(2013/09) September 2013

Thks Candy. I am thinking of telling boss after my 1 st trimester too.

But this is my 3rd pregnancy, not sure if it will show very soon. will see how it goes
i've informed my boss so that she can plan ahead - i mean, we will be away for 16 weeks if all goes well! makes sense to inform ur bosses earlier.
Hi All,

I am now 6 weeks gg to 7 weeks.... Morning sickness is driving me nuts.... I feel bloated and super tired. Used to be very active and sporty but now all I want to do is lie down.... super unproductive...

My only favourite food now is potato chips... bUt only BBQ flavour... dont want any other flavour.
Phew, Gynae visit went fine. Dating scan shows I conceived later than I thought. Only 6 weeks 0 day (I thought would be 6 weeks 3 days). Baby is 3.3mm and heart rate is 115bpm. EDD 24 Sep. Next visit at 9 weeks.
Think will start informing after CNY. Doubt the tummy can be hidden till after the first tri.

Potato chips!! Yes! The only things I can eat now are snacks n junk food. Sigh, reunion dinner will be quite miserable since most of the foods will prob make me naseous
Mummies, may I know how much weight u gain during ur first trimester? I've gain 1.5kg and I'm only in my sixth weeks. I kept feeling nausea and hungry. If I don't eat some food, my nausea gets worse and will get gastric pain. If this goes on, I'm worried that I will turn into a fat women by end of pregnancy.
Went to see my gynae yesterday... 6wk 5days. Baby is 6mm.

Tangerine, how do u know the heartbeat from the scan?
Claud, first we saw a flickering dot on the screen. Then I request to listen to it and Gynae said ok we will try but no guarantee. Then we heard the galloping sound. Once there is a sound, the machine can estimate the heart rate.
Hi tangerinez,
I heard heartbeat too. But which part of the scan will indicate the rate? I keep flipping back my scan but nothing states xxxbmp... >_<
Viiv, I don't like eating fruits now. And I feel hungry very fast. Now I prefer food like cha kway teow, chicken rice, laksa etc. cos everything I eat, quite bland. But I will try to eat more fruits. Hopefully can keep my weight down.
whee - most food turn me off and makes me nausea too. I eat 1 mouth I lose my appetite to continue anymore. So I have been drinking more water.

tracy - i am so worried i will be fat mama too!!! wow you can take strong flavoured food without getting turned off? rem to eat laksa without cockles! I wanted to eat too but I better avoid spicy food for the time being as I am having sore throat and also having bloatedness. I see food I get turned off but at the same time I am hungry. :'(

claud - your baby is long!
claud, it doesnt show on the printed scan. it shows on the screen. sorry what i meant earlier was, if can hear heartbeat, then the gynae can use the machine to help calculate the bpm, not the machine auto calculate.
Hi all MTBs, i am normally a silent reader, cos i access the postings thru my iphone (very hard to post comments).

Now taking this opportunity to register &amp; post here cos my boss is away today.. hehe.

I m a 1st time mum too. Haven officially seen a gynae, but i think i m 7-8 weeks pregnant alr.

My symptons are very very similar to Candy (sweetie mummy) one. Almost exactly like hers, where i feel hungry most of the time, but no food spurs on my appetite.

Yesterday night felt tummy cramps, and this morning done some research &amp; it seems normal to have cramps.

Is anyone creating a FB acct for chatting? Forum postings very hard to catch up leh...

I will be seeing a gynae from KKH (John Tee) next monday. Booked him since 3 weeks ago.. zzzzzz

But i have reservations for him, cos he's a guy.. actually i still prefer a lady dr la, but then lets see on mon how it goes lo..
Any suggestions on wat to ask on 1st visit?
Last week i had observed spotting too on my panties, i was so freaked out that i quickly went to the nearby gynae to checkup. (Raffles medical, so ex lo)

In the end, found out that it was just normal symptons. Haiz.. spent $300 for nothing..

Anyway, the dr did a ultrascan for me, and she say she managed to see a sac (waterbag), but couldnt see the foetus. She say probably its cos the baby too small to detect, thats y cant see.

Since then until now, i m quite paranoid whether am i really pregnant, since she say she cant see anything. But i did specifically ask her la, "so u say u see the sac, means i am pregnant?" She laughed, and say yes confirm u r pregnant.
But i dunno if my baby is growing anot leh..

I alr told my boss, parents, PIL abt my pregnancy. But haven tell my close friends yet.. So hard to keep it from them man!!!
sharon, congrats &amp; welcome!

if can see sac but not baby, you are prob only in week 5 then. week 6 should be able to see 2 to 4 mm embryo and also the heartbeat. sometimes we are earlier in our pregnancy than we think because we ovulated late.

we will create FB account eventually. later, because some mummies feel it is more prudent to join only after we clear 1st trimester.

re spotting, although it is normal, it is also advisable to rest more to stop the spotting. take care!
i prefer male gynaes cos they are gentler! my previous gynae Dr Lawrence Ang from TMC was very gentle. So is my current gynae Dr Kenneth Edward Lee from Mt A!
May i know for all the follow ups that u are visiting ur gynae now, how much are the charges? Can we get any subsidiary or pay thru medisave?
cos i find that its super ex lo, everytime go pay 200+... Thought there is package price etc?
Curious... if doctor says bedrest needed. does it mean flat on the bed... or can we be inclined like 90 degrees?
Hi Sharon,
depending on your gynae, package usually sets in only from 2nd trimester onwards.

