(2012/07) Jul 2012

Someone was asking abt the PD Dr Ang from TMC...well i had her auto assigned by my gynae for #1, and all i can say is tat she is a v v straight fw lady n always seem to be rushing n bz..her clinic also always packed wen going for infant checkup..din realli feel comfy wif her svcs so we opted for someone else this time. Tot of engaging my own PD but its gonna cost much more n it's jus for tat few days in hospital, so we reckon tat any PD can do an equally good job, then aft discharge can jus go back to or own pd for vaccinationsn followup consultations.

Cladi - was browsing thru past threads, seems like Marie din receive my msg in FB...oops...paiseh la, i FB idiot..hehehe. prob I did it the wrong way? U also msg her in FB?

Liligal - PMed u!

u're so cute.. asking ur gal to come out soon :D
i'm been telling my gal to wait, wait, wait. be patient, dont come out so fast. nowadays when i sit down, i can feel my tummy liternally sit between my thighs. dropping down liao.
ur appt is weekly now? mine is still bi-weekly. tmr will be my official wk37!
Thanks Liligal...saw the happening le..imtotally opp of u. ALso praying n telling bb to stay inside till EDD pls..hehehe

Cherish - same here. Feeling heavy n walk like a penguin..inner thighs always got abrasion coz sweaty lei...im 35 wks today! scared...
i saw the happening too

reali envy u gal who reach full term le.. i still got one wk to go then hit 37wks.. jus hope bb will guai guai stay at least til 38wks..
Hi mummies & MTB,

Hope is not too late to join... Expecting a princess no.2. My EDD is 19 July but gynae say bb mostly likely to arrive 1st week of july...

Had just send in request to join the FB group as well...
morning mummies.
again i m swamped with work.. n i cant catch up with the archives.. but hope all is doing well..

just this week alone my dept 2 mummies had popped!!
omg.. i cnt wait for my turn seriously.. but my boy is only at his week 34 day 4 today only..
n as i m speaking how old he is now..he just moved.. haha. it became a cycle every nite i will wakie in the middle of d nite, 11ish, 3ish,5ish.. tiring no doubt..but i think i will miss his movement after he is pop..but at the same time i cnt wait to see my lil one..

Rykiel: omg omg omg.. u gonna make me waste $$ again!!!! i see so cute.. very good for my bb new born shoot.. haha..
Cladi - its jus another week to full term for u, noneed envy..ur turn will come b4 u noe it! ;p

hi Monmon, wlecome. UR bb engaged oredi? remmeber got the different stages of engagement one...

Joy_javen - i also will wakie 3 times at nite, but is to pee. BUt come ti tink of it, it is still better than wen bb isout, coz need feed /pump every 3 hrly...very shag! lol
Hi cladi, citizen n qin
Thks for ur advise but lie on bed oso can hv water retention? Ya., now feel better le after exercise abit.. Thks gals..;)

Hi lili
How heavy is ur gal now? Why so fast see gynea again on mon?

hi kalmen n qris
Have a smooth delivery...
sgsc> tdy i walk oso feel the pain at the pelvic bone.. so xin ku.. hai.. one wk is like oso so long..

Joanne> lie on bed will oso got water retention.. but i thk not as bad as ur sit or walk ba.. esp leg area.. my leg got bad in the evening after long hr sitting at work..
SG_SC(exicted_mtb)- Eh actually i also dun know bb engaged already anot leh cos i didnt ask my gynae and he also nv say anything... but bb is in the correct position meaning head down liao will be seeing him next fri... He just tell me most likely 1st week july...
Monmon, my edd also 19 jul, but gynae never say when it look like bb coming out.

