(2012/07) Jul 2012

Me also the same. Just reach wk 13. Tmr starting work after long leave.... Hope can survive. Ms still haven clear....

I think can eat tonics when not much ms else wasted.

Hi, just had my Oscar test yesterday but beanie is not cooperative always in the wrong position so I went in & out of the room for 6 times. Finally got every measurement out, results will be out in a week. We were there at 8+am, completed ar 1+pm. Really tiring. Hope everything will be fine. Heard fr an experienced mummy that we could talk to beanie the previous nite of the test for beanie to be in the right position - lying flat position.
Yes Doremon, i keep toking to baby since few days before OSCAR.. i din know what position baby needed to be.. so just tell baby to cooperate with the sonographer and also to show us if is a girl girl or boy boy so we can start buying clothes for baby.

when just went in, baby in wrong position, so sonographer said "baby, wrong position, lets disturb u abit." den we shake shake like twice and baby got into position.

My scan was done in about 10mins. Appt at 8.30am TMC, after scan and blood test, was got of clinic by 9.10am. Later back at gynae's clinic after scan, baby got into position for us to give us a pleasant gender peek too. But as I was only wk12.. doc says not 100% accurate, have to wait for next scan to confirm.

Talk to baby! I believe they can hear us
Doremon: Is ok la. As long as results are good.

When I went for my scan, baby very cooperative, sit quietly in the right position for sonography to measure. But he/she very "dao" lor. Never wave to us. Just busy stretching his hands n have his legs in the air.

I just went for the scan last wed, but start to miss him liao, though he is in my tummy all the while. Hope I can feel his kick soon . At least can feel his presence everyday.
Hi mommies, was in the Aug 12 thread but doc just confirm that my eod is mid Jul

i would like to check is all Oscar appt at tmc at 8.30am? Do u have to take no and wait very long before your turn? my hubby has last min work commitment, can onlyreach there at 9+.
B00ney: I was scheduled to go at 8.15am at TMC. But was told that appt actually all fully booked b4 hand, so has to be in the queue. After reg & payment, we r told to go back ar 9.30am. So I went to see my gynae first.
Hi Fluffy, I would love to join this gathering. But think I can only reached ar 7 cos I only knocked off at 6pm.

July Dragon Mummies 小龙包 dinner meetup!
Date: 17th Feb, 2011 (Friday)
Time: 6pm onwards
Venue: Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao @ Ngee Ann City #04-27

1. Fluffy
2. Doremon
Hi mummies, just had my gelare chocolate waffle ice-cream.. shiokness!

I believe my MS will be gone by then and energy level is up.. so i would love to join the gathering.. i can meet up for early shopping too cos i am not working..

July Dragon Mummies 小龙包 dinner meetup!
Date: 17th Feb, 2011 (Friday)
Time: 6pm onwards
Venue: Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao @ Ngee Ann City #04-27

1. Fluffy
2. Doremon
3. Bingo
Qin: am looking fwd to CNY cookies too... my hubby say no pineapple tarts

Am going to ask my gynae when I see him on Wed.

my tummy also not obvious in the morning.. tummy seemed to "grow" throughout the day, yup, more obvious esp after food intake.

Bambi: I can only go for short shopping trips during lunch breaks when i am 14weeks+. B4 that, i can't be outside for more than 30mins.

Doremon: ya, the sonographer was telling me there are ppl who went in & out for Oscar scan from morning till evening cos baby not in right position. I was lucky... can see baby waving at me and my baby kept moving. Waited for 2 hrs (in Q) but was done in 15mins.
Hi Fluffy,
Love to join in this gathering!
Can reach abt 7pm plus as i knock off 630pm.

