(2012/07) Jul 2012

Joanne, u still have to tell her nicely, said ur Neighbour ask if u know the family well etc cos saw ur maid go there. Nt confrontational kind. So she is in wrong n u just checking that's all, u can use ur mum arriving ard same time as her as an excuse. Nt u all check on her de it's ppl tell u de kind of tactic.

Thanks liligal & Joanna .. I feel much better now.. Maybe I walked too much during lunch!

Liligal: u are so cool ! Still can watch ur gynae cut cut! I thought should be high tech now using laser rather than scissors??
Lili gal: Last time the nurse gave me this solution to pour onto a cotton ball and then dap at the wound area before washing with water... U r at MAH right? Did they change their practice?
<font color="orange"><font size="+2">Diaper Frenzy</font></font>

<font color="red"><font size="+0">Diaper Stacker - DS#1 to #10 - $18/-</font></font>


Measurements: 57.2*30.5*18.5CM
Top embroidery: 15*30cm
Filling space: 43*30cm
Base: 20*30cm

<font color="red"><font size="+0">Diaper Pocket DP#1 to #2 - $8/-</font></font>

Coffee Or Pink
Measurements: 34*25cm (Opened)
Tentatively fitting 2-3diapers / 2 side pockets

<font color="red"><font size="+0">Diaper Cloth Storage DC#1 to DC#17- $18/-</font></font>



Measurements: 60*50cm
Row 1 = 4 pockets / Row2 = 3 pockets / Row 3 = 2 pockets
NOTE: you can select the same design diaper stacker for an additional of $15/-

<font color="green"><font size="-1">Thanks mummies, those ordering use same spreadsheet -> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjqRtB8baMtEdEhycF9Ob29FMVBTYzdwMEtEcTB0OXc 2nd tab. payments to posb sav 126-93221-9.. </font></font>

last call, ill be closing this alr.=) TIA

how u all been doing? i can hardly walk n im panting like a ... used to take 10mins to walk to wrkplace, nw i walk 15-20mins =( n sweaty tired. tdy a funny symptom start, i walk my tummy pain. like pulling pulling tinging pains =( nxt appt only nxt week, cud b the last appt? cos ill b in w36 whn i see her nxt week. anyone has birth plans ler?

my maid is v headache at times, u tell her dun use dryer use hanger, she okokokok but still use. i even had to spill milk on floor to check if she mops. cos i spotted the same stain 2days. hais. got once i still saw she block camera.. half seens only. nw i ordered another 2.. 1 for kitchen one for my own room. hope she auto abit.. else whn i pop ill go MAD!
Mrs c, they din gv me anything at all except painkillers. Maybe it deps on gynae. I'll hv to ask tmr. My final chance b4 checkout. I only go toilet to pee then dab dry. Nothing done to below. Dun even dare to touch. Uh oh... Really hv to ask or else go hm dunno hw.
lili_gal: My friend taught me to mix half cup of chi rice wine into one ladie of warm water and splash clean down there. Rice wine is alcohol so it kills any harmful bacteria there too. :p
So far so good.
liligal congrats..can be discharged tmr le. im still waiting..from June thread, came to July thread to read le. haha. If still no sign tmr, u can tell our gynae that i would be seeing him on fri already.
laura, interesting... ur cup is what type? the baking standard of 1 cup or the normal drinking mug abt 1 cup? chinese rice wine.. the normal cooking ones? did u put it into a spray first?
Lili gal, I m given chlorhexidine blue color 500ml. Use cotton ball dip dip at least 3 times a day after rinsing with water n wipe dry. One time I use shampoo to wash, my gynae said cannot use shampoo, if u want to use wash already use chlorhexidine to clean again. It alkalize the wound.
lili_gal: The normal chi rice wine. Cooking wine also can but just slightly ex. Half cup is measured by the normal drinking mug. Spray? No need lah... Just mix with warm water in a ladie can already.
Ok I went to ask gynae just now. Will be given what BB had as sort of an antiseptic. Actually not really necessary. Just clean as per normal will do. Mine is clean now cos I bathed normally but din purposely use anything to wash. Later nurse gonna teach me how.

BB, can drink chicken essence w cordyceps now or not? Or must wait?
Lili gal, I m drinking normal chicken essence in the morning. Chicken essence with Cordycep drink in the evening better. This is what my CL just told me when I complained dizzy yesterday n she asked me where r my chicken essences.

