(2013/06) June 2013

Afternoon Ladies!

What a busy Monday at work. I am going for my 1st doc appointment this Sat. Really hope that everything goes well for me.

Angel: i can understand how your fren feel.. just have to pick up from here n move on. Very soon will be her turn. My doc actually told me that once you preggie n MC, you will get preggie very soon. That what happen to me now.

hey girls...what wld u type or how wld u say in an email to ur boss..if u wanna tell him abt ur preg...i cant tell him in person coz the walls have ears...suggestions pls..thanks!
Kome: i try to take many meals instead of full meals.. else i will feel puking too. like bloated.. i also experience blurp even i feel hungry..

mummync: relax , u shd ignore those irritating pple at wk.. dun let em affect you.. we mustnt get agitated by them. think of the small one , we must relax ... cheer up ok ...
i just simply PM my new boss abt my conditions
"actually accordingly to chinese customs, im not suppose to reveal out but i see the need to inform you for some headsup. im currently expeirenced my 1st trimester of Pregnancy. "
Hope this helps
kome, same same!! jus feel like stomache empty..or gastric feeling..but dont feel like eating anyting..i jus keep downing water today..go toilet so many times liao...

happy gal, hahah sounds formal..then ur boss replied?
my new boss is aussie. he replied : thank you for sharing. congratulations. do you still want to proceed?" then i said yes i wld wan to. i seek your understanding on my current condition and i also assure you that i will try my best to cope and manage accordingly. he replied that he had no doubt on me.
windy, my direct boss whom i wanna inform first..sits near me n lots of pple ard me...so cant go n speak to him directly unless i see him in the corridor ..which is not easy..haha..

happy gal, sounds great!! ur first baby?
Mummync: yes. 1st bb. mayb u PM ur boss tat wan to have a tea session with him .. casual talk ma.. depends hw well u know ur boss ba.. our office got internal communicator so i used tat.. haha
me too.. i have backpain.. cant sleep well at night time. Sometimes i even feel the light stretch/cramp over my thigh during night time... sigh..
ya.....i will be tossing around at night. The only position i feel comfortable is to lay down facing the ceiling. Sleeping side way i feel my back pain and tummy feel discomfort.
oh ya.. do ur experience like ur fingers start to grow? to my shocking, i realise tat my rings seems tighter.. cannot remove easily.. think time for me to remove the rings le.. =(
Kome: my common sleeping style is to face down (like baby sleeping style) but now i have to sleep side way with a pillow in between. Even if i sleep facing the ceiling with pillow underneath my leg, my sleep cant go in depth.

Happy gal: At this moment, there is no sign on me yet. Hopefully it's not gonna happen.
I also have back pain maybe cos from sleeping too much??? Cos I can take nap and at night sleep from 10 to 7am...

Angel, you have to take care do not feel so sad about what happen to your friend. Most impt have to take care of your body first.

Happy gal, is it water retention for your fingers? Cannot be put on weight so fast right.. haha.
shan991, i also dunno lei.. i scared le.. mayb i paranoid but i think play safe i will remove the ring soon.. else stuck.

my fren say cannot sleep too much also.. u will get even tired n body aching.. must walk walk too thou cannot walk too much
kome, thanks for the link coz ive been looking

Happy gal, yeah have to see how coz my boss always travelling...must brainstorm for best way..anyway next appt in abt 2 wks..so got time..
if u know his schedule then quickly book his slot haha.. say really very impt matter to let him know.. haha scarily he scare tat u gg to quit.. then he put u top priority haha..

any recommendation of gynae? im thinking which gynae to choose..

my frens so far recommend:
1. Dr Lawrence Ang @ Sun Plaza
2. Dr Adrian Woodworth @ Sengkang Compass Pt
3. Dr Wendy Teo @ AMK Hub
happy gal...ur choices v diversified..as in the location haha..where do u stay? maybe choose one that is convenient in terms of location or operating hours? especially if u haf a few choices which u dont mind..u giving birth in TMC? coz adrian woodworth is tmc dr ya if im not wrong..
Happy gal: all the 3 gynae seem to be at 3 different locations. Where u staying?like what mummync say, really depend on what u looking for, location or so..

My gynae that i suppose to see play me out. So i decided to change a gynae and i will be seeing the other one tml morning.. anxious....
i stay at yishun..sengkang near to my mum place.. so 3 of the places all consider convenient for me.

huh play u out. so bad!
i keep cramping le..very scary..not very very painful..jus waves of slight cramp but coz havent been getting any..its scaring me..wonder if can jus ignore?
happy gal: ya, suppose to go for her but she cancel my appointment as she need to fly off this sat. So i decided to change the gynae to another one that i went before. She straightaway slot me in for tml appointment. And now i am kinda anxious..
Mummync: just monitor if got spotting n see blood, chiong to KKH or gynae.. ( this is wat my fren keep remind me of) dun scare urself ok.. keep tell bb tat be gd.. ** this is wat i been doing..

windy: who is ur suppose gynae?relax.. everything will be fine.
Happy gal: Suppose to be Dr Chua Yang, now i going with Dr Kang Wei at Mt A.