July Dragon Mummies 小龙包 dinner meetup!
Date: 17th Feb, 2011 (Friday)
Time: 6pm onwards
Venue: Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao @ Ngee Ann City #04-27

1. Fluffy
2. Doremon
3. Bingo
4. CookiesM
Michelle: I am staying central south area. but no worries, I dont mind travelling abit as long as it's not too far like extreme west or east. I got motion sickness these days! hope they will all be gone soon! I am in my 14th week in 2 days time..woohoo..

weekdays are good for me... are you working? would you prefer day or night?

you know of instructors who does aqua aerobics?
Thank you, Doremon. Hopefully my hubby is able to make it before my turn.

CookiesM, my gynae told me 2nd trimester can eat pineapple already. so happy can eat my fav pineapple tarts. ordered many bottles and was thinking who to give away.
Hi mommies,
Anyone experienced dizziness? I do n feel frustrated.. Like cannot do anything like tat.. Juz wanna sleep.. The cool weather is not helping too.. So much work to catch up on.. Stressful! Still experiencing ms too.. N it was extremely bad yesterday.. As a result, I experienced bouts of crying.. Sigh it doesn't help tat hubby is away for the weekend. Btw I'm currently reaching 12 weeks soon.. Hope e symptoms will ease soon?

Bingo> think u asked me when was my Oscar? Mine's on 18 jan.. They tried to schedule me earlier but no slot.. Good luck on yours!
Seoullover, yes I experience dizziness alot when I was in week 6-7.. Could be due to low blood sugar, try to drink ribena and drink more water and liquid to prevent dehydration.
So nice to have a meet up! I would love to join you when I return to Singapore in May!

I was talking to a friend who's in her 6th month - her tummy is smaller than mine and I'm in my 14th week with my first lor, I feel so fat!
My tummy is relatively small too. i am 11wks plus now (on 12th week this week!)

I thought people who are having their #1 usually wont show that early?
Hi Fluffy,
Do count me in..Does crystal jade take reservation?

July Dragon Mummies 小龙包 dinner meetup!
Date: 17th Feb, 2011 (Friday)
Time: 6pm onwards
Venue: Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao @ Ngee Ann City #04-27

1. Fluffy
2. Doremon
3. Bingo
4. CookiesM
5. mumenetan
will any of u mummies be interested in getting maternity wear from china? cos i myself getting there. so was wondering if you all wana get. jus sharing. hehehe. maybe show u all some?

1. http://shop60943703.taobao.com/search.htm?orderType=_newOn

2. http://shop34292265.taobao.com/search.htm?orderType=_newOn

if u all interested than i start a BP. dun wana flout the rules. understand that here got rules to follow eh?

PM me if interested bah =D

im excitedly waiting for CNY, cos by than ill be abt 12wks, can finally 'voice' out in twitter n fb & everyone!!! =P
Hi Fluffy,
Have you done the Mt A bed tour yet?
I am thinking if i should call Mt A to reserve for me the single bed or can Dr Tham's nurse do for us? Everyone reco. mt A.
The other day TMC ask me to consider which ward i want..and they wil only ask me once.

I m feeling so sianz.. need to work today.
Getting lazier nowadays..
Hi Fluffy,
Do count me in

July Dragon Mummies 小龙包 dinner meetup!
Date: 17th Feb, 2011 (Friday)
Time: 6pm onwards
Venue: Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao @ Ngee Ann City #04-27

1. Fluffy
2. Doremon
3. Bingo
4. CookiesM
5. mumenetan
6. manunited
michelle, i am staying in the east so please let me know if you have any aqua class! Thanks!

I am interested in the meetup but i work late most of the time and earliest i can make it is 7:30. I will confirm my attendence later in feb ok? Btw, the place cannot make reservation one right?
LFCfan, I thought so too! Some people say maybe cos I had a miscarriage before but I still had a flat tummy when that happened.. I'm guessing it's all the outside food I ate when morning sickness was at its worst *.*

