(2012/10) Oct 2012

<font color="red">Starry mummy</font>:
<font color="blue">Hopefully i'll be able to get a tummy scan tmrl too!

<font color="red">sharonk</font>: I'll be putting my #1 in a CC when he reaches 2yo &amp; above.. Lol.. cause don't want to be so hard on my mom. taking care of my 4yo niece, &amp; my 2yo son &amp; my upcoming #2. hahaha</font>

<font color="ff0000">sharon_k,</font> <font color="ff6000">school is good for #1. my #1 is now more mature after three months of school. will your child be going for nursery or kindy? but think you have to ease her in so that she doesnt feel displaced by the new baby.</font>

<font color="ff0000">lala!</font> <font color="ff6000">Congrats on ending your first trimester. Milestone! Can celebrate and announce already! Cant wait for my turn.</font>

<font color="ff0000">may,</font> <font color="ff6000">I totally understand your insecurity cos I took a while each time I tried to conceive. And with one miscarriage, I'm very scared also. But it's all in the mind. Dont think too much. Sometimes I tink it's better not to know too much. When you know too much, your mind tends to stray. Stay positive and expect the best for our miracle babes!</font>
Starry: I announced long time ago cos boss spill the bean. So might as well tell others earlier. Must find replacements... Headache ah.....
<font color="ff0000">SKsf,</font> <font color="ff6000">Must update tomorrow! Just go with fullish bladder and ask for tummy scan lor, and if really cannot then u can pass urine and do v scan. What time is your scan? Mine is at 10am plus. Now contemplating whether to get MC. My gynae will offer two days. But I dont want my boss to tink Im taking advatnage of my situation.. but yet I wanna rest and eat home-cooked food. Sigh</font>
<font color="red">starry mummy</font>:
<font color="blue">Mine is after my work
7:30pm. but as my hus is not working tomorrow as he've an interview tmrl morning .. so i'm considering whether should i bring forward my appointment to afternoon instead.. But i'll need an MC tomorrow liao if that's so.... Means deducting of money x.X Must at the same time wanna see my lil bean earlier!!!</font>
sksf, your mommy is very capable! My mom only take care of my #1, and she always tells me she wants to resign. I'm going to get my MIL to help take care of #2, and my mom is OPENLY hoping my MIL can take care of my #1 at the same time.

Ya right. Better put #1 in CC, else your mom will faint having to take care of 3! But put CC, must be prepared #1 will keep falling sick initially.
<font color="0000ff">Starry:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Thanks.. Trying my best not to think so much too..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sksf:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Now you are nt craving for food.. But craving to see lil bean.. haha..</font>
sksf: wah ur mum will be very tired, esp when our child hit 2yrs old ( e terrible 2 stage). did you experience it? My girl hit this stage when she was about 20mths. faint.

Starry: she is attending half day childcare now. But hmm if in long run i dont think she can learn anything leh. haha. even those songs she sing at hm are those that she learned from enrichment on sun. My side dont have good childcare.

i guess she attend half day cc is more to play n socialise with friends.

I have actually enrolled her to next yr kindergarten before i knew my preg. haha kiasu. cuz that kindergarten is quite popular around my area.

haha! Mummies can count down!! 1 more hr to go! whoohoo
sharonk: my son goes to 3h programme as well. i also dun like the idea of whole day session..

one reason is with a kid in whole day session, u dun get to spend much time with them n dunno their standard. like my son told me he did puzzles in school (he's 28 months old) i asked the teachers how many pieces puzzles do they do (dun trust my son's erratic counting haha), she told me 6-7. my son can do up to 20 piece puzzle if he's in a good mood. so time with me at home allows me to understand his aptitiude n capability a lot more.
skinneybeenie: exactly! my girl cry everytime we wash her hair. But teacher said she nvr cry. My girl dont eat bee hoon but teachers said she finish whole bowl. So contradicting.

puzzles is good for children. Cognitive, hands-eys coordination. Makes him concentrate too.
sharonk, if kid is too well behaved with the stranger, its because they dun feel as comfortable with them to show their true colors.. haha..

definitely they do learn things in school. just that i think whole day session is too taxing.

i like puzzles cuz they train his patience. as u know, toddlers r so super impatient like almost all the time! haha
<font color="red">JustALamb</font>:
<font color="blue">My Mom had been a babysitter for 10 over years. Since i'm like so young i've alot of kids running over my house like a mini CC. Hahha! so my mom is very experienced on how to handle babies to toddlers &amp; to a child. haha.

<font color="red">sharonk</font>:She stated that she doesn't mind as she's used to it, but still i don't want her to be so tired as age is catching up also .. haha..

