(2012/07) Jul 2012

why need so many disposable panties? I only bought 1 packet for the hospital stay only.. not enough???

Joanne: i think panasonic lumix is good
but it is only my personal preference, you can go check out the picture quality and compare between the both...

joy: why need to use white rice wine to wash vaginal area? that is for during confinement is it? cannot just use the herbal water?

rachel: smaller bb is easy to pop.. and trust dr lee if he said your bb is of good weight then you do not have to worry too much
i was also scared when he told me that i am having a breech bb but he said bb weight is ok so do not have to worry about premature bb...

just talked to my boss about my maternity leave.. thats is just 2 weeks left and i need to handover all my work!! :D

ourlovestory: haha coz i m gonna use that thruout my confinement period.. since i cannot wash my undies.. so i think best is to use disposable undies??
my hubby did volunteer to wash for me..but i m staying with my mil..so i dun think she will like tat ideal..

as for the white rice wine, i asked my gf n she told me to use that instead of d herbs.. i m not sure why oso.. i didnt ask=p
Legs swollen means popping soon? Pre-labour contractions means popping soon? Baby moves a lot means popping soon?
Hey! Then I don't think I need to induce at all cos he will pop soon.
Wah, this thread runs so fast? Can hardly keep up.

Mrs C,
Thanks for the info. Will give them a call soon. Hopefully they can extend promo price to me.

U admitting tonite, must be excited!

Me too, walk so slow like tortoise, I can stand it!

I'm not sure what the research is abt epi, but I took that for #1. I dun have backache side effect (until now at least). I'm hoping #2 delivery will be the same. I think how much pain you can take depends on your threshold. Everybody different level. And some #2 mommies choose not to epi cos it might be faster than #1.

I opposite. Now I quickly go and eat all the food that I can eat during confinement. Just had cheeseburger, McNuggets and sundae for lunch. :p
Laura, joykeychain,
Weather so hot already, still must wear longsleeve ah? I already intend to switch on aircon leh.

If one day use 3 pcs (I'd think that's the min), then yours can last 9 days. Some pple lochia finish within a week. So, depends on your progress. I bought more, cos can keep for travel use also. I also dun wan ask CL to wash my panties, dun feel nice.

Confinement wine - my CL ask me to prepare DOM/Martell only. Bath is using herbs.
hm.. we can wash our own clothes with panties in the washing machine right? because wearing disaposable will be uncomfortable during confinement too?

marie: have fun with ctg.. it is nice to hear bb heartbeat!
Kawaii_baby n Jomomm: haha that is wat my er sao tell me to do..coz of her 6 kids experience, she is teaching me everything she can remember n help me to get back into best of health n not get affected in the future..
according to her after we give birth,we were to keep ourself as warm as possible as our pores will be open n dun wan to let 'wind' into our body else in the future will having aching problems..

Jomomm: my mil oso was telling my er sao yesterday last time they dun haf any special wine.but since my er sao brewed the ginger n red wine for me liao i just drink lor.. they say its good for wind..
joy: your er sao is so nice!! and it is also good to have a experienced people around and guide you! you are so lucky!

jomomm: i can't wait to go home and eat my bak chang!! my mil just made for me.. hee hee...
I think can wash ba, just that some pple wash separately. So, since I cant wash them myself, I use disposables. Paiseh to let other pple wash.

Enjoy your bakchang! But not too many huh, can cause indigestion. Alamak, now u make me feel like eating nyonya chang too!

If one can take it, it's good. I cldnt, until even had heatrash which were so painful. I cldnt even function then, cldnt feed baby, cldnt everything, was just so frustrated with the heat.
For ginger, do u know if affects baby if they have jaundice. Some pple say yes, some say no.

Ya, lucky to have experienced but young moms with you. Some old folks tales is really dunoe come from where.
ourlovestory: got pros n cons seriously..
coz too much things to absorb.. n she is a malaysian..so most of the things she follow d style from there..

cherish: yeah so i bought so many disposable undies.. coz i told hubby i dun wan future got problems or got pple say things behind my back..