No subsidiary or medisave for gynae visits. I think unless u go through polyclinic.
sharon, woa your gynae so expensive ah. please keep all your receipts so when you submit for medisave claim you submit all together.
hi Claud, yea i think so. my friend advised me to keep all my receipts and submit for claims when time comes. She did the same too. Medisave will try to claim for you as much as possible.
nono.. medisave claims for prenatal visits is capped at S$450 only

my current gynae has package at $800 all visits, from first visit onwards.

RE: bed rest- bed rest means minimal movement or no movement at all. depending on severity of your condition
so for prenatal visits, when you admit to hospital to deliver, you just have to give the hospital about $450 worth of receipts to claim in full.

Delivery charges are medisave-deductible. for more info can check the respective hospital's websites
oh yes... now i remember something like that! hahaha... my first one ways like 4yrs ago... almost forgot all these details already. Tks QiQi!
mummies, those who are interested to make an early guess at gender, pls take note to ask your gynae to indicate which side is left or right on your scan the next time. it must be done before 8 weeks.

there is a ramzi gender prediction theory which is supposed to be 97% accurate. the theory worked for my #1 boy. and my #2 is a girl based on the theory (yay!)

the following passage, i copied from another forum, read it if you are interested:

I am simply fascinated by this study on placental position in early gestation to predict gender. The study included 5000 pregnancies and the method was found to be successful in predicting gender in 97% of the pregnancies.

Here's the link:

A couple of things you should know:

1) The study is based on the fact that when the blastocyst divides into embryo and placenta, there is a genetic difference in males and females that cause the make placenta to form to the right of the gestational sac and vice versa for the female.

2) In early scans, 6-8 weeks, the fetal pole is still very small and very closely attached to the future location of the placenta - so, while we can't actually see the placenta without color doppler, we can guess that the cord is attached where the placenta will be. This is the chorionic villi.

3) This has nothing to do with a) which ovary you ovulated from; b) which side of the uterus the egg implanted into; c) where you feel kicking or cramps; d) where your placenta is at 8 weeks on.

4) Ultrasound equipment allows the user to switch the view from transverse (left to right) to sagittal (up and down) and from left to right and vice versa. In a dating scan, there is no need to flip the image and usually we can assume that the left side of your printed image is the right side of your body - but it's best to ask when your scan is being done. Otherwise, all bets are off. If it is flipped, the prediction will be opposite. The sonographer can flip the image for both a transvaginal scan or a abdominal scan. For some medical scans, the image is flipped to follow a medical convention - for instance, fetal head to the left, etc - to help the doctor orientate themself when looking at the scan. Since this is usually not indicated on the scan itself, just ask the technician or better yet, have them label your image.

It makes no difference if your image was taken vaginally (internal) or abdominally. The whole "one is mirrored and the other is not" is not correct.
Candy, I like strong flavored food now. Esp laksa, cha kway teow, fried hokkien mee, chicken rice etc… all these I never eat before I was pregnant. Now I gain 1.5kg for the 6 weeks, omg! Today I try to control my appetite but I get hungry fast. How to tahan for the whole pregnancy? And I’m now munching muffin. Lolz!
warm welcome to mummy sharon!!!
thank you for telling me your symptoms are so close to mine!!! I feel so normal now!!! hehehe i feel bad for wasting food at every meal. I am able to take "ban mian" during lunch. But for breakfast I am not able to eat much oily stuffs.

This morning wanted to 打包 fried bee hoon but walk pass the stall lost my appetite already. Ended up with 白糖糕 the kueh. I am half hoping the 1st trimester pass soon, but also scared of the tremendous weight gain in 2nd n 3rd trimester.

Tracy - as i am reading your replies about cha kway teow etc, I am salivating!!! hahaha just had lunch at 1+ but I am hungry again now. Bought a curry puff to munch on together with my cereal drink for tea break hehe

I am sure dinner time gonna be another challenge again later
Hello all mums to be, I am a first time mum to be, currently 7.5 weeks preg. EDD is 14 Sep. I have started reading all your post. It's comforting to learn so much from your discussions. Has anyone of you pass the nausea period yet. Mine started on 22nd and I have not been able to keep much food in me except for breakfast. I have tried the eat 6 small meals method, but it's not really working. I can feel the gas lumping in my throat n sometimes pushes me to go hug the toilet bowl. My dinner has not been able to stay inside. Any advice what food for dinner that is nutritious but will have high chance of staying inside the stomach?
Hi Minnie, welcome!! Your edd is close to mine as well. I think different food stays in different mummies. Like some mummies totally cannot stand fish (like me) while some mummies can.

