(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

ohi76, glad that you went to see the doc and got a reassurance. We tend to get easily affected and stressed and we dont need that now. Just chill and talk to your baby.

I read somewhere that preggy woman should not eat grapes. any idea why? I just finished almost 1kg of grapes over the past few days.. haiz.. so many food contridictions.
Ohi76: I went to KKH 24 hrs around 9pm too.

Thanks ladies, doctor gave me an injection and asked me to monitor. I was told that dydrogestrone support is very sufficient and I was told to increase e dosage to 3 times a day. My brown discharge shld hv decrease. I'm very scared, I hv done all what I can. Resting now at home and monitoring.

Why is e path so difficult?
Why can't eat grapes? It should be ok to eat grapes, contains antioxidants.

Be more positive. U need to be strong for urself as well as ur baby.
ohi76, congratulations on your BFP. I am pretty much the same time as you. My estimate edd is 10 June. This is also my 1st IVF and I'm 38. A few other sisters are also around the same time, Babysmurf, Precious Baby and PSP.

PSP. good to hear that you got it checked out. Your blood test was also good. I am sure you feel relieved now
Please continue to rest and take care.

You are right, this path is so difficult. I find that all the jabs that I did for 4 weeks at the beginning of the IVF journey is the easiest! The hard part seems to be after ET! Since Saturday, my morning sickness has become worse. Last week, I was still functional at work but since Saturday I have been feeling queasy and wanting to throw up every waking moment. The only time I'm okay is when I'm asleep. Argh...really hope that this feeling will end after 1st trimester. I can't imagine those mummies who had morning sickness throughout their 9 months!

Thanks, Dian-Tang and Koirc for the tips on bra extension. Will check it out after I feel more up to it. Now, all I want is to stay at home on my sofa with my pillow. Ha ha!
Hi all! I'm now 16w into my my 2nd ivf pregnancy. My first was also an ivf pregnancy.

PSP: Brown discharge usually means old blood but glad that you've checked it out and all is fine now. Rest more and it will be ok.

Ohi76: It's not advisable to apply medicated oil to any part of the pregnant body at all. I was 35 when I first got pregnant. You really have to rest well and take things easy, don't exert yourself. Bleeding coupled with cramps must not be taken lightly ya.

I was on crinone till 9w+. My RE thought it would be ok and withdrew me from it. 2 days later I found 2 red spots on my pantyliner. Reasons: crinone was withdrawn and I over-exerted myself. She said spotting/bleeding happens when progesterone support is withdrawn. So she put me back on crinone till 12w and told me to rest, rest, rest. By then the placenta would be producing enough progesterone to support the pregnancy. Progesterone is to help relax the uterus and if you're on progesterone support, you will not be feeling the cramps
Baby galore : I have been eating grapes le everyday . I think keep to a certain qty like 8 pieces shd be ok. Anyone can advise?
Hi ladies, have any of you tried Sea Bands? Or those acupressure wrist bands to help alleviate morning sickness? If so, where can I buy them? Thanks.
Yeah I talk to baby alot lol though I know not it's sex, hubby & I named it Mini lol. So yeah, Mini & I hv lots of conversations lol

Oh really!! I left the clinic at abt 2045 hrs.

@Lil Ponyo
Mine's 09/06/2013. So our EDDs are very close eh! So cool to know many more in here just like me. In our prime and attempting motherhood thru ivf.

U really think medicated oil is a bad idea? Oh my! I've applied it once so far, I'll take ur advise n avoid it. The doc last night increased my dosage of the hormone pills to 3 times a day.

I am 7 weeks now. I certainly hope I experience only happiness with my little one n it's journey to being born. The IVF journey has indeed been a tough one. I agree with one of u here that the jabs were the easy part. It's the ensuring baby is developing well which is the taxing part.

I try not to exert myself. But is hard when at work. I work at the airport and am in charge of all 3 terminals, so I got to move around alot. Plus being at my early stage, my boss n staff does not know I'm preggers. Plus I work shifts, so is more hard. I try to take it as easy as I can.

I am glad I don't hv any morning sickness so far. Or is it too early at 7 weeks? No vomiting at all. I do, however, wake up every couple of hours during the night and can sleep all day when I am home and STILL feel sleepy at night. Nipples are sore & perky, but bearable. They haven't really grown much as well. Maybe hard to tell coz I am a very busty woman.