Ya i have been telling myself bb is fine, everything will be good
thanks happy gal..yeah just monitor n dont scare myself yah..haha..w #1 i was KS..everything also chiong..i tink in the first few wks my gynae saw me so many times lol..mus learn to un-ganchiong myself..lol will jus tell hubby later n hope my son not sticky n let mummy rest..
mummync: ask ur hubby to manage ur son so u can rest ... ya i also KS n Gan Jiong since this is my #1.. i also like everything diff i quickly watsapp my fren to ask n seek advice.. haha
happygal: yeah my son recently super niam me la...so bo bian..anyway #1 sure KS one..when in doubt jus see dr i suppose..dont garang n play hero hahaa tts what pple always tell me..u shortlist one dr..go see n see how u like him/her?anyway until the package..u dont need to commit yet mah..but i tink adrian is only tmc if im not wrong..coz he is under tmc panel...ncorrect me if im wrong ladies
mummync, im also having cramps on off, gynae says it's becos it is expanding and is normal. No spotting or blood should be fine. I even have brown discharge, he says is normal too. So i try not to think too much.

I also do the same as happy gal, telling bb to b guai dont let mummy worry.

This week is a 4 days work week! Hurray! One day down 3 more days and its weekends again!
1st appointment w gynae..Went to see gynae today... Saw the yolk sac. Doc says normal for 5 weeks plus.. Going to see her in 2 weeks time. Hopefully can see heartbeat then.

This morning started morning sickness... vomit too...
Happy gal: dr Adrian delivered for my sis' 2nd n 3rd child. Man of few words. But my sister thinks he is ok n reasonable priced...stitching also ok. I prefer female, so I din take him.
Adrian is good. Lawrence ang, I can't comment much but he is the one who ask me to do d n c
U stay yishun can try dr Chen Lin Han . He very nice. I went to see him cos of spotting. His nurse will call me every few days ask if I ok. Or better.
Mummync: fr wat i know, Dr Adrian also delivered at MT A. My fren gynae took him n tell me he nt bad n stitches gd.

Xp: ya 5w can see the yolk sac . At least doc will say that most impt it's at the correct position then safe.. I heard the word I feel assured le.. I next week then go scan n hope can hear heartbeat then more assured.
Rosellecz, yeah cramps on n off supposed to b normal but I cramp whole evening until now...n when stand n walk also crampy..will try n slp it off..if tmr still cramp then go see dr..,aye then my dr will ask me take jab as per my first pregnancy..but tmr go will mean nxt appt will push back again haha so longer wait to seeing hb
Hello, I'm new to this thread but not a new mum. Lol
Dunno my edd yet.
Am seeing Dr Lawrance Ang for my #3 now. :D

Happy gal: I stay Yishun too! Dr Lawrance ok la. So far no problem. Only thing is waiting time always very long.
Mine start with evening sickness.. Last evening after dinner I snack those rice crackers w seaweed n after sometime I start to have Puking effects. After puke feel much better. Nite time I sudden have Puking urge too =(
xp, dont really have m/s..jus queasiness on n off..n gassy n hungry...

rosellecz, thanks..this morn woke up n no more cramps..phew..so maybe the rest did work..
Welcome dolliepollie

My MS normally happens in the morning but occasionally afternoon and night will have also.
hi girls.. amf eeling slightly better today, eathough i cannot eat much still.

welcome dolliepollie....

went to see gynae yesterday and can see heartbeat, but doc detected mild bleeding due to blood vessels in the womb ruptured...he gave me utrogestan, which i an afraid to take, cause it has really bad side effects on me.. am on a week MC, but back to work today to clear some work first.. EDD estimated 8 June 2012....

started my girl on full day childcare today.. praying that she can adapt.. me and my hubby decided that we will not be hiring maid for the time being, till nearer to my EDD..
For me my ms starts at ard 7-9am.. 5-8 pm also have..

Finally hit 8 weeks.. My colleague told me tat my tummy is showing.. Any one showing already?
mummy_relle, yay for heartbeat!! take it easy k..is there some other hormone he can give u instead of utrogestan since u get bad side effects frm it? u told ur gynae? in any case, i tink its quite normal to feel v sick after taking hormone pills coz of the surge in hormones..i got v sick w #1 becoz of the jabs..hope ur girl enjoys sch!!

Mine already showing out like 4 to 5 mths pregnant lor......

Just thinking when is the best time to look for a confinement lady? Anyone already looking for one?
