(2012/07) Jul 2012

Fluffy> my gynae say cannot. But he's the cautious type. He say better avoid any sports that has fast change in body direction, twisting and turning. But I have 2 lessons of golf left only so I'm still going. Haha. But sometimes really can feel crampy then I will eat snake and throw more balls to my hubby for him to hit. Haha.
Hi Lady Dee, thanks for ur info..
but mine haven even start lor.. and its a 1-to-1 session.. dun tink i can eat snake..
I tink I'll go ask my gynae to write a letter and i try to get the school to refund..
Oh my I'm up tis hour cos too hungry till perspire n couldn't zzz.. Eating banana nut crunch with milk now! Hehehe..
Morning mummies~~

Aiyoh! This morning suddenly have a very bad cramp.. Xia si wo! =\ end up after sitting down on my bed for 15min , and finally KO.. =\
Now hor cam go facial a not? As long as don't use those whitening or anti aging stuff, just like normal hydrating facial with steaming and pimple extraction ok right? Don't feel like wan to put off my facials for months..
Bingo, I'm taking Duphaston, no vomit, no nausea, only quite bloated! Scared n worry... Try to think possitive but v hard...can't wait to see Dr.Tham again on Dec 3. Pray pray.
Actually i still went facial.. haha im a vain mummy
but i told them im preggy n they din use any machines on my face...guess it is alrite as long as u inform them.

Sigh.. have been feeling super duper sleepy these few days. Ladies, do u all feel the same?
Giantress : yess!! Everyday like not enough sleep like that!
although already sleep alot liao still sleepy... My hb say i becoming more and more piggy! =.=!
Morning mummies! Hope everyone is having a good day so far.

Hmmm....how about normal facial mask? Can continue to do?

Giantress> I've been waking up still feeling super duper sleepy these few days. And I don't know why, especially so on tuesdays. Maybe b'cos every tuesday is the day I go on to the next week of gestation then body working harder to get ready for the week's development? Haha.

Anyone only gets a few hours of good sleep then will wake up and can't sleep properly/well anymore? I've been doing that for the past few nights. Maybe that's why I'm sooooo tired....
Lady Dee : me lo.... !
nap only on and off... I 12plus dreamfeed my girl sometime she 3-4am wake up whine abit than 5plus drink milk again than 7-8am wake up liao... =.=!!! afternoon more no time... She sleep i cook porridge for her. Wake up need to entertain her... Hais... Everyday sleepy! Got sleep = no sleep... =[
everyday its like owning sleep debt....i dono how to dong for the rest of the months...baby can't sleep, means i also cannot sleep...sob...everyday Im praying my baby can sleep early...hee hee
Morning Mummies...

I am so worried today. Yesterday I happily go carry my standing fan frm my sitting room to my bedroom...My hubby was so mad bt that...and this morning when I wake up, i kenna feel a stretch feeling at the left side of my tummy all the way down..Then when I walk, I feel kenna aching discomfort near the pelvic area...

You think I should go see my gynae or jus relac and see how....I am getting paranoid...
ALiSon, it could be the position you carried that you pull a muscle or something.. but if u feel uncomfortable, just go and see a gynae to rest your mind. Stress or paranoia is not good for baby.. go see the doc if that'll make u and baby feel safe!
Morning everyone.

Alison: for safety reason, u should go see ur gynae. better be safe then sorry. U know u preggy still carry the fan... aiyo....

Today is a very tired day... lazy to wake up... lazy to move... Lazy to go work. My hubby says I have becoming very lazy... haha...

My MIL also asked me to ditch my low fat milk lor =( but I only like HL cos theres this vanilla taste. And the normal fat milk has the REAL milk taste that I don't quite like. Hahaha...

Sighz, for the little one. I shall bear with the FAT FAT MILK!
Morning Mummies/MTBs

wow this thread is running very fast!

Anyone kena bloated tummy and always feel like poo-ing? LOL...i've been feeling that lately...
Ya lo! N they recommend RAW milk as best! Faint! haha..

and 2 eggs everyday leh! Jialat.. if i follow everything I don't think i'll be under "there won't be much weight gain during first trimester".. cos I tink i gained at least 1kg since i found out I'm preggie!
Hui Chinz, I think most of us has it.