What are some things u ladies do to relax? Do u ladies hv morning sickness yet? When did it start? When did it end? What other "side effects" (lol) do some of u hv?

Also I am very new to this forum so many of the abbreviations are something I am unfamiliar with. Like what is BFP & BU? And so many more. So far I know what bb & EDD is lol
PSP, it's whiteclover who did it. V useful.

Ohi76, BFP = big fat positive
BU = take tonics
I would say it's a discovery journey for all of us. Every pregnancy and every women will feel differently.
Try to put your bb on your top priority now as during first trimester, it's still consider unstable. Take it easy and rest more whenever possible.
Maybe can tell or hint your boss so that can lessen your workload.
Thanks for the info

Yeah I will prob hint my boss in a mth or so. Since she's a Woman as well, I am sure she will totally understand.

Not only is baby my top priority, it is my ONLY one till it is born.

How old is everyone btw? I am 36.
lil ponyo,
i don't think those bands will help much cos it's the hormones that's causing the nausea. if ms gets too much for u to bear can request for anti nausea pill from doc but it might not work for all or it might work for a while and u are back to puking... try to see the pattern of ms, is it when u are hungry or when u smell or eat certain kind of food... usually taking small but frequent meals helps... take more fluids like soups and juices or food that are more digestible.... important thing is to keep yourself hydrated.... however sometimes u just have to puke it all out just to feel better... have to take some time to see what works for u.... endure it thru the first trimester and it'll get better
Hi ladies,

Can I check if any of you are taking Duphaston 3x daily? I've been prescribed the medicine the past three weeks and am increasingly feeling the side effects like nausea ( dry retching esp all day n night) which makes me really want to stop.

Also, are any of you at The Private Suite at KK and were you asked to go to the AMC to do any of your ultrasounds instead of just at The Private Suite?

Thanks in advance.
Lil Ponyo: our ms are caused by the hormones we took . Ya I suggest anti nausea pill like what Eskimo baby said. I also ate that and feel better. Maybe can try to take some preserved plums . Prob can help . Sometime I brush my teeth after each meal and breath feel fresh after that too
Speaking of ms. Mine is always after my meal. Especially after lunch. No matter how small potion I take will vomit. Take plums also no use. So gd for 10mins. When can I get rid of this ms. Still have to Tehan till when.
Hi Eskimobaby and Dian tang, just now I tried my luck at Guardian and found the wrist band for around $12. I put them on immediately and I don't know if its all in my mind but I seem to be feeling slightly better. Not completely. I only just checked in here and saw your comments. Well, even if it is all in my mind, at least it was only $12. Ha ha!

The good thing about my morning sickness is that I'm not throwing up. Just general nausea and queasiness. Okay, I will continue to monitor and if things don't improve and start to interfere with my work and I will ask the doctor for help like you suggested. Ya, I've been taking a lot of preserve plums. Ha ha!

Mofmm, I'm also on Duphaston 3x a day. What you describe sounds like morning sickness that I'm experience. I'm not sure if it is due to the medicine. I read that morning sickness usually starts around Week 6-8 so that is about right for you and me. I'm starting my Week 8 and so far, it has gotten worse in the last 2 days. I also get a lot of dry retching. And usually mummy of twins gets it stronger.
MofMM, I was on 1 duphaston tablet 3 times daily as well, stopped only at 12 weeks. Could it be your ms kicking in? Maybe you can try another form of support, like inserts or jabs. Best to discuss with your doc before stopping though.
i was retching quite badly and my gynae changed my duphaston back to progestrone insert (utrogestan) and i actually felt better. i was retching so badly that even just drinking water makes me vomit. at least when i go back on inserts, it got slightly better even though i was still vomiting quite a bit.

when ms gets better, u will also worry
so hang in there ok... jia you.
Ohi - I'm 39 this year and expecting twins.

Lil - U're right. I had very bad morning sickness from week 8 - week 12. I can't eat and lost 10kg! Was hospitalized and put on drip for 2 days. Finally ms subsided from week 14 and my appetite is back now.... My doc also surprised I lost 10kg during the 1st tri... and said maybe it's due to the high pregancy hormones for twin pregnancy.... of cos it's also depend on individual..
Mofmm, I'm taking the dupheston too. Supposed to be 2 times a day but because of my brown discharge, i hv been asked to increase to 3 a day. I hv also clarified with the doctor that the medicine will caused cramp,, bloated and nausea. Don't worry.

