(2013/11) November 2013

Morning mummies...

RE: diapers
I dunno if my info is coming too late, but my friend told me to get mama poko diapers for new born.. Cos it has a lower front part which will avoid pushing against the 'qi Dai' cos its quite hard when the baby is born.. Must let it drop naturally.. So she tell me to get that brand instead.. I wanted to get the Huggies for the bottles too.. But first hubby stop Dan my friend help me research this.. So I maybe will go n see if its really like that Dan decide..

Ya I will also be getting medela FS.. Just thinking of getting with or without warranty...

Weekend is coming mummies! Hang on there and enjoy the weekend!

kitkat, ya I agree with him on the sturdiness. otherwise we cannot hang our things on it..if stroller too light, we also afraid the stroller will topple if we put a heavy bag on it.

yes can convert to booster seat. the top can extend upwards too. the quality seems not bad. UK brand.
wee a lot of u guys are shopping! very painful to see ur bank acc depleting so quickly hor!

Kitkat, Ameda is a decent pump.. actually u can buy the cooler, ice pack and what nots online. could be cheaper too.
how did ur legs and back tahan 6 hrs of shopping??!! amazing leh.. i walked 2-3hrs my back wanna break already. :p

Arissa, pat pat.. it is really ex to have a kid in SG.. all the things we buy, we try to get the best for our kids! u didn't get the 240ml Avent storage cups. i find 180ml too small, esp when u freeze and the milk (or soup) get stuck on the rim and u have hard time opening it.

Hrmm may be i shd get the Huggies diapers too.. they are quite decent but their cutting is super duper small.
wow... looks like all of you all have been busy with shopping. till now i only got 2pks of rompers. really got to sort out all my old stuff and start shopping.

kitkat, 6hrs shopping at the fair is a really long time. u really spend quite a fair bit of money there. actually i dont recommend using preloved car seat. coz u wont know if the car seat got into any accident before. from what i read, car seat got a lifespan of 5yrs.

nidellia, i dont think there is a care seat that can go from newborn till 7yr. most are from 0-4yr then kid will take a booster. those that go till 7 should be high back booster which can be use from 9mth onwards. 10kg stroller is quite heavy if you will to go out alone with bb. imagine having a 10kg stroller plus bb plus a heavy weight diaper bag. unless you always drive or have someone with you when you are out, i wont recommend a 10kg stroller.

xuan, my hub use to be like yours. avoid buying anything cos he's very stingy. but he learn his lesson after my #1. so now he wont try to stop me from buying anything i think necessary for bb.
Going gynae apt tomorrow morning, then will go to Taka fair, hopefully not very crowded, especially queue at cashier, how many cashiers are there?for those who have already been there
mummychua & fuzzybear, we spent 2 hours just at pigeon booth itself liao. after tat break for lunch at 1+, den continue shopping. after tat brain really not working liao. i wore tights and comfortable flats for walking. hubby was even more tired den me.

fuzzybear, for ameda parts, i can get from smh if i need to change cos its cheaper. but according to my fren, they neva sell the pump itself. she (experienced mummy) was with me oso, helped me to compare the prices and the items bundled with ameda sold at isetan.

mummychua, i got ard 20 rompers liao ranging from nb to 6-9 mths! i see cute den buy. hubby see cute oso buy. will go down to bugis shop to stock up on those necessary wear for bb to wear to IFC. buy cheap ones will do.

i just bought a set of red/grey hat, red mittens and booties from JB giant ytd to match with bb's red & white santa romper for his full mth. hahaha...

I even went JB after taka bb fair to eat dinner, buy groceries, pump petrol & wash car. i ytd really super woman.
mummychua, eh but we saw this carseat wor. the sales staff even demo to us. he sd only 2 brands have this. one is combi but very ex and one is their brand joie. ha you can go there see.

third3timemum, I saw there are about 6-8 cashiers there...

kitkat, waaa you super mummy man. still can go jb after shopping!! my sis bought some rompers from uniqlo babies in japan for us! so kawaii!
third3timemum, the queue at taka bb fair is not crowded. there are 3 cashiers at each side. wait less den 5 mins. go early in the morning, lagi no queue, no pple.
Pinky : I sign up the prenatal class conducted by Mt A too.. I duno which trainer is good. I just call and send in the application. Weekend class left Sept. Hurry if u have not sign up. The lady told me i should sign Aug class in case of early delivery but Aug only weekdays.
Using maxi cosi for all my car seats. 
If i were to choose, i will get a booster with backing for #2 and pass dwn the britax to #3. Coz bucket seat really outgrow v fast and if this is the last kid u gonna have there is not much mileage. In terms of dollars n cents, a gd booster seat with backing also cost lesser than the bundle which cost $899. wat do u think?
No le. Have been looking but havent change yet. This is another headache also. I was thinking to try and see if we can somehow squeeze 3 car seats behind. Hahaha!!
seriously, was contemplating to get another quinny yest. Coz #1 and #2 fighting over the use of the one and only single pram we have. 

