(2013/10) October 2013

Skysim: i cant postpone my trip coz is business trip.. actually i also dont feel like going. maybe will ask my gynae and if possible get him to certify me unfit for travelling.. but 2nd trimester is ok to fly right?

Littlefren: yes! i had curry yesterday. but everytime i have spicy food, i diarrhoea~ this happens only after pregnancy.. but for no reason i always diarrhoea or soft stools leh. i thought preg will cause constipation lor.

JV: So far only my hubby and 2 very close friends know. the reason is because i am very paranoid. my last preg i announced to my colleagues and then i MC.. after that i went on 1 week leave and had to explain to everyone i lost the baby. so now i wont tell until 1st trimester over.

Kayliz: i also need to travel during May.. but i told my coll i can't travel for the time being.. they dint say anything lei.. by then will be 2nd trim too... i also don wan to travel..
winkle: my dept is mostly ladies and 1 single lady of 40+ is my boss. my last preg i informed her because i was seeing a gynae in TMC who only operates on working hours. so i told her i might be taking MC once in a while when i need to go for checkups. she was understanding and promised not to disclose to anyone. yet whenever the other colleagues are around, she will be sooo kind as to ask me loudly how i feeling, do i need her to buy tonics for me, how is the baby, etc... in the end ppl guess also know lor.

May should be after 1st trimester le right? i going for 8D holiday in end may.. just booked at NATAS last week wor..
LOLZ.. like that call keep secret meh?? if your gynae says fit to travel should be fine bah.. holiday is fun!! mine for work... *duhzz*
Thanks ladies. I told no one except both side's parents for now....

Do you ladies also have mild cramps? I do feel slightly uncomfortable and that is it...i wonder how long this will last...can't help but feeling worried and anxious...
Ha my department all man haha I feel so werid to break the news to my boss but no choice have to tel him cos of my condition, during my ist preg also... but he is a nice ang mo and he will not disclose to others...
Jv, I do think week 9/10 is a bit late. Maybe week 7 is good. Cos week 11-13 will be Oscar test Liao, I think like v close. U might as well spread out n can see bb periodically. Ya, have u started on folic.

I hv told my close frens, my parents n mil. Didn't wanna tell mil so early cos the last time I told her n sil, next day mc Liao. No, I'm not blaming her, just feel pantang a bit.

Flower, hope to hear everything good tml, jia you!
U v garung lor, still go mothercare sale! I heard the q is v terrible. U better rest more ok!

Bb Chloe, onz! After I put my girl in cc, thinking of let her go in at 20m in June
Babychloe, though this is my first, but I totally agree with u! After 9 month I will become maid n cow

Still a noob , know nth, n very worry if I can adapt to b a mama! >.<

Winkle, ya, my cousin also said she is very experienced n nice! Ya... That's y I m Thking to go public instead of private.. Ahhaha.... Cost saving! Though I also wish to get someone who is experienced!

Btw, do u all hav rashes? I dunno if my hormones change or due to sensitive, my face has serious rashes here n there... Is sooooooo itchy n pain! I can't slp well at night n keep waking up....
shd I c gp ? Or wait until nxt wk and seek advices from dr Lisa chin?

Also, can preggies eat curry ya? Hmm... I m a chili n curry lover ! >.<....
I am in a dilemma~~~ my gal is 3 this yr and she is attending a 2-hr pre-nursery. currently looked after by my mum when i work.

i was thinking, with #2.. should i engage a full-time helper with my mum to monitor or to let #1 go to a full day CC while my mum takes care of #2? My hubby thinks going to CC is better but imagine, after a day's work, once both kids are back, i will be extremely busy and still gotta do housework. i dont believe in letting a maid look after kids + housework alone because even if i am a SAHM, I dont think i can achieve that. on the other hand, it takes a lot of adjusting to a new adult in the house.
shinshin: i dont have rashes but very bad breakouts on face, neck and body. my skin was clear all the time until recently and ppl were asking what happen.. when i had my gal i nv had such problems.

curry should be ok..
shinshin: if it's making you uncomfy and disturbing ur sleeps.. better to see GP first bah.. if not how u going to have enough rest for this 1 week?
Shin shin, I hv been eating belachan, chili padi, curry n laksa... I only avoid v cooling food, raw food n half done eggs... Without chili I can't stomach in any food... In fact I ate more chili then usual...
Kayliz, it's quite tough to handle 2 kids after work n plus housework... N cos I m a clean freak so I think at d end of d day I will be worse than a maid so no choice get a helper...