<font color="red">May</font>:Yes! Craving to see my lil bean!! Had been counting down to seeing my lil bean! My only motivation to wake up every morning! hehe. </font>
skinnybeenie: yeah lor! too taxing for the young ones for whole day cc.

May: gynae will ask you what colour is ur urine and how often u pee. if urine like tea colour mean not gd.. must be clear white.. then is hydrated.

sksf: yeah. i also dun want to tired my mum. But if she cant cope with 2 then i have to search for alternative - either put my #1 to full day cc or engage a helper.

Helper will b additional help but also more expense for me. hahaa!!! i heard engage helper not cheap too have to pay this n that. then is she is sick you hav to pay her medical n buy clothes bra n etcs for her too...
<font color="0000ff">sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Oh..Dan no gd.. I think I only pee twice in office today.. If like tt she will put me on drip huh?? </font>
<font color="red">Sharonk</font>:
<font color="blue">yeah! But i think put in cc better.. helper .. babysitter y'meant? nowadays maid/babysitter if you dk ah .. abit .. dangerous i think.. hmm..

15 more minutes to knock off!! woohoooo!
But putting in childcare means more prone to illneses though. I enrolled my number 1 in half day childcare but just when she was going to start, the centre came down with a whole spate of HFMD cases so she gets to stay at home a while longer. I think she gets too much attention at home so will be good for her to go to school and toughen up a little. Just imagine on an average day she has 4 (sometimes 5 adults) catering to her every whim and fancy. And that excludes mama and papa. Only bad thing is the tendency to fall sick in school.
<font color="red">ming8110</font>:
<font color="blue">True too.. gets sick easily.. sigh, delimma .. :/ if only can be a SAHM.. </font>
Sksf: Are you thinking of staying home after no. 2? It's funny. Before I had no. 1, I thought I would want to be a SAHM but I found the period when I was on maternity leave to be pretty tough. While I had quite a lot of help (from my mum, MIL, helpers etc), I still found it tough 'cos when I am at home, I am on the job ALL THE TIME which I ended up feeling somewhat resentful about. So I think I am a better mum and person if I spend at least part of my day at work. I hope I can eventually find a position with flexi work arrangements. Meanwhile, I hope to take extended leave after no. 2 is born. Hoping to go back to work only when no. 2 is 7/ 8 months. Need to think about how to broach the topic with my boss though...
<font color="ff0000">ming</font> <font color="ff6000">You echo my sentiments exactly. I always thought how nice it'd be to be a SAHM, take care of my kids, cook for them and hubby, teach them at home etc. But I totally hated confinement period (resentful is the word!) and that made me rethink staying at home 24/7. I became v wang lian por. Every day waiting waiting for hubby to come home so I can have some adult interaction, and if he's even a little late, that's it, my face will be black the rest of the night.

I need my time off from home/kid to recalibrate myself, have my 1-hour lunch break, drink my teh-si in peace, have adult conversations/interactions, then I come home and I'm a better, more appreciative mum.

So I am quite glad I opted to get a maid. It's a horrid intrusion of privacy, but it's neccessary for this stage in our family life when I prefer to be working and I dont want to go home and be bogged down by housework. I'd rather spend time with my kid.

So my current arrangement is that my parents and parents-in-law take turns to come over during weekdays and they take care of my girl while the maid takes care of the cleaning/cooking. It has been a great arrangement so far and I really thank God for the grandparents who have given my girl and safe and loving environment to grow up in.

But with #2 coming, I am contemplating changing maid cos my current one is a bit slow and may nto be able to cope. Sigh. That's another big headache cos I might end up with someone worse!</font>

<font color="ff0000">Sksf,</font> <font color="ff6000">If need to deduct $$ to see beanie in the day then not worth it right? Just tong a few more hours. Nighttime hubby can still accompany u right?</font>

<font color="ff0000">hi penny,</font> <font color="ff6000">welcome!</font>
Hi mummies, for those having ms, maybe can try drinking Ginger tea. I felt like vomiting this morning and drank a cup. It helps. One more week for me b4 i hit the 12th week.. Am counting down..
I bot all my maternity and nursing bras from mothercare too. Comfy and lasting.
Come to think of it, I have given all my maternity stuff away, except for the bras....
Hello Mummies, long time never post coz feeling miserable with all the puking. Just see my gynae today, feeling better after seeing to my little peanut n hearing his/her heartbeat.

Currently w7d6. Gynae says MS peak at wk 9-10.. "Looking fwd" to it
Hi ladies - how's everyone ? Cudnt log in to chk ur posts, feeling smashed today with wk n I had to tell someone I be late 10 min so dat I can take some biscuits to curb d nausea feeling.