Re: bumbo
Ya. When baby struggle the seat can topple. Even if put on the flr, will also hit the head, just tat the impact is lesser as compared to higher place. Thus nv get for my kids. I did let my kids try at my friend's place but i think its nt a necessary item.

Hahaha. If u see it daily and no urge to buy then its gd. Save u 100%. lol.

Welcome to the thread.

Am using maxi cosi. How old is ur #1?? Do u wan to have inbuilt harness or using car seat belt as harness?
Yes. The bucket car seat (the infant car seat) is cheaper than the type tat last from infant to toddler. The type for toddlers for certain weight onwards has 2 designs, built in harness (i saw starting price $200+) or no built in harness (starting price $100+). But those with built in harness is quite bulky. Compact yet with built in can consider combi. 

Nope, usually i do not opt for the insurance for the vpost shipping. Tats an additional cost, unless covered by the bank of the credit card u using. Usually i use uob which doesnt provide insurance but so happened the promo code ran out so i used citibank the last rd and it provided free coverage. Just ordered 2 cartons this round and waiting to arrive at vpost usa.

Welcome to the thread. Since ur hb going states, u sld give him a list of things to buy for baby =p somemore now clearing summer season, gd time to stock up and
Save on shipping =P
Fuzzybear, my sister will pass me her Avent 240ml containers, so i didn't buy any. Will also buy sealable milk bags from G Market - there is this brand started with L .. quite cheap and size appropriate.

For car seats, i bought mine from paragon. There is this shop call my first few years and the car seats on sale is much cheaper than any other places i saw including the fair. My hubby got
MAXI-COSI Cabriofix 2013 for my baby @ $249. If any mummies is going for taka fair and want ot buy car seat, can go over to paragon and take a look?

Went to Taka last evening. Didn't buy much, only can a receiving blanket, a cap, some mittens and e disposable breast pads.

I also signed for Mt A prenatal class! When I went early this mth, Aug weekend class already full. So I signed for Sept weekend class. Signed up for the Ladies Card if you are intending to deliver at Mt A! U get 10% off prenatal class (iirc) and room charge when u are admitted for delivery! The membership is $68 for 2 yrs, but with the above discount, ur savings is more than $68!! If you buying at their pharmacy, there is discount with the card too.
Kris, i havent decided yet if shld get the mount A ladies card. is it worth it? cos i'm not gg for prenatal class.
hi ya Va| (felvaldamien)

Yes, I m working on the list since Jun. Lukily there is free Amazon shipping to Singapore now. I grab whatever I can get from Amazon and only ask hubby to bring those item which is not eligible for free international shipping from Amazon. Much lesser thing for him to carry back now

Hubby friend who is expecting now also keep buying from Amazon..hahahaha
Kris, so fast Aug class full aldy? Which trainer class u attending in Sept? I thinking to go Mt A prenatal class cos can save quite a bit cos im delivering at Mt A. Yup, heard my sis tt is better to gt e ladies card. Even the 24 hr clinic oso got discount i tink...Xuan, i think is still worth getting ba..

Dada, i invited you thru fb group but need admin approval which is Jasline. So after tt, u shld b able to join e fb group ba..

Xuan, e huggies diapers i bot.. NB size is $6.45 each and S size is $11.75 each. Can mix to get 4 packs in order to get e free 2 medela bottles. I took 2 pack each for each size. I got a pass down Avent warmer but is not the one u all been discussing tt got a cover (discontinue version). Was thinkin since e Pigeon bundle so worth buying den juz put e warmer at my mum's place lo.

Hikaru, how much is e weekend class for Mt A patient? I havent go to the hospital tour yet. U went aldy?

Arissa, u nv rec e invite from fb group thru email? Im able to see ur fb account thou..What ur email add?

Fuzzybear, Mawanab went Bali for babymoon..winkle n e rest dunno where le... keke.. Hm.. i not looking for fanciful car seat. Just wan a decent and cheap car seat.. but dint see any at Taka. All r quite pricy.

