(2012/07) Jul 2012

Hi Mummies

I m new in this forum and thread! I m having a bb gal, at 35weeks and 4 days, next visit will be on next tues at KKH!

Can I join the FB group??

Hi mummies, I'm getting some on and off sharp pain in the middle of my tummy. It's different from the usual BHC. Anybody has any idea what it is? When the pain strikes it's really quite intense but it goes off in a while...
BB: Congrats, dear! It's wonderful that you were able to dilate so fast! Enjoy your time with your sweetheart! ^_^

To all: Thanks for the well wishes. Can't wait to share the good news tomorrow. One thing for sure, I'll sure the feeling of him moving inside me.

Lili_gal: I sent you a PM with my details to join the FB group. Did you receive it?
BB, congratz...

Qris, wish u a smooth delivery.

Liligal, who knows tml ur gyn will ask u admit to hosp? Hehe...

Rachel, i have this pain too. I think is the pressure that bb is sitting on.

Juz curious. How come gyn said bb is low? Did gyn check below or? So far my gyn nvr check ny below. Only do scanning on my tummy.
Qris, thanks. Good luck to you tomorrow. Don't worry too much, it will be over very fast n the next moment you will be celebrating the happiest moment.

Bhoo, thanks. It is faster than #1 but with contraction pain. Each delivery is so different.

Marie, it is true. Very relaxing. Guess I m going to grab some sleep in case my baby is awake n demanding for milk.

Ourlovestory, thanks. The hospital cook good confinement food. Too bad tonight my black chicken soup brew with herbs they put dang gui. After delivery must wait 10 days then drink dang gui k. Cos it can cause more bleeding. So my hb finished my soup.

A funny invention by Mt E. They hv this waist band lullaby ringer to strap on mommy n baby. So if baby is being pushed closer to mommy location, the ringer will play lullaby. It was fun till I was told to shower with it, that ringer rub against my sore nipple twice when i shampoo my body that I fed up, pull it off. when the nurse asked why I took it off, I told her to ask the invention team to talk to me, I was so fed up I almost smash it in the bathroom. Never cause further harm to mommy with sore nipples! Heehee...
Yeah, think it's more important to rest, than to be entertaining guest hor? Shall see my condition after labour lah. Hope people won't feel offended.

Good to know you're doing well. For engorgement, have you tried cold cabbage? But it's also been know to stop or slowdown milk production. Maybe that's why bah...stop, then not so painful. But I read some websites saying that we shouldn't use too much of it.

Sounds like you're enjoying yourself
good good. So nice, they even have celebratory dinner? I thot after delivery is confinement food and more confinement food :| My mom didn't even allow me eat the frenchtoast served for breakfast!

Hahaha....yes yes! Never cause further harm to sore nipples! I second that! Why must wear it to shower?

Congrats!!! 3 pushes, gosh so envy. Hope I could do that too

I had regular BH for the earlier part of this week, but since Fri... there was hardly any contraction. Strange right? Tot that BH contractions is suppose to increase towards the end?
Hi all, I'm having this sharp pain every half an hour and just had diarrhea. The pain is quite intense and goes off in a while.. Is this a sign of labour? I've never felt this pain before..
jomomm: I try not to use cabbage and be more hardworking to pump pump pump like a cow. Moo...

BB: "pain till wanted to scratch anyone who come near me." Very true. That was how I felt too.
Laura: how much did u gain thruout pregnancy? I'm envious tt ure back to ur orig weight alr!! N since ytd I've been feeling a lot of movement/pressure at the pelvic area.. It's as if bb got more active? Is that normal? Feels rather uncomfortable..
hika: I gained about 8kg during pregnancy. The increase of movements and pressure at your pelvic area is because your baby is getting lesser space to move about loh.
It's normal
Ahhh icic no wonder u got back to orig wt alr.. Looks like I'll b one of the unfortunate ones who remain fatter even after confinement's over.. So far I've gained double ur 8kg alr!!
BB(alva): Congrats! I rem we have the same EDD! have a gd rest! Just curious, u had epi but u still felt the pain & the urge to push? Cos when i had #1, i din felt anything at all when pushing...
Hi Laura
So which one is more pain? Ur spine surgery or delivery? ;)

Hi BB n Laura
U brought ur pump to hospital?

