(2012/07) Jul 2012

Hi hika
U got a point though.. Guess we just need more effort to teach them... Lucky we asks her come in earlier else sure got depression..;p

Good morning to all...

joanne: ya ya true right. got so much to teach her and guide her along. during confinement more diff cos we cannot keep stand. headache!
Wah really? Many gynaes not delivering at Mt A? Hope my gynae won't pull any stunt on me last min as I still wanna deliver my #1 at Mt A.
Don't know but seem like some gynae whose clinics at tmc are not delivering at mt a anymore. Policy changes? Really no idea. I wanted to try mt a too as heard many positive feedback. Me too, don't like tmc.

My knees turn soft after reading ur msg. Of course scared of c-sect, e first step after op n healing takes longer time. Aiyah, I also don't know too.
lili gal: sorry i got no idea the name nor do i have the address lol. which was probably why i turned up without trying to check online for the opening hours haha..

Rykiel: jiayou on finding a suitable maid!
hika: thanks alot! =D hehehe. i now camping inside http://www.nation.com.sg/maidSearch.asp reading thru again.

just had breakfast with #1. his sch within 14days got 13cases of HFMD. i kept him at hm, dun wan him to be one of the last 3 to kena b4 sch give orders for mandatory closure for 10days. kiasu or kiasi i also dk but i suppose its a gd choice bah. =x oops
rykiel, i'd kp him at home too. since so young, it's ok to miss a bit or else more troublesome later on to handle a ill child and with you being preggy. better dun risk it.

cherish, oops, no intention to scare you. c-sect is definitely a less natural thing and considered a surgery. hehehee.. try consider natural if you can.

hika or any mummies, if u r there again, can you help to get address? thanks thanks. we are clueless to si ma lu and don't really know the temple at all.
liligal: cos my #1 body nt v strong one keep cough cough cough all the time. hurhurhur. so i kept him hm, dun let him b the last 3 to kena. =x

maybe those mummies gg to si ma lu can snap a pic of the shop front? =x ill only be gg much later to buy. hehehehe.
rykiel, yah.. good choice on #1. my #1 also quite weak immunity wise i think. he's the bai bai nen nen kind... introvert some more.
Good morning ladies!

lili-gal: Spine cracking is a norm for me and swollen & painful fingers and wrists comes with the pregnancy package so I didn't really bother to mention about it. But the aching thigh joints, backside and pubic bone is *ouch* and I never expect it to happen.
laura, recently i had once where halfway i walked and my right thigh went into a mini cramp. it happened jus above the knee on the inner side. hey! maybe that's due to driving cos i drive auto with my right leg!!! u might be right!

when i drive, my lower back is painful but not backside or pubic bone. maybe bcos i tend to slouch when i drive.
SG_SC, my gynae is Dr. Lawrence Ang at Sun Plaza..r u having the same gynae as well? I also feel sianz when heard tis news from my friend..i really want to deliver at Mt. A but wat to do..I dun think can change gynae now..
i suggest u get hubby to massage or do some stretching on that pain area. now i hv itchy backside rather than painful backside. hahaha... literally.
pinnky: oh!!! thats the name i saw outside when i went that day to eat. i was mentioning in my earlier post if i dun wan go kkh if lets say tummy ache or where pain i go n see him can ant.
Morning mommies!

Pinnky- My gynae is Dr Joycelyn Wong. Anybody same n managed to get her deliver at MT A?

Such a hot morn! Tot last nite wif all the lightning n red sky will have rain storm ~~
u went to sun plaza foodcourt? His clinic is just beside the foodcourt..very small and crowded..but he is a very nice gynae n cheap..hehe..
lili_gal: I drive using both legs cos' manual transmission car. But anyway, I'm fine after driving but it's while entering into my car seat that gives me the aches. That is, when I open my legs and stretch into a small area. Can feel baby's head like in the engage position but hope it's not cos' he has another 10-11 weeks to full term. 2 days after gynea check-up and I feel that baby has suddenly grown bigger again. Husband always exclaims *WOAH BIG* whenever he sees my naked belly. =.="
Morning mummies=)

Laura: hehe its not a surprise esp since jurong point n pioneer mall is so near=p haha.. esp now there r so many bb bumps ard..

Cherished & SG_SC: yeah last night i oso worked till 9pm..but think tonite need to ot again.. sob.. OT still need to OT but u mummies remember to haf ur dinner yea=)

lili_gal & Laura: my back n legs only start to ache after i walked for an hr or 2 shopping..or when i sit long at my chair oso backache=(now i put a small cushion at my back n it felt much better..but i always haf frequent leg cramps/numbness in my leg(esp d right)during office hours..

i was telling my hubby yesterday abt d infant care n he think that is the best option of all(coz he dun like to trouble pple) n i did tell him abt bb will get sick easily..he say no choice de..cnt be i hide him from other kids all the way..well d mentality of man n woman r always different..

