(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

ylgoh - she seemed to be in a rush everytime i see her. also never say much, see my BBT each week & predict O. every week just give me med to boil. she saw my DH's SA report and said it's bad, however Dr Zou said its pretty ok. also dunno what is what.

PhyLee, Happiness&Bliss - let's try our best to ignore stupid/insensitive questions & jia you bah!

Wan Chuen - sorry to hear about your loss. take good care of yourself. i've only seen Dr SF Loh once, but i do see gd review of him as well.

nb01 - yes true that we may not O every mth, especially i've PCOS. so i guess i'll buy both Clearbue and OPK to test for the next cycle. started taking BBT again today. see how it goes.

Charlotte - i tend to think like you too. some neighbours also asked why am i not preggie yet.

lynzi - thanks, will go research about Care.

anyways, one of my closer colleague asked me why am i so extreme in TTC. ie, OPK, BBT, see TCM, eat this do that etc. she feels i'll have greater disappointment each time when AF reports. she asked why not just let it be natural. BUT, the problem is... i've tried natural for years. so i think its time to take some actions. extreme?
wah this thread moves super fast...

Hi ylgoh (ylgoh)

it is brewed type but if u dont want they can make it powder form for you too...

Hi bbs01 (bbs01)

How much are you selling for pre-seed only?
sonel, i think they wont understand.... my colleagues and some new mothers, kept asking me also why am i stressing myself, let it be natural... likewise, they see that i always have great disappointment when AF arrives... i feel, unless they are in our shoes, they wont understand...

one sad thing is, our society doesnt allow us to discuss about TTC so openly cuz afterall, it is such a private matter... and hence, not a lot of ppl understand that ttc can actually be tough...
wah i kinda lost thread... this thread is the fastest thread i ever read

Hi sonel (simplysonel)
Why she dont wanna see u (in regard to TCM Chen Qui Mei)

Hi Jessica (jessbear78)
the tactic i used to my hubby is... do u want baby! if want make an effort please!

Hi lynzi (lynzi1606)
Thanks for the welcome

Hi All,
any ladies here had twice ectopic here but TTC??
<font color="aa00aa">KWXY,
new cycle new hope!
Eh try not to put on so much weight..will strain your back leh.
Maybe u nothing to do at hm that u keep munching is it? Hehe..

last time i got colligs said the same thing to me too,
They kept saying let nature takes its course.
But i think we ourselves know if we have try hard naturally without doing anything then we must be proactive n start doing sth.
We dont want to waste precious time by ttcing blindly rite?
My advice to u is, follow your heart. U know your body better than your collig.
I even stopped talking about ttc to those colligs cos they are so not helping me with their comments.</font>
hi all,

have been a silent reader until now, decided to join in e discussion...

anyway, is tis supposed to be ttc#1 or ttc#2? cos i followed e thread on yr 2011 previously, come to yr 2012 no more ttc#2...

i underwent a laparoscopy recently due to ectopic pregnancy... now cannot try until after 2 cycles... so am actually quite envious of u gals who can keep trying... so even if af comes for u, like some said, new cycle new hope... jia you!
<font color="aa00aa">Shi Jia Xin,
u got ectopic before?
I hope none of your tubes is removed.
Have u done HSG or laproscopy?
Could be either one of your tubes is blocked or congested that when u O, egg is released but cannot travel down but the gap is enuf for the sperm to swim up.
Hence resulted in ectopic.

So sorry to hear your loss.
Bu your body back n try again when u are given the all clear from gynae.
Its hard to be patient but its better to wait in order to get healthy, sticky bfp.
No point rushing if body is still not ready.
Wont want it to end in tragedy again.
How was the result of your lapro?</font>

I used to be 48kg....since TTC last year Oct 2010...until now...i gained 2 kg and now 50kg!!! and of coz i feel heavier...must cut down on junks!

i cook porridge just now with carrots and brocoli...simple and yummy...hope to cut bk to my original weight...maybe age also catching up...difficult to shed...
KWXY >> New cycle new hope

Sonel >> I think is misconception that it's easy to get pregnant. We hear of so many ppl who have "accidents" that the silent ones trying every month and can't seem to strike are shadowed. Just ignore your colleagues lar, they don't know what they are talking about. Before I started ttc, I thought it would be so easy also. Only now having experienced the process and researching online then realised how difficult it actually is statistically.

