(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Baby galore, is it detailed scan?

Hope yup, going for the strep b test.
It's also good not to sign the package.

R u going for mrs. Wong boi boi class too? Chevy u too?

Ladies, once again thank you for your care and encouragement. I'm feeling better now and hope to come back on this ttc journey soon.
Chevy ur package is very Gd price! Those I saw mostly is above $500 find it so expensive, n actually doesn't seem to ve many prenatal option in sg. Very sianz dunnoe which to choose, wondering y kkh dun ve...
Hope, forgot to mention that strep b test is not compulsory n most of my friends din test it. So it's really depends on individual.
Hope I had not test yet. Will do it in week 36 onwards. I will tell him I wan to test. U wan to test that too?
I think kk is different sade, we do growth scan at 28 weeks.

I also had a dose of anti-d injections coz I'm rhesus negative blood grp. Such an expensive jab.. Cost me $270 and I need 3 dose of it.
Sade, yah I wanted to do the test too after reading what it is about. Mainly coz I think I have infection but dr Loh says should be fungus infection which doesn't affect bb at all. But he didn't do a test for me so thot the strep B test would be good to detect infection if any.
Baby galore oh I see. Quite expensive for the jab but no choice sin u r rhesus negative blood group.

Hope ya no need to do so early cos I rem that I read before that don't test too early for strep b as result might be different. So it's better to test as near to delivery date.

Whiteclover for iron test I find it not necessary as its cheaper to take iron pills. R u taking it now?
Sade - not taking iron pills. But I take beef once a week. Am only taking the fish oil, prenatal and vit c. Don't know why get the feeling dr loh seems to think I will need casearian.

Does natural or casearian hv anything to do with age?
I read that growth scan is recommended if dr thinks baby is too big or too small.

As for natural or c-sect, he will probably recommend csect if pelvic bone not suitable for natural ie too small for baby to pass through, etc.

Koirc, are you able to feel bb movement?

Ladies with TMC, will you all be opting for 1 or 2bedder? My frd just delivered asked me not to opt 4bedder cos she stayed there and very noisy.
Reikibaby, I will be choosing 1 bedder but have not gone for the hospital tour yet. Coz huh tour timing not v Gd lei until 230 only.... And my gynae also sees in the afternoon.
Hope, im still deciding 1 or 2 bedder. But hear many stories where they will end up pushing those opting 1bedder to premier ward. Will probably book the tour when i go for my appt in dec. Tour anot we still choose tmc. Realli hope we wont get bad service at our stay there. Heeee
Reikibaby, maybe next year snake not so crowded Liao? Are you under dr Loh also? Hmm my gf's hb shared with us that if you can afford it then stay in 1 bedder. Coz it beats travelling to and fro everyday to hospital coz only 1 bedder hb can stay overnight. That's from his personal experience lah and just to share with you.
Hope, if stay there means cannot drive over else parking super ex. Actually not sure if i need dh stay overnight. Haha...though it will be good. Your friend's dh never go home during her stay?
whiteclover u should ask dr loh about your baby position. Maybe your baby is in breech position but then now it's still early, bb can still change position.

Reikibaby n hope, me will be choosing 1 bedder cos hubby can stay over. n for the parking, will be given 1 or 2 complimentary tickets which we still need to pay $3 for even overnight parking.
If i m not wrong.

As for the hospital tour, i m not joining. But we need to know where is the delivery ward so that we will know where to go when it's time for us to deliver.
whiteclover, oh i see, i told dr loh that i wanted iron pills and he prescibed to me during week 27, even without doing any iron test.
Finally book my prenatal classes today, now hoping my bb dun deliver earlier becoz my last lesson finished 1week b4 delivery...
Hope - yup he suggested C. But see how it goes later.

Am planning to go for one bedder too. My sis chose two bedder for her first kid and she got a "snorer" for her roommate.

Have u all decided on which PD to use? Share share. Am planning not to take from thomson paedric centre. So looking around for one.

Initially wanted to take dr ong who gave the dr talk during one of the prenatal class. Then, read on forum that average waiting time is abt 4 hours at his clinic!
Reikibaby, yah I think my fren's hubby didn't go bk. Hmm I will want my DH to stay overnight lah so that's why we are choosing 1 bedder. More privacy also I feel.

Bbshower when is your prenatal class starting? Your EDD in Mar right?
BB shower that's v risky. Me n Whiteclover had finished the courses before week 30.
Your prenatal course is under Thomson too? If so, I would like to remind u that some classes are subjected to changes esp under Mrs. Wong boi boi.

Whiteclover most likely I would use the in house PD during delivery. Maybe will change PD aft that.
I booked under kkh
just chk with them they do ve classes It's only $180 for sat n for kkh patient. Ya the timing is super risky but no choice because the other classes r on weekdays n rather rush for us. Tmc one class is normally how many couples? For kkh is min 8couple n max 12 couples per class.
BBshower how many lessons r there? TMC is 6 lessons.
For my class it's about 26couples. Huge class! Cos under Mrs Wong. Popular speaker.
Hi ladies,

How's everyone? I've been buried under work these two days and am on business trip today... Just taking a breather now before dinner.

You know what? I went to the souvenir shop to source for gifts and the sales lady was so excited about my pregnancy that she touched my belly! I was ok with it initially but after that she touched again and again! I know some people said touching the pregnant woman's belly brings good luck. But if everyone touches my belly, then my baby's luck will be gone right?
Our class is divided into 3parts. Part 1&2 is 1.5hrs for 8session n part 3 is one session for 3hrs. Wah 26 couples is alot means 52 ppl in the class. Btw do u still remember wat have been thgt since ur due date is getting nearer
If possible, take the weekday class. Mine was sat class under Wong boi boi and there were abt 32 couples.

Total :6classes out of which 2 were held at auditorium at scgs. The most interesting lesson is the last one where u learn to carry and swaddle baby.

U get 2 sets of freebies. The first one is milk samples and a bottle. Towards middle to end, u get an essential pack which contains some swaddles (I think so, cos I haven open yet)
Whiteclover mine is in kkh. Dunnoe good a not. Weekdays timing not suitable for us so we opt for sat. For kkh won't be so many couples per class so shld be okay ba. Ya think most impt we wanna know is how to feed n shower the baby coz we r first time parents
Koirc, 3 ladies touched my tummy till date even without asking. Haha. I m more worried if its made my tummy hard. Cos heard that bb might not like it so tummy will turn hard.

Bb shower, wow total of 9 sessions right? Looks like a lot of commitment to follow.
Ya I do rem what she taught n also she gave us notes. N also I have her books so can still refer whenever necessary.

Praying hard for natural birth without epidural. Don't know if possible or not, what abt u?
Wow Sade u wanna do it without epidural! Very brave of u ur pain tolerance level must be very high ba. Thk I cannot I scare pain, n now worried bb oversize coz I m in week 23 n already put on 10kg le! Worried I might end up needing to do c-sect.
for strep B test, if the baby pass through the birth canal then u need to do so if going for c-section then don't need to do. everyone wishes for a natural delivery but sometimes really can't be help.

wat's the reason dr loh gave for u to go for c-section? mine most probably also c-section cos #1 is by c-section and this #2 head is big! kekeke

heard the dr ang's charges is pretty high. i intend to choose a PD for delivery and then go back to kkh pcc for assessments and jabs. i already have my usual PD which my #1 is seeing for common ailments. kkh pcc don't do walk in consultations for babies who are sick.

if labour is long, best to take epidural as u want to be able to rest and retain ur strength to push if not last minute no more energy to push also ended up have to go for c-section but of cos if labour is short, might not even have the time to take epidural kekeke
