(2013/11) November 2013

mummychua, i have not paid deposit yet. She upped the deposit from $300 to $500, den requested me to TT over. tats when i decided not to engage her liao.

fuzzybear, don't move around too much. rest well. hope bleeding will lessen soon.

winkle, jay chou's concert is definitely fine! my colleague went for his last concert when she was preggy too. i'm sure bb will enjoy

my blood test results for thalasaemia is back. hubby is cleared and i'm likely to have it. gynae wants me to be referred to the thalasaemia society for more blood tests, be registered, and counselled. sounds serious and scary. sighs...
mawanab, thal minor is no big deal. i know a few friends who's thal minor, as long as ur spouse dont have the faulty gene, your kid will do just fine. in fact i got a friend carrying both alpha and beta thal gene. and she still doing ok but got to eat alot of high iron food. dont worry so much.

kitkat, good that you havent pay her. maybe you can try go other month thread to ask if their CL is available during nov. actually its getting late to engage one liao. it took me some time to find one. luckily my friend who due in sept got lobang.
Poor u Mummychua. Hate to tell u this but yes there are some women that get the pain only in 2nd trim. Pat pat. Totally understand what u are going through. Hang in there.

Kitkat my doc wants me in now. Just finished seeing him. I have no idea why the bleeding came back. Not sure if it is due to the movements or if it is a new bleed. Whatever it is I'm super demoralized. He said the clot is now sitting right on top of the cervix and is still at 6 x 3cm big. Shrank just a bit. Haizzzz. Now I'm likely to bleed throughout my pregnancy. As long as it doesn't drip like a period and no pain, it shd be old blood. On top of this my jaw is starting to ache!!!

The only gd news is that it is 80% likely to be a gal.
Hi mummies, its been a while since I last check this thread heehee

Re: CL
I just confirmed a CL and paid a deposit of $500 over the weekends, din know that this is high tho..what is the market rate nowadays? Mine asked for 2.3K

Re: Backaches
Been having it each night..and frequent headaches too, anyone having the same prob? I thot maybe the iron pills are giving me headaches as I heard that it is sort of heaty..
Oh no!! Fuzzy bear.. Did u move alot Ytd??? JuZ hope bb is doing well and bleeding is just from the old clot.. Haizz..

Mawanab: my fren went during her 5th month too.. She seek 2 diff gynae's opinion.. One said ok one said not ok... But when she was there she saw preggers too! Some tummies bigger than hers..

Cris: I also donno how hahaha...
mummychua, i like what you said "thal minor is no big deal"
dunno why must register with the society and do more blood tests. so sians..

kitkat, hope you can find a good CL soon. i shortlisted a few last week. if you want, i can let you have the contacts when i go home tonight. you can call and see if they are still available.

fuzzybear, can you do anything abt your jaw aches? is it due to pregnancy too?
winkle, your friend went to register with the thal society and did more blood tests? how did it go? i have a colleague who has thal minor too. she tested with gynae and that was it. not need to be registered or counselled.
Lyn, i am oso havig giddiness on & off. i m in week 14 now. still having ms now. hubby say whenever i see my hse toilet bowl, i will hav the dramatic feeling to vomit!
Tink mkt rate for CL is ard $2.3-$2.5k ba.

Fuzzybear, congrats its a girl! can start buying girly clothes liao. did yur gynae say if the bleeding will put yur bb in danger? if not, mayb just let it bleed till finish. if no pain den should be okie le.

mawanab, u choose yur CL first. i oso asking ard from my frens to introduce their CL.
hi ladies, i tink there is a spam going on from different ids in different threads asking u all to go to this website to buy cheap maternity clothes. from their ids, it seems like they were just created recently. be careful.

June2013- Id: Dowiin (dowiinkim)
July2013 - ID: trixia (trixiaoh)
Aug2013 - ID: waverly (waverlysoo)
Sep2013 - ID: mondee (mondeebarbra)
Oct2013 - ID: Dowiin (dowiinkim)
Nov2013 - ID: cris (criskook)
Dec2013 - ID: gracia (graciachi)
Jan2014 - ID: mondee (mondeebarbra)

Sep2013 ID: mondee (mondeebarbra) : i bought a new bra, cos breast feedin cannot wear bra with wires.... im expecting a boy this time! no1 is a gal, so im really happy! my hb n i were shopping for some necessities too. cos tis is a boy so cant wear my gal's clothes. bought quite a no online too http://goo.gl/****

Jan2014 ID: mondee (mondeebarbra) :maybe a bit too early, but has any1 started to find maternity clothes? hahahaa. im a plus mummy, so finally finally! can buy clothes without worryin can fit anot! hahaha. this website is interesting, can take a look


I have the following brand new items to sell. Please contact [email protected] or 97440444 to quote your price if you are interested.

