(2012/11) Nov 2012


I wanted to buy a lesportsac diaper bag..do u know if anyone is organising a spree?

Hi cindy, did u consider a maid to look after #3? At least no need to travel up & down & can help u with housework while u care for kids after work & weekends..

Housewife and yanyan:
)) thanks girls! I did consider but house no space for her to zzz and we treasure our privacy a lot! Hahaha. Don't worry, I'll figure something when the time comes!

Side note: went to see gynae today, saw bb's hands!!! Soooo cute. And i saw it turning around during the scan.
Hi all mummies here,

I'm new in this thread. Just happened out of curiousity tat i popped in this thread & realised that so many posts and archived so many threads.. lol Great!
Also realised many mummies are 2nd time mtb, cheers!!

Hi esp. to ahko80 !

Cheers we have the same gynae! lol
and quite the same situation, sahm with 17.5mths ger, however my edd is earlier on Nov 2 which then i guess i will deliver in mid-Oct.

Had done my Oscars test, perfect at scan so far, not sure blood test yet.

My gynae for first child was by Dr Loh @ KKh. However 2nd preg, i choose Dr Marianne as she was less packed. Everything was perfect with her except she was preggy which i hope wont affect her professionism. but nevermind I still choose to stay with her unless can find better alternative, any gynae to recommend from anyone? before i signing my pkg with her!

Gynae : Dr Marianne
Hospital: TMC
EDD : Nov 2 (However, my iphone apps said on Nov 1, so i guess gynae makes a mistake..)
Baby #: 2 (excited abt gender!)
soon u wont b worrying abt hair loss, coz in the next few weeks hair wont be dropping due to an increase in level of estrogen hormones during pregnancy. should only worry abt Postpartum hair loss later on. haha

Congrats on ur twins!
btw, puzzled me!! how to determine diff edd for both? shouldn't them be fertile at same time??
Hello Mummies,

Anyone knows if it is safe to pass through the security detector in the Airport?

Hi Rachael, i am giving birth in Mount E..My Gynae is D. Ben Neo
i also dont agree with CL staying at IL place...currently im staying with my ILs & hired a CL during my #1, had a fair share of problems too..so dont intend to hire a CL for my 2nd one..

Cindy, you can find a cheaper infant care..i have similar situation as u, no space for maid to zzz...n MIL doesnt wanna help me look after my #1, so no choice but to put her at the infant care, so far nv regret our decision looking at her current development, but cons is falling sick often during initial phase..
Hi Nemo BB,

I'm also same as you, choose Dr Marianne cos she is less packed. I dun have to wait for so long to c gynae. I feel comfortable talking to her too. You know when she is delivering? if not likely will be Dr loh taking over us.

Could ur mil move over ur place to stay instead? is ur maid helping to take care of the bb and ur mil is supervising? I think since u have a maid to help out, bb should stay with you. Mil could help out in the day, while evening time you will get to c the bb. The attachment of the bb and you will differs if you only get to c on weekends.

I'm hitting nails now while looking for CL. Called a few n they couldn't make it for my date.
Chris: cheaper infant care... Like where? Those ard my area costs at least 700-800 after the 600 dollar subsidy.
hi bibiteo,

i think it should be safe to go through the security detector at the airport. I travelled every week till 7 mths during first pregnancy and my son is a healthy 3 yr old now. only once or twice did the security tell me not to go through the detector and by that time i use already 7 mths. If you are unconfortable going through the detector i think you can just approach the security and tell them. they will get a female security to do the physically bodycheck instead
Harlo mummies! I'm back! just some updates for you all, i've done d n c and everything looks good. All has clean up. But i think my period has come, which causes the pain heavier than the normal one that i had. Not sure if anyone of you have this experience before. Hopefully the pain is just a normal sign of the period.
<font color="0000ff">Charmaine: Yah yah....so I was telling my girl, next time go and b gynae or PD. Earn big bucks like nobody's biz :p

