(2012/07) Jul 2012

Piyobaby, woody will auto tell u the gender or have to ask? i think i will be week 17 by the time i see him. my prenavit can't last till my next visit.

Sblbee, cos my hb nd to work so we have to postpone. u have so many days of leave ah?

Cookiesm, i also craving for homecook food. prefer my mum than my mil. but most of the days i eat out as we are living by ourselves.

CookiesM: me too. Weird taste in mouth.. My mum calls it bei jia ow in hokkien.

Especially after eating it comes immediately the horrible bland taste in mouth.

The other day I step out of my house to take the lift and I smell neighbour's cooking, I immediately feel nausea. Entered the lift I vomitted... Arghhhh!

I'm new here so pardon mi if anythin wrong ya? ;)

My edd is 23 jul 12 n nt sure of gender yet. Bb kept legs closed at visit last week.
nw 14 weeks n tmr 15th week
cant survive my wait between visits cos dun feel preg nw w/o MS n bb nt kickin yet
if we feel butterfly flutters shud b below belly button area isit?

Hmm. Noticed dat when dr scan, bb is low below belly button but my whole tummy includin upper abs is v big n hard. Anyone in same situation?
b00ney....he will auto try to scan for gender. My last visit, aft showing us the heartbeat, stomach, head etc he kept quiet & continue to scan, oreadi know he is trying to identify gender, lol
baby gender
i was also unable to see my baby's gender during last visit as baby was crossing legs. but feel that as long as baby is healthy, boy or girl is fine right?

chloe, yes. detailed scan will be in wk20.

lfcfan, you're not alone. my ms is still following me. no appetite too and hubby been nagging me, said i must eat more for baby but it's not that i dont want to eat, but really cant no appetite lor. i'm hoping ms will be gone soon too. let's pray hard!
Wa so good, some of you already know your baby's gender. I am having my next visit next week, hope I can know baby's gender too.

Happy renri to all mummies!
hey, all first time mummies.. i am first time mum due end june.. juz popping over to see jul posts! wow so much!!

1. can i ask when did u all start getting the essential stuff for the baby; things such as baby cot, mittens, booties, clothings, bath tub, mat, towels, lotion, blankets, milk bottles etc etc..?? too kiasu to start buying now??

2. where did u all buy maternity clothing from? i dun wan to spend alot on maternity clothings.. anyone buy from gmarket or any place/webbie to intro? i was juz thinking of buying empire dresses to wear but not sure if i can still wear till delivery?

3. wat are the current supplements that you all are taking now? i am currently taking calcium, obimin multivitamins and natal careplus.. i running out of them... do u all go back to gynae to replenish or can get from pharmacy?

4. have u all start bookin for confinement lady already? u get from PEM agency or from recommendation? which will be better?
Jenny: hello! I m a 1st time mummy too!!

1. For bb stuff, i m waitin to noe gender den buy. But if some stuff like steraliser etc gt discount u can start buyin too

2. I bought frm asos.com since i m of a bigger sized n cant wear free size mat dresses

3. My gynae gave mi a multi vit called new obimin. Lots of vit inside so if run out i'll hv to go bac to her.

4. I booked my confinement lady already thru intro frm colleague. Tink u need to book asap too cos dragon yr so v hot demand. Agency is nt bad cos they do everythin for u n helps u find replacement if e agreed one crops up so u can go there if u gt no recommended ones ;)

Hope dat helps!
Totally agreed with ashley.

those tins do not depend on gender we can buy first. hehhee

anyone of you looking to buy any maternity insurance for your baby huh? i am looking around but there seeem to be isnt any one that covers the first 15 days when baby is born.

Do u ladies know what tins can be bought from bangkok huh? i can only tot of naraya diaper baby bag hahahha
gd morning mummies!

Facing huge inertia to work. :S Haha..

For insurance, i heard only prudential & AIA has insurance that covers pregnancy till baby is born. Then the plan will be auto converted to investment linked plan when baby born. But i havent go and find out more yet coz i heard can only buy when u r 20 weeks and above.
Hi Morning!
I also struggled alittle to come to work after a week's break. I have not bought any insurance for bb yet so far. Need to compare great eastern and manulife quote.

Going for my scan this Friday..so excited to know the gender soon.
Gd luck E Tan!

Dunno whether too tired these few weeks or what, i kept wondering recently if there's any work-from-home lobang? hahahah (think i need to quit day-dreaming!)
Hey mommies! Can I check if anyone of u have used confinement ladies from Thomson Parentcraft? Any feedback? Looking for a confinement lady that only comes in morning and goes back at night. Any recommendations?
I reached 2nd Tri but Dunno if my horror just started. I also feel very tired and want to sleep my naseaous away. I officially vomitted to Welcome my 2nd Tri on Sat night outside at a market, my girl sitting in the stroller look at me in shock lor......and I been feeling worst than ever before....I kena cheated kind of feel thot 2nd Tri will feel better. My girl no MS at all, only twice or a few times heartburn throughout the 9-10 mths only.