Jommom: yeah i agreed with u.. my hubby did told me i can on air-con le(with the approval of er sao since hospital oso blow air-con liao) but just no direct blowing to us can liao..
n on top of that i told him i will wear those cooling material like silk during confinement le..
as for ginger i m not too sure wat is the saying.. but i believe the elders will know ba.. (they dun even allow me to eat too much pig liver saying it will make my lips black)
anyway i dun haf much say coz i m staying with the in laws.. n i m d youngest in the family w my er sao who is already 40yrs old n 6 kids experience.. i haf no position at all to fight my reason or stand.. unless i really find it too weird or unreasonable i will voice out to my husband.. if he agreed with me dan okie,he will still let me do my way..else he will just ask me to tahan for 1 month n say its all for my good blah blah blah..
can our pj and clothes wash with my hubby clothes (besides panties la...)?? or the CL will wash my clothes too?

jomomm: bak change very fattening and also indigestion... but cant stop the temptation!! ;p

joy: i bought 3/4 pant pj for my confinement leh.. we still have to wrap like bak chang during confinement? very hot right???

any mummies going to put bb to sleep in air con??
Hi ourlovestory
Me may put him in aircon but only after bbies full mth n i take care myself as i need sleep in air con room plus i worry abt mosquito...;)
if bb sleep with us in air con then what is the temp to set? i am sleeping with 25 deg now but at night still very cold leh!

ctg = continuous cardiotocographic machine. It is used to record the baby's heart rate continuously on a piece of paper as well as if you have any signs of contractions.
apple1234: i go home dan add u okie=) i now convenient to do in office ..
anyway the admin will approve after i add u gals in.. d grp is known as Buzzy tots exchange corner: only baby stuff.. it is an open group=)

ourlovestory: i oso not sure wat is the correct way but i just listen lor..else i will gena nag n nag.. not really must be bak zhang bah.. more like dun let d wind to blow those open pores..
so is either u wear socks or u wear those bedroom slippers so no direct contact to the floor as most hse floors r marbles or ceremic n it might be cold..
n yes bb will be slping with me in air-con room.. temp to set abt 26/27..
btw now u on 25 oso too cold ah?? i slp 24 i still perspire sia..
anyway the main purpose is no direct contact to all these cold air/wind..

seriously there r alot of things out there which we cnt say it is excatly right or wrong..
but we only can listen n tk advise or choose to ignore it..
nobody knows where so many rules/laws/regulations/patang/folktales/myths comes from..there is no scienticfic facts for many things.. hence i think it is still up to individual to choose if such thing make sense n opt to believe or ignore it=)
anyway too many things to follow oso no good lah.. just follow the basic steps cl/mum/mil that they give u can liao..
my CL will handwash baby clothes and mine too. i remembered i started to throw my clothes back to washing machine was when CL left ;)
Hi gals n rykiel
May i know who has foscam camera motherhood forum link?? Accidentally close my page..;( thk u..

Hi ourlovestory
U try panasonic lumix before? Really gd? I feel their compact camera too light n wonder whether the flash strong to hv a clear picture at nite or not.. Oso, isnt it too light to hold the camera stable n shoot? Thk u for any advise... I look for camera whereby very fast shoot.. Wun need to wait too long for 2nd shoot..;)
Hey ladies, im at my 35th week n past few nites ii keep getting mild cramps.. The kind u get when menses coming.. Is it normal? Shud i be worried? Dr appoint is this sat..
1 day change 3 disposable panties? I bought cotton types.. Not paper ones..So 27 pcs last 9 days.. Nvm send hubby out to buy if running low..

Diapers I prepared 180 pcs! Crazy hor but i heard bb use a lot. Cloth nappy I buy a dozen only for just in case... J03 got to prepare more cos of twins! Aiya for my case, no knowledgeable elderly, no sao sao, to guide and suggest to me what to buy, my parents n PIL also leave it to me.. My hubby also dunno. I tell u those things I anyhow hump thump.. I goggle and buy whatever the shop or Internet says.. Got some elderly to guide also good leh.. My problem is nobody ask me and tell me... Lucky got Shm and some kind soul provide list of things to buy. I asked my mum what to buy, she say some clothes n some towels, some diapers ok liao. Huh ok? Ya the rest if need then ask hubby to go n buy! Aiyo, like so ill prepared... Cannot leh my mind not at ease. I know my hubby also blur kind..
Soulsista, it could be contraction. Maybe u wanna see ur gyn?

Joanna, i used panasonic lumix and think got 12x optical zoom which is very clear. Think there is a function to snap 8 times. Hehe...

Regarding feet swollen, my colleagues also said it gonna due soon. Anytime popping. Hehe...

Laura, have a smooth delivery
remember to post pic or latest update here. Feel so anxious for u.

