(2012/11) Nov 2012

Anyone suffered from intense itch particularly at night? I have intense itch particularly at night lately but there is no rashes. Besides taking the pills for itch any other solution to that? Trying not to take the pills since it cause drowsiness.

Baby stone, which part of your body is itching? If its tummy, need to apply stretch mark cream religiously.

If other parts, I get a bit of eczema but still controllable so I
Put aloe Vera gel or bio oil on it...
when thee, usually my hands and legs sometimes my neck and face. SometimesI wokeup in the middle of the night even to scratch.
Hi barneybaby, from what I remb it's safe. The only risk is depending on situation the cord blood may not be recovered, then they will do a refund or smtg. I signed up w cordlife.

I suffers the same problem as you but more severe. I have it all over my body particularly on the lower abdominal, breasts, chest and even on my hands. I went to see skin specialist and was diagnosed with eczema and was given cream and lotion that contain steroid. Have been suffering since 10 weeks and the cream helps me for about a month and it came back again. Last Friday I went to see the skin specialist again and she gave me something stronger to bring down the itchiness and inflammation. I'm much better now but I still scratch myself every night but not it is not as bad anymore. I have shown my gynae the cream and he says they are safe to apply.
Baby stone,

It is v itchy? Some will get this PPPUP.. Forgot the actual term.. Hv to c gynae to cure.. Think u better check w gynae n get some cream...
Hi mummies, I am a Sep 2011 mummy. Bought a Quinny Buzz [colour - Greystone (unisex)] and intend to sell it cos I bought a new car and also bought baby a new pram.. The condition is really very new and good and so I don't want to waste it.

I bought less than a year ago from Taka. Its currently selling at $870. I'm letting go at only $500. Mummies who are keen, please PM me for more information. Happy to host viewings too.

Thanks much!
Hi mummies, I'm a Sept mummy. :)
Letting go of brand new baby cot mattress as we got the measurements wrong: Sandman Orthopedic Comfort by Sleeppost 68cm x 118cm x 10cm.
$150, price negotiable. :)
Pls PM if interested. Thks!!
I was quite concerned about seeing normal doctor so I walk in to kk 24hrs clinic since they could not find any red bumps so they could not find anything wrong but to give me some calamine and anti itch pills which I am trying to avoid taking since is drowsy.

yes rather itchy seems to worsen at night. But there seems to be no obvious red bumps. Will inform the gynae at my next visit since not sure if seeing gp is safe.
Repost: Price reduced!
Was selling at $150, now selling at $120.

The Sandman Orthopedic Comfort cot mattress.
68cm x 118cm x 10cm.
Brand new, still plastic-wrapped.
Selling off as we ordered wrong measurements.
*Throwing in 3 pre-loved, lightly-used cot sheets which fit!*

Mattress is high quality orthopedic PU Foam, great for developing baby's spine.
Excellent Ventilation ....(Thickness 4 inches)
Anti Dustmite - Anti Bacteria - Anti Fungal, Damask Fabric With Quilting
Firmness Scale:6/10 Firm

If interested, pls PM me.
Self-collect at Bukit Batok/ location can be discussed.
Just wondering for those who hire confinement ladies for first month do you still sleep with the newborn or arrange the confinement lady to sleep with the newborn in separate room?
Hi Mummies,

I would like to recommend my CL yenying , she is very good in handle bb, patient n friendly, hardworking, cooking skill is good... Because of that In the end I hv engaged her for 3 months ;) interested can SMS me at 93368616. I'm not related to her, just helping her . Cheers
Morning Mummies!

my skin has developed few patches of brown little spots that are itchy on different parts of my limbs.. is that normal? I have googled but none seems to relate to what i am experiencing lei...
babystone: I'm also thinking abt the same thing. My friend told me the baby slept with her confinement lady in the first month.
morning ladies... not sure if anyone of you ladies have the same prob as me... I have another toddler who will be turning 19 mths old when my #3 arrives. I am looking at some double stroller, can someone let me know if you have any recommendations?

@Anterina, same... I have some dry patches on my tummy too!! how?!?! I dont have these when I was having my 1st 2...
hi morning !

imlind, i hand wash my baby clothes until 1yr old all throw into machine to wash haha

babystone, for my #1, i put him slp w confinement lady (CL) in the guestroom until baby full month then i bring him back to my bedroom

anterina, im feeling itchy on my limbs too..esp night time. and i got skin peeling on my fingers same experience as i got when expecting my #1..

wendy, yup i got itchiness ard the nipples area..
Hi, I m with a confinement lady nw n she is available from end oct to end dec. she cook Gd food n k tk care of bb well. Anyone looking for cl k update me n I get her to Tok to u all on e ph since she is with me nw.
Dear mummies, for those of you who are hiring malaysian CL directly (i.e. not via agencies), do we need to apply work permit for the CL?
babystone: My #1 sleep with the confinement lady during the first month, after that he slept with me till 9mths old before I put him to share the room with my maid. For #2, I'm not getting a CL so baby will sleep with maid and #1 with me.