SG_SC, if i Smell pple smoking, I will close my balcony door and on air con or fan....I hate it too........

CookiesM, you are not the only one la....I been asking my Hubby to take cab from Paya Leba then fetch me at Redhill to go back to Jurong to fetch my girl from CC. I really cannot take it in MRT no one give up seat and my bag so heavy and I feel like puking....

LCF, you vomitted in the lift ar? Sigh...I feel so sian, early morning keep gagging when pushing the stroller and weird pple looking at me like why am I gagging.......Feel like puking at them or anywhere on the shopping mall and mrt...feel so sick....

Hello Ashley.
i also v tired everyday... take train till a particular station then feel very nauseous.. i thought I am the only one man...

hopefully things will get better after week 17 or 18 ba.
booney/piyo, I am going to see Dr Woody this thurs. I will be week 15, dunno can see anything or nt....

ashleychen, I suddenly woke up to puke last nite but nothing came out just water, at 5 am ok! Wah piang, 1st tri dun have lo.
mahjong: i always bring plastic bag with me.. so when i puked suddenly in the lift, i manage to hold in my mouth.. errr yah i know it's disgusting.. so anyway, only a few drops drop on the lift floor, then puke the bulk of it into the plastic bag lor..

So paiseh leh.. cus whenthe lift door open, got pple outside.. sianz.. Then before that i was eating OREO biscuits with milk so i vomitted oreo lorr.. black/white stuff.. how gross right!!!

Looks like many of us still hasnt gotten over MS.. my colleague also told me his wife vomitted till 5 mths.. SIANZ!! major sian lah.. let's all whine together.. hahaha
hello all my lovelies, hows ur cny? been bz so ive only been reading not posting. cny was like hell for me, rush here n there, tis cannot drink that cannot drink but i still sip cold drinks la. hw to tahan. felt so guilty aft that. hurhur. n worst of all no afternoon naps! other than that alls well.

quick updates, went for my dwnsyndrome scan last fri 27/01. cant c bb gender, doc say too early. im wk13. n bb camera shy leh. diff frm me =x. once the sonographer places the scan thing on my tummy bb facing up n will turn over. but its like 3secs later will turn n show us the back only. hehaho. i had to cough cough turn left turn right to get bb to turn over properly to do the scan. results v good. v low risk.

awaiting my 2nd appt at my gynae, so many complains to make. feeling like jellyfish everymorning whn i wake. feel like puking cant puke. giddy. i din have ms in tri1. and my back bone the two bigbig ones the left side always feel pain when i sit on floor or try to turn ard. nt too sure if its due to epidural i took whn i had #1.

another problem is sleeping. usin tees to prop myself comfortably b4 i slp at night. waking to pee so often i find it hard to fall aslp aft that. today officially back at wrk after 10days feel like zombie.

maternity wear bp ended. gg have new bp sooon again + for maternity bolster!!! i ordered mine. will review b4 i do the bp =D

im gg for lunch soon, enjoy ur lunch all mummies!
Aftn mommies!

Yesh, dun understd y im feeling so tired all over again...tot 2nd tri shld be better? Been taking aftn naps over weekends but end up waking up wif headaches...

Actually i still like to lie on my tummy (3/4 down) whilst sleeping..tink bb well protected in waterbag la hor? sometimes i scared i squash bb or restrict bb movements...
Hello all mommies!!!

I feel slightly better entering 2nd trimester, today is my wk 14 day 2 though my cough is still killing me..
Still feel sleepy and need my naps .. am thankful that am not working..sorry working mommies.. got pros and cons lah..at least you got mthly income and can buy things you like...for me.. got to control and can only buy food related stuff.. :p

Am also lying still on my tummy ... think should be okie ..since my bump not really showing yet ..

Awaiting for your review on the maternity bolster...thanks alot!!
INterrace - hi-5! tot only bbs like to lie on tummies...hehe..most pple i noe don't.

E Tan - yes, my back ache(Lower part) is starting on mi le..gynae says tis is wen we start feeling the aches n pains on our bodies..so get hb to massage. BUt my HB always K.O b4 i do one...sigh...

Tink dun sit for too long, aft a while must get up walk walk for blood circulation..
ya.. i keep having poking pains below my belly button at the area above pubic hairline (oops.. obscene word. pardon me. duno how best to describe the place). Anyone too?

i really want to know gender too so i can start buying bb tings.. doc say usually 18 to 20 weeks!!! arghhh.. so long!!!

oh yah. anyone had the weight of bb taken? mine is 97gms at 14 weeks 4days. wonder if that's v heavy? i see online like usually less than 50gms at 14 weeks. should i be concerned huh? i didnt ask doc cos didn't know bb is so much heavier than norm...
hello mummies!

it is such a hot day! i wonder how we can survive when the hot summer comes in june! ** sweat...

i woke up to pee again these nights and cant get back to sleep again! *argh... it is so irritating! it has stopped for some time till early morning and now it is back again
Dear mummies...i am from smh june 2012 mummies!Would like to share with ur that i am doing children's clothes online business..if any mummies interested,do add Happy wardrobes in fb ;) Pls pm me that you are from smh which mth mummies so if possible i can give ur abit of disc..thanks!
ya, i wish i can be a stay-home mom!