Enjoy ur happy occasion dinner..;) Hmm.. So gd..last time when my boy born in mt E.. Dun hv such gd toiletries neh.. But u bath? Thot no bathing except using Da feng cao to bath? I think last time i wipe my body only..
BB - congrats!!! Only 3 push that's fast man hopefully I will have a smooth delivery too

Laura - not to worry jaundice seems quite common in Asian bbs... My elder gal also kanna hospitalize and I cry like hell too that time... He will be able to discharge very soon

Qris - Jia you !!! Have a smooth delivery
Congrats BB

Hi Marie n Liligal, mi not into FB leh cos I really think sone people use it to track others but not share about ownself. yeah mi happie to share here with all cos I find that our baby milestone is more or less the same

Laura: dun worry too much about your boy. Your mood will affects your milk SS. yeah mi oso moo mooing haha
Congrats to all the new mummies here!!! Enjoy your motherhood and do share your experience here.

For the mummies to be, jiayou! We are just a couple of days/weeks to see our little ones. Have not been active for the past few weeks but have been following this thread silently. Finally settled my work and will be on leave from tomorrow onwards until I pop.....hope this will help in my preclampsia condition.
Hi mummyfrog, yes I'm still in pain. I am at gleneagles now and just did the ctg. seems like my pain has no link to my contractions. Nurse saw my tummy and said u are having contractions but I don't feel the pain at all. Whereas when I feel pain there is no contractions. The pain is v weird. Like a sharp intense pain in the middle of my tummy for a few seconds then no more. Been having this pain since 4pm on and off. I have to go back to clinic to see baby Tml morning.
Hi Rachel, hope you r feeling better. Which week r ya at? when I'm in my 34th week, have the same experience as you. Sharp pain at my stomach, below the rib cage, diarrhea. 2-3 days. Gynae was saying that maybe something I ate wrongly ... Am now 36-37th week
BB, congrats and have a good rest..

Qris, have a smooth delivery today! jia you..

Anyone bought breastpump from beautyloft? i hv a almost new passdown PISA. Check with medela sevice centre. for servicing (S$100) and buy all accessories (S$99.50) abt S$200. Not sure if i should buy a new pump instead.

Tmr going for my 35.5weeks checkup. Hope bb weight increases.....!! looking forward to see him!!
tea: Thanks, dear. Am getting nervous as the hours tick by. An doing mundane things at home while waiting to go see gynae later. I got a Medela PISA metro from an SMH seller here. Emailed Beautyloft a few times but no reply from her so I ended up getting from the other seller.
Hi Tea
Yes, i bought my on the go tote PISA fr beautyloft..;)

Hi sunbelle
So did u bring ur pump to hospital n use it? Nice hear fr u again.. Oh ya, whts the bb size difference fr actual scan n after birth?

Gd morning gals.. Kids start school today.. Zzzzz.. Time flies..
Rachel: same I'm on my way to gyne again coz I still feeling d pain on n off.. it's a very uncomfortable pain n I feel like puking..

Qris: have a smooth delivery yea.. n remember dun drink water after give birth.. only red dates tea..

Tea: I was at Chinatown OG yesterday n I saw medala pumps still on promo price.. it's a bundle think cost $259.. with thermometer too..
My legs are still swollen, more swollen than during pregnancy. My hands too... Feels like robot when I wake up in the morning.
Mummies who hv popped: anyone of u start the massage? Any recommendation? Anyone of u engaged Jenny? Heard she not bad..
Joy, but at the hospital they normally just give plain water right? A flask by the bed? I bought the stuff to make the red date drink but waiting for CL to come after I deliver. I don't know how to make the tea on my own.
Qris: which hospital r u at?? heard some hospital they provide d red date tea upon request.. u maybe wanna ask ur mum or mil or auntie to prepare for u first? my hubby say just throw a few red dates into d flask n let it soak inside can le.. I'm not very sure how to do it myself..

Laura: how much u gained during ur preg? how come lose weight So fast
wahh i have a tough time catching up all the posts over weekend...

BB, Congrats on the arrival of your lil' bundle of joy

Qris, jiayou & have a smooth delivery.. keep us all posted..

Laura, have your tried the blood circulating socks? does it help with the swollen feet?