Anyway, does anyone feel cramps when you pee? I've been cramping on both sides of my pelvic area but just now I had a bad one while I was peeing...
any mummy bring their #1 into the room when doing scans? or show ur #1 ur #2 picture of scans? my MIL forbid me to do so. she says its no good for the big one. hw true?
Rykiel : i dare not to bring my #1 in eversince one incident... There was once, hb follow me into the scan, carrying #1.. Than when my gynae just got my #2 position scan, my #1 just scream and cry... So from there onward i dont wanna her to be in.. Pandang bahh! =p
hello mummies, i want to attend the feb outing but its a bit far for me to confirm. skyly have last min meeting or what. i'll confirm in feb too. thanks for organising
hi mummies, u all haf problem with excess saliva? esp. at nights... cant slp. feel like splitting or even vomit...

how do u all cope ?
I brought my #1 in for scan and Oscar. Didn't know #1 will be pantang. She was the 2nd person to know after I tested +. she everyday will ask me when will baby come out, wat Is her size now etc...
Hmmm…why bring #1 in during scan is pantang? I thought it is good to get #1 involved by bringing him along to our checkups/scans to prepare him for the arrival of new sibling? I have not brought #1 in yet coz so far all my appts are on weekdays. For the future appts on Saturdays, I plan to bring him in.
angelia: wah. i only knw my MIL forbid me to let him go along n nt to show my #1 the photo. so just listen. cos she say no gd is kid no gd not we nt gd. so listen. so ill update #1 like how big is bb now blahblah & let him imagine on his own. haha
Yumei: I heard of some mummies having excessive saliva as one of their symptoms. I used to have an ex colleague who salivates so bad she has to bring a bottle to "contain" her saliva since she can't anyhow spit saliva. She just PUI into the bottle whenever the saliva chalks up.. I think hers is quite extreme..
Rykiel : haha! My #1 is too young to understand how big is bb etc etc... But after the incident, i really dare not to ask hb to carry her in ler.. I just ask hb and her to wait at the gynae's room instead... I dont believe this kinda of stuffs until my girl cry that time.. Really scare me... =\
angelia: thn might b true bah. my mil mentioned some kids ok but some kids dun like or duno wad reason. but if can dun let them go in is best. doc consultation is ok. but nt the 'viewing' process. even photos. hehe!
E Tan,
I not doing the hospital tour cos I was warded in Mt A for fever n infection for 7 days last Aug. Haha so am pretty familiar with the wards etc lol. Also why I decided to choose to give birth at Mt A, from personal experience

Thanks mummies who are joining us for the Feb Meetup.. I'll be doing reservations once I have a better grasp of the number of mummies attending
as of now there are about 15 pax.. Hope to meet all of you! ^^
We estimate to finish the dinner n meet up ard 9+,10pm, so no worries if u can only join us late. Do indicate your attendance so that I can cater the seats required. Thanks!
Hi; does any of you always feel bladder very full but in actual fact only a little pee pee?

I feel feverish too...

Anyone same symptoms?
karen: meme!! i keep hvin urge to go toilet but not as much came out as i thought. but i guess its normal. last time midnight i wun wake to shh shh. nw ill definately wake. 1-2times.
Drink more water.. see if you have more urine? There's definitely more pressure to pee but urine shouldnt be too little? Else may kena UTI??

As for feverish - yes Karen.. me too.. i feel cold and as if i am feverish but my temperature is normal leh..

I asked my doc about this.. he said.. " dont worry.. very soon u will feel HOT!"

he thinks cus beginning, we tend to be abit low blood sugar.. so feel "cold"...
same here. i tend to pee more when i wake up at night to pee.. USually is wake up 2x every night.. last time was 3 x!! now improve liao!! hahaha
i think we should all drink more water & dun b afraid of the water retention or duno wad. cos i feel la. if nt enf water nt gd for us n bb also right?

i hate to wake up at night leh. my sleep is super super impt for me.

fluffy- in that case, count me in

July Dragon Mummies 小龙包 dinner meetup!
Date: 17th Feb, 2011 (Friday)
Time: 6pm onwards
Venue: Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao @ Ngee Ann City #04-27

1. Fluffy
2. Doremon
3. Bingo
4. CookiesM
5. mumenetan
6. manunited
7. bestberries