On d other hand, maids gives another set of plms... Haizzzzz... Not all but d quality of maids really deteriorate... N with d new scheme of off days means more plms... If u got a good one u r v lucky else they will only create more plms for us n yes I do find having an extra person at home is v inconvenient esp I can't put my bags etc anyhow... Hv to lock up etc...

Me n hb intend to go maid less once no 3 turn 2 yo... By then my boys will b 3 year plus...
kaylie, what about cc plus part time maid? I think good maid is like strike lottery but some pp do strike lah, lol! I'm sahm, the m stands for maid too. But number one going cc lah...

Yes, I have v v v bad outbreak, I'm not clear skin type but it's obviously bad, Heng these few days like start to clear le.

Shin shin, go see gp if its really jialat... Then u can sleep well n rest better.
Shin shin, if u visit d gp, do inform him u r preggie in case he prescribe u medi not suitable for preggers or cream which contain strong steroids...
Littlefren: i currently have a PT maid. She comes once a week but i feel it is not enough..
I still got to change bedsheets and do laundry myself.. and my PT maid only cleans area that are not covered by furniture or stuffs.. like on a shelf with books or photoframes, she just wipes around them. so generally some corners will collect dust overtime.
And as she has been with me for 1 yr plus.. i find that she starts to slack.. for example my toilet, got 3 main things to clean: toilet bowl, basin, vanity table.. but she will always leave 1 out.
When she wash the toilet floor, she nv remove the pails or stuff on the floor. So i know she just does a slipshod job.

I paid her for 4 hrs, but she can finish all the tasks within 3.5 hours.. i am quite flexi to tell her it doesnt matter as long as she does everything. End up sometimes she does things so fast it is not clean and she leaves early.

I didnt want to change because she got my house keys and comes on her own. She dont steal things so its ok. Very hard to find a PT maid who u can trust ur keys with.
Hi mummies,

First time in this thread. My bb should be out end Oct.

Babychloe, I salute your tummy's ability to take on the chilli! Your bb will grow up to be champion chilli eater ;p

I just realized my meal portions as big as what my 5 yr old DD eats. Bleah, I'm a zombie human most times, zombie merlion wannabe after meals.
Babychooe, really? Hmm... I m so reluctant to say no to spicy food! Cos my eldest sis told me if consume too many spicy food, den mayb bb ll hav heat rashes? Hmm... Is it true ya? That's wat I worrying....

I hav rashes n breakouts also...
not yet see a doc, mayb.... Tmr ba... Sigh... Feel so uncomfortable...

Yea, I m a clean freak also! So afraid after giving birth, my life will b totally changed or become worse...hmm....

Kayliz, wah, u trust ur PT maid do much! How much u pay per hour?

I hav breakout also, on body n face...
sigh, everything change...
Shinshin: My PT maid costs $60/4 hourly. Initially she comes every weekend when I'm home.. Only after a few months then I gave her my keys. I find its better for her to come on weekdays.. Else weekend we sleep in and she has to wait for us to wake up before she cleans our room.
Welcome n congrats ankh!!!

Shinshin, I dunno abt bb having d bb heat rash thing... I only know I need to eat something to keep myself full else I got no appetite n feel hungry but can't eat! Once ms subside, will resume back to the usual diet...

U better go c a doctor ASAP....
Talking about maids.. My new maid coming in soon cos current one told me she wanna change employer, gives all kinds of excuses.. Cos i cant comply to her conditions.. so angry!! But anyway the new maid is coming soon. Hope this one will stay long...

i suddenly feel vv tired wor. Previously i still got insomnia de..
Hey ladies

I visited Dr Paul yesterday.. True enough, he's a man w few words... He did a scan n found baby... But also told me that there's a cyst about 2cm.. Ask
Ed him if he's worrying n he said its fine. That kept me so worrying man...

He said everything also can eat, listen to our bodies.... Even chilled drinks !!!! I was like.. Oh really? Lol

Been dozing off at 9pm n waking up sound 2am, unable to sleep....

Now are you ladies feeling?
Mummies, besides booking CL, anyone already started booking post-natal massage? my hubby told me to wait till 2nd tri den book it.
Haha me too hv maids woes.... Nowadays maids hard to please man... It's like we are at their mercy.... Haiz...