Wendy: I've the same problem too! but not only on boob and nipple, it is almost throughout the whole body. But I'm better now after apply cream given by the skin specialist and lots and lots of moisturizer. The red bumps no longer appears after scratching but the skin still feels itchy.
nana, my previous CL is a malaysian. but i do not need to apply work permit for her

hi josey, my baby will slp with maid and #1 still sleeping w me too
btw, will u ask ur maid to bathe for your newborn or u will do it yourself ? since no engage CL this time ? my day time CL last min tell me she cannot do for me liao..so we decided to order confinement tingkat
Hi Mummies,

Have you heard of "No Rinse Waterless Shampoo"? First time hear it so want to ask if anyone has any comments on it to be used during confinement since we can't wash our hair?

Porky, I will ask my maid to bathe my newborn. She has been with me since my #1 is 3mths and she is a mother of 4 herself and is much more gentle than I'm!
porky and josey, thanks think I will arrange for CL to sleep with the baby too.

Wendy, I also experience some itchiness on the boob area occasionally but it goes away after short period so I did not apply anything.
Anyone experience pain in the bum? Lately after sitting down I experience pain in the bum when trying to get up, is such a struggle. Not sure whether is this pain normal.
josey, oic..my maid is mother of 1..but so long alrdy dunno she still able to handle newborn anot..hv to try out first. i bathe my #1 myself on the 2nd month when CL leaves, slowly day by day can improve haha

babystone, yup..so u can hv better rest for the 1st month. u can ask CL to bring baby to u for latching then pass back to her to do the burping so u can continue to slp. i also got the pain at bum..hv to keep leaning backwards. i ask my gynae he says is normal as baby getting heavier

btw, hv u all experience baby kicks n punches higher above the belly button now ? my baby like so high up, always move a lot and kick v strong
when thee,seems like I only get after sitting down after a good night sleep I actually felt better. It does not help when I was having a deskbound job. Will try the link given. Thanks.

porky, good to hear that is normal on the bum pain. I keep moving about in the seat sometimes hopefully it helps. Sometimes I felt the baby kick above belly button but not as frequent as below belly button for now. The kicks not that strong now for me also maybe because only 23 weeks.
My bum ache too! but mostly on the left side as I tend to sleeping on my left. Haha, I still think that the ache is due to my sleeping posture.

My baby kick alot too, but still quite subtle not as bad as my first born. He was very rough and fierce!
I m arranging for bb to sleep w cl when born. Better that way. Can get more rest as well. Bb kicks lesser these days. :/ not like before. Any one experience this? A drop in their activities?
Porky: saw ur post abt seeking of baby sitter at punggol area, you managed to get one? If you gotten, can recommend? I am still looking for one..
imlind, when I'm abt 25+/- weeks I did find my bb kicking lesser. Sometimes I can only feel her in the morning and late in the evening. I mentioned to my gynae before but he says bb is doing fine. Now at 27weeks, she is kicks quite alot. Don't worry too much, just be observant about bb's movement.
Olive - I never liked those milk powders.. but trying to force myself to drink at times. I received free samples here and there, so drinking those when I'm up to it.. maybe you should get samples to see which ones you like before buying a full tin.
Chocolate flavor ones are not bad too.
hi amanpp, u staying at punggol too ? actually i got one day time alrdy. but later she said cannot do anymore...

olive, i still taking those free samples from fairs and gynae..not taking everyday, only when i feel like drinking it
olive, i dont know which brand is consider good or the more popular ones but personally, i prefer Anmum and am drinking it now. I drink it religiously every night cos I like drinking milk. haha. the chocolate one tastes good too.

i have only tried samples from Anmum and Mamil. I dont like Mamil's taste so i went for the former.

the only thing i dun like Anmum is that it doesnt come in tins like the others.
Anyone keen to get these preloved books by TMC Wong Boh Boi. Its very useful and comprehensive. No regrets.
The books are in excellent condition.

Selling $8 per book.
If you getting new ones, its $13 per book.

PM if keen.

Josey. Thank you. Will be seeing gyne again this weekend to talk about it. Hahaha. At least today she kicks slightly more. Maybe more work to do at office, she is excited.
josey, maybe you can try to sleep on your right see if things improve?

oilolive, I drinking anmum twice a day. Quite alright with the vanilla taste which is rather light. I tried similac and think is too sweet.

imlind, on certain period of the day I felt decrease in movement too but certain period can be rather active too.
Thanks for the replies!
I've went online and requested for some samples
Hope they come in fast. Am afraid to buy a tin and end up not liking it, so waiting for samples to try.
Am wondering why we don't get the 9oz bottle from the start?
Do u get the 4 oz first then slowly change to the bigger ones?

Bigger bottle more air.. Plus nb intake lesser. My #1 had only 120ml fr full mth all the way to 18mth lor. So buying bigger oz is waste of $$$ to me. So better chg only when their intake increase. :p