Rachel, have you seen your doc yet? did he mention what causes the stomach pain?
congrats BB! especially the smooth delivery (wasted the time u were enduring the pain leh since u were 8 cm dilated after epi?)

btw for mummies who are delivering at Mount A, do you have the maternity ward nos? I heard if the car q is very long, call the maternity ward first. i would imagine they might send a wheelchair or sth lar
BB> Congrats! Your labour process sounds really smooth. Can I check with you, what does Mt E provide? E.g. Swaddle? Rompers? etc? And for the boarder/hubby, do they provide pillow and blanket? Cos' I'm delivering there as well and not sure if I need to pack these stuff. You brought your breast pump there?

Qris> Jia you! All the best!

Laura, my friend who popped a couple weeks ago, says her water retention only started going down about 2 weeks after birth.
Joy, I'll be delivering at TMC. Do they make for us? For my #1, I followed Malay confinement. No red date tea. This time round, following Chinese confinement. My mum is working and MIL knows nothing about Chinese confinement so I'm left to my own devices. She didn't even know i've engaged a Chinese CL. Hehe...
Qris - i bought those 3-1 packet red dates tea from super market for hospital stay worried that my mum cant prepare in time... hopefully it will serve the same purpose as well...
Me going to deliver in KKH. I remember for my #1, they never provide red dates tea also...just plain water.

Wah, BB so envy, 3 push and your baby is out! congrats!
Congrats to Laura and those who have popped earlier oo =))

Me still waiting for my princess...she seem to be very comfortable inside though.
congrats bb!

take care and be strong Laura! ur bb will be in good hands!

As for me, I went for gynae's check up on last Sunday on m 37 weeks......the umbilical cord is around my bb boy's neck.... gynae said is normal but its quite worrying....
Pray that he stays healthy!
Tea, since your Medela PISA is pretty new, there is no need for servicing. As for spare parts, you just need to get new breast shields, valves and membranes. I bought my Medala freestyle spare parts from megababystore. Price is reasonable (altho' not the cheapest) and good service =). The link is below if you are interested.


Joy_javen, I think can drink water during confinement right? As long as not cold can already. According to the nutritionist at Mt Alvernia, we need to drink more water to avoid getting constipation after delivery. I intend to drink both the dates tea and some warm water...
bhoo: hmm I heard not even a sip of plain water or milo coz it will cause water retention.. haha I myself not really sure I hear d folk tales by d elders n colleagues..

Apple1234: dun think too much ur gyne will know if sth is amiss.. dun add stress to urself k..

as for me I'm on 2 days mc.. just came home from gyne coz of d on off pain n gyne gimmi medication to stop loose stools.. he say sld v intestine cramp or womb got press down..
congrats to all the july mummies who have popped early!

im from the june thread, edd 30 Jun & still waitingg while most of them have already popped.
now so worried if gynae would need to induce..
Hi all, thanks for your concern! I'm currently at 36w5d. The pain is still here though. I went to visit dr lee already and he said prolly baby is pushing my organs and intestines that's why I feel the pain. He did a vaginal examination and said baby still high up and cervix not opened yet. I am constantly feeling the pain though. It's more of a discomfort than a pain actually and I'm getting v annoyed with the feeling. My pain tolerance is quite high but I really hate feelin uncomfortable.. Dr also mentioned that he thinks I might deliver early.

Joy : u shld prolly check too to get a peace of mind!
Rachel: yea my gyne said almost d same thing too.. bb is still not engaged yet so sldnt b early popping.. hope ur discomfort will stop soon too..
yea I got same feeling not really as a pain but like xing ku kind of discomfort.. gyne ask me to rest at home n try not to move too much..
My EDD is first week of July actually but gynae told me that he thinks baby will come early which was originally what i thought too...so I took leave from work hee hee, two weeks ago....
now hor, me at my 38 weeks liao, and she seems comfy inside..
i got cramps once in a while...and i will think today is the day! but then the cramp will subside..
now i also scared the gynae may need to induce...
Hi ladies,

I'm from the Nov forum. Would like to ask if you have any good confinement lady to recommend?
Due to some issue, my mom is not able to help me. Need to look for one CL asap.
Please PM me.
( Expected EDD 28th Nov 2012)


My mum asked me to drink Milo during hospital stay. Cannot tk water. Red dates soup very easy to prepare. Just throw everything n then boil. U can add in wolfberries, dang Sheng, black dates, dried Longan, and Ginger.
