(2012/07) Jul 2012

Seoulover : if you're pantang than better not lo... And some
Ppls also dont like preggy to touch their newborn de.. Maybe just sent a gift for regard?

ya la.. maybe cos u quite big liao so nvr hear anyone tell u drink papaya milk before? hehe.

i got problem.. i have a family event tmr.. and hubby and in-laws all tinks my belly will "pit chia lobang" cos its quite obvious.. but i still dun feel like announcing cos its only 9 weeks. I'll try to find babydoll dress or something later, but what do u tink? If ur tummy quite obvious, u still say u not pregnant.. is it like not nice cos they r still relatives huh? I feel saying I'm not pregnant when I am is like cursing myself to become not pregnant. Hubby says maybe i consider dun go.. but i also dunno how to decide.. what will u do?
i haven got chance to go buy cream to apply for stretch mark.

can dont attend then u no need to ans question.
i didnt wear bra when sleeping all along now preggy must wear ?
First born Incentive card of TMC can be applied at level 1 service counter, near the seat when we wait for our car.
Carol, maybe you can try to see dr Yvonne chan. Or u can ask your gynae when can start package or does she offer package? Normally, we will pay for package at week 20. Then we don't née to pay for consultant n scan during the subsequent visit.
baby tristan
eat smaller meals drink milo,ribena too its helps to stop vomitting

thanks for the info,i will go check out on mon.
year of dragon is always popular
those having first child gonna have problme enrol their kids to sch.
its my first kids
Mai Ne, trying taking gaviscon for ur gastric

fluffy, i wont go if i am u... if go i will just say i put on weight (which is true in some ways right)

seoulover, rest well ok.. i was on that regime by dr tham a while ago from week 6 - 8.. took so many jabs until my buttocks look like drug addict buttock... just stay at home, rest, watch dvd (watch happy shows), if got scv keep watching those baby shows (very cute... bring hopes too)... hang in there
thng, i also scare... this is my first child... i think schooling will be problem next time too... but what to do.. try luck lor
Hi Tinggy
tks for the info. what do u mean apply incentive card, what is that?
Dr. Yvonne Chan and Yvonne Soong abt the same charges leh, so not much diff
i dun go i know my hubby also wun go.. but i know he wan to go cos its his fave nephew 1st bday.
but esp that day meet u mummies, also commented my tummy quite obvious.. so i really tinking hard now. Maybe can say put on weight hor.. dats true and convincing right. Just hope i dun puke at the party. haha.

me also first child.. thats why initial decision to move in 2013, now shelved.. cos bishan area got many good schools. If boy i not so worried.. cos got daddy's alumni and the proximity advantage. But if girl.. my schools all not ard de liao. Den headache.

First Born Incentive (FBI) $148 for 2 years,
$100 off final bill for single room stay,
10% off OSCAR and detailed scan.
10% off delivery and consulation (participating gynaes only)
and some other benefits

go check out the application before ur OSCAR in Jan. Can just walk to the counter its near the waiting area for carlift, apply on the spot.
no worries govt building a lot of sch
plus nowadays birth rate actually went down compare to last time

me too wanted upgrade house but hold back coz i'm gonna stop working from jan'12.
fluffy, got new pic... even better this time ;)

carol, you can ask the lady at the information counter
ya lor.. but i got a headache leh.. cos just last yr we asked my in-laws to come over stay with us, so now all the rooms at my place is used up. Cos we planned 2013 shift to somewhere bigger.. now got baby, if dun move hor.. no space and room for baby. Now still ok cos my bedroom is 2 rooms combined but i tink baby 2 or 3 yrs old need own room le.. den jialat.. cannot ask in-laws to move out liao leh.. cos previously ask them move in with us cos their health not good, frequent admission to hospital, stay together we can take care of them better. Cannot 2 yrs later chase them out right. Hubby thinking maybe we buy over our neighbour unit for them.. but crazy leh.. lidat both our units add up abt $1.4mil why i wan stay HDB? Now unless tio 4D, let me afford the landed in Bishan.. haha. But I dun even buy 4D lol~ Hopefully the private property prices crash more & solve all my problems
hi girls
actually, my mum told me to go back to hometown to deliver.
u know my girlfriend in my country, each scan only cost S$2.5 coz everything is paid by government. we have healthcard for each citizen.....
so delivery cost abt max 1-2k.
Carol, u US citizen?
deliver wherever is comfortable for u..
actually i tink under normal circumstances, in sg maternity care usually below 3k, delivery dpds on the class of ward mainly. My sis took 2 bedder Mt A she din even fork a single cent cash, everything medisave, her gynae is really cheap though.
Abercomberie 招牌is always hunky guys. The last time i went to their flagship store in NY..shoppers get to take polaroid wif the half-naked model-like guys.. Wohooo..
*drooling haha..