Comingchamp >> This is TTC for any number! Sorry the title not changed yet, nb01 already emailed the mod.
Sorry to hear about your loss. I'm also waiting for body to recover. In the meantime just spend these few months to prep the body so the next one will be a healthy sticky bfp!

so sorry for your loss...dont be too hard on yourself...cannot rush into TTC yet...have to wait for your cycle to go bk to normal first...i also had my mc in march...this is my 2nd AF since then...hopefully our body will recover faster and BFP with a STICKY dragon BB.

<font color="aa00aa">Tethysea,
hehe..u so cute.
Wont nose bleed lah.
If u scared then take alternate days or 3 times a week.

aiyoh..spank your butt then u know! Hahaha..
I tot u gained so many kgs..2kg only leh.
Sure can lose one..just cut back on snacking will do.</font>

hahahahah! im very shorty leh...158cm...if gain little bit...i will look round round...hehe...
peapea: it's cd 13 for me..

Kwxy: you see red already? Nvm jia you new cycle new hope.. You know what.. When my af came I don't see much red.. Instead it's all dark brown.. sorry for describing it here..

Wan chuen: hugs and rest well ok!

I am only away for like 2hrs the thread is moving so fast

Happy weekends gals
Hi comingchamp (comingchamp)
Did u remove any tube? if no, go for the Xray when ur menses is clear..
for me i can officially try again, after 3 months from the surgery... this instruction is given my gynae and TCM

Hi lynzi (lynzi1606)
i got it twice, unforunately.... but my tubes are intact

reason for my case still unknown but believe is caused my the condition named endometriosis...my gynae claim during the operation he had done the correction for me.. now asking me to take supplement to prevent it coming back
starrie, we might be able to hold hands.... im CD 14 or 15... ha!

i will be away this weekend! hopefully, the O will come during the holiday!!

jia you all!
Hi peapea (peapea)

we got the same CD... but i doubt O coming anytime... as my O alway late :/

did you use OPK or anything to track ur O?

I hear Green tea helps in CM... is that true?
whee~ 30min to the weekend...

lynzi >> I have had nosebleed from drinking ginseng soup before... so it's no exaggeration! Haha!

Starrie >> Hmm but only brown means it's old blood right? Have you seen a gynae about this before?

Shi Jia Xin >> At least tubes ok! Then maybe your condition is quite mild.
hi tethysea (tethysea)

ya consider mild but i got twice ectopic which is very uncommon..
i just pray this time TTC wont get it again as if i do.. will have to remove for sure
thanks for e welcome, gals!

lynzi: yah, will take tis time to bu my body... been taking dom every nite... dun dare to resume e prenatal vit yet, cos read in e ectopic forum tat shd cease for now... gynae said seems all clear, when i went for postop review last fri... did another blood test, but she hasn't gotten back to me...

tethysea: yah, i went and sped read all e posts then saw tat it's ttc for all! hehe... thanks!

kwxy: yah, i was hoping for end of yr bb... if it din result in ectopic, it would have been born abt Christmas time... juz nice, cos my i wan e age gap for my #1 and e bb to be 3... but sch going age diff only 2... oh well... waiting patiently/impatiently, haha...

shijiaxin: nope, din remove e tube... cos gynae said it was not too damaged... then she said no need to do e test, juz try after 2 cycles... cos even if do e test, we'll only noe it's blocked... nothing much can be done... but if it happens again (choi, touch wood), then remove e tube... think she probably advised so, since i gave birth to #1 without complications... she was saying everything looks alrite, so she oso dunno why it's ectopic...
shijiaxin: is it e same side ectopic for u? cos if it is, my gynae recommends removing tat side leh... cos after once ectopic, my gynae was saying there could be some small scar tat gets e embryo stuck... so if it happens another time, she recommends removing it... oso, e chances of conceiving is not much different - only abt 10% diff... but of cos, if got choice we'll never opt for tat...
Hi comingchamp (comingchamp)
it just sickening when u dont know what cause it... dont u think so!!!

for me i took the xray and fortunately both are not block even i had it twice... so hopefully no more third time

Hi comingchamp (comingchamp)
it happen at the same side... and doc never remove the tube for me as he seen the tube are not damage and no block...
he also removed the scar for me..
i did a xray also, there is no block so we shall see after i TCC
but chances for me to get it still there but he told me try within this month and next as the injury tube wont be ovulation that soon...
so PRAY HARD baby dust fall on me this time...