Cherish: i m nt sure wat booth is there at d fair..but my hubby dun wan to go w me dis weekends coz he is working on saturday n sunday he gt fishing event..boohoo=( he say wait till May go suntec bb fair.. him:no need to buy so many things de lah..u wanna store how many pampers n wipes at home??
joy_javen: I love walking/window shopping but the after effect is also very powerful - sleeping until in the middle of the night and I will feel that my knees doesn't belongs to me, it is so "sng", also no cramps so far but keeping my fingers crossed. Sitting too long at my desk is also giving problem cos' my inner thigh muscles feels like kena stretched for 30mins and closes back into position. Geez...

My man is still procrastinating from shopping for baby stuff but he have done quite a fair bit of online research and asking his aunty colleagues for recommendations. Will have to wait until he's back from biz trip this Sat and I will send him reminders again. Fortunately, he is very keen to go for the BB Expo (Of course lah! I drive mah...not him. Men!)
Laura:now i slp i will put a pillow at my legs to lift it higher..maybe once awhile u stand up go toilet or go pantry lor=) walk abit.. dun always sit at ur desk..

at least ur hubby will do some online research..my hubby wun..he say i so kanjiong..i ask him u wanna to wait till i go delivery ward liao dan u start shopping ah??n i only bought 4bibs online n he asked me i buy so many for wat..omg.. 4 alot meh??
Laura: lucky u=) at least u know how to drive..u drive him there n he drive u back lor=) hehe..
my hubby he will find 1001 reasons not to go expo..haha.. he will say things like alot of pple lah..hard to find parking lah..later wait i walk too much complain leg pain or back pain lah..n he keep telling me just go jurong point n buy at kiddy palace or ntuc can liao..(men say we spent $$..n we wan to save abit of $$ from these fairs n they say no need to..)
anyone intend to get the bb clothes at the shop at simalu temple there? Wanna share? hehe..i went there few weeks back but duno wat to choose, long or short..cox if want to buy must buy in dozen, which I dun need so many as some used pre-loved..if anyone want, at least we can share half dozen short n long sleeve/pant? Some they have all white, some mixed with 4 colours like white, yellow, pink and blue..
Laura, I also have bad pain in my right butt and upper thigh. I tend to walk with a limp after sitting for too long. I think it has got to do with the extra weight that pressing against our major blood vessels. I get my HB to massage my legs every night and that seems to help quite a bit.

joy_javen, there are many bb fairs thru'out the year so even if you miss the bb expo this weekend, there will still be many opportunities to shop for baby stuff.

Many of my frens and colleagues keep cautioning me to tarik back on my purchases. They claim that newborns do not need many things in the first few mths so dun need to buy everything at one go.... just buy the basics then add on along the way.
joy_javen: I drive there and drive back cos' hubby very clever, until now still dowan to get driving license ^%$#@!
Funny was one day, I dreamt of my baby (can't remember his looks) keep having to change diapers and I remind myself die die must replenish stock, so on that day I went to NTUC to buy a pkt of Drypers and conveniently I also went to buy 4D and guess what? I dio $30! LOL! Like that also can.

bhoo: YES! I am limping too after sitting even not for too long. Really looks like big LP, if you know what I mean. LOL! But how to massage my legs when the aching is so high up there? All I request from hubby is to massage my poor swollen little fingers until I go to sleep.
qing-er:intend to get it if i ever pass by them..haha..but think i will share with my colleagues since i gt 2 other mummies in my dept itself oso=)

bhoo:haha i prefer to get things ready dan last minute to go shopping for it..now i dun haf anything at all except a few bb clothes..
just wanna buy some of the neccessetities such as breast pump,bb diapers,wipes,detergents,etc..
Laura: haha ur hubby is smart in this way..lolx..but tell him to get his license next time more convenient for whole family=)
wow bb bring u luck=) hehe.. bb ask u to buy more pampers for him.. hehe..
Oily hair. Armpits hairy. Legs hairy. Tummy hairy. Nipples turned black. Miss Piggy's nose. Big feet. ARGH!!!
Welcome to motherhood.
Talking abt hfmd, my boy ccc also has increased cases. Think already 10 or 12. I've no choice but to send him there as cannot take leave n no one available to help out. Everyday feel worried for him.