I more kiasu, apply stretch cream to butt,breast and stomach.. very scare of ugly stretchmarks.

Smalleyepeas- rem..to ren. Dont fall into trap and resign.Tink of the free 4 mths leave and if ur co. have paternal leave 6 days extra (kid below 7yr) then u can get thru.
hahaaha CHeer up ..its a friday!

Fluffy, i opposite as u.. i hope mine gal.. at least finding a sch wont be diff for her nxt time as i have afflicated sch. My hubby one closed down le.
fluffy, if boy nvm la... grow up also hunky... maybe thats why excited... wondering how to develop muscles... heeee

e tan, i only apply to my stomach lei... my friend told me to remember apply to area above V.. i havent start applying to butt yet... heee
Seoulover, I m also taking duphaston twice a day.... Doc scared got complications for me cos initial test the hcg very low.....was taking 3 times 2 weeks ago.... How you gals get hosp leave ah? My case like a bit scary cos I kept having cramps but he din give me..... He wanna give me mc I reject somemore.... I tink I m also a bit unstable Nw then u rmbr all these....Sort sort me
rer-rer, clinic nurse got tell me before, if need mc just call them and tell them reason why eg still spotting, want bed rest... then they will get doc to issue...
my blood pressure all along is low one
i didnt keep track during pregancy

rer rer,
dont worry too much
just tell ur bb stay healthy

think left me haven apply stretch mark cream lei oh no i must hurry go get it if not got the ugly stretch mark
Angelia > think I'll guai guai stay at home.. Will visit my fren when she's discharged cos she lives v near me

Peapea > thanks for ur encouragement! When did u first find out abt e bleeding? In week 4 I went to dr Adrain woodworth.. Didn't find anything amiss prob cos he dun hv vaginal scan machine.. I travelled to Perth last week n could hv over exerted myself.. Climbed up n down a lighthouse n down n up 300 steps to see the lakes caves.. Cos I nt spotting at all so thot everything's fine.. Then come bk got this rude shock super sian.. Wondered if I could hv avoided all this but too late nw I guess

Rer-rer > how far along are u? I dun mind taking duphaston but I hate injections! Hope u dun need injections.. Just ask ur gynae for hosp leave lor if u feel u need.. For me, I'm on leave nw

Mai ne & fluffy > quick find 1 more leg n confirm mj leh! Hehe I super bored at home
Mommies, so dizzy n tired. Felt like vomitting all morn, but nothing come out. cant wait for th eweekend man...only half a day neva come in got 2 threads archive oredi!!

Fluffy - go pub??!! oop oh, then how? got drink anot? but dun drink also obvious lei...actually can can can, jus say sick taking medication, cannot take alcohol. heeeeeeeeee
u took leave on ur bday? so was RWS nice? tot of going there one fine day wif my gal but somehow tink of the distance and the heat i feel like fainting oredi..wats ur FB nick? i also got 1 fren same bday as us. Tink 30 Nov is a good day woh...hiak hiak hiak

Aiyoh! i also always crave roti prata and i always go the one at Upper Thomson too! FLUFFY!!! I cant believe it but i must say that im also staying at Bishan Serangoon area!! How ah? Got such a great coincidence in the world ah? whahahhaha

Mom of 2 - i rememebr one of my #1 thread mommy saying : wen we have more kids, the love is not going to be divided but multiplied! So sweet hor? So dun worry, im sure we'll love tthem all the same

Welcome Carol & Bestberry!

Bird Nest - The lady also told me start from mth 4 or 5 better..not too early
ladies, i lately find my clothes abit tight. Dont feel like wearing pants or skirts. Dress seems much easier nowadays.
I just went to online to order some bra-exts and bras. Bought frm mummysecret and stylish mum. Any more website to share? Dont want to spend too much on the clothes too.