Joanne, my fingers also ache on bedrest, esp. In morning. Gynae say water retention even tho I dun see swell. He say just exercise / massage it. But it still aches..
Kawaii_baby - dun know leh on mon i went for check up den my gynae check my underneath den roughly gauage that bb will be out 1st week... by the way what is ur bb weight now? as at monday mine is 2.8kg...
cladi, i got the same issue.. after a long day at work, my pig trotter will appear at night.. i just couldnt recognise my feet anymore during night time.

i am going to see gynae this evening, hopefully he can give me an indication when baby might be popping.. i'm actually looking forward to meeting the lil' one.. counting down even thou i am only into my 35weeks&4days..
monmon> my edd is only 3 days after urs.. i was hope bb pop in 2nd wk of jul.. c wat my gynea say later when i c him.. 2.8kg at wk36 ?? is tat consider big?? wonder how big is my now..
Joy_javen, how big is your dept? Why you have so many preggers in your dept?! If I'm your boss I will be super stressed out. Hhehe.

Joanne, water retention at this stage is very common. I cannot wear my wedding band already.

Tmr going for my 35th week gynae check. Dunno how heavy baby will be. All I know is that I've gained 3kg within 3 weeks. When can my weight gain stop?
zhen> we are abt same stage ah.. now my tummy is real big n hard.. bb keep drillin down.. is like forever feel urgent ..wana pee.. nite time i got problem get off bed.. pelvic bone so pain til i cant move my leg..
My next scan is week 36, going to week 37. Dr say do strep b test then. Din say abt c-s. Guess should be natural like what I wanted. My weight did not increase- still the same. But my fingers already v stiff from weeks ago! Everytime feel like wanna pee..
Sch reopens on 25/6 this year, but I think every year different leh... So, difficult to time also.

The pics looks so cute!

It's best to ask the LC for expert advise if you can. Then you'll feel more confident also.

Joanne and zhen,
Water retention...try to lift your hands up more if possible. Sleep time, try to make sure not hanging outside of mattress. Can help. For leg, must hang up on pillows. It helps me alot.
Hi Mummies...those who have requested to be added to FB....sorry for the late responses as I'm not always on the pc...so got lots of catching up to do each time I'm online...

Thanks lili_gal for adding the ppl on FB...looks like its getting more and more active ;)
marie: yes, after it became a closed group, it became more active...haha...coz i also dare not post too much when it was a open group
Hi hi ladies, im on leave today. I just went for checkup. 34 weeks and Baby girl have not turn.... have to go back next week again. If she still doesn't turns, have to make appt for C-sect. Must start to think of an auspicious date now hahaha... No choice lah, bb like the position she is in now,..

Rykiel: I want to join the BP!!! I had PM you.
Hi Joanne: it's probably water retention. I starte having water retention about a month back and now it leads me to have trigger fingers. Now it hurts so bad I cant even write and brush my teeth properly. Better take care ya!
Mommies, Jus came back from the young parents fiesta at Marina Sq...got very good deals...just buy the July issue of Young Parents magazine and you will receive a big goodie bag worth $40..if u subscribe for a yr or 2 yrs, can choose from their list of subscription gifts too...alot of pple sign up..
Hi, can I join the FB group too if its more active there? I have posted before a few weeks ago but seems like everyone was busy and overlooked my posting.

I just hit 37 weeks today
Qin - i got the July issue and subcribed for a yr magazines. In exchange i got a Takara Tomy Disney Minnie mouse restaurant set which they say is abt $59.90.

They have a few booths like Cordlife, Koolfever, some free cover shots wif ur kids and few more others (mainly sponsors of the goodie bags) Din walk ard all coz bz lugging the stuff very bulky.

Should go down see see if u have time, tink its for 3 days..
Joanne, you can try swimming if you if are up for it. I've been told that it is really helpful with water retention issues.

Also have gynae check your BP as a bad case of water retention + high BP may indicate pre-eclampsia.