How ur maid gg on? Have u manage to hire a new one?
Yallos everyone, see you all shopping at taka, I also want! Been so tired dealing with some heartburn and whole lotta indigestion. Think only my gynae is the happiest cos I can't really eat oily stuff, nor overeat, so my weight gain will be minimal. If I can gain 10kg for this pregnancy think can buy 4D (hm, maybe should try Aug 9 toto? Hehe) Very strangely I can still take curry cabbage from chap chye Ben stall.
Then my gal came down with stomach flu ytd. Peng san. Seems it's spreading round in schools, so mummies with school going kids, feed your kids more probiotics. Luckily this round the strain is not so serious. My gal could still eat and drink, fever never went above 39 deg. Sent her packing to my inlaws today so I can take a rest now. Gonna snooze and dream of what to get at taka fair next week.

Re: car seat
I had a safe-n-sound one, also under britax brand. For use from nb to 4 yrs. Anally safe. I think the aussies are quite kiasu where car seats are concerned.

Re: bumbo chair
I also never got it. Partly because #1's thighs then were too fat, and partly because I had playpen and subsequently FP jumperoo to keep her occupied aka locked in one spot ;p. But the babies in them always looked so cute!

Sort of off topic, but pls have a look at pg A29 of Straits Times today. Talks about super inspirational mum of 5. If I can achieve half of what she did, wow.

Have a great weekend mummies!
Hi mummies!

check out Isetan's pigeon steriliser bundle. Think it is also $168 but instead of warmer, it is bundled with bottles and mag mag cup.

I am also looking for a car seat. Think will check out Mothercare first. Fyi: http://www.mothercare.com.sg/pdf/GSS_Flyer.asp

think you were the one who bought the mothercare cot right? Was browsing the website and this seems like a prett good deal: http://www.mothercare.com.sg/productdetail.asp?pid=421691
Did you see it at the shop? Why didn't you go for it ah?

RE: Bouncer vs rocker
What do you ladies think ah? Are they substitutes? My #1 and #2 loved their bouncers. But am thinking of getting a rocker instead this time cause can get more mileage out of it. Not sure if it is as comforting to baby though. Mu boys loved to be rocked to sleep in their bouncers when they were nbs.
so much shopping going on, pls continue to share your loot, mummies!

now i am thinking if i should leave office earlier to go shopping! hehehe! am so tired this week with all the work i had to do!

pinky, how to be added in to FB? who is helping to add? i didn't receive any emails yet to join the FB group leh.
Winnie, i didn't see this model at the mothercare branch i went (I went to paragon, west coast and Harborfront brunch). Also because i wanted mine to be plain white-suits my baby room color.

If you are interested in this cot, you may want to check with branch has it?
Winnie: thanks for the tips! will go check it out.

Pinky: thanks for the info! =) wah if i buy all 4 huggies in nb size then it's only $25.80, in exchange for bottles worth $21+, like very worth it hor! lol... =P

RE: mount A hospital tour
i called a few wks ago n the weekend tours are already full until mid sept le. so if u're keen, gotta quickly call n book a slot.
I just came back from Taka fair again.. spent close to $200 there again with the bottle exchange and diapers. haha.. didn't see the medela bottle free gift at huggies else i would have bought it that day.

Val, no i won't buy the car seat combi from Maxi Cosi. I was thinking of getting a bucket car seat for baby until she turns abt 1 then upgrade her to her kor kor's Britax. by then my #2 will be close to 2+ yrs old, can move on to booster. Cos seriously damn cramp to squeeze 3 car seats/ booster in a car leh. though i have a MPV, i need the carseat in the 2nd role to be easily removable, else i cannot slide the 2nd row of seats back. If I put a car seat with backing in the last row, also find it very hard to buckle the kid in! headache man.. I haven't think how i m gonna bring 2 young kids out next time. #2 will be too young to walk for a long time, so sooner or later needs to sit in stroller. then baby how? don't wanna think already.

Kitkat, u super woman lor.. i m so tired just going shopping for 2-3hrs! u still can go JB.. amazing. ya u can buy Ameda spare parts online, i buy my Medela spare parts online too.

Oh yes, i saw the SWING! I highly recommend a swing (NOT a yao lan) as the motion is safe for babies, unlike yao lan. I use the swing for naps only and bb can slp 1.5-2hrs in there. FP has 2 models on sale there, 1 going for $169 and the other one going for $249. This is the $249 one: http://www.toysrus.com/buy/activity/baby-swings/fisher-price-ez-bundle-4-in-1-baby-system-t3643-4201503

Ankh, i thought what happened to u. how's ur gal's P1 registration? come in and chat more hor.. miss talking to u. yup i read that article u are talking abt.. she has a FB page. i think u need to be damn patient and well read to do what she did for her kids.. sad to say many parents suffer from the herd mentality.
RE: breast pumps

Thanks all for sharing the differenc..probably gona get the freestyle one in this case.
But fuzzy u saying ameda also not bad? And ameda is cheaper right?
Hmmm….i’m like so indecisive ahaha..

