having their annual sale now... Feel like gg sooo much.. But wound still hurts and hubby definitely won't let me go one haha. Who is going ah?
Hi mummies
Just an update here as I've been MIA since being admitted to hospital when my waterbag burst. My boy was in NICU for 8 days so it was a v tiring and exhuasting time so no time or mood to check forum.
So much happened it was pretty traumatizing, after being admitted at night my gynae ordered antibiotics and lung jab for me, then to wait 24hrs to let the med work and see whether there are natural contractions. No contractions happened the second day. Third day early morning 6am she induced me w the insert to widen cervix and noon w the drip to induce contractions. But cervix refused to open even when contractions came. Actually the contractions were bearable not that painful can distract myself with deep breathing even when contractions hit the high on the machine, but the VE remains my nightmare. It feels like someone ramping their whole hand up your cervix and trying to invade you, it was so bloody and so painful I nearly black out on the laughing gas, cos my cervix was only 1cm dilated (and the 1cm is forcibly dilated by my gynae) at that time... Nurse advised me to take epi cos I cun tahan the VE and it's v hard for them to check, after feeling all the blood and mucus come out after they check I agreed to the epi. After that it was another long waiting game. The gynae had said that she will wait for natural if baby remain stable, but at night (this is the 3rd night in hospital) the baby heartbeat start to become erratic. So decision was made to e c-sect and everything happened v fast after that.
I was rather amazed that they could get all the pp to come at short notice inc the doc who gave me the epi (which was not painful btw) and the PD. But I was suffering from serious side effects of the epi and shivering uncontrollably even on the way to OT. On the operating theatre, they had to tilt me sideways and head down for the increased epi dosage to work as half my body was numb from being on my left side while waiting for contractions and half my body not numb. Think the doc had to increase dosage quite a bit cos I kept on feeling pain when they tested on me, but thank god I had a very experienced epi doc.
As I was shivering too much though I was trying to control it by breathing regularly, they had to put a gas mask on me to calm me down and I heard te doc say if it doesn't work they will have to GA me. Thankfully it worked and they proceeded w the ops.
When my son was out I was slightly blacked out alr and din really hear him cry, but according to everyone he cried really loudly. My husband could hear it outside the OT as well.
The PD showed him to me and I only had the chance to see him and kiss the top of his head before he was carried off to NICU for observation. He was supposed to be in there for 6 hrs only but 3hrs later his breathing became laboured because of immature lungs and they put him on antibiotics and the respirator.
I was put on a huge cocktail of medication through drip that knocked me out.
The next few days everyday was spent trying to pump out colostrum and milk for him so that the nurses can feed him in NICU when the PD approves. It was really an emotionally trying time and it hurts so much when I see him on the respirator when I visit him. After I was discharged I still visited him w my hubby to deliver milk to him tho I was doing confinement. Trying hard to express my milk was really the only thing I could do for him.
Thankfully he is out now and we are trying to take care of him at home. His breathing is still laboured and not like normal babies but PD says should get better in a couple of weeks.
Past few weeks have really felt like an eternity.
U deliver ur son in which week? Ya I also impress on their readiness fast hands fast legs...once gynae said immediately emergency c-sec just awhile went in ops theatre liao...I had very experience anesthetic only feel body itchy when they ready to push me out...According to e nurse some will experience low BP den will feel like vomiting...itchy is e light ones...she kept telling me e anesthetic is good n experience...
Hope ur son are fine...jiayou mummy
My baby is 20 days old today..she seems to have prob sleeping lately. Be it day or night..wants to be carried/rocked. The moment I put her down she cries..haiz..she seems so restless..not sure if its colic??

my 2nd PD did warn that bbs are very prone to colic wk 3 - 6, then after that they will be more settled. so hang in there! my boy also getting more alert, eyes big big want people to carry.
My belly haven't drop yet.. and im inducing birth this sat.. have this occur to any mommy? I'm worried that my cervis is not open yet, and might have difficulty giving birth naturally, or I have to wait quite long for it to open up.

My mil was saying that maybe i should consider c-sect.
This sat u how many week le? Ur dr very steady leh...my dr will sure admitted me immediately...e faster we bring e bb out e safer she or he will be...
When I write I feel v emotional too.. Then started crying, haha, I think all pent up for the past 2 weeks so when vented out it becomes an emotional thing. That's why I write then cry at same time.. Lol
Looking back... Still a bit nightmarish lei. Lol
Take care and rest well.. bb will be fine ya..