Woke up again!!! Luckily it's TGIF!!!
Akira, dr Paul told me a strong pregnancy will stay no matter what we do... But well we just do what we are comfortable with ..
So u ok with him?

Bluberi, I think post natal massage quite easy to book as compared to CL... I m referring to those free lance one...
Babychole, the previous massage lady i used when i had #1 is already booked till sept. but will wait till 2nd tri den try to book her.
Akira, did u manage to see heartbeat?

So u mean most of u booked ur CL liao ah. I think I call after my 1st appt to cfm bb first..
Dear all

I'm expecting no. 2 currently and my MIL told me she is very tired taking care of no. 1, so I will need to get a helper.

Can any mummy advise the process of hiring a helper? How long is the process?

Only 1 room left in my house, if hire helper, then CL no place to sleep.. my thoughts are to get a CL first then to get a helper, but that will depends on the duration needed to get the helper. Any mummy can advise?

Thanks in advance!
Faithangel : Congrats!!!!
Nowadays maids got to wait for ard 2mths. After they come, u still need to train them etc etc.. why dont you engage now? So u can train them while u are preggie??

So by then u got a "trained helper and a CL. I just giving my suggestions..

Any mummies know how to do the excel table???
Like other threads are doing.. like our EDD, our gynae..
Thank you bluberi
I thought mostly are Malay massage ladies..

Faithangel, I wld suggest u hire the helper first. A new helper might needs to tk 2-3 months and sometimes last minute, there might be "no show" etc...and a new maid hired, u might need to gv her 3-6 months time to train and get used to your household...

If she is used to your household functions already, then she will be able to concentrate in learning from your CL with babycare and even cooking if u needs.
Hi Mummies,
I went for check up yesterday (9wk+) n my fetus heartbeat has stopped n no increase of size. Dr advised to go dc. How come my doc nve act on anything when he did not see any grow I size for my trip at 4wk+, 6wks n 7wks. Heard bb heartbeat at 7wk. No sign of cramp, spotting n bleeding. Suddenly at wk 9wk+, doc just tell me my bb not growing n heartbeat has stopped. No advised on other tests, only conclude to go dc. I m so sad as is so sudden. What shd I do? I seeking another opinion today w dr Fong yang. Hope to hear a better advise from him. .
Babychole, i also thought the massage ladies are mostly Malay until I found Huiling.

Mich, sorry to hear about what has happened. My first M/C was also bb heartbeat stopped. bb heartbeat was still showing at week9, but the same night i had really bad cramps, went to gynea the next day n bb heartbeat has stopped. For my 2nd and 3rd M/C, the bb simply didn't grow after week4, there wasn't any symptoms of M/C except some brown spotting.

Normally if it's first M/C, gynea prob wun advise to do any test. I saw Dr. Adrian Woodworth for the first M/C, and he just said 1 in 5 women M/C in the first tri. Depressing to hear what he said, no consolation at all. I did a DnC too. But I tink u can actually request to test the cells of the foetus for the reason of M/C.

According to my gynea, what happened to me was spontanous M/Cs as I had continuous 3 M/Cs within a yr, spent 1k on the tests only to found out both hubby and me have no problems with our health at all. So my gynea said it might be purely bad luck. Haiz...
Hi winkle : did u say u going for check up today?

i just called my gynae and she advised to go only mid march
mich, sorry to hear your news, do seek 2nd opinion &amp; if u can avoid D&amp;C, do avoid. My personal experience is that D&amp;C cause scarring and that apparently will affect future ttc.
Hugs mich, so sorry to hear that but do seek second opinion. U mean your gyn knew bb size not growing in week 4,6,7? Or only week 9? I had mc twice, both v early stage n no d n c was needed.

Flower, d n c is procedure to remove bb after mc.
Mich, lots of hugs for you. Hope consulting second doctor will allow you to make the best decision for yourself.
hi ladies, joining u all here. i went to see my gynae today..but he cant see anything. I am 4 week preggie i think.

can ur doc see anything on week4? going again next week hopefully can see waterbag.

hi Mich - sorry bout your loss..hope u can nurse your body back to health and have a heathy pregnancy next cycle.
Hi Mummies

Thank you. Dr Fong Yang has confirmed. Hv scheduled DC on mon
This will be my 2nd m/c. 1st is before my 1st child n I did DC too.