RE: pinky, Robinsons rebate card
Any idea how much discount for that?
I also have the card so thinking to get at taka fair or Robinsons..but at taka far for free gift..the giraffe stroller or sth for purchases >$600.

Re; Taka fair

Wow seems like most of you have been there le, some even with loots!
I’ll be going tomorrow, so excited..

Re: aden swaddle

Think its 4 for $39? Think to buy anot heard very good reviews about them, I already have 2 normal swaddles arld – not as thin and comfy as aden one though, and baby will probably be swaddled for a very short while only right?
So thinking to buy this anot.
Hi Dada,
Thats cheap. is it eligible for free global shipping?

Hi Silver,
Is the discount worth it?
is it it cheaper to buy from US?
dada>I bought this Avent set from a lady who is buying from amazon and sell locally, if I know amazon ships free to Singapore, would have order it on my own, and save more, I bought from her at $350, if buy direct from amazon, maybe less than $300

yunzz> I emailed Philips Singapore to ask about the international warranty for the avent comfort double electric breast pump, they said just produce the receipt and the set if service needed, not sure if its 1 or 2 years warranty

not all sellers have free shipping to Singapore.
I was trying to order my medela spareparts earlier but the shipping cost to SG is half of my purchase. I hold back and did a comparison still buying on BP is cheaper.

you are fast huh.. so fast got a confirmation for booking for delivery.
3xmum, only those that are sold by Amazon (not other seller) will have free shipping to Singapore above USD125. Thanks to dada for explaining to me which ones have free international shipping! If the US set have warranty in Singapore, I will buy already! Now selling for only USD199.90. If buy now means warranty starts now right? The natural bottles I was looking at also have free shipping if total exceed USD125.
Mummies, I have a question. Is it this period of time will have emotion breakdown easily? Just for the past one week or so I break down like two times already. Really cry like no ppl business.. And just now on train I also teared... I didn't have such problem during the first two trim.. Super scare I will depression man...
yunzz> I checked, Philips Avent Double Electric Comfort Breast Pump is eligible to ship to Singapore but with shipping cost of USD17.40. It is not entitle for free international shipping, but I guess shipping fee is small part compare to local retail price. Thus, if u add Avent bottle tog, Avent bottle will still be charged for shipping cost as the breast pump price cannot be considered part of USD125. U can always click "view cart" and it will show u estimated shipping cost + handling fee. When u check out, dont use SGD rate, Amazon rate for USD to SGD is higher than bank rate. So charge your credit card with USD. Current bank rate is about 1.30.

3xmum, sorry to hear that
hopefully u can grab as much u want now from Amazon for items that entitled for free international shipping. I had ordered 4 shipments and received 2 lot already

nidellia, probably 3xmum is able to answer your concern abt the voltage since she has got the set from the local seller whom got it from Amazon.
lxb (linxiaober), sorry to hear that. I hope you are fine.

This is my first pregnancy, I dont have any emotional break down, instead I m in hyper positive mood inspite of the associated physical discomfort, I still feel good in heart.

Hormone is playing a part in mood swing, but I still do believe everything comes from within. Keep your inner rich n healthy, then nothing can affect u. Reading helps

Stay strong mummy, we are the greatest creation :D
Mummies... Any feedbacks or reviews on tommee tippee's steriliser n bottle warmer? Saw at kiddy palace that they have a $169 bundle consisting of these 2 items n alot of useful freebies. Thinking if shld buy, but usually hear most pple buy pigeon n avent for sterilisers n warmers.

I also saw avent steriliser + warmer bundle with bottles n freebies at $199. Now dunno which to get.
Febie (febie)>
Thanks for explaining about shipping from amazon. Ya, last gynae scan at 22 weeks, the clinic asked me what ward I want to book, and now after a month, its confirmed.

Ya, the purchase date starts the warranty, I should have waited, but the seller told me not sure when will be promotion price be ending.

nidellia (nidellia) >
Need to use a adapter for local use, the plug is different, those travel ones should be ok.

ya lor, you should join us earlier on this forum, and share the lobang, lol, but fortunately the seller didn't mark up too much

For my order via vpost, the exchange rate is around 1.35, so high.

lxb (linxiaober)>
must be the hormones la, its Friday!cheers
by the way, is this your #1? tend to have a lot to think for #1 I think.