The weather is really v hot. My colleagues commented that my face keep flushing. And a male colleague commented that i am visibly bigger now. Sian.. Tummy small also worry. Fat also sian.... hahaha

I have aching legs too!! can we use leg massager like Uphoria ah? i heard we cant have massages. But really aching leh!!

I have the maternity bolster! I think quite good leh. i think more comforty to sleep with it sideways. heh
Rykiel: ya! V heavy rite? I forgt to ask doc if dats abit too over.... N i tot mayb askin ard helps cos skali internet nt accurate. Haha. Twice e weight leh! Scary la!

Oh ya. I dun reAlly hv MS nw (used to b quite bad but reduced since week 11) but appetite as in wad i like is nt like last time. But i reali eat alot nw man. Dun eat den nauseous. How to control weight gain lidat!?

Still gettin up to pee but nt as bad n early as before n nt everyday. But cant seem to slp long long liao.. But naps r so essential when i m nt working..

Anyone wakes up wif belly, back n simply bodyache all over?
jul_mom: i used to be SAHM 5Yr. rotted at hm so shiok, nw back to wrk. got #2. its like FWAH. than will miss the sahm days. sobsobs.. which bolster u using!!! i just ordered one! hope its the same one u have.

ashley: yayaya! hehehe.. i tink the pee-ing problem is piss-ing me off also. cant get enf slp. slpt 1045, woke 1215 to pee. realize #1 still rolling in his bed. 330 woke. 615 woke again. ROAR! than 715 alarm rang. hw to koons. n each interval i take at least 10mins to 'roll' back into sleep.
i keeps fliping when i sleep.. looking for the correct position, will this affect the baby?

my leg also aching... have to ask hubby to masssage instead!

btw, anyone has problem sitting up from bed? i need help from my hubby sometimes...
Wah I did encounter problems like insomnia after visiting toilet in the middle of the night and cramps but it's better now already....

What's a maternity bolster? What is it for? I'm always lying on my tummy when I'm awake and in my back when I'm asleep....tend to get breathless if I lie on the left side....
I tink mummies r really v power n great sia. Esp u all who already hv a young one at home. Dat time i take long leave frm work cos of MS den i everyday can onli slp den i wonder hw u all handle a young one at home n tahan e MS...
Hi mummies, anyone seeing tcm too? i'm wondering if tcm will usually advise on different things to eat at different stages of the pregnancy, as the bb grows? My tcm gave me herbs for soup that he said is good for an tai and mummy too, and he said can take this till end of pregnancy liao.
Buying of bb things - do oso consider that for items wif warranty, do not buy too early as warranty take effect upon purchase.

Just to share....saw Medela Freestyle bundle in kiddy palace having promo, very good price of $699. Freestyle on its own used to cost ard $1K. Best thing abt warranty is Medela will start the warranty upon delivery so juz have to keep the receipt & provide birth certain upon delivery.
i thought baby stuffs can only buy only bigger? when is the best time to buy? i haven got anything yet. i scared to 'offend' wrongly.
Rer-rer....good luck! I'm only seeing him next week, such a long wait.

Ourlovestory...I rem learning in pre natal class the 'correct' way of getting up from bed ESP so when the bump get bigger in the later stage. Turn to the side of the body, using elbow as support (arm L shaped to the bed) and prop ur upper body up slowly. Hope you get the bad description I have.
piyobaby: i can catch the picture. clear enf. at times i do this but i use my #1's bed as support to 'pull' myself up. hehehehe
Luckily I hv platform bed....will slide myself down sometimes! Lol

The used to be this L shaped pillow from cheeky Bon Bon which is so comfy & very cheap but too bad they stop carrying it le!
are u all at work now or home? anyone takes teabreak? i wanted to buy lor mai gai back to office but hub said wait i feel to 'bloated' will get indigestion cos my gastric used to be not so good. what u all had? lets share!
Rykiel, i cant rem the brand of the maternity bolster. My hubby bought for me coz i had trouble sleeping. It's in pink and white checkers and it's a germany brand. I ask my hubby later. if not i go home check the brand and let u know.
(the shape of the bolster is similar to the 4th picture u posted - the one that's cream in colour with teddy-bear prints!)

ya, i think i need to stop getting up the sit-up way. like v bad for baby hor. Thanks piyobaby for the elbow-method!!
lor mai gai is made from glutinous rice right? willbe more difficult to digest leh... u are making me hungry! i have a chocolate muffin for tea break