1 X 6 piece Breast Shell Set
1 X Moisturising Nipple Cream
10 X Breast Milk Containers 180ml/6oz - 1 set
2 X 125ml/4oz classic feeding bottles with 0m+ teats
1 X 125ml/4oz classic feeding bottles with 0m+ teat
Mawanab, they might be doing statistics, maybe get your kid on the list if they got the gene.

kitkat, its quite obvious that cris above is a spam. im usually caution with member with just one post. plus he/she has a link to some purchasing site. same goes to ppl who just come and recommend their CL.

fuzzybear, really?! ms to start at 2nd trimester? sian big time... Congrats on ur gal. ur 1st 2 are boys rite?
wow! Kitkat, you are so observant to notice the spams!!
I booked my CL last Mon. asked around, checked online and booked. all within a day. $2.3k. no deposit required.

mummychua, possible that they are getting stats. but if my hubby is clear, then no need what. will wait to hear from them. really not keen to spend more money doing blood tests..
Mawanab: I am a TL minor too. I knew that since I was young and my mom is one too. All we were told was that it will not be advisable to have children if our partners are carriers. I just informed my gynae and showed her my medical report. She just mentioned there is 50% chance that my bb is a carrier too. (FYI: my hubby is not a carrier.)

I don't see a need for a further test if your hubby is not a carrier eh. Funny.

I booked my CL a month ago and she didn't need any deposit. Another one boasted and boasted and even said there are people who sponsored her trips to Japan and Europe to do confinement. But she required a $500 deposit which I didn't find comfortable. Therefore, I went with the former.
Gwen, thanks for sharing. then i think its like what mummychua said, they probably just want the stats. esp since you mentioned that bb has a 50% chance of being a carrier. so maybe they will want me to check if bb is a carrier later and get registered.

sighs. guess my dad was a carrier and he didn't know it.
Thanks mommies. I'm resting at home now. Pain seems to have disappeared. What I thought was round ligament pain was actually my internal c-sec scar stretching, hence causing the pain. I really didn't move a lot more yesterday. Just took a cab to work after my jab at the gynae and stayed in the office for 2hrs. Haizzzz.

Ya my hb is very happy that it is a gal. Said he finally has one kiddo that will take care of him when he grows old. Cos he knows boys can't be bothered. Anyway I not buying anything until after my detailed scan. Deep down inside I'm worried I will lose the baby. May be I shd delay buying stuff until 3rd trim. I had two frens who lost their babies at 22 and 25 wks respectively due to placenta abruption.

Kitkat, actually I think paying for a deposit isn't too bad. Just make sure u don't pay too much. Cos at least u know that she has taken ur money and is bound to do ur confinement for u. Better than those who have no obligation to u at all and last min say can't do ur confinement.

Mummychua, hang in there. May be it will ease off in the next couple of weeks. I m still feeling nauseous. Poor thing u.

Manawab, actually no harm just to find out as much info as u can abt thalassemia. Just see what the society wants lor. If they want u and ur baby to be part of their experiments, see if they reimburse u back for ur expenses. I work in the sci industry so I know it is damn hard to get real cases for experiments. I dunno what's the cause of my jaw pain. Did read that some women get it during pregnancy. It runs from my left ear, down my jawline to my neck. Damn painful. Throbbing too.
G6pd deficiency is due to the lack of g6pd in the red blood cells which helps the cells to function/break down normally and process bilirubin.
No la, coz i vaguely rem u were affected when the network for a few gov agencies went dwn a few Weeks ago. Its v rare for public service to be able to work from home right? U are lucky u can work from hm but dun over work ya, u still got to rest as much as possible esp u are still bleeding. dark red/brown sld be old blood right?
Jaw aches?! Wat did u do?
Congras on ur 80% gal =) 

If the baby has a diff blood grp from the mother, jaundice will also occurs. 

Dun worry, like mummychia mentioned, thal minor is fine and lives as per normal. =) mayb he just wan u to be more aware and pass on the info/knowledge to ur children.