Anyone stopped work already? How many weeks should i stop working? Hmmm....
tanny: relax relax..
dun so tense up n worry too much=)
yes its true its beneficial to haf elders/frenz to help n advise.. but too many version will make us confuse oso.. like eg i m 26 this yr.. my er sao is 40yrs..mil 60yrs..both of them traditional type while i m westernize type.. they wanted me to use nappies n old method sterillizing lei..
i asked my gf(who happened to be my hubby cousin's wife) n she oso same thots as me..like wun who going to wash the nappies for me(since i got no cl/maid to help me wash) n sterillizing old method might not be good for the bottles n so fore.. after few talks to my hubby n he finally agreed to use disposable diapers n sterillizer.. so after all everything oso just prepare watever u can=)

yeah my mil oso say children clothings just buy a few can liao..
my bibs only got 5pcs lor.. i wonder enough or not..n hubby forbid me to buy anymore..
anyway thank god we living in the world of technology now.. there r online stores n gmarket n Rykiel fav's TAOBAO.. so d most buy online lor if not enough..
as for sanitary pad n disposable undies..i prepared more coz i scare my hubby anyhow buy n buy wrongly..on top of tat think its not nice for him to buy n his mum get to know abt it..

diapers got extra nvm de=) its dragon yr..haha d most u give to ur fren lor..

i understand how u feel.. i keep telling my hubby sure enough or not.. need this or not need tat or not.. n he keep telling me no need..
if u r in my fb.. u can see the number of things i haf for my bb.. its just tat limited things only..

bb clothings u may want to ask ur frenz to pass down to u??
hi all, just charged my hp,wait at gynae is crazy tdy,extended my hl to another 2 wks. bb at 2.3kg wk34.joanne, i bought my foscam via ebay. much cheaper than via the forum. i gotta on my laptop.later got chance i go n find
Qin: but e cramps not at regular intervals n in e day i dun really feel much of it.. Maybe coz im busy walking ard so i dun feel it as much as at nite when lying down..
rer-rer: your gynae so good to give you such lolng HL!! ** envy.. have a gd rest!

laura: don't do so many things already.. tomorrow will be a BIG day for you!! jia you jia you!!!

joy: i think have to wear slippers during our confinement.. but have to wear long sleeve and long pant also? july is very very hot leh! my house there no wind one ... :-/ i set air con to 25 deg but i do not use blanket but in the morning i see my poor hubby wrap up like a bak chang like that! ha ha ha.. if i set it any lower, i think he can't take it! ;p if set to 27 deg for bb, will the air con spoilt or not huh?
Luara: agreed with ourlovestory.. its time for u to rest..
tell ur hubby u wanna go eat a feast today=) hehe..

rer-rer: i only can dream i got a week HL but in reality no..

ourlovestory: tat is wat my er sao told me.. n another malay colleague of mine..they say else wait got wind get into our body..in the future later scare got feng shi..
same here.. i oso dun use blanket n i still perspire.. my hubby oso wrapped himself like bak zhang too..best part he even cover his face..
hmm dun think so will spoil bah.. i oso dunoe lei.. my hubby say nvm just set to 27 during my confinement time..

Nowadays i walk i oso feel hot liao..
hair will drip with sweat lor..
at home worst.. fan blowing directly i oso can perspire..
Ourlovestory/joy, if u need help go loo like me n fainted at wk with big bluebk n cramp sure kanna HL. My hb dowan send me to wk. He said my Wkplc wk hazzard. My colleague got a mth hl cos she crack her leg at wk!
zhen, dun let ppl scare u. urs can be like BB's. no pain at all. me hoping for that.

laura, go on epi and u hv pain free experience for sure. but since u so high pain tolerance, can do without, do without or else side effects no good. again, let's hope for pain free delivery!

cherish, with the sharp pain, how u drive? wat if u get it while driving!?

mrs c, #1 birth story so good!!! i was at work today and was commenting to colleagues abt my preggy brain as I keep forgetting stuff recently. one guy mentioned, tat's why it's so amazing cos if we remember so well, then we might not go thru the whole preggy and delivery process again! so it's a no wonder how u wondered u survived. hahaha

mummylee, nice pics wat... ur face is showing and very very xin fu looking as a family. ur girl looks so much like u!

hika, org changes big time. so i not sure whether i'll get a job after my ML. shouldn't be a prob but it might not be a job i like. further i asked for a big fat retrenchment package. hopefully they'll give me leh...

joy, u jus reminded me on all the docs!!! thanks!!! how can i not add it in the hospital bag list!!!
for the wine, my gynae dun encourage since i'm BF-ing.

btw, your er sao very nice to u leh....

jo, i go for canon! if u want more professional micro four thirds, olympics is a good buy. normal compact if no canon, panasonic is ok.

bhoo, swollen feet = birth soon. cannot be lah. i dun even have swollen feet for #1 and definitely not for #2.

tanny, u'll realized a lot of things are not needed. hehehee... go thru the list with us and we'll advise u. but then scarly too many diff opinions u'll get lost too! joy is right. too many dragon babies. i hv 20 friends with dragon babies already!