Going to PD at 8am. Then pick up herbs (my CL asked me to eat a pill for removing wind, if u see my TCM confinement list in my fb, i m also getting the herbs for brewing tonic soups for increasing more milk) at medical hall.
Hey Mummies, Congrats! Anyone who wants to buy the DryMama Reusable nursing pads at promotion price has to hurry.


Their sale ending 30th June 2012. If we can get at least 10 mummies together, you can get EXTRA 5% discount on top of their current promotion.

I bought their pads during the exhibition tried it and it was great. I bought again during their promotion for this month.

This is really a very nursing pad. you can read more at www.DryMama.com
Hi gals, I m going to do something daring later.......bring #1 n mum watch Magadescar.... Laura, the wound can't really feel, I felt so much of my piles tho, super mega ones
Laura, 1st try sure like virgin lo, must use lubricant....it's so difficult we only dare to try after very long time
Apparently I had one pile at anus due to pushing. With the wound n pile, I dare not even push hard to shit in peace. How ah? Feel it down there.

Btw milk is in oredi. Nice.
lili_gal: seems like BF is easier for second time mums and also milk comes faster. The same happened to my gf...#1 BM only came after 3 weeks, #2 BM came in 2 days. I pray that mine will come in fast.
Hello mummies, I popped at 9am this morning at 35wk 4day! Had contractions at 2am came in to hospital at 6am. Got my epidural and ready for natural delivery then suddenly baby's heart rate started to drop. Rushed for c-sect under GA.

Now my poor baby boy is in nicu :-( Under observation. Weight only 2.325kg. Hope baby will be ok and can leave hospital together w me.
i thought you still in confinement? hor hor...keh keh...

Marie, really? BM comes easier for #2, that's really encouraging news for me...i din succeed for my #1

Lili-gal, can add me to the FB group? =))

For me, i will be induce on monday as doc say my glucose level borderline high which cause baby to grow big faster...so he wants to induce liao...
Bhoo : congrats! thats fast!! no worries - yr bb is in goodcare and will be discharged soon. im also at week 35! gosh - not fully prepared yet - my pump not yet collected, front opening pyjamas not bought yet, clothes not washed yet. geeez.
bhoo: Congrats! Don't worry, your boy will be fine cos he's in safe hands.

45 mins pumped 120ml of BM using a single Medela manual breast pump. *sweat*
Bhoo, my niece was 1.9kg at birth n only stayed nicu a day. Discharge when she reach 2 kg so u dub worry k. Buttercup, I havnt give birth wor, I m on HL
Congrats n rest well. Understand u will worry for ur lil one as he's small. Trust him, he will grow well n strong n docs nurses will take gd care of him.

Good supply leh!!
Congrats, Bhoo! 2.3 kg for bb is still ok. Maybe bb is pre term so need to be under observation. Dun worry, he will be growing &amp; healthy very very soon!
Thanks everyone!
Ourlovestory, becos baby was in distressed so doc advised to go under GA so can get baby out fast. Epidural that I took cos baby's heart rate to drop and effect of epi also taking too long to kick in. Apparently epidural is not suitable for everyone. Quite a lot if side effects for me.
Bhoo, congrats! Wah so sudden n fast! It must b horifying to hear abt the heart rate dropping. Thkfully bb is out n fine. I have same qn as ourlovestory, why GA when u were on epi? C sect is taxing on body. U rest well. Still on drip? Try to let nurse n hubby do everything. U just rest. Hv to b like that for a mth or else body will b v v taxed.

Others, better be prepared! The popping begins!

Buttercup, cn tell ur real name on FB? U hv to click Join group first.

Laura, not direct latching? I din pump at all.

This girl is really small eater. Hv to wake her up n coax to eat all the time. At this rate, supply now higher than demand. First time for me again.
BB, thx. I drank chicken essence w cordyceps at night cos someone bought n I had cravings. Phew.

Btw it's really gd feeling to lie flat on tummy again. Haha.

Liligal n bhoo, congrats!! Job well done!
enjoy the time with the princess n prince respectively. Rest more while u ladies can and hope u r recovering well

Bhoo, don't worry, baby is in good hands, hopefully he'll be out of NICU v soon

Bbgirl, thanks for the info on high BP

Mummies who haven't started preparing like me, think it's time we do so! Finally got down to washing baby clothes after reading the forum hehe