Re: concerts
The only reason i can think of tat gynae do nt advise to go is he worry the mummy will get too excited?! Hahaha!!
Hi Gals,

What type of fishes can we eat when we are pregnant?
I’m very confused on fishes that we can eat. Can anyone advise?
G6PD, it means that your are lack of the enzyme G6P. G6P helps protect our red blood cell from oxidation. so G6PD ppl cannot take food like broad beans, some Med and of course TCM med, coz their red blood cell cannot take stress and will hemolysis (break up). not sure if G6PD bb will have higher jaundice anot.
fuzzybear: must think positive!!! everyone is different.. don be affected by bad news... listen to more good news...
Fuzzybear, congrats having a gal. :D

As I remember correctly, G6PD will not pass on to boy child but gal. For eg, my HB is a G6PD. I was told that only girl will inherit it from the father. I had 2 boys, both are not G6PD.
Dear mummies

I went for my scan last Saturday at 16w5day, and gynae told us the NT level seems normal at this stage, because the previous month (1st trimester scan)he said 2.6cm NT is too thick and may have DS baby, but then a more detailed scan will be next month. And he told us 80% its a girl, because he cannot see any male organ from all angles. Hubby had always wanted a girl, even when I tested positive with #2, he already asked if its a girl. #2 has always asked for a girl, so they are very happy. For me, as long as the baby is healthy and normal, gender is not so important. My sis will pass her 3.5yr old girl's clothes to me, so I can save on that.

I love pineapple a lot, and so far, I have been eating as well.

Like Val, I have also drank coconut water in my 1st trimester, thank God nothing serious happened.

And I don't believe bird's nest has any impact on the skin colour nor hair thickness, both my boys I never had any bird's nest or any herbs, my boys turn out fair after the full month(initially slightly darker though), #1 have very thick hair now, #2's hair is very fine, so it looks as though little hair, but also take a while to dry his hair.
Hi mummies, been following the thread but haven't been posting for a while.

Re: G6PD
My friend's boy has G6PD, so I think boys can inherit also? I didn't know there's a link to jaundice though...

Re: birds's nest
I took it once a week during 2nd tri last time but my girl was born dark like daddy lol... but she's now more fair like me :p This round, not planning to take bird's nest as my dad asked me not to... he read some news about unethical businessmen selling bleached bird's nest so make sure you buy from a reputable shop ya.

Mummies, anyone of you have pain in your buttocks? I have been having this pain which seems to get worse the last 2 weeks, especially when I get up in the morning. Not sure if it's the round ligament pain that some mummies mentioned?

fuzzybear, think positive thoughts and rest more! Few more weeks to go!
Val, not really.. public agencies are pretty pro-family.. govt after all are supposed to be pro-family, so long u don't work in the front line like a teacher, they are usually pretty ok.. that said there are always horrible bosses that don't like these things.

Mummy, erm u are new here? haha kinda odd to see a newbie just popping up without any intro.. basically u can eat ALL sorts of fish IN MODERATION. if u are worried abt mercury contamination, don't eat big fish such as tuna, salmon and swordfish often. and by often i mean daily.. one serving a week is fine.
big oily fish tends to bioaccumulation heavy metals more.

Winkle, i m just trying not to think at all.. one day at a time, one wk at a go..

Third3timemum, haven't seen u for awhile! where did u go? hehe.. glad that u have ur 80% gal too! wahahahaha.. erm but NT scan is no longer accurate after 13 wks 5 days. that's cos the fluid in the NT gets reabsorbed back and appears thinner. nonetheless i think ur baby shd be healthy cos u said that the nose bone was seen.

Ok i went to read up G6DP. It is a sex-link hereditary recessive enzymatic disorder. meaning to have G6DP, u need to have 2 XX chromosomes with this faulty gene OR ONE defective X chromosome in XY baby. that's because the Y chromosome does not carry this gene (cos it is shorter than the X). that's why it seems more common that boys inherit it rather than gals.

What it means is that ur red blood cells cannot complete a certain metabolic pathway, which can lead to the destruction of ur red blood cells (haemolysis). exposure to certain meds and food will trigger haemolysis so it is best that u and ur baby avoid certain food once u are tested positive for G6DP deficiency. this is one of the blood tests that will be done on ur baby after he/she is born.
Sei, for buttock pain, likely to sciatic nerve. runs from ur spinal cord to the back of ur thighs. round ligaments are 2 bands of ligaments that run from the side of ur hips to ur pubic bone. Round ligament pain is usually on the front, sides.