Bloating, burping, nausea but poo-ing no no...

I guess I am having constipation. Can't poo poo... Any solution?
Alison...maybe you want to see your gynae if u r worried....Im working in hospital.since my previous preg, i everyday carry n shift patients...i still carry patients when i was overdue that time..Haha...din tell my hubby about it...i do experience sharp pain thou..cos the pelvic ligaments are being pulled n stretched...just relax will do..
Eggs causes high cholesterol. but not sure if we can take too much... I have high cholesterol so there are things I keep in control... eat can eat but do not over eat...
Ya, I saw eat two eggs everyday too! I'm thinking of all those cholesterol. Haha. And I saw fermented food. I thought we can't have that b'cos of the bacteria and gas? But I really love fermeneted food....I'll be over the moon if can continue to eat...hahaha...
Haha, Fluffy, I totally agree! When I was going for my checkup and had to take my own weight, I was so embarrassed. My husband was laughing at me cos i covered the digital screen till it went off. I'm almost 9 weeks now and already have problems fitting into my office skirts. Maybe its cos I havent been having MS so my appetite is quite good.

I thought not supposed to take RAW milk cos may have bacterial? Confusing, anyway I don't live in the farm, haha so no chance of raw milk. So far i try to take 1 egg a day la... Haven reached 2 eggs yet.
I tink the bottomline is.. we can just get fat.. the fatter we are, the better for baby. LOL~

Actually I been eating 7 eggs a week but only 1 egg yolk per week, remaining days i only eat the whites.. and i buy the Seng Choon Omega 3 eggs low chloroestrol range cos i also scared la.

I still got eat kimchi also.. cos i tinking it's good bacteria.. i wan my baby to have nice korean skin too. keke.

But if we have any existing conditions have to watch out for ourselves too la..

den also, ang mo got their list of do & don'ts.. we combine with our chinese don'ts to filter lor.. haha.
Like my mum says CANNOT EAT LAMB! will cause epilepsy!
i can go poo poo everyday! :p sometimes i have to do it twice a day!

I already cannot fit in most of my pants and skirts already!
so scary!!
KIMCHI?? thought its a nO no?? the "bei cai" is very cooling not good for our womb... same for those golden mushrooms... u all should avoid.
i already ordered maternity stretchable pants & skirts for work.. and I am only coming 7 weeks!

i am really waiting for 1st trimester to be over, I am so gonna start the prenatal yoga, aqua aerobics and everything!!

Now I am very very paranoid abt moving ard too much, esp after the scare last fri thot i lost the baby.
Can eat eggs but not everyday. Too high cholestrol and half-cooked eggs are a nono! I oso lurve eggs but what to do? LOL

I oso feel ever since I know I'm preggie then feel like just wanna 'nua' on the sofa or in bed leh. Hahaha
Maybe u can take more fibre like apple/banana bah. Will help one. Or prune juice!

you berry gd! hehe...only 1 egg yolk per wk

You know I lurve watching horror/gore/scary/thriller movies. Now I have to go on hiatus again! So sad...lol
i oso feel the tightening of most of my jeans liao leh. Pengz...gotta make a visit to Spring Maternity liao. Haha
I don't believe in the FAT fat milk story. Low fat milk or fat milk have label of the mg of calcium outside. We need calcium not so much of fat. Dun eat too much fat too unless u r thin. By end of pregnancy, we may end up overweight. Overweight will lead to other gestation problem too.
Hui Chinz... I've got apple right infront of me also lazy to eat.... u see la....