Liangmin: It's nice of ur MIL to take care of your kid but I tink if it's a weekend child, the kid will b very sad to be with parents only during the weekend? My hubby never fails to fetch my girl from my mom's place no matter how late. Even though she just come back to sleep and next day need to send her over again. But it's thru all these that the kid will b very close to us

Oreodinary: Oh the pple in HK are so rude? Then did u manage to get ur appt ultimately? Btw, tks for sharing on the security detector thingy. Mi also gg overseas next mth. Will probably ask for a physically bodychk instead :p

Heartbeats: Yeah cant agree more! Confinement is a super grouchy period. Tink better to have own parents with us. At least for my first one, it was my mom helping me and it was so much easier

Yanyan: Yah I'm also off from folic. But was wondering how come 2nd tri onwards no nid to take already ah? For a moment, I thot my gynae forgot to give me :p

Cindy: Yah....I also saw bb's little hands and legs last Fri during OSCAR. So amazing that it's all developed within a month
So excited!! The radiologist was saying from the scan, it's okie. Hopefully blood test result is gd too

Piangz: Sadly, I have been dropping hair since my first one
Tink I'm gonna be botak soon!! Also looking for remedy!

Btw hor, what's the job scope of the CL? Still tinking if I shld get one so that my mom wont b so tired?

And anyone having insomia? Got a very bad one yesterday night where I couldn't sleep the whole nite! Now working like a zombie....Btw, how come will have insomia when pregnant ah? Din have such thingy when I was not pregnant leh!</font>
shirlynn: can i check, for how long did u go for the drip? need to stay overnight? im thinking of going too cos i really cannot tahan the loss of appetite, taste/smell aversions. makes all the mealtimes very unbearable and now still hv to take many small meals.. worse!

how are u feeling now? after the drip issit on a upscale basis?
hi mommies.. now quite a few of you shd be in 2nd trimester liao? can share how u all feeling? does the loss of appetite and queasiness etc all hv improvements or disappear already? by which week for u all?
wendy tan, i also have a cyst on my left ovary.. gynae say so long as it's fluid, it shld be fine even it it's growing during preg.. mine is 6cm during my 7 weeks scan.. i heard cases of fluid cyst grow until 20+cm by the time due.....
piggiedearz: im week 12 now, turning week 13, still having bad MS, just had a blackout today in the bus, scary..so guess yours is totally normal, no worries..
for my first one, i had it till almost 20weeks!
Sweetycutez..now dun need folic acid coz bb nervous system / back already develop..(something lidat) now shld move on to iron, calcium &amp; fish oil..

Piggiedearz.. Me 12 wks turning to 13wks..yes my ms had decreases &amp; i'm feeling more energetic..but still got vomitting but now is few days once..&amp; i cant overeat Or undereat.. Eat too little i would feel very weak / faint.. Overeat i sure vomit..&amp; my digestion is super sloow..kP having indigestion..after eat already kp feeling the food stuck somewhere..
I just had my OSCAR last fri during the scan, just like sweetycute, was truly fascinated to see baby's speedy development and he/she was flipping throughout
really melted our hearts. will know my result by tmr, hope all our results will be fine!

Hi Piggiedearz, am turning 13 weeks this thurs, slightly less lethargic but recently not sleeping well at night (keep waking at intervals) , i found less quesiness today and loss of appetite only developed recently (past 2 weeks). Stomach feels full pretty fast and feels hungry easily shortly.
Hi Ladies,

I have been a silent reader here. My EDD according to my first gynae is 1 Nov but 2nd gynae says 3 Nov. But on the scan, it shows 31 Oct. I guess I'm somewhere in between.