Erm it's not a few weeks leh Sei.. its another 21 wks before i can safely deliver this baby. not even half the preg went by..

As for bird nest, just but the mid tier type from good shops.. shd be ok IF u wanna eat. i think its just us Chinese.. we eat everything!
hi mummies, haven't posted here recently cos busy over long wkend, n now still feeling tired from the long wkend. plus am not very familiar with the G6PD topic, hence not able to contribute much. congrats to mummies who knows/ kind of know their bb genders already! =)

sei: i also have pain on my butt occasionally, but only on my left butt. not sure y only 1 side of my butt is pain tho. haha..
winkle i also puked out my lunch yest. 1st time this happened to me, n i'm already at 17weeks. was feeling very giddy after lunch, 1hr later still have not recovered. n then suddenly my lunch came out. -.- after i puked, my giddiness was gone. i was ok for dinner, n so far today no problem too. hope it's just a one-time thing, maybe cos of poor weather.

i joked with my hub that maybe bb had a good feast on sunday nite as i went for wedding dinner, n he doesnt like the normal market food the next day after the big treat. lol...
G6pd deficiency will pass on to boy (nt 100% the child will get it) else how ur hb gets it? =)

I didnt drink coconut juice during 1st tri la. Is 3rd tri during #1's time =)
Congras on ur 80% gal too. 

Oh. Coz i have a num of friends in gov agencies and they are nt allowed to work from hm. Mayb diff agencies diff ba. Pros n cons of working from hm. 
Hahaha! U so on to go and read up in g6pd deficiency =p
fuzzybear> I have been busy at work for the past few weeks, so only managed to catch up with the posts here during lunch time, although I didn't post, but I'm here reading. We believe we have a normal baby!

hope you are feeling better each day, rest well, take good care of yourself.
Val>my mistake, sorry, during my last 2 pregnancies, I also drink coconut water during the last trimester, but both of them also got jaundice!

I think the weather is super hot some days, and I had the urge to drink something cold, I seldom drink cold drink prior to this pregnancy. And I also drank a lot of coke.

So far at 16w5days, I already put on 2.8kg, I put on 2.4kg in a month, from 3rd to 4th month, gynae was shocked, I hope the weight gain will slow down a bit, don't wish to put on too much weight for this pregnancy, I put on 20kg for #1, and 17kg for #2 but when I discharged, I'm already 10kg lighter for those 2. Wish I only put on the minimum this time round.
third3timemum - I am 17weeks and already put on around 3kg. i think ok bah. sometimes i feel my stomach not really growing bigger. Am i paranoid?how big should our tummy look now. i have been researching on pictures online and my tummy seems smaller.
piggie: my tummy also small and im 17 weeks plus too.. 1st baby.. i still can wear my pre preg shorts and am still wearing my normal clothing..

was in the train last week den because i was seated on the priority seat.. 1 preggy lady walked in.. i have to give up my seat to her..... win liaoz.. coz i don look preggy... =x
piggie dun worry.. i'm also at 17wks, but when i wear tight fitting dress n bump into friends, they still asking me when planning to have bb? lol.. i have gained 1kg so far overall, my gynae says good! haha..

actually i prefer my tummy to grow slower, as long as bb has enuff space inside. worried if tummy is too big the back pain problem will come sooner also.
Winkle, Xuan, pat pat... hope u stop puking soon. poor things u guys..

If u guys think that the pain and aches are bad now, wait till u are in ur late 3rd trim. water retention, plus the weight u gain will have an impact on all ur joints. plus the fact that ur body starts to release the hormone relaxin (to loosen ur joints in preps of childbirth), everywhere will hurt!! :p hahaha i scaring u all.

Third3timemom, ah i see.. thought u went on a holiday! yup i also think u have a healthy baby! and a baby gal to complete the family! i hope my 2 boys won't bully the gal too much. haha..

Val, i think it really depends on the boss lor.. so far my bosses are pretty understanding.. but i have to say my agency is very unique in the sense that our turnover rate is very low.. hardly hear ppl resigning.. could be the nature of our work or may be our benefits are quite decent. my new CE who got rotated in also commented that we have the lowest turnover rate in all the agencies he knows.