I'm e same symptoms too but we need e pills to support our babies.. I'm also asked to go AMC to do e ultrascan. Who is ur doctor?

Ohi76: I left about 8+ too. I remember there was this Indian lady crying non stop and vomiting. My number was 103. Seeing a doctr called Wang Peiying Candice. I'm 34 this year. No children yet.

Whiteclover: thanks for preparing the spreadsheet.
Ohi, I'm 33. Expecting my boy in Feb.

Babysmurf and other ladies in 1st tri, MS will pass eventually. Just take it as a good sign that baby's growing well!
Hi all, thanks for your response on Duphaston. Read on the net that it is banned in US but this drug is usually prescribed locally for assisted pregnancies. I will ask if I can change to inserts as I am losing so much hair and dry retching loudly. At first I wondered if this was just morning sickness alone but then suspected the medicines might be making me ill.

Hi PSP, my doctor is Dr Tan Heng Hao. Was asked to go to AMC for my scan tomorrow though I am with the private suite (where he did my first scan) so wondering if anyone had the same experience.
Psp, no prob.only kickstarted the spreadsheet. Everyone helped to fill in their inputs

I'm 37 this yr. Also, a first ttime mummy. Lots of things to learn
Joanne, congrats on your twins
you poor thing, your symptoms sounds so bad and you are so strong to go through it. Good to hear that you're fine now. I'm not sure how I would survive if I were in your position. I realised that just this 8 weeks of pregnancy has made me realised that I'm so soft and can't seem to endure these symptoms well. Ha ha!

Precious baby, yay!

LuvNhope, thanks for the reassurance! Can't wait for the next 4 weeks to pass!

Mofmm, do you think it's causing hair loss too? It's because I feel like I'm losing hair too. Yikes!

Whiteclover, thanks for creating the spreadsheet. I'm agree, there's so much to learn!
Ohi, welcome!

Agree with BabyGalore that age is just a number. I'm 35 this year, expecting my no. 1 through IVF!
Precious baby: let us be bai fai for the next 9 months haha. This show that ur baobei is taking in the nutrients from you.
Precious baby and Babysmurf, ya my white hair all coming out too. I have not dyed my hair since July!! I wanted to do it before my ET but was too tired and now I think it is too late. Unless, I do those organic hair dyes but I'm not sure if I will do it. Right now, with the morning sickness, I just have no mood for anything. I'm already struggling to focus at work already. The minute I look at spreadsheets, I feel dizzy. I was just thinking last night that I think I will seriously age after this pregnancy.
Baby galore, it's depends, some days a lot, some days lesser.

Wow, Lot of snakes here. I m one of it too. But I m giving birth to dragon gal!
Hi Babysmurf, thanks for the assurance. I was wondering if something was wrong and worried the whole week.

Hi Lil, yes I read hair loss is one of the known side effects of Duphaston. After reading all the sisters' comments here, now I know next thing to look out for is white hair. What "joy" hehe

I cannot agree more with Lil comments. I thought the needles were the tough part and bearing with the effects of the hormones via injections but after getting the BFP and retching like a miserable creature most of the day, I find that being pregnant is a even bigger challenge.

Do you all also feel your face getting drier ( instead of oily/combi)?
Mofmm, me me me
Everything is dry now. I'm (well was) combi skin and now my face is less oily. I think I may need to switch my skin care (maybe just the night cream) soon. My body is dry and my hair feels dry like straw when I wash them! My boobs are bigger, my nipples are bigger and darker too.

I also find myself getting up at 5.30am and rummaging through the kitchen for biscuits because I'm so hungry.

My husband thinks all these changes in my body are cute and funny. I just want to slap him. I know it's the hormones but how I wish he can be the one who is pregnant! I will happily cook and clean and look after him.
Mofmm my skin is drier indeed. Ya pregnancy is a discovery journey! I m grateful that I had a chance to experience it. So gotta Enjoy it cos after that, its motherhood! Even more challenging than pregnancy.

White clover Thanks for the remainder.