This is my #2 pregnancy and the experience is totally different from my first. I can't eat most of the time. If i can, i would prefer cold food like cold soba, sushi, or sandwiches. My diet is in a mess right now. Hopefully 2nd trimester things will get better.
<font color="0000ff">piggiedearz: I'm in my 12th week this week. Still having the wanna puke feeling but seems like not that jiat lard. But had the worst situation last nite where I couldnt sleep the whole nite even though I was very tired. This feeling is indeed terrible
Appetite wise still okie for me, still can eat happily but recently kept wanting to eat curry chicken. Hee poor hb gotta accompany me to eat so many times :p

Chrisq: Oh mine! Hope that you are okie now! Anyone helped u when u blackout? Is it becos u din eat enuff?

Yanyan: Hee tks for enlightening me :p Yah now taking calcium, fish oil and one bottle of dunnoe what :p

Queen: Hee u are right leh, mi shld b 11th week last week and 12th week this week. Now it makes more sense hahaha! Wahh ur OSCAR result so fast ah. Mine needs abt 10 days and the nurse says they wont call if everything is okie. So mi hoping nt to rec any call!!

Josey: Hee dun b silent reader, come and join us to chat :p Yah I tink the edd will always shift de :p Yah mine also different from the first pregnancy. But luckily still manageable. I'm sure you can too! Things will b better! Stay positive
Sweetycute, my gynae called me personally this evening and told me result already! Thank God everything's good! =) Should be the same for you too! I hope no call for you!!
Nemo, we are in the same clinic! Mine is SF Loh. I guess if Dr Marianne goes to deliver her child, Dr Loh will coverduty her and deliver for you and ahko?

Different EDD for my twins cos they might have implanted on different dates, maybe 1 implanted later then the other by about 1~2 days.

Sweetycute, i havent confinement already super grouchy, hehehehe ... poor hb! With my temper, i think better for my mum to do my confinement cos i sure talk back but at least mum wont hold it to heart, haha
Hi josey!!

Chris: thanks babe! I will consider infant care!!
u take care yourself!! Keep your phone w you at all times!

Queenkay: congrats! Hw long did u wait for the results? I'm gg for my Oscar next mon. Excited.

Btw, at which week did u all go for oscars? By next mon in just nice 11wk1d, wonder if it might be too early as I was supposed to go on fri at 11wk5d... But I can't take leave on fri... So.. Called the clinic n they said should be okay.. Can't help feeling a bit worried. Haha.
Hi.. All of u went fo oscar testing? Anyone didnt go? I didnt do oscar coz i also didnt do for #1..my gynae also didnt insist i go for the test...during the routine checkup last sat..she show me bb's development..hands..leg..spine..ribcage..head..hear heartbeat..stomach.. Even measure the thickness of bb neck..then say shld b ok.. Tried to see gender but bb pretty active..kp moving but legs dun open wide..haha
Hi Cindy! Oscar is done when u are wk 11 to just before wk 14 so u are alright there
I did my test last fri and was quite surprised I can know it quite fast. Gynae called me this evening. From what I understand they review the result next working day. U will enjoy watching ur scan!

Hi Yanyan I didn't want to do Oscar but HB asked me to do it. But it's just about preparing ourselves that's all in case. I'm sure It must been an exciting experience for u watching ur baby during the checkup! So sweet
I also chose not to do the Oscar test. Didn't do for #1 and also not doing for this baby. Agree that it's about mental preparation if there are any issues with the baby but guess whatever will be, will be... ;)
<font color="0000ff">Queen: Wahhh so nice of ur gynae to inf u so early! And great to hear that bb is fine!! Mine seems like an endless wait
Praying hard that everything is okie!

Heartbeats: I think during pregnancy, our mood will change ba. Plus if you are a working mother, then lagi jiat lard
Gotta face work pressure and if you have kids already, then gotta tahan the 'noise' they make. I know I am very bad to my girl but sometimes, after a day's work, she just yak around me until I find it so irritated! I know that she is excited to share with me what has happened during the day but sometimes, the mind just wanna rest. I hope that I will be more lax after my major project ends in Jun....And true lah, own mummy wont take it to heart cos they know our character :p

Cindy: If the clinic says okie then shld b quite safe :p Anyway like what Queen has said, it's usually done btw 11 wk - before 14 wk, so shld b okie!