By when we should start eating all the eggs?? I am only in my week 4-5 still too early to start all this prenatal food right?
Hahah..Audrey, u damn funny! LOL

Re: eggs, actually now oso can eat, just have it in moderation i think it's fine

Today I cooked herbal chicken soup for lunch leh. Luv it! Hahah...just feel like drinking wor :p
hi there ladies!
My hubby also said that i getting lazier too.Say I paranoid keep tellin myself I am sleepy(thus i slept alot) cos I read too much books that all preggie will be sleepy.. and the common preggie sympton..
Sort of like self-pycho-ing..
He even said that he can tell tat his days of being slave is coming.. i wil be so lazy and keep askin him to bring me water this and that..
For me- Queen's life and him- slave's life.

I had craving for Tom-Yum soup ystd.. Shiok..
but ate a bit nia..
Been wanting to drink soup lately..
Hi gals,
Rem don't take dang gui. I think my spotting was due to my in take of dang gui from chu cha herbAl frog leg soup. duck rice 's soup, bak ku tea also hv dang gui.
HuiChinz- wa.. so good u feel like poo-ing!! my tummy also bloat.. but then if i wana poo i have to sit very long then can hv some strands out.. hahaa... so i drink prune juice... somedays.. helps... somedays.. still constipated... sigh

Fluffy... really can eat kimchi? i love it alot too!! but then also think the cai is very liang... haha.. but think i will eat some... lol...

eggs are good and should be eaten cos have folic acid.. but wa... 7 eggs a week!! haha.. good that u can still take out the yolk.. i love the yolk!

these days.. think of wat to makan really super ultra sian ah!! tonite my frens jio me eat thai... sure have tomyum... can eat right? one bowl no harm?? sigh.. ytd i crave eat frog's legs porridge.. my mama told me NO... very TOXIC.. then order STINGRAY... i also cannot eat.. cos again poisonous... omg. then i also duno wat i can eat.. they order hokkien mee.. and i also dun dare eat .. cos have SPROUTS!!!!

argh... wor zhen de bu zhi dao wor ying gai chi wat liao... aint preggers supposed to eat EVERYTHING and ANYTHING and be FAT!! ahahaha

My pants also damn tight... super sad!!!! jialat.. i duno how anymore..... haha..

Etan- i these days also feel like drinking soup only.. and v weird... i super love to drink plain water now... last time i dun like.. now its like WATER PARADE!! haha
E Tan,
Hahaha...ur hubby damn funny la. I always remind my husband, #1 time he did NOTHIN, so now he BETTER treat me nice and HELP out. Hahaha..Last nite my girl ask for milk before she going to sleep, I managed to get him go and make for her! Hehehe...

thks for the reminder!

Hahaha...good that u r drinking prune juice! I just read on babycenter that banana is good too

For me I don't really overly-pantang too much la. Hahah...if not very xin ku. Just no raw stuff, pineapple, halfcooked food etc can liao. Hehehe...

Good that you like to drink water! I oso always feel thirsty these days. My 1st preggie I sweat like a cow too! Bueh tahan...hahaa.

Yay my trip is confirmed next week...when I come bk then go for 1st gynae apptmt. So excited!!! LOL
Smalleyspy> Same! I super love plain water now. Usually my homecooked dinner have soup so I don't drink any water. Yesterday while drinking the soup I still keep thinking of plain water. Buay tahan. In the end, drink soup and plain water. Haha.

Sad...cannot have bak ku teh. Tmr going to j pot to celebrate colleague's b'day, was still thinking can try the bak ku teh soup base.
yay Hui chinz...Im also bullying my hubby...hee..*grin*....now its his turn to make my baby sleep...at least he knows how difficult it is to make a active baby sleep n waking up in middle of night to feed baby...wahaha
I feel like vomitting.... anything to stop that feeling???

What I know and heard from others saying, raw food, shelled foods and "cooling" food, spicy, and those tcm herbs not allowed to eat during the first trimester.

Its good being a queen in the house... you get what u want, even if in the middle of the night u feel hot or thirsty... just kick the man beside and he will get it done for you... I simply just love the feeling. Even back to my mom or MIL place, I also am the queen... that is good!!!

Mummies, eat more fish... there is a jap restaurant in raffles place i think opp cpf building, along the road. They have 2 for 2 dinner. And their salmon is superb!!!

I feel like vomitting again.... And I am so sleepy esp after lunch.... how???