I going off now as seeing my TCM now

i talk to u gals tomorrow
Take care and BABY DUST TO ALL!!!! MUACK!
comingchamp >> Mine would have been xmas bb too...
Oh well. We'll just have to think positive and get our bodies back in shape for a sticky bfp!
<font color="0000ff">kwxy - hmmmm I Wipe c red! But on pad is dark dark brown... Sigh messy cycle again

Welcome the new! The old Jy Jy Jy !!!!
missy, i think since u want to stop ttc for few months, u dont have to think so much now, just relax if cycle messy let it messy now. start eat bfw so that when u going to start ttc ur cycle will be regular by then.
shijiaxin: hmm, hopefully all works well for u tis cycle then! yah, super irritating/frustrating/scary when we dunno e reason... guess it's tat feeling of helplessness... it happens once to me, oreidi very sad... wat more for u... jia you okie?
tethysea: yah, think ur nick looks familiar... i was reading mtb dec 2011, thinking can join e thread... must have seen u there...
Hi comingchamp

Thanks! I hope so also
I just went to see tcm, she told me my body is ready
Told me to relax and try

I am not stress but doc keep saying I am.. I really don't know what I need to do to be stressless when I don't know what is my stress
The thread's moving so fast!

CD 27 today for me, but no idea when AF will be reporting this cycle. No chance at all this cycle coz dun even see any EWCM. =x Plus the stress from wedding preps.. Now I am worried my cycle will delay even more this cycle. =(
Hi sonel, I have my reservations too so m keeping my fingers crossed... Let's try jia u together! Hope to hear good news from u soon. That is why I have not made any appointments w tcm or kk yet...
nut hubby kept reminding me...
Peapea, nb01, tethysea, KWXY, starrie, Sonel, lynzi:
Thanks for all ur comforting words.

You are so brave to try again. Jia You! I am worried that my cycle will be haywire too. But like what you said, Right now must bu first. Drinking dom every night.

Sorry to hear abt your two mc. Its not easy to get over it. For me, i will have the constant fear and worry even if i manage to get pregnant again. Good Luck to u in ur ttc. By the way how old is ur boy? I have a boy too, turning 3 yr old in a few months.

Don't feel numb abt ttc. Must jia you

Oh dear so sorry to hear abt your mc, its painful even if it's early preg. I had my termination 1 week plus ago, so waiting for AF too. U go back to work so fast? I think it's ok to drink chicken essence alt day or even every day for now. According to my mum, our womb is v weak at this stage, won't feel heaty even if take lots of tonics.

Agree there are lots of gd reviews on SF Loh, that's why I chose him for my op. Good luck to you in your ttc path, whichever gynae you choose. Stay positive and don't despair.
Shi Jia Xin, comingchamp:

Oh dear, it must be painful to go thru etopic pregnancy, physically and mentally

I understand how you feel about the age gap. My #1 and the baby I lost would have been 3 yrs apart too. Oh well, 4 yrs also not too bad, jia you!

Just curious, what do the doc say about ur body when u see them? Mine says my kidneys are too weak and very "xu". But coz I see her just after I detected my baby's abnormality, so kinda feel that she is making it up?
Lynzi, how do u make the honey n data drink for your hubby?

Shi jia Xin, thanks.... He tries but when we fails... He wld be like when is our turn to be parents? I also don't know how to answer him... I have been sick these two weeks n taking a lot of pills so don't know whether shld try... Tot might be a better idea when we come back from hols in jun.