I have only used Avent Sterilizer so far, since 13 years ago when I had my #1, never change to another brand, but now the Avent Sterilizer is trim, different from the old round type, not sure if its the same
I quite like the avent steriliser n warmer. But the tommee tippee 1 looks good too leh, that's y I can't decide. The time taken to sterilize/ warm is abt the same for both, really not much differences except for the pricing n freebies. The only thing that I dunno is their durability.
Thxs Kris for the Mount A ladies card info.

Pinky: I didnt go for the hospital tour coz Mount A is near to my house. So I more or less decided liao..Think the class include hospital tour at the later part.
The weekend class S$203.30 (inc GST) for mothers delivering at Mount A.

ankh: Do you feel bloated? Think I have similar problem.. Sometimes I feel indigestion. But after drinking hot water, eat fruits or drink ginger tea, I start to burp a lot and I feel better.. My gynae recommend ginger tea or mint sweet to reduce bloating.
Lxb, I remember feeling emotionally affected around this timing during first pregnancy. Cried based on something gynae said, and also cried once due to work troubles. It's the hormones, don't worry.

Hikaru, I feel bloated all the time except in the mornings before I eat or drink anything. Gets really bad with oily food. Took some carrot cake for Wed lunch, and was a total zombie till bedtime. Went online to check out heartburn info, and to my dismay I realized half the perishables in my fridge are not suitable for me now. Thanks for tip on ginger and mint teas. must try them.

Fuzzybear, went MIA cos been trying to figure out what's happening with my digestive system the past week. Don't think I've ever had heartburn before, yucks. My #1 got into my old school during phase 2A2, no issue. P1 registration macham like watching thriller movie, very exciting!
hi ladies,

went Taka fair again today. Bought $300+ worth of stuff, of it $120 fr pigeon, so managed to redeem a bowl and set of cutlery.

Just to share, I bought a car seat for my number 1. The newborn will take over the britax car seat fr my number one which can seat infant to ard 4 years old. I bought a Bon bebe car seat which is only $99, quite worth it as it can seat my number one fr 9 to 36 kg. it can also be detached so that it becomes a booster seat without the backing. Perfect to use when she gets older and we can all sit more spaciously if she only use booster seat without backing. Was tempted to get a Ferrari one which can also be used fr 9-36kg. But it's $169 and cannot be detached to be booster seat. Happy w my buys.


My number one is 2 next month. I think we are in the same aug thread, no?
Good morning mummies,

Anyone facing insomnia? When I sleep I can feel the bb kicking...and I'm a light sleeper... =(
hi mummies,

my loot for last Friday!

- Avent milk shells (I used this when I had #1 and found them useful to collect dripping milk)
- Avent breast pads (can be washed, to be used at home)
- Traded in 1 old milk bottle (fm SIL) for a new Pigeon wide mouth bottle
- 2 packs of nb Huggies and small size Huggies with 2 free Medela bottles
- Fisher price rocker! (comes with a free back pack for baby to carry)
- some mittens/booties
- a box of pigeon disposable breast pads
- 2 packs of cloth diapers
- a Quinny stroller that comes with Maxi Cosi car seat (hubby likes it so much coz very easy to push and open/close)

Total damage $900+ and got the giraffe toy as a free gift, free delivery and also a Mustela gift pack (the toys are redeemable outside the fair but the Mustela gift pack must go to 4th floor, baby dept to collect).

Eh, i realized there is no more normal size plastic milk bottles that i used to use for #1?? the Pigeon bottles now are of a different material though still come with narrow mouth or wide mouth. can anyone advise me if the narrow mouth is still the standard size tt can be used with like Medela caps etc?

Took 3 hours to finish shopping and was really dead, dead tired. i think its good to shop now and get everything settled than to wait till nearer to delivery. no stamina to shop for long hours like before, wonder if my 3rd tri will be back to my 1st tri when i couldn't even shop for an hour without feeling tired.

FB, thks for adding me in. can i know if what i post in our private page will also appear in my normal page where my other contacts can see what i post or vice versa? want to be more careful coz normal page has colleagues and staffs .. hehe.

tcf - yes, i wake many times at night whenever baby moves. No choice, if cannot get used to it then got to live with it. if i don't have a good night sleep, i try to sleep earlier the next night.

tcf : Recently I feel bb kicking when I am sleeping too.. But I have no problem sleep.

Just wondering is it because bb is not comfortable with my sleeping position or is it normal. (I sleep on right side)

I do have problem getting back to sleep after going toilet in the middle of the night.
