(2013/06) June 2013

Previouslove, we had the same LMP, mine is 9 Sep too! I am only taking folic acid only at this moment. And this is my 1st too!
mine is 12 sep..ive just continued to take the blackmores conceive well tablets..which is like multivits for ppl wanting to conceive..slightly diff amt for each vit for preg woman..but can still continue taking..until my dr gives me other meds lor..
I had a little tummy but normally after my AF it can be suck in.. but now.. it can nv be suck in. I wonder i am bloated or is the bump.. hahha
Heard other mommies saying that now should be bloated and not a bump.

Haha.....hubby wish for a twins, but don't think i will be lucky. Ya......my tummy looks like 4 to 5 mths already lor. Just that i am wearing loose top so in law never notice yet. :D

Haha .. then i should be pretty bloated. My auntie's niece had a triplets.. on the 7months she had to stay in hospital until birth cos she is small in size and carrying 3.
kome, hahah High 5!!! mine was there alrdy before this..i tink even if i not preggers..pple alrdy think i preggers..lol..so jus hide behind loose clothes..jackets n shawls..lol..

i v headache now..coz got wedding to attend soon..n initially was gonna wear a dress n wear those girdle underneath to hold everything in..then now cannot right..then if i wear anything else..i will look preggers..but i dun tink we wanna announce yet...so dunno wat to do...
Triplets? Woww.....she is good. Yes, must be careful esp at 3rd trimester.

I told hubby that even people saw my tummy might think that i got big tummy only......haha..........
Me too got a wedding dinner to attend early next mth. Hubby and I not intending to annouce yet also. Luckily i still kept a dress which i wore last time for a wedding dinner during my 2nd pregnancy. That dress design will not really shown my tummy.
kome, ya i also have a maternity dress for dinners..haha n its jus abit more flowy...thinking of wearing it..but coz its for maternity so abit loose..n i haven grown to tt proportions yet..haha so hubby said look abit frumpy...lol...ermm..wonder..look frumpy better than pple tink i look fat??? lol
Btw how to answer if colleagues ask whether we are pregnant or not? If we say "no" a bit like cursing ourselves leh.

Last time I told everyone almost immediately but now wish to wait to announce cos only just started work. Not sure how to answer if they ask
just wonder, anyone keeps having small meals from time to time? i'm almost taking it for every 1-2 hours. Else i get myself vomit easily if i dont take frequent meals. My weight has start gaining of 1kg+ now..

Anyone of you have this experience?
U do not have a dress that can tie a ribbon behind? My dress is that so will not looks funny.

If people ask me, i will said yes. I will not purposely go and tell others but if people notice it and ask i will gladly say yes.

Me...me.....i cannot take too much also, but i gets hungry quite fast even in the middle of the night. This morning i am so hungry till i wanted to vomit. Have to eat some food fast. Never go and take my weight, so nt sure if i have gain any. My gynae last time did told me to eat small portion but frequent meals during 1st trimester.
ask back..do i look pregnant? haha then say..ill let u know..give iffy answers..

FL, yes i find myself always hungry..then like gastric n feel like puking..n gassy..but im not a snacker so i jus tahan thru it..
Mummies, will you all try to control the pregnancy weight gain? My colleague just told me that her daughter only gained 2kg by 34 weeks but baby is big so everything is the baby's weight

She said her daughter really controlled her diet.. Wonder if 2kg isn't too little weight gain by 3rd trimester?
yes, that what i feel too! Last weekend i was like you, tahan till the actual meals and end up, i got diarrhea 'cos too gassy, and makes me feel nausea even bad. I dare not take the chance so i take a pc of biscuit every 1-2 hrs.

Scare my weight gain alot just by eating these snacks. :I
Mummync i have actually search gmarket for loose tops n maternity shorts.. They look kinda nice.. Maybe u can go search? I'm aiming a few when i hit prob 4months i will start buying haas
My friend just delivered this Aug, she lost her weight of 2-3kg the moment she deliver, amazing huh? but she had bad nausea throughout her prenancy for 9 months.
angel, thanks! ya need maternity shorts..my normal shorts..all almost cant button liao..think esp after #1 everything expand v fast..hips all..omg!
hi all mummies..this is my 1st post in the forum.
just tested +ve last week. based on online calculator..i m in 5 weeks now. lmp is 8 sept.

gg to visit gynae for 1st x end of the mth. hope to heat bb heartbeat by then. meanwhile..i dun really have ms. yet. issit norm?
If wanna save money, can buy the belly wrap from spring. I brought 1 last week. Almost all my pants cannot zip up and button. I use this belly wrap to cover up the zip and to hold the pants.
Hi missy congratss!! Yes is normal some ppl morning sickness comes early some comes later n some have none.. Diff ppl diff symptoms.. Not to worry..

Kome is it also call the belly band? Its a good ideal i didnt think of tat.. Dun need waste money on maternity shorts n after give birth might still be able to fit into prepreg shorts haas.. Hopefully hips n butt dun grow too big to fit in my shorts now..
Maternity shorts and pants are very expensive. Last time i do not know about this belly band also. I brought 2 maternity pants which cost me nearly $100.
thks angel.
m afraid as i read tat if u hav ms..it means the hormones r wking well. for my case..no ms. just nt much appetite, bloated feeling n feel v "nua" n "sian". pray everything is alrite.

hmmn..the belly band/wrap is a gd idea to hold up our pant/jeans.. thks kome for the recommendation.
Don't worry. My 1st pregnancy, i have no ms at all. Same as you now, i feel so "nua" and tired. I can basically lay down on the bed and not moving at all.
exactly! but too bad..m wking nw. n to make ting worse- i just transfer to a new dept. alittle stressed.

nw looking forward to seeing gynae on the 30th.
Haha...... see the gynae is we pregnant women always looking forward to. I will only be seeing my gynae on 6 Dec
I'm also working with ms n super nua also.. Plus the weather totally like bo mood to work.. Can sing bruno mars lazy song liao.. Today i dun feel like doing anything~
FL : you can biy from mothercare.. they carry it..

how are you ladies feeling today? am so tired and queasy tummy througout.. i can slp the whole day~
today my stomach is really bloated.. and i am feeling so sleepy. These days i sleep at 10pm which usually i sleep after past 12 midnight. I can forgo my favorite TV show.. i just want to sleep
Shop name is call SPRING. Selling maternity n bb items. I cannot find at kiddy palace, only SPRING have. Got diff sizes. Can try them before buying
Today really is a nice weather to sleep. Fir my case is I have nt been sleeping well for the past few weeks, so I am quite tired and "nua". By 9pm, I will be in bed already
greedy me was hungry during lunch n took a big plate of noodle..cum bk office feel queasy..got the filling to vomit but nothing cum out.
chiam. n super bloated nw..

take care mummies. n jia you!
Hi5.....same as you. Thought i can finish up 1 whole plate of curry omelette and now bloated and feel like vomiting. Just a few days ago brought the Japanese takopachi to ate and just now a mother feeding her boy to eat just beside me and i feel like vomiting after smelling it. Have to left there immediately.
Same not like my first the craving continues thru out the pregnancy.. For this one is like more of see mood n appetite.. Appetite can change like immediate..

ya..appetite change like weather..1 moment ok..next moment not ok. hope all of us can smoothly transit to 2nd tri. which shld b better n stable.
fl: tink to be safe..skip sushi till say dec? ha. try tink of other food to supersede the sushi craving..