Any cravings? I am able to take bread and milo, wanton noodles, ban mian. Not able to take hor fun and seafood, garlic stuffs, spicy stuffs.

On the general try to experiment with different types of food. My burping is bad too. If your tummy allows, try taking cereals with milk and also oats with fruits and yoghurt and eat some cheese if you can. The baby is growing and calcium intake is good for us.

If all fails, lets just pray hard March comes soon so that we will all be in the 2nd trimester!! hehehe
Hi Candy, thank you for advice. Cereals and milo works for me. I have those in the mornings. I suppose i should be glad my nausea starts around 4 pm as my sister one lasted her whole day.

I am craving for salmon sashimi though my gynae said is ok my hubby is trying to convince me not to. He said wait till i pass the first trimester. I have tried a number of things this week... Pork ribs apple soup, my own home cooked beef stew, fish soup, hor fun, fish ball noodle... Funny thing is so far the only dinner that managed to stay inside for the past week was my last Saturday dinner which is Korean food from Jang Won. I am giving ban mian a try tonight!

Yes, look forward to say sayonara to any form of MS ASAP. Hope we can still enjoy our CNY.
minnie, jiayou! my MS for #1 cleared up only in week 15. think already also sian... but anything, as long as the baby is healthy. just have to hang on.

try dry crackers? like soda pia...
don't worry about nutrition for the baby. 1st trimester they dun take nutrients from what we eat.
Hi mtbs, did anyone experienced tummy feeling "heavy" &amp; felt slightly pain when u stood up from ur seat after sitting for quite a while? &amp; need to walk slowly? I have none of the pregnancy symptons except tiredness &amp; on off v slight sore nipples... quite worry...
Hi Minnie.. Welcome..

Think mine MS can change to Night Sickness. It gets worse at night then day time. Even lying down make me so nausea. My family doc prescribe me with med to stop my nausea but it didn't work at all.
hoping that my MS or NS go off soon.
None of the anti-nausea pills worked for me.. I just had to live with it. Drank lotsa of maternal milk to keep myself "healthy".
Tangerine - the baby dont take nutriets from our diet in the first trimester?? I think a bit have right? Thats why we must take folic and calcium intake to help.

Then 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester must watch our diet more since baby will be absorbing our nutrients? Please advise. I would like to know hehe!!!

bb - sometimes stretch or stand up too fast will have a little pulling type of cramp at the abdomen area, does that count? I am very tired too, I realise the nipples starts to change a bit already.

Ann - I hope all our MS goes away soon so that we can eat normally. I think its difficult to hide our pregnancy if we keep feeling nausea.
There is a chinese belief... that all MS will end right on CNY eve. That's what my grandma told my mum 32yrs ago (and it worked for her), and now my mum just told me the same.

So let's take a bet for this CNY eve!
Hi mummies, I will be going to gynea today. Just tested positive last Tuesday. Was very very upset actually becoz this is my 3rd pregnancy, and I have a 28 mth old girl, and 8mth old girl. By the time this 3rd one born i will have 3 girls under 3!!! Becoz I believe this one is another girl too
. I am still breastfeeding my 8th mth old totally and now my supply is getting depleted. Most likely next mth will be her last mth of bm. Same as my #2 also unplanned. My husband doesn't want to use condom becoz we are catholic. But seriously we are only doing it once every 2 mth becoz I am very careful now as my #2 is unplanned but it is happening again
. Feels very depressed. But abortion is not an option as well. Dunno how to tell my boss as well as I am full time working mom and I have taken 2 times maternity in the same company. I just hope everything will go well. Pray for me ok
. My maid also end contract next jan so I believe it will be right after my maternity. Dunno the plan after that hopefully she will be ok to stay again extend contract or hoping we will get good maid too. We have no one look after baby except maid.
Anyone also catholic practicing NFP? I think I seriously need to go for course again. Last time no one contacted us in the end I only do 1.5 mth charting after that preggy becoz we want immediate baby, the. All along I have been total breastfeeding so my cycle is a bit weird
candy, folic acid is not for baby to absorb. it's to prevent genetic defects. calcium is for the mummy because baby will take calcium from mummy, if mummy don't take enough calcium mummy will lose calcium (but baby will still get sufficient calcium from mummy's reserve).

in the first trimester mummies still need good nutrition but its more for mummy not for baby. this is what my gynae says. so no need for DHA in 1st trimester because the baby is not going to absorb that.

this also explains why some mummies with horrible MS and vomit everything out and lose weight still give birth to healthy babies.

2nd trimester onwards baby will get nutrients from what mummy eat. so DHA is good for baby brain development. if eat too much junk food baby will grow very big etc.

oh candy you mention about nipple changing, interesting fact for all new mummies: there is a reason why our nipples turn darker when pregnant.

it is to facilitate our newborn to locate the nipple for breastfeeding!

isn't nature amazing?