Any good site for office wear? I may hve an important event to attend next year..need a comfortable suit.
thng, you with dr tham too right? can call clinic.. cuz that time i keep spotting, then nurse told me can call clinic to ask for mc

seoulover, i started spotting in week 4.. then got worse in week 5/6... so started regime of duphsaton 3 times daily and injection twice weekly... then dr tham declared stable in week 8 so now only eat meds twice a day...have faith, keep praying... remember hor, u go visit ur friend cant go to her master bedroom or the room she doing confinement if u are more pantang kind...

e tan, try this website http://www.allemom.sg/. they have this thing call bellaband.. can use over our existing pants without buttoning it up... so can save more money
fluffy - yar, i thot not preggers so anyhow eat. even drink beer some more. now try to eat healthier (nasi lemak, keke)

thng - wow so early you went for checkup ? good thing u can get appt so soon. i try to get appt but my doc is fully book, so i have to wait 1.5 weeks

injections - i took them twice a week during my 1st pregnancy. dam pain one. but it helps a lot and is v effective, so its small price to pay

stretch mark cream - yar my tummy also v big. but i havent apply cream. wow u mummies so quick to apply. my tummy is naturally fat from giving birth 1st time, now is super big. tummy starts to expand from under the bra / rib cage level. i look like 4 mths alr lor. sian.

small eye peas - u dont resign. think of 4 months. plus take MC if you really cant dahan. they cant fire preggy woman

pea pea - wow, really ah. no wonder my doc fees went up. wonder if hospital charges will go up too

seoulover - i had bleeding throughout 1st tri in my 1st preg too. on bed rest. you shld take it easy from now
E tan - tell mi about it...im wearing this leggings that has the rubber waist being tucked down below my tummy as im typing this...so uncomfy too...sorry cant advise on nice office wear coz i wear very nua at work one...

Oscar Scan - actually wat do they do during this scan? It's diff frm detailed scan rite where they can confirm gender n all measurements...mine's scheduled for late Jan which is a little too late but no choice coz HB bot free n i dun wan fri the 13th!!!
SG_SC.. haven u heard most Saggis have the same character and i guess when it's exactly the same birthdate more or less we'll have the same traits! hehe.

Ya i went pub but din drink la.. drink pathetic $13 cranberry juice whole night haha. cos i announced I pregnant lor.. so they dun make me drink. So even liquor on the house i also cannot enjoy. I've nvr worked on my bday before leh.. i've always taken leave to celebrate. RWS ah.. i tink not bad la.. but cos i was soo tired i couldn't walk much. Plus now cannot take rides.. major sianz. Kids will like though. Day before yesterday also went pub with gf.. drink $9 rootbeer.. while her $11 heineken is 1-1. quite impressed how i can control. haha
U add me in FB "Florence Chong"

bestberries.. u kidding! Nasi Lemak is healthy meh? haha.. better be a good girl now! lol
Hi khimmy, added you on fb. Your bday one day after me!!

Need one more ka... Me fluffy and Seoulover... Calling calling mj kakis for next week afternoon game!!!
Peapea > hopefully I'll be like u.. To be declared stable when I c dr Tham in 2 weeks time.. I'll be in week 8/9 then.

Best berries > was yours internal bleeding as well? I'm taking it easy le.. Either lying in bed or on sofa.. My mil staying w us temporarily cos her she undergoing Reno n my hubby told her abt my pregnancy last nite otherwise she thinks I'm lazy hahaha. But I'm attending wedding tmr n nx sat.. Shld be okay rite otherwise got no social life le
im with Dr Yvonne Chan the nurse didnt mention can call to take mc, this wk i work till tired hubby kept asking me take mc to rest told him its ok endure a while got lots of outstanding pyt to do supplier all calling up chase pymt especially in dec haa..

coz i got mc b4 so i kasu very fast go checkup

u can go dorthy perkins they do sell nice maternity clothing

any recommendation for website for clothes i wanna look for cny clothing
ur start buying already?
thng, i dont dare to buy... i usually buy cny clothes from online but now i dont dare... shall wait till jan then buy... dont know how tummy is like then... i think u shld see if u can work from home... then can rest... just check with clinic. most gynaes quite liberal with giving out mc if u need it...
e tan, i dont think will drop.. our thighs prob will stop it from dropping... im prob gg to check out the bella band... so can save money on pants and shorts...
Chloe I had sausage egg muffin this morning too. Mine is movie theme. I dun think my table want to dress up. See how la. I aso dunno dress up as what.

Etan I watch the documentary religiously and now is already 19 kids and counting Liao. I also watch I din no I was pregnant and found out alot of women can dunno they are preg.

Fluffy - nw im wondering if we look the same? lolz...aiyoh..preggy le better avoid these places better. Loud music n "smoke" not too gd for taijiao...go cafe chi chat instead la...hw come i sound like ur lao bu now??!!

Thng - u avoid all weddings ah? but i always see preggy women there too, so i also go attend. SO far 2 oredi, got 1yo celeb n wedding coming up too..shld be ok bah? but i noe if pple jus deliver best dun carry the bb or eat the full mth cake n red egg...