No worries. U didn't scared me lah
I was just remind of e procedure. Heheh

Need time to read thru mommies update again
I wonder if I quit well paid my job just to take care of my precious one for some reason and at the same time offer nanny service to mommies here, I wonder if my business will be good. *hee hee hee*
Laura: hahha yeah motherhood=)
well if u quit n u do stay home n provide ur service to some mummies like being a nanny,do some bp like Rykiel does..maybe u do earn some good $$=)
Qing-er, you mean there's min. purchase qty for everything there? If I want to buy onesies, mittens and booties I need to but a dozen of each? I dun need that many too. I just need like 4 sets of mittens and booties, 6 onesies and maybe 2 bibs.

Laura, just get your husband to apply strong strokes from the back of your knees to the top of your butt, then from the side of your knees to the top of your hips. This will help circulation and hopefully ease the pressure =)

There is definitely a shortage of good nanny services in singapore. I'm pretty sure your business will be more than good =) Please have your nanny service near my home!
bhoo..yes, but not for all..for mittens n booties, think min order is 4 pairs per pack..i bought 1 pack too..for the clothing, if not wrong, is 1 dozen..
qing-er, i dun mind combining purchases but first i nd to know where is the shop and how to find it! hahaha.. btw, how do we coordinate?

bhoo & laura, do you put your legs up while sitting? i found a box and everything i sit, i'll put my legs on it so that it's nearly same level as my chair. so far no probs.

laura, so lucky!!!! anyway, you waited 13yrs for this. enjoy the process!!! even if everything points to some animal in the farm! hahaha...

yah... me very sleepy too. just now CTE got accident & 2 lanes closed. so very very slow traffic and i nearly fell asleep at the wheels!!! kp adjusting and adjusting to kp myself awake. so glad to reach office already.
Just pricked my finger for blood again *ouch*
5.2 mmol/L - normal *phew*

lili_gal: My legs are bending at 90 degrees. Do I still need a box for the lift?

Oink! Oink! Oink!
laura: BP: Bulk Purchase=)

yes mummies the weather is not helping.. n i need to on my desk mini-tower air con too though its dark n cloudy outside.. d office air con make me feel kinda suffocated..
Hi Laura,
*wave* wow great found more mummies living in jurong west area hehe...when our babies are out, can arrange outing at one of our house hehe...
qing-er and liligal, I'm not fussy with bb clothes as long as it's 100% cotton and gender neutral. I think for newborn, after wearing for like 3 mths can throw away already. Heh ...so as long as cheap and not so obiang I'm ok. Let's decide on how to combine our purchases.

liligal, I got a small stool from Ikea to use as a footrest. It helps to make me sit up taller and straighter but I think the stool is still not high enuff to ease the pressure on my legs.
Your job requires you to travel during office hrs? Sounds shiong. It's tough being preggers and working. I want to be zzzz-ing at home.
for mummies who had c-sec with epidural, did you all shiver & vomit after injecting the epidural?
will the gynae wait a while before operation?

my #1 was natural with epi, had the side effects like shivering & vomitting... #2 head size & weight is on the bigger side, so need to be mentally prepared first...
lili_gal: Boxes won't work for me cos' it'll be flattened by my elephant legs very soon. Maybe I should bring a stool from home.
lili_gal & bhoo, good then! How abt we meet one day there, say saturday morning..cox they open half day on sat..then we can buy together there..i might go on 12 may if hubby not working..if 3 of us combine, 1 ppl get 4, just nice
think 1 dozen cost abt $15 if not wrong.
pink piglet, injecting no issue. it's when they removed it then i started shivering and feeling super super super cold just b4 going to the operating theater. no vomiting though.

and after they remove, they need to prep us for the operation, i din feel anything yet and there will be some time before the operation begin.

the anesthesiologist will also inject some other stuff into the epidural catheter. that one warmed me up and after a very short while when the effect kicks in, then the gynae will begin.

and after c-sect, i was itchy for one whole day. entire body. but then again i had 2 shots of epidural due to long labor so maybe slightly more jia lat.

hope this helps.
qing-er, aiyaya.. i might not buy leh... i try to check it out this weekend first if possible. btw, i still don't know where to go!!! what's the address ah?

after reading your posts, is it true that epidural cause us to vomit?
i've heard that from one friend, but i dont know if it's just her or the rest of us.
lili_gal, no problem..i duno the full address..is quite easy to find..opp the temple there's a shoplot selling those dried food..if u face towards the shoplot, back is temple, the shop is at your left..is at the end of the corner..near the toilet there.

I managed to survived the GA from 6 hours spine op without vomiting but shivered violently when I was regaining conciousness. Also managed to survived another GA from 2-3 hours bilateral cysts removal op both without vomiting and shivering. Epidural - unknown.