Yanyan: Yah....for peace of mind, I went for the test. Did it for my #1 too but at that time, technology not that advanced so only base on blood test results. Nowadays, along with blood test, they included the scan too. So nice of your gynae to do such a detailed scan for you!</font>
piggiedearz: i was on drips for 4 days, they will give you jabs for nausea and vomitting. At night, they will give gastric jabs also. The jabs will bring out different reactions. Its not the same for everyone. For me, I will get very warm (start sweating in air con room) and also restless. I could feel very nerve in my body standing out... and it will last for 2 hrs. It was a real torture for me, till i try and control orally. I have to eat something small very 2 hrs. I wake up at night to eat also.
queenkay: Thank you!!

foxinthesnow and yanyan: i didn't do oscars for #1 and #2, but since i'm over 30 now, so I thought, just go, if really really touchwood anything wrong, I can further decide what to do.

ahhhh, tues only, Such a long way to go.
Im going for Oscar on Monday too! Excited! And hopefully Ms will go away soon! Can feel its going away but yet still here!Yucks!
chrisq: alamak.. did someone help u during ur blackout?? hope ur 2nd one the ms lasts much shorter!

yanyan..oh urs sound positive! does ur indigestion last very long? initially mine can be lasting 2-3hrs, but after that slowly not so bad le. i take gaviscon to help with the indigestion, prescribed by my doc. u can try if its really very serious?

queen kay: hmm my loss of appetite start from wk 6 till now! (10wks +). its been a torture, 'cannot eat'. my stomach also very fast dun feel like eating anymore but im still hungry. guess our conditions a lil opposite hehe

sweetycute.. oh can eat n feel like eating is v gd leh..
cannot' eat is really a torture. come mealtimes only i feel very sian, wanna cry cos dun feel like eating but still hv to eat cos v hungry. now u mention curry chicken i also a bit feel like eating lol. but duno will it be too spicy n oily for me stomach or not, been taking bland food for quite a long time lol

priya...wow yours seem very serious! need 4 days and so many jabs? u're one brave mommy! what are the ms symptoms u have? the jabs go thru the drip or injected into body?
<font color="0000ff">piggiedearz: poor u....cannot eat is indeed a torture. My hunger pangs sometimes can be so bad that it kept growling until I couldnt take it. Like you have to right now, immediately eat something! Is it because u keep taking bland food that's why a bit xianz? Start small before you proceed else later stomach cannot take it :p</font>
dear mummies, quick question! are your tummies showing already? I'm getting vexed these days when i get ready for work, i find most of my work clothes cannot wear already or rather, it will show my slight bump. I haven officially announce to colleagues yet (except my own team colleagues due to work coverage, have to let them know first)so I'm still abit shy of exposing.
Do you all purposely hide your tummy or just let it be free willy?
Yea..my gynae was pretty nice this round..i rem for my #1..the consultation was a rush-thru.. Not sure is it bcoz this round the timing of the appt was later hence less crowded &amp; she is more patient..

Piggiedearz..i did ask gynae for medication..she say my weight did increased (0.8kg in 3mths) so is ok.. Say the indigestion is meant to keep the food longer so tat i dun kp on eating (control diet).. &amp; ya the indigestion usu last 3 - 4 hrs..But i juz hate the feeling of food stuck.. So i try to take smaller meals..
dear ladies, i am actually from the Dec 2012 thread but I have been spotting for 3 weeks (I am 7 weeks now) and on the max 3 times progesterone jabs and 3 times 2 tablet progesterone supplement already. My next scan is this sat but I am quite worried. As you ladies are ahead of us "senior" can anyone share if you have had spotting and is now finishing 1st trimester already? Thanks in advance.
Hi,olive, i also had spotting from 5th week, but gynae actually say if spotting but no cramps,its not that bad, some people just tend to have spotting,i alsotook pills and jab,now going to end of 1st trimester, so hopefully everything is fine !

