(2013/06) June 2013

Good morning all mummies,

Has been a long time since I came in.. notice there's a lot of new mummies around.

Congrats to all mummies and hope our pregnancy wil be a smooth one.

Hello mummies

Talking about gassy drinks i occasionally will drink Pepsi that's the only gassy drink I take. I discovered that the barley drink in packet works for me and plum drink. Better than nothing

I also am adverse to certain smells like cigarette smoke and even baby Ruyi oil so I always hold my breath when I apply for #1. Last pregnancy I am ok with all smells de .
Hi, silent reader checking in
Who can I message for facebook group?

For mummies who are on the fence about doing amnio due to the risks, you can consider genetic scanning done by Dr Ananda at Camden. I just did mine yesterday and reassured by the results. My blood test results were below my age group so decided to go for further checks. I felt the results did not warrant the risk of amnio. Glad it's good news.

Our gynae also told us gender during the Oscar test and Dr Ananda said 90% should be correct.

Hope mummies with ms get better soon in a few days/ weeks. Anyone planning a babymoon? I did that for #1 but because she's only 10 months now, we are prob skipping it...
Hi Chewie,

How much is the genetic scan at Dr Ananda? My Oscar result is bad so am thinking of doing amnio. If the genetic sscan is also accurate then will consider to skip amnio.
Hi chevelle, they usu scan ard 14 week. Suggest u call them up if keen. U can google for his number. It costs $380. Also u may wish to google for more comments on dr ananda posted on SMH. HTHs

Would like to intro my confinement lady who has 20 more years experience of take care baby,good cooking skills, patience and nice.

Her charges are reasonable.

Name: Auntie Xin Hua
Mobile: 90699570
Ohh so genetic scan is also a scan? I presume no risk of miscarriage? Which is a better option that going straight to amnio i guess...
I am still sick, nauseous and vomiting at wk16. When can i get better?
My gynae saw it's a boy.
I craved for Vegetarian food, some spicy stuff to improve my appetite
hello mummies! good morning! 6 more days to Xmas!

ytd went for checkup...BB is doing very fine...but was in a kneeling position so cannot see gender...hehe...
what kind of genetic scanning does dr ananda offer? I had my Oscar at kkh on Monday and although the results were good the maternal fetal specialist decided to escalate my case as my 2nd child is born with a rare genetic condition.

Even at kk they still need to send the samples to US for testing so I didn't know there's another genetic scanning facility in Singapore..
thanks for all the replies... i will check with my doc next month.. but same as most mummies, im scare of going thru the labour pain again...
purplebook: i am in my 14 weeks, and i was attacked by MS suddenly.. horrible week.. so u r not alone..

mummies, what are your plans for xmas? may everyone receive lotsa presents and be blessed!!
mummy_relle> i am gg off for a short cruise with ah lao soon...before my belly gets too big. But doctor say must rest more lar...so i will minimise my activities lor...just eat, sleep, relax...hehe...
absentmama, he uses ultrasound machine (I think) to check and label every organ and listen to heartbeat. He views the heart for quite long to check for holes, ensure the valves working, blood flowing correctly etc. No taking of tissue etc. Better to call clinic to find out cos I am layman only

Still haven't finished Xmas shopping!! I have hotel stays with extended family, a Xmas group celebration with a mummy's group, home cooked dinner (can't wait cos not I cook, I just eat!). Going to be a bz weekend, then must line up the last week of the year with activities cos going back to office on 2 Jan...
I only have 2 gatherings and that's it . Energy level not up yet ....

Yay later doing my detailed scan hope all is fine
saggiegirl : that is nice.. but i cannot go cruise, cause i have sea sick.. it may aggravate my MS.. have fun on your trip.. royal carribean?

vivi : sounds great.. seems like everyone has some plans or so.. lets pray that we will have fun throughout and totally forget about the existence of MS.. kekeke..
mummy_relle> for me before preg, no seasick...but i got bring pills (from doctor) along in my bag. Just in case lar. But will not be venturing too much...yes with Royal Caribbean...
Chewie, thanks for your reply. Looks like its a detailed ultrasound scan which the kkh specialist has already done for me. Thanks for the info and enjoy your Xmas - looks like you have a busy week ahead!
Hi mommies,

I'm new to this thread. Am now coming 13 weeks and is having #2. Edd is 27 Jun. Am still having MS and have few parties going on. So looking forward yet afraid MS attack.