btw, i charged all my camera spare batteries (i have 3 cameras with at least 1 spare battery each). bb girl when r u coming out?!!??
sorry rer-rer, i hope you are feeling better and have a good rest at home! why you faint? low blood pressure? what did your doc say?

joy: i heard that we cannot even step out of our room when in confinement? because there are wind in the living room etc.. i really pity the CL who has to go thru all these with me... i hope she can tahan the heat!!

i can feel water droplets dripping down from my body these days.. i feel so "man".. like after carrying many sacks of rice like that! ha ha ha... oh .. i still need to top up the rice for my confinement period too!!
Ourlovestory, I m better just that sometimes I m like old woman.....my gynae said some ppl r liddat, need to standby sweet. I kept having faint spell since beginning de.
ourlovestory, joy_javen: I'm only doing the dirty laundry sorting and hanging cos hb is no good in this. Not doing anymore things liao except later change my "跑路" bag to a slightly bigger one and we only need to wait for the time to go TMC.

lili_gal: No big feast. Going to eat sliced fish soup.
Lucky your ersao is modern kind, can aircon, so u have choice.
The problem with elders saying is sometimes is all come from hearsay, no reason, no nothing. Ask them why, they also cant tell. So sometimes it's difficult to accept. They will only listen when Doctor says, so I already plan to use that. :p Or some of it, I just say orh orh orh, but din follow. Unless it's easier to follow with no harm, than to listen to naggings.
Actually, I find it good to use cloth diapers leh, esp in first few weeks. Cos then can monitor how often bb pees. But my CL dun wan. So, boh pian...

CL shd wash your clothes too. Basically, her job is to take of you and baby, i.e. do your duties since u cant do it. Some chinchai ones will also wash hb's clothes.

Ya, ya, cant stop the temptation when it comes to food.

My #1 sweat a lot, so we put him cool air, just so that he can sleep comfortably. 26/27 shd be fine. We used to call him little fireball!

I'm just assuming one day change 3 cos of the lochia. Maybe u'll use
when guests come I need go living room. So I close all windows, on aircon. Guest also happy, keke...

CL shd be used to it. They will know what to do.

Haha, i can relate to your water droplets experience. Confinement will be even more, so hv to wipe wipe and wipe! Lucky is only one month.
laura, you should just go for a feast.. hee.. looking forward to your update tomorrow.. feeling excited for you liao..

ourlovestory, cant even step out of the room? wahh that's sound bad!! dont think i can take it, i will go crazy if im really asked to stay in the room & not go anywhere else..

anyway i have already negotiated with my mum who is doing confinement for me, that i will on aircon during my confinement.. she was not very happy with the idea initially.. but after asking her if she want her precious grandson to feed on sweaty/dirty breastmilk, she has no choice but to give in to me.. hahaha :p
I was having this thot too while driving back home just now. Was caught in jam n was thinking what if waterbag burst, should I stop at road shoulder, come out n call for help? See if any kind driver will stop by to help. Or drive straight to hospital? Wondering if will feel pain when waterbag burst... LOL

I believe I won't be guai guai during my confinement. Will try to wear socks or slippers but not long pants or long sleeve. Going to wear my normal t shirts n 3/4 pants. Hehe. Don't learn this bad example!
Just came home from gynae n dinner....confirm 10jul I'll be going for c-sect at 4pm. My poor girl has been trying to engage but can't. N gynae says there r 2 chords near her chest area. From the CTG, everytime I get Braxton Hicks contraction, her heartbeat will go down...so she advised to go c-sect for safety reasons. Now need to be on medication to slow down the rate of contractions *worried worried*
Hihi Mummies,

Please help...

I have a brand new set of Medela Swing single electric breastpump in original US packaging/unopen for sale.

I am selling the following in bundle at only S$300(nego):

1. Medela Swing single electric pump
2. Brand new 100% cotton Breastfeeding blanket (Brown color)
3. New/unopen Playtex standard Pre-Sterilized Disposable Liners 8oz/236ml (125pcs). It is very good for storage of breastmilk and is easy to use.

Self-collect at Tiong Bahru/Tanjong Pagar mrt station.

Interested parties, pls send me an email at [email protected]

P/S: Due to size limit here, Playtex picture is available too upon request
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Medela Swing Electric pump
Copy of 2012-06-12 07.45.44.pdf (43.8 k)</td></tr></table></center><center><table border=1><tr><td>
Breastfeeding blanket
Copy of 2012-06-12 07.48.21.pdf (44.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Lili gal: yes, totally agree with u...I really wonder how i did it! This time round still thinking whether to take epi or not... If fast &amp; furious again, I think I can endure... But I am also hoping for natural labour to come in wk 38 so that I dun have to be induced...

Marie: all the best to u too!