Piggie, big or small doesn't matter. a small tummy doesn't mean the baby is small and vice versa. I had a very small tummy for both my pregnancies and my boys were all >3kg. Healthy can already. Tall and thinner moms keep their tummies in better.
so long ur baby's growth is ok, there's nothing to worry abt. Also first time moms tend to have smaller tummies.
xuan / fuzzybear: i think i puked was becoz i ate too much during the 3 days of long weekend..hahahaha.. coz was so happy that i didnt puke for 4 days..

i really ate alotttt... now i have no appetite le.. haizz.. this kind of thing cannot say one.. the more u say..the more u get it.. =x
it's true big or small bump doesnt matter..as long bb healthy weight is good enuf..

Future queen of England..her bump also very small at 7 mths ma.. lolz...
fuzzybear: yest was the 1st time i puked, hopefully the only time. feels so yucky i can't imagine the rest of the mummies who have been having bad ms for the past few mths.. =(

i am hearing alot of problems here n there from my friends in 3rd tri now, so am hoping to have an easier time now, leave the tough part to as late as possible. haha.. i also heard 1st time mummies dun usually show so early. i always ask my gynae if bb is growing well, as long as he says everything is good then i'm happy le. haha..
fuzzybear, I think of it as every day passed is a day safer nearer to our goal so it feels like few weeks left only lol...

xuan, mine is on right side only! I went to google sciatic nerve pain, and it sounds like what I am feeling, including numb buttocks when I sit for too long. It's supposed to be more common in third tri when baby gets bigger though.

See this: http://www.babyzone.com/pregnancy/pregnancy-complications/pregnancy-related-sciatica_71152

winkle, apparently, tailbone pain is common during pregnancy too... this is because the tailbone sits right behind the uterus and as baby gets bigger, there's more pressure on the tailbone.

third3timemum, so far I put on about 4kg already at 17wks now. First preg I put on 25kg in total! I think most of it was due to water retention and I lost more than half of that within one month. I "kept" 2kg from the first pregnancy that never went away lol...
Mummychua: My preg bump starts to show liao and only a few working top can still cover.

Winnie: I notice usually 2nd pregnancy onwards, preg bump is bigger than 1st pregnancy.

Re backache:
I used to have terrible backache for almost 3 weeks during my 1st tri. When I consulted my gynae, he said it is due to the loosen of backbone, pelvic bone and also the sitting position.

Re: Confinement lady
I usually don't have good feeling with CL who insist to put down deposit asap.
Kitkat: Glad that you didn't commit to that CL.

Fuzzybear: Glad that your company allow staff to work from home. Hope by minimize movement will lessen the bleeding.
Regarding baby bump, do you ladies notice that the size varies throughout the day? My tummy is almost flat when I wake up in the morning but as the day passes, it gets bigger and bigger and sometimes look like 4-5mths at the end of the day
during my #2, I put on about 4kg at 4th month, then I was thinking 1 month put on 1 kg, so at the end, will be around 10kg, but I was wrong, the weight was pile up in the 3rd trimester, end up with 17kg

I am 1.65m and bigger built,"fleshy" type, not thin, so I guess that's why the tummy is still not obvious, no one offer seats to me in the mrt, and sometimes I still feel uneasy sitting in the priority seat, although its meant for us
sei: haha yes, my tummy is usually flat in the morning, n gets more obvious in the evening/ night time. i'm not sure why.. lol..
sei>I noticed that the bump really looks much bigger in the evening!and it also depends on the type of clothes I wear, some baby doll top makes it looks bigger,I usually wear loose long tops with long tights, some of my L-XL size dresses I still can wear
i have already put my bb's name on waitlist for infant care next year!! i didnt know the waiting list is till next year Mar! wooo~
yah my bump is bigger in the evening.. morning quite flat. i think partly because digestion slows down during the night and ur gases don't build up as much. stomach also empty. in the day we eat and drink more hence everything is fuller by the end of the day.

I gained abt 3kg in the first trim for my #2, overall i gained abt 12kg. for #1, i lost 4kg in my first trim, overall gained abt 9.5kg.. This one so far i lost 4kg. but my tummy is still bigger than when i was carrying #1!

Sei, it's gravity. Lol. I think currently my tummy is mainly fats plus weaker stomach muscle so no strength to fight gravity. So morning wake up with a almost flat tummy, at nite I look like 5month preg. Lol...

Winkle, that's fast. I'm planning to let my mil take care of #2 too but don't know if she can handle both toddler and bb at the same time. My #1 is attending church kindy so just 3hrs a day.