Do we have a list stating mommies Edd starting fr earliest. Guess it shld b fun ya : )
girl girl..when r u going on cruise?
im going on royal carribean too..sailing off on 26 dec..after christmas!!
now busy doing up my packing list coz will be busy with gatherings from this sunday onwards..alot of christmas lunch n dinners w friends and family..then cruise n then come back got weddings to attend before the new year arrives..abit stressful!!!! haha..the last bit of my MS (the night portion) seems to have faded off the last 2 days..so im hoping it stays tt way..n lets me eat well during christmas n cruise..maybe baby wants to enjoy too ;)
saggiegirl: i have heard a lot of reviews on royal carribean.. good reviews i mean.. lolz~ do share on your trip once back!!

welcome gwen!!
hehe hope its gd n child friendly...tinking of whether to bring an umbrella stroller or not..coz will disembark to go penang makan for awhile..so thot umbrella stroller will be more comfy for my boy..n hopefully got food for him onboard..coz he may not want the food i pack if he sees us adults eating..
mummync> keke ya...remember to ask ur ah lao pack luggage and carry hor...dun do heavy items...hehehe...for me now i will be more careful with what i eat on cruise...no sushi, sashimi, cold cut...just normal cooked food, juices...doctor say ok to drink yogurt or drink milk provided it is pasteurized....

i am gg with hubby only...our last holiday before BB comes
girl girl..haha pack luggage usually my job...more efficient..but carry he can do la...plus got my boy to jaga also...tink we will bring an umbrella stroller..tmr go n buy one cheap cheap one...hahah i just had sashimi for lunch le...ok la but cruise one must be careful coz out at sea ...during my #1 i stayed clear of even fresh juices coz dunno they cut alrdy put how long there...only eat the fruits tt i cut at hm...
mummync> hahaha...ya umbrella stroller good for travelling...how big ur boy? tell gor gor help papa if he can

ya lor when comes to food, really got to be careful...i skipped cooling fruits and cooling food...only cooked food, especially eggs and meat.....
girlgirl..my boy only 13 mths..haha he dont fuss i v happy liao...dont need to help papa..initially scared v inconvenient to bring stroller..but bo bian esp if we wanna go penang n eat...
Alot of your got plans for Christmas. I am too tired and no energy to go for the gatherings. I let my hubby to go by himself with his friends. I just feel like laying on my bed and nua. :p

I still have not get the chance to take Royal Caribbean. Really heard alot of good review for it.

Great to hear that your amnio test is good.
can can...
... the ship will go thru refurbishment in Jan-Feb...so will have brand new childcare/baby care centre...

mummy_relle> how big ur girl? Young kids can try out mini golf etc...
Kome, u are not alone. I'm with u. I really can't muster enough strength and energy to party .... Still puking. Thought I'm getting better but somehow managed to puke 3 times yesterday. Morning wake up, puked. Went down to tabao food, also puked. Thought night time will be better but just as I fell asleep, was suddenly hit by a wave of nauseaness and puked. Sigh.... Really am praying that the puking will stop soon.
Seems like everyone preparing to go holiday before popping. I also feel pole going but jan to rush Feb CNY n mar my colleagues alr blocked the leave. Sigh wonder when i can go holiday.

Kome n lilac - how many weeks are you now. I rem my during my #1 my Ms only stopped after 4-5 mths. I realli this time can end earlier cos it started earlier if not I won't b able to enjoy my Xmas parties.

Anyone here Edd near end Jun also?
Gwen, I'm 13w3d. This pregnancy is worse then than the last 2. I have been puking since week 8. One month plus of puking liao. I really don't know when it will stop... I'm very scare that I'll puke throughout the pregnancy....

Tangbai, can understand what u are going thru. Must be really tough for you.... I guess we are just trying to manage on a daily basis.
Lilac, maybe you're having a girl this time round. I read in a pregnancy book that nausea tends to be worse and last longer when you're having a girl.

I'm also at 13wks 5 days, still puking. Don't expect to get better until well after 20 weeks cos my 1st and 2nd pregnancies were this way too. The first one puked everyday starting at 8 weeks until after my girl was born then finally stopped.
hehe will review when i come back..especially on the child friendliness of it...the main worry that we have

btw missy n girl girl..from ur previous exp..did u all ever order room service..is there additional charge for room service if i order n dont go to the main dining places to eat instead?
mummync- no wor. we din order room service. hee..me v glutton.punctually go for my meals. nt too sure if it will incur extra charge.
Jiayou. .... I hate that puking. Now feel better already.

Now going to 15wks. I just feel no energy n strength at all. Especially at night. Almost everyday can fall asleep at 9pm lor
My MS always worsen from evening so I have alr skipped many dinner outings. Everyday just look forward to knock off time n rush back to rest. Nvr expect 2nd pregnancy is so muchworse off sigh

absentmama, u puked throughout your pregnancy that time? Oh gosh!!! That must be a horrible feeling. I don't want to puke throughout my pregnancy, sob, sob.... I salute you for having another one :p

Kome, thanks for the encouragement. I will jiayou. At least I am still able to go out for a very short while. But I don't dare to bring my boys out alone. I used to be able to bring them out to parks, library and outings all by myself. But now with the dizzy spells and nauseaness, very scare that I cannot cope when I'm outside. Thankfully husband can help.