My feet are horribly swollen, and actually so is the rest of my body.
cherish, SG_SC, cladi, you all diff cos i over full term already at 38wks 2days. if i want natural better b quick and if not, i'll hv to be cut open at EDD.

joy, envy right? me also want to pop now!!

kawaii, you can walk around already? no more bedrest?

jo, girl is now at 2.8kg. i still doubt his machine. i dun think it's accurate due to #1 incident. he did say he wants to see me earlier to monitor but i din expect THAT early. maybe he thinks after the natural induction method i.e. waterbag swipe, i shud hv some "reaction" already. but but since morn till now, i still have NOTHING. bb is not even engaged. seemed like #1 history repeating.

jomomm & qris, thanks. guess really can't help on the school dates. just like i din bother to check if it's a dragon cos i wouldn't have wanted one.

funny, i dun get any water retention at all on all parts of my body. just cracking bones and joints. gynae also give no indication. ask me to go ask God. God also din say anything. so i guess i jus hv to wait. he did say that i hv wt gain is good. if i hv wt loss, he'll start to "act". din want to ask further.

ladies, i think i hv added everyone that wrote to me. iloveshoes, can you send me your name? i'll add you in.
for all, try to be more active k? or else very boring to have silent readers. hahaha... let's support and encourage each other along.
Cladi - yellow yellow? hehe..ok getting gross now

liligal - ur gynae n u very mischievious lei...haha go ask God but God no ans...hahaha...but ya, leave it in the good hands of God. Ur job now is to rest n relax meantime!
yellow de meh.. .. i hope my wont kana bad jaundic this time.. i wonder anything we can avoid now which will help in prevent jaundic later??
Liligal, ur gyn got ask u to induce? Hmmz i think the weight is not accurate one. +/-

Issit true that drink coconut can prevent bb from jaundice?
Cladi - no la, i meant the durian uncles everytime they open a durian then will shout "yellow yellow"...aww...tempted again

Coconut - actually whether bb "clean or dirty" aft delivery the nurses will stil have to clean swee swee rite? dun realli understd this logic...can anyone explain pls..
Hi everyone, i forgot who was it who had food poisoning/diarrhea.. what did the doc say/do? can we take charcoal pills and all?
i nvr tot of that leh.. u r rite hor.. y bother since after tat nurse will clean up.. haha..

then take it to cool body for confinement lo.. hahaha..
Hika - last time i kena food poisoning early stage n gynae says charcoal pills very safe for preg. But personally i try to avoid all kinds of medicines though they say safe coz i more paranoid la...but tat time had super high fever at 39+ then bobian take 8 a day..felt so guilty
can start le ba.. normally start abt 33-34wks rite.. i took first last wk.. at abt 35wks.. this wk another one lo.. wont b so liang til bb come out ba...
Coconut> I believe it means the bb won't be splotchy/reddish. Come out already fair and clean.

Anyway, coconut is nice. Yum!

Err ... my own 2 cents research ... Saw that Fenugreek besides helping in lactation, also helps induce labor. So am thinking of adding it to hot water and drink a bit on and off. (I bought the spice, not the tablets.) Hopefully it helps bring abt labor and hopefully have milk early/more. I'm also drinking pineapple juice. (I'm 36w4d, couple more days to full term, so now trying to use food to induce. Checked with doc, he says is fine.)
y u wana induce so early ah?? as in haven hit 37 ma.. u wont know how ur body might react to those stuffs.. wat if it jus happen very fast n too early??
lili_gal: True true.. So long as it's the last week of June, you never know if it hits the sch holiday period or not. Even 1st week of July have Youth Day also. Hehe!

Am waiting for my turn at HoneyPot. ^_^
Think depends on body constitution. I'm quite heaty and my hermorrhoids was quite bad. So taking the coconuts and pineapple juices helped me.
I take in moderation also lah. (Meaning : When I feel like it. Haha) Fenugreek I haven't start. Maybe next week. Bb's is of ok weight. So even if pop, shouldn't be a problem. If don't pop, also worry he gets too big. Haha. And I don't think it's that potent... except maybe pineapple... But all done with doc's approval de.
i agreed coconut juice is yummy haha i m so bad, keep telling myself if i can take coconut, means i can drink bubble tea yeah weird logic haha
linggie, cannot drink bubble tea meh? i have been drinking bubble tea once in awhile :p start my coconut intake this week.. agreed it's super shiok esp during such hot weather..