Stomach also tightened like after effects of many abs crunches , anyone feels this at mid week 10? Or it cud b a result if my stress .... I know I shd keep myself relaxed but it's inevitable cos I dun hv energy to cope w work like before n I hv a new expanded role now .. Just hv to keep telling myself got to breathe n walk slowly...

Btw is end 1st trimester the end of week 12 or 13?
hi i was just wonder about the flu med. I was on flu med for a day last month, then after two weeks later end feb i realise i was pregnant. Will it affect the baby?
Hi everyone... Haven't posted for a long while...

So excited, I m off tmr, gg to see gynae and do my Oscar tmr.
Work has been extremely hectic with plenty of deadlines... Sigh..
I haven't told my boss anything... But now I m thinking, when is a good time to tell huh?
I have a biz trip to germany next month...
rach prob'ly after 1st tri? for me i only told wen ppl started asking, which was 17 weeks last time.

long flight not gona b easy w preg tho..
Hi mummies

Been a silent reader on and off. Bb #2 edd oct 13 gynae wk tan at tmc.

Terrible MS but not as bad as #1 when I had hyperemis gravidarum (severe vomitting started around wk 10). Hope it's true that every pregnancy is different! Like many of you I hate MS. Wondered why I even get pregnant the second time.
hi mommies, anyone tried infant care before? Seriously considering as I don't think my mil can cope with a 2 yr old and 2 babies. Since my sil deliver first, she has 'first mover advantage.
Rach - tmr oscar is in which week of ur pregn ? Since u going for Germany , maybe u shd confide with ur boss now ... Given ur oscar is tmr, how abt wed or later this week after ur results ? Not sure if u can tahan a long haul flight ...
Mommies with toddlers - where can I find puzzles suitable for their age? My #1 is nearly 28 mths. Most of his puzzles are hand-me-downs. I'd like to buy him some new ones, my excuse for shopping. Keke!
He goes to childcare from 9-5. My mom has been the care giver but I think he's getting too much to handle and he seems to enjoy school.
As for #2, I will ask my mom whether she wants to look after. If not, I'll opt for infant care. I don't like having a maid at home and my apt is small enough that we can clean it pretty ok. Hopefully there's vacancy for infant care at my desired CC.
sing ling
why not consider nanny?
Infant care's attention can't be one to one.
My no 1 and 4 was taken care by nanny.
Mum took care of no 2 and 3. But she is getting old. Can't cope. So I outsourced no 4 to nanny even though i have a maid at home. We are very happy with this nanny. She teaches my baby letters and numbers.
Morning Ladies!!!!!

My two daugthers went to full day infant care when they were two months old then now go to full day childcare. For this number #3, I am thinking of quit my job and be a SAHM. But dun know financially can support or not. I really hope for a good rest after so many years of working.

Constance, this is my number #3. I married quite early but took around 6 years to conceive my first daugther.
<font color="0000ff">I also duno to put my bb in infant care, nanny or mil will volunteer to help look after.. As mil now staying at my sil's place.. There v crowded as pil n bil waiting for their new BTO.. And we hv not break the news abt me preggy to them yet.. Waiting to let them knw only after wk12.</font>
Sing Ling, May: You have to put baby on waitlist early if you are considering infant care. I hear the waiting lists can be horrendously long.

Rach: I agree letting your boss know early that you are pregnant and maybe you won't have to make the trip after all. Good luck for the OSCAR today.
<font color="0000ff">Ming:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Maybe wait n see wat my mil's reaction when we announce in apr after my test bah.. If she no volunteer dan will start looking for nanny near my place or infant care near my office.. If in wait list ask her to help look after temp till I manage to get a slot bah..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Rach:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I think u better tok to you boss abt you being pregnant n hope you wnt need to go on this trip.. Lucky now got direct flight to Germany lao n it takes abt 12hrs.. It will be torturing.. </font>
Me too. I'll wait for the Oscar results before I officially announce my pregnancy. When I had #1, was quite blur. Now with this pregnancy and previous experience of MC, I'm more cautious with disclosing the news. I'd say I'm caustiously optimistic. Ha!

I hope my mom's willing to look after #2 but feels kind of unfair for her since she deserves her retirement but it's her choice. If not, I've to putting myself on infant care waitlist soon.

It's kind of ironic to have kids in Singapore because I feel there's shortage of infant/childcare services. There are waitlist everywhere!
<font color="0000ff">Kanelmo:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I agree tt there is a storage of infant/childcare svc.. And they are v expensive too.. </font>
Hi mummies,

I am New to this thread.
I'm a SAHM and is expecting an Oct #2.
My #1 is almost 4-years old.

Nice to meet all Oct mummies here. =)