Hope all the ladies have good luck this cycle.
Morning girls. It's weekend! For those who is expecting O, remember to BD! 宁可杀错,不可放过!For those in 2ww like me, Olivia &amp; nb01, shoo our AF away. Hee. CD13 for me. BBT started to drop le but nvm, keeping my spirits high.
Yo girls!! Morning!!

Today CD2...all over again...haiz...but wont give up...to the rest...keep trying ok!
Good morning ladies
today cd24 having abit soar boob and slight on n off cramp.. Guess won't be pinning much hope le..
making red date drink today to warm my womb.
have a great weekend ahead!!!
Wan Cheun: *hugs* I'm sorry of yr loss. But please take gd care now n eat more nutritious food to nourish yr body for yr next baby.
My 1st pregnancy also end in MC. I was 11 weeks plus almost 12 weeks. Was bleeding internally, after seeking 2 professional opinions we decided to go thru d &amp; c as nothing can be done to correct it
I was very very sad but manage to pull myself together after 2 weeks. Fast forward, I now hv a healthy 15 months old girl.
So pls bu yr body n prepare to welcome yr next child soon ya! 加油!
Wan Chuen >> Yar, doctor only have 3 days medical leave after the dnc, so went back to work. I just went for my follow-up checkup this morning, and doc recommends that I wait 3 months before trying again... so in the meantime just going to eat my multivits and tonics and hope for the best.
Was wondering why the thread so quiet... got new place...sigh...so fast 1 year liao..

AF just ended, gonna work hard liao... First time trying to take BBT.. hopefully it will work =)
Hi jessbear78
Alternative take fruit likes dragonfruit or veg like broccoli

Hi Wan Chuen
but we stay hopeful still

I think I read somewhere saying drink red date
As what I heard after big o better don't drink red date
Better ask tcm
Sorry just saw it for MC that y drink red date
I am so sorry to hear this
But don't give up n what most important is rest well n build up body

For me my first pregnancy my baby heart beat stop at week 14 n sub with 2 ectopic
Took me awhile to recover
Now am so happy I am ready again to ttc and pending for baby dust drop on me this time
Hihi ladies!!

Just finished doing facial and sipping my red dates drink now. Nice weather to stay at home!

This morning I super kiasu.

7am - royal jelly
8am - hot birdnest, I slow cook from 5am! Can't slp and managed to soak the birdnest at 3am. Hubby said I crazy.
9am - a bottle of chic essence
10am - light breakfast
11am - folic acid
12pm - lunch with mum. Order ginseng chic soup
2pm - cook red dates longan tea
3pm - do housework
4pm - shower and diy facial
Now - logging in chatting with you girls!!

Shiok!! Anyway CD2 today...super long wait for my O then 2WW! Sianz
shijiaxin: i think no matter wat, we'll have e subconscious stress tat e next may be ectopic... maybe tat's wat e dr was saying, having seen many ppl wif e same condition... actually, i was quite ok when diagnosed wif ectopic... or rather, i pretended to be strong... but my gynae looked at me in e eye and said, it's okie to feel sad and wanna cry... so i broke down... think they see too many liao, so they noe wat to expect... maybe ur dr is telling u not to think towards e negative tis time round?

wanchuen: yah, guess we can make do wif a 1 yr diff...
initially, i tot i was undergoing chemical pregnancy... so oreidi very sad... asking why e bb never implant well... then how bad can things get rite? ectopic and have to undergo surgery? then live wif e fear tat it may happen again...
<font color="aa00aa">Harlow all!
Im so exhausted today after sending my boy for his swim n phonics class.
Got a major headache now

Wan Chuen,
my boy is 3..will turn 4 this dec.

As for the date n honey, get the Arab dates from cold storage chilled corner. This is darker than red dates. Get your hubby to take one date and 1 teaspoon of pur honey once in the morning and once at nite. Pure honey also can easily get from supermarkets.</font>

Hi comingchamp

I seriously forgot how to be sad for fail pregnancy maybe it a denial fact I want myself to face
For both ectopic I never cry as what most hurt is the 14th wk, I was totally depress... But now I am really ok, just that my hubby and the docs kept saying I am stress

Which I already give myself the break needed and not to think of the thoughts
