(2014/05) May 2014


the same blogger tried on a newer version of Baby Bjorn and can now recommend it for babywearers. :)

A good place to start would be http://www.babyslingsandcarriers.com/. You can drop by their showroom and they have various brands to let you try on with your baby to see which is more comfy, I like their service, unfortunately their price is not exactly the most competitive... :)

Had a brief zip thru the article... I notice thru pictures that the bottom cloth where bb sits is wider for this model... So the baby will have btr bump support n the legs can spread more instead of dangling like a 11...
confused liao. I think i buy after i give birth so tt i can test it out with my bb. If not later cannot fit oso waste money.
I've seen mummies bringing newborns (mayb 1-2 mths old) to a carrier fitting, no hurry, buy only when u n baby are ready :)
I've seen mummies bringing newborns (mayb 1-2 mths old) to a carrier fitting, no hurry, buy only when u n baby are ready :)

Yah. I personally think its btr to buy aft bb is out and the people can teach u and u can try to see if comfy or not... ;p i rem bringing my #2 to the pognae lady's house to test the carrier. And she taught me how tight the thing should be strapped to me...
do u all realize there will be dried milk on the nip? I didnt know when i had my 1st baby...end up the nurse got to rub so hard on my nip till it hurts to clean it, so that i can bf....
which model is yours? If it's the Baby One, it should be ok?

It's the original one. :(
But I'm only using sling for the first few months until his neck is steady then will I switch to carrier. Oh well, see how things go first. Just had a really crappy night. Sigh...
Extreme itching on tummy. R u girls applying any cream? I am using palmers cocobutter and it was working fine, but from yesterday it's really itching and I am not able to control .
Extreme itching on tummy. R u girls applying any cream? I am using palmers cocobutter and it was working fine, but from yesterday it's really itching and I am not able to control .

I did here that mummies suffered from
Terrible itch in the 3rd trim when using palmers. Some mummies use olive oil - cheapest. I am using clarins oil. Used it for #1 & #2.
Don't know whether to get the pigeon rapid steam steriliser. My friends say just use boiled water.....

Re using boiled water- i did that before caving in to buy the pigeon steriliser. Hehe u must stand at the stove And boil your bottles for at least 6 mins. Dr wong boi boi says for sterilisation to be effective the bottles n parts should be fully submerged in the boiling water...

I have a few friends who actually used those "electric steamer" (those that can stack 3 layers type?) to steam the bottles.
do u all realize there will be dried milk on the nip? I didnt know when i had my 1st baby...end up the nurse got to rub so hard on my nip till it hurts to clean it, so that i can bf....

how to tell that got "dried" milk? Aft my no 1 i dun seem to hv that?
how to tell that got "dried" milk? Aft my no 1 i dun seem to hv that?
Can tell by looking at your nipples area. If there's slight 'crust' on the milk ducts there, those are dried milk. I don't recall having them during my #1 time too but this time I have it. Read online that it's normal to have them. I would just clean them out gently with a washcloth during shower time.
And for first time mummies.. Remember don't ever ever wash your nipple area with soap (no matter how gentle the soap is), it will dry out your skin on the nipple and will crack the skin later, making it painful during breastfeeding. Washing with lukewarm water is enough, if not, use a soft washcloth to gently wash.
The dry milk will form now or when we start to breast feed?
I m using clari.ns oil on the tummy..no itch but my nipples r itching a lot.
The dry milk will form now or when we start to breast feed?
I m using clari.ns oil on the tummy..no itch but my nipples r itching a lot.
It depends on individual. Like I said, I didn't had that when I was preg with my #1 but with my current preg I had crusts formed from dried milk on my nipples quite early like in later first trimester.
Anyone booked their post natal massage yet? It's kind of difficult to choose who to get!

I booked with Babies & Bellies last week. Tried their pre-natal massage. Quite happy with it. My previous one was quite expensive and didn't work out that well, so this time decided to go through a company. Didn't want the headache of choosing. Later it doesn't work out again.
Just went for checkup. Baby is 1.34 at 29.3 weeks. Looks like I will be delivering at 37 weeks which makes me an April 14 mum to be. But actually according age bb is due on 15/5. Gynae advice earlier better, especially being my 3rd. Said last month one of his patient's prev csection wound ruptured and she end up losing when whole womb... Heng saved baby and her life though.
Just went for checkup. Baby is 1.34 at 29.3 weeks. Looks like I will be delivering at 37 weeks which makes me an April 14 mum to be. But actually according age bb is due on 15/5. Gynae advice earlier better, especially being my 3rd. Said last month one of his patient's prev csection wound ruptured and she end up losing when whole womb... Heng saved baby and her life though.

Wah..sounds so scary.
Just went for checkup. Baby is 1.34 at 29.3 weeks. Looks like I will be delivering at 37 weeks which makes me an April 14 mum to be. But actually according age bb is due on 15/5. Gynae advice earlier better, especially being my 3rd. Said last month one of his patient's prev csection wound ruptured and she end up losing when whole womb... Heng saved baby and her life though.

Huh? Why like that??? As in why csect wound will rupture? She tried vbac? And because of that your gynae ask you to deliver earlier? I mean if no issues, can wait right?
Just went for checkup. Baby is 1.34 at 29.3 weeks. Looks like I will be delivering at 37 weeks which makes me an April 14 mum to be. But actually according age bb is due on 15/5. Gynae advice earlier better, especially being my 3rd. Said last month one of his patient's prev csection wound ruptured and she end up losing when whole womb... Heng saved baby and her life though.

I thot will only have higher chance of rupture if try vba2c or if baby is really big or if the csect
Wound not fully recovered n mummy gets preggy again...

Yr last 2 is also c-sec?
Yeah my last 2 also c-sect. The dr said he supposively advised the patient an earlier date however she insisted to postpone to date the fengshui master had given her then end up ruptured.
Yeah my last 2 also c-sect. The dr said he supposively advised the patient an earlier date however she insisted to postpone to date the fengshui master had given her then end up ruptured.
From what I understand, csect latest should be 39 weeks and should not go beyond that. Previously it was given 38 weeks, and then research has shown that baby can be kept inside till 39 weeks. So now most gynae advise 39 weeks can go csect. I am still thinking about birthing options.