Don't worry too much! Stay positive,i think it helps!
I talked to my baby too,ask her to stay healthy and don't make mummy so xinku for my MS!
piggiedearz: the jabs go through the drip. brave mummy? more like scared mummy. Jabs have been a deterrent factor in vomitting. I had all day sickness previously (couldnt even drink water), now its limited to morning. But I have to follow the small meals + 3 main meals. I lost weight during the hosp but now I am gaining weight fast. My diet is still congee with sour pickles (sometimes egg or veg). I eat congee for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the mornings, I take oral medication for nausea. I still cant drink milk.
<font color="0000ff">Queen: Hee mi fat after birth of my 1st child so I tink my colleagues din associate that I am pregnant :p I can still fit in my clothes so was thinking just wear as usual first lor. Since u have passed your 1st trimester and if you cannot fit in, probably shld change to maternity wear so that it's for comfy for your stomach? Else gotta wear the clothes the whole day, can be quite torturing? Hee

Hui: Oh you know the gender of your bb already?</font>
Piggiedearz, was on drip overnight without any food or drinks . I was ok till these few days. Vomiting a lot again. Today went to see gynea. Baby measures 53.5mm - 12w1d. Thickness of neck ok, very active . I now only hoping to pull through 1st tri and hope everything will be ok soon.

Priya, me same diet as you . Last night I weigh at 50.4 kg. today I weigh at 48.7kg...
Olive, i aso got spotting earlier on and took jab + med too. Gynae advised not to take tea &amp; coffee + no carry heavy stuff and muz rest more on bed dun move ard too much
Thanks dotty, glad to hear you and your bb are fine
i am very careful about food now and have hired a part time cleaner to take over the housework chores. For work has to walk a certain amount but I do try lie down once I reach home and on weekends I hardly go out.
<font color="0000ff">Olive: Actually quite normal not to have MS too. I din have MS throughout my 1st pregnancy. I guessed the 2nd one wants me to have a taste of pregnancy hahaha :p

Hui: Hee I guessed as much :p Is this ur #1?</font>
lil olive: take care!!

queenkay: me getting FLABBY!!! but weight so far remain the same, so don't know why become SO FLABBY!! and my skirts mostly all the elastic at waist type so i guess still can wear... i bought some belly bands.. hopefully don't have to buy too many maternity clothing.

i'm also eager to know the gender!!! hahaha.
Ya sweetycute, number 1 ! Lol i hope the Oscar scan can get some hints!
Then. I can order the carters rompers! The gals clothes are sooooo cute!
i bought some new clothes,mostly flowy at the waist type, hopefully can wear them instead of the maternity wear!

the tread is moving FAST!

chrisq: blackout?! similiar like me that time in MRT..
just sit down and rest, slowly the energy will recover.. till u feel ok then start moving..

yanyan : my situation is more or less like urs too.. as and when still got vomitting.. cant overeat/undereat.. too little i would feel nausea and burp air.. Overeat i will vomit out for sure.. my digestion exactly like urs super duper slow.. like the food nv go down stuck right below my breast.. feel bloated, exploding anytime..

Queen: Oh.... that so cute.. flipping ard.. hahaha.. hope my fri OSCAR test, bb co-operate too.. I m showing a little of my bump.. so some of my colleagues notice already..

Josey : Welcome to the tread..

Sweetycute: Fish oil?! a NO-NO from me.. have been puking due to the fish oil.. gg to ask dr for other option on Fri appt..

cindy: i m gg for my OSCAR this fri, will be 13th week by Fri..

shirlynn: my weight also.. on off up down.. not accurate one.. if i m feeling nausea, i vomitted many times that day.. the weight will drop.. but i m showing bump.. so i m not sure where the weight of the bump come from? hahaha..

mommies, anyone having outbreaks? my outbreaks is terrible.. one "volcano" subside, one will raise.. sigh.. super no mood to dress up and make up.. make myself look good.. @.@"
